Last week. in giving the, list of Com- petitors residing in this locality who have entered in the Field Gmp Gom- petition, cnnducted by the Ontario Department uf Agriculture, the Imme ofoJoseph Graham, Carrvillv, was in- advertently omitted. Mr. Graham has an excellent ï¬eld of ants. On Sunday evening lust Rev. A. P. Brace preached the annual Masonic sermon in the Methodist church at; King City. A large number of Masons marched from the lodge room to the church in full regulin, representing the home and surrounding lodges. A large delegatiun was present from Am ox'a. T‘hroe well-ï¬lled cars from the Ofï¬ce Specialty M l'g. (70.,Newn‘iarket, passed through this village early yesterday morning over the Metmpulitan Rail- way. This was the annual excursion, and their destinathm was Mountain View Park, Hamilton. The excursion- ists crnssed the lake in sLéamship Tul'lllllhk Mr. 300k, Barrister. Solicitor, 9113., announces in his clients that after va- cation, lst September, he will attend at his Ricmmmd Hill ofï¬ce every Thursday Eli-renown instead of Sam!- duy aftermmn, and that he will attend at his \Vumlhridge nï¬im- on Saturday fun-ennui), nnd nut Thursdziy foiwnouu, as heretofore. Mrs. H. Bell of‘NPepnwu, Mun†who is Vllelng with her aunt, Miss Stew ling. happenle with a painful accident a fmv (lays awn. A sowng lilachine on which she wm‘ kneeling l’e-ll (wet, and a piece of metal pierce-(l her Sill“, makâ€" ing :l severe- wound. A dtwtm‘ was called in (m Tu: ny. nml Mrs. Bell is yesting more cnmfortnbly. Quarterly service will be held at, Victoria Square. on Sunday morning at, 10.30. There will he no morning service in the Methodist church here. In the evening Rev. A. P. Bruce will preach (m : “A heathen woman of thir- Ly-ï¬ve centuries ago possessed («f more shrewdness than many of us Lo-duy.†The Markham \Vumen’s Institute met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bruce. A number of interest- ing subjects were discussad. This vilâ€" lage was represented there from a, literal-v and musical point of view by Mrs. Brace and Miss Ida Glass. who contributed to the program. " The Mmthisgnh Ludips’Aid. \Vhite Rusv. held a garden party on the lawn (If Mr. H. Smith, \Vednesdny ovr-ning. Rev. A. P. Bruce was present and gave an addres‘z. Mr. Russell Palmer is conï¬ne-Ci to his 1mm» with a lame knee. His knee was injured three \vintexs ngu in a hockey match, and one day last wm-k while working the mowing machine he found that the joint was giving him trouble. Reevv PJ'Q‘SIHV. Councillor Trench Uuuncillm- MC r of Vaughan. and Mr. Bailey, of Inple. dmvu In \VnmL bridge Monday evening. and met, the uther memle nf thu pmpnsvd Vaug- un tolrphnnu cmnpuny. Tth 1-(‘pwsen‘ MLin for Lhis placo wpm'b a Very sut- ixSFHCtUI'V uwviing. A rtpl't-svntnbiw nfflw Boll 'i'ulrphmw Company was 1150 present by Qn‘imtiuu, The name of Miss Lama Prentice was inadvertently omitted from the list of those provisionally px-numled from anu I to Form II in the High School. “’ill tho friends who sent contribu- tions of Fruit, to the Sick Children’s Hospital at Easter kinle call at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce for their sealers. Thvse zlrr‘Ved frum the O. N. 0. smLinu yes- tel-day. The Ofï¬ce Specialty 00.. Newman'- ket. yesterday had return tickets tn Hamilton Park for $1.35, children 60 cen's. The Richmond Hill Fire Bui- gade should make a. YlUtt‘ of this win-u arranging for their next unnule excur- sum. Finest Valencia raisins, 3; lbs. far 250. Grifï¬n 85 Skelley brand seeded raisins. in l-lh. pkgs., 100. pkg. Ah kiuson 3: Switzer. The Ash Picnic was hold at Lake \Vilcnx on Saturday. Although the weather was unfavorable, about 150 relatives and friends attended and a must, enjnyable time was spent. Re-gnhr monthly practice and hnsi~ mus met-ting of the Fire Brigade next Munduy (welling. There will he evening service- at Headfm-d Methudist chm-ch Sunday evaning at 7 o’clock. Rev. E. H. Toye will preach. The rvgulnr mpeting of Hill Crest Lndgm Nu. 409, I.0.0.F.. will he held on ‘VPdIH-sdny evening, August 4th, at 8 o'clock. Members please notion The \V. M. S. will have an outng to Band Luke Ln-mnm-mv (Friday) after- nunn. All friends of the Sucivty are im ited to Lake the 2:15 carâ€"also their baskets. Rxcmum) HILL, ONT., JULY 29, 1909 The Village Council will hold its I-I-gnlm- nmmhly meeting m-xtTuesday m ening, the third of August. Elie iï¬bsral. IJ()(3AEJN. Mr. Frank McDonald, of [he Stan- dard Bank staff at Stouï¬'ville. has returned to business aftel two weeks’ holidays. Last week he enjoyed the St. Lawrence trip. Mr. Clalkson Mc- Donald, ledger keeper at Bradford, also spent Sunday at his home here. \Vawanesa Independent â€"â€" Mr. F. Harrison, B.A., returned last Saturday morning from Brandon, where he has been attending sittings of the Brandon Board of Examiners for the past ten days. Mr. Harrison ieftin the after- noon of the same day for an extensive visit to the parental home, Richmond Hill. Ont. Mr. and Mrs. \V. V. Andrene of Yale, Michigan, accompanied by their son Lloyd, and daughter Mrs. G. E. Bvard and her son Frederick, who have been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Andreae’s Sister, Mrs. J. MacGilllvmy of Elgin Mills, left for home on Monday. They made the trip. in their automobile. Mr. Lewis Dliceu'mn’, accnmpuniod by MI; John Murray. ('f LuthEI ville, spent Sunday evvning with Mr. Herschel J. Nixon. “ng Valley Farm.†Mr. Athur Mortsnn, (If Allistnn, Mr. and Mrs. Bert; Murtysun and daughter. of Patterson, Miss Maggie Gan‘mw, of Maple. and Mrs. Russell Harris. of Toronto. visitvd nt L110 lm-mu of Mrs. Mmy Nixon, “Shady Bunk Farm,†last Sunday“ A Mr. (F. hawk, “Grand View Farm, ' made a business trip to Tux-unto mm (1L1 y last, week. Mrs. A. L. Skm‘le and Mr. Clarence Skeele left the village on '.[.‘uosday for a trip through \Vesturn Canada. BPâ€" fnre their return they will Visit \Vinni~ peg. Regina. Calgary. and spend a few days at Bunff, Luggun and Field, 13.0.. among the Rockies. A tickling or (il‘y77E3iITé-i: can he quickly loosened with Dr. Shoop’s Cough Rvmedy. Nu opium, nn chhi- x'ofm-m. nothing unsafe or harsh. Sold bv \V. A. Sanderson. Miss Edith Rumble has returned to hm'llume in Muplo after spunding a few days visiting with her cousin, Miss Annie Hoiles. Mr. Ellis Ban-y, accompanied by his sister Ethel, (if New Scotland, renewed 63d :urqunil.t:mces around this neighâ€" borhood lust Sluiduy. The farmers (If this vicinity ; 1'»; busy 11:1 "vesting. Dun‘t fnx'gvt 11w, wductinn in leadyâ€" nmdt- (-lwlhing. Quality, stylv, HL and py-icv \VI‘“ inLvnuinghrd. Atkinson k H v‘ D,“ I Miss Jean Clm k and Miss