Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Aug 1909, p. 4

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Every day provides evidence of the courage and foresight of the Laurier governmentâ€"the policy adopted finds justification in events as they trans- pire. and the administration is vindi- cated as history is made. One cannot read a newspaper without meeting with a statement as to the crops of .«thethree western provincesâ€"in many infathe districts fear is expressed that difficulty may be experienced in moving the crops. The difficulty of transportation is one to be met with each harvest and it is a difficulty that will be more apparent as the years go by. What would have been the posi- tion of the west had there been no Grand Trunk Pacific. This road is now completed from Winnipeg to Edmonton, and will be an important factor in moving the crops of this season. When this project was under consideratiOn by the House, it met with a most determined opposition