Ferguson, traiin nurses frnm the Tux-mm) Gen- eral Hospitalmre spending three weeks’ holidays with Mrs. Clark and Miss Ulmk. Miss Beck and Miss Eileen Mulcuhy spent Monday night, with Miss way on their way tn Edmonton. Miss Eileen Mulcnhy infmnds spending able seven nreight months with her aunt, D115. N. l). Bevk. Mr. Jesse \V. Bennvttunfl daughter, Miss Ruth. of Surprise, Nebraska. re- turned hnme Tuesday after spending a. vrry pleasant lime visiting his sisters. Mrs. George. Chapman of Lnngstnif and Mrs. H. Bmves of U()m~()1'd.:md other l't‘liltin‘S. Mr. Alex. Mandi» purpose-s taking :Idvnntageuf the- Lumhtr-n Old Buys’ Reunion, and will go [mum-row to St. Mary’s to spend a few days With his son and daughter. Mr. Robert Mnndie and Miss Finlence Mnudiv. Mrs. (Rev) A. J. Paul and ‘ left Tuesday by C. N. O. for S where Mr. Paul is stutlmwd were accompanivd by Mrs. C. the farmer’s mother. \vlm will a month in the new home. :‘Il‘.:il](1\/:\TL'S. H. Highland, of King City, made- :1 shun. visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tst. Judgvs lust Snanduyevening. Dr. and Mrs. Langstulf and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell have gnne tn Gm'dun Bay, Lake Joseph, to spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Innes and three daughters. of Him Eigin, are spending a. few weeks with relatives here and in Whibchurch. Mr. Arthur Duncan, of the Head Ofï¬ce staff Canadian Bank of GUI"- merco, Toronto, is spending :L month with Mr. Jnmvs E. Skeelu. Mr. and Mrs. Frn'Lm-r. uf 'I‘m-nnln, were guests of Mrs. A. \\-'right, fm'u few days. Mrs. \V. Glass is making 21 visit with herduughtvr, Mrs. \V. E. Studdnrt. in ()nnkscnwu. Mrs. Chupp, of Cleveland. and Mrs. Hillman, nf Chit:qu are guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage. Mr. G. S. McMahon and Miss N. McMahon left Monday to spend two wevks at Attercliï¬e and Dunuville. Mr. and Mrs. Mm'ley Barker, (if Smufl’vifle, sgvnt over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Barker and family. Mr. A. E. Glass is hnlidnying in Musknku, with hundqunrlvrs «I Grav- enbmvst. Mrs. R. Stucks. 0f Mindvnnmya. Manitoulin, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Rt-x.) A. 1’. Bruce. Mr. F. W. Hnrrisnn. Principal of the Public School at VVawmn-sn. Man., is home for a few weeks’ holidays. Mr. Byron K. Alcombruck r-Ptmned home on Tuesday from the Old ans’ Excursion to Kingston and otliex‘ points. Mrs. M. H. Brown and dunghtm‘ Rhoda. 01" Toronto. are sps-nding this week with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown. PERSO in: Hope. Paul and childwn N. _0. fm' ledlilfl‘)’, tijJ :5». Thcy Mason. remain Re". ‘V. A. Mc'I‘uggm-t, B; A., of \Vychwur-d, conductrd the sex-views in St. Andrew's chm ch (In gunday.†Miss Efï¬e Rossis visiting with friends in North Bay. A number from this Vicinity took in the Lemmx picnic Lo Jackson’s Point on \Vedngsdny of last week. Mrs. Berry and Miss "Kitty" Berry. of Turnnm, visith the \vewk end with their friend, Ml s. N. R. Carmichael at. the memse. Mrs. Alex. McMnrchy and daughter Margaret left on Tuesday fur Carnduï¬â€˜. Sa_s_l§., t3 yisit relatives there. The visitors we noticed in our burg on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McClure and daughter of King Greek, and Miss Laura Kitchen of Toronto at Reeve McMurchy’s; Mr. and Mrs. B. Stevenson and son at R. Rutharford’s; Mr. E. Patton of Laskay at “Idylwild ;†Mr. A. Patton and Miss Sadu Gmhan'), of Tomntn, at A. J. McGullum’s, .J' A bank n'n Rheumatism. by Dr. Slump, of Racine, \Vis., tells sumo, plain truths. and in a plain and prac- tical way. Get this booklet, and a flee trial treatmvnt of Dr. Shunp’s Rheuâ€" matic Remedv for some (lishem-tuned sufferer in your vicinity. Make u grateful and uppreciubive friend of smne one who is discuumgvd lwcause (If the failures of others bu help him. Help me to make this test, and I’ll cm-tuinly help your sulfa-lug friend. Sold by W. A. Sundersun. Mr. C. L. \Vilson, assistant goneial manager (if the Toronto and York Radial Railway Cmnpanv, met With an accident Monday evening while bOHI‘d- ing a ferry boat; for the Island. where he is living for the summer. Mr. \Vilâ€" son’s knee cap was broken, and this will conï¬ne him to his bed for some time to come. A surguun dressed the wound, and pub in several stitches. EYER.*A( Riclm'mnd Iiiâ€, on July 26, 190$), Mrs. D. \V. Ever, in her 831d year. I’m ,eml [0-day (Tanya!!an at 1 u’cluck m Hvisu Hill cemeLery. MUI‘N'LIflAt, Thm‘nhil}, on Sunday, July 25,1909, Miss M'n-y Muunt. Intel-mme in St. Luke‘s cemetery, Tuesday. DIUKROXaAL Amâ€) i. July 26, Mary Bln'mhv. tmughh «,f .fnlm 'i‘. Din-k- Sun, E-(l‘_., uf LU: ‘ wun‘i, Seelfumh. Pain can he ensin and quickly sloppâ€" 0d. Pink Pain 'l‘alrlos‘Ih’. Sl)nup’s~â€" stop Headache, womanly p:LiI15,;my pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes, sure. Formula on the, ‘50 box. Ask your (11 nggist or doctor uhnut this fm mnlzl â€"iL‘s ï¬ne. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The ï¬rst, copies of Lhkp new public schm-l fourth hooks are ismxed. The new reader is bound in cloth and is well gotten up. The fronLispiece consists of a beautifully Culm'ed Union Jack, under which is the mnttn: “One flag, one flvet, nne throne." The bank also contains a full half-tone cut; of King Edward VII. “Maple vangu†farm; EURâ€"1‘ M135 Ireland, of Allisbon, at her parental home. The selections Start; off with “The Children’s Song." by Rudyard Kipling, and cum-ludes with the same author’s “Recess-'kmnl.†Other authors to whnm the l‘llrllsll-‘l‘ of Education ox- presws his indebtedness fm- selections are: Gnldwin Suml], anry Newlmlb, the Earl of Dam-awn, Sir W. F. But. 191-. Frank J. Bullm‘, Chas. G. D. Rob- erts. \V. \Vilfrid (lumphell, Frederick Gen. Scott, Agnes Maud Machur, Agnes U. Luur. Marjorie L. U. Pickthull, and S. J. \Vnud. The publishers of the new school books will sell direct. in any quantity to any purchaser in Ontario supplies of twanty and twenty-ï¬ve per- cent. less than the maximum price net. ML ._ ‘2. 7L ‘ " ‘ V V For religious instructinn the mend Scriptures or the selected Scripture readings nf the International Bible Reading Association, or the Scripture readings adopted by the Department of Education shall he used as prescrib- ed by the Department of Education and as may be determined by the Bniud of School Trustees. Drawing hooks are no Inn 91‘ auth- orizvd. This subject shall e taken up by the teacher in accordance with the cum-se- of study. After January I. 1910. blank drawing banks and pads forithe use of pupils will be author- After midsummer. 1910, no text- lnmks will be authorized in elementary plane gvomeu-y. The work will be taken up by the teachers in connec- tion with a study course, books of re- ference being used from the school library. After midsummer. 1910, the high school botany, Pdl't IL, will not, be authorized. Nu textbooks are prescribed for p11- pils in agriculture and household sch-nor. Hun. Dr. Pynv, Minist of Ednca» ï¬rm, has issued rm :mnnnncmnent can. mining the text-hunk regulatinns just. :ldup’u‘d by the depurtuwnt. The cir- nulnr gives a list of the text-bucks to be used in public schools, the hm‘er and middle schmvh Hf high and con- tinuzuiun schmrls and collegiate insti- tntos. The mid {mmâ€"hunks nubhorized in 1908:1nd 1909 are limited to use till the midguulpler vacation ($1910. The circular points out that unless prevented by re-snlulinn nf Bnmd of Educatiun or Board nf School Trus- tees the principnl shall introduce next August, or Septr‘mher the text-books authorized i_n 1908 and 1909. ized. ACCIDENT TO MR. WILSON. TEXT BOOK REGULATIONS. Strange. DEATHS. ï¬wts’ Furnishings clear at . . . . Men’s Negligee hirts, regular $1 00, all sizes and shades, to clear at ' . A few pairs of Men’s Patent and Tan Shoes, regular $4. 007, to Clear at . . . . Men’s; Patent Leather Bonts, regular $4.00 and $4.50, for short time . . . o . o n?++++~§+++$+++'3"§"§'l"§"§"§‘+-§'++-§°++' 4"M"?'i'~§"§"!Ҥ~-}~'§-'§'~§"§‘>§‘+~§"§"§"§"§'+'§'+~§‘+ Men’s Cotton Styk: Socks, regular 3‘50. and 50C., to P++++ We have every sort of cool Sex for men at 15c, 25c ind 5oc. iand. mind you, this is no bargain shirt either. It is Imade in all respects as well as many dollar shirts, full + range of neat patterns, 750. The Regal Shirt at $1.00 is better than any other shirt because it is really a $1.25 shirt for $I.oo. ' All sorts of Working Shirts for mankind. See our Shirt at 75c. that has all competition faded. 4. +*++‘i’*4fl'+'Â¥+*+++ iniwhi'ti-‘Iflwl-‘P [- ++++++® Ir“ 3 U2 III £2. *6 C?- o E 92 W to 1-4 0 c: Comfortable To-Day '++++++‘ c Y One of the most important departments we have is omfort making department for men. We’d like to see on to-day, even if you only want a. Collar Button. ++W+++HW++++~H+ +*+++-§'+++++ M+++++++++++++vï¬ 9 EAtkinson 8c Switzer We offer you a pretty good line of Underwear. A good range of sizes at per suit, 50c. Really choice Balbriggan Underwear, all sizes splendid ï¬nish, per suit $1.00. ' %§@?man 3'. Glass Some of the Smaller Needfuls Let’s Figure On Your Outfit Excelda Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25¢. Newest Caps for boys, 25c and 50c. Belt? for men and‘ boys, 25C, 500 and 75c. President Suspenders: rise: éogc and Umbrellas from 75c to $1.50. Hose Supporters, 25c. Richmond Hill Harflware Stare RICHMOND HILL, ONT. HARD W ARE srovzs, GLASS, rum, PAINTS, OILS, TiNSMIT-HING, 24c. C. SOULES You can buy a Neat Soft Front Shirt at 75c Comfort in Underwear 000009000499909 July 22, 1909. \Ve’vve been here long enough to know your 1199118 and in a measure to deserve your conï¬dence. You can judge this emire stock by the vay we sell farm and garden tools. \Ve search out; the best farm tonls of every sort and make it woth your while to come to us for whatever you want. \Ve mean that, this store, shall be the best; in (way scumâ€"Whatever stock you turn to. BINDER TWINE Farm Tools HELL Farmers’ on hand 350.25 3-25 -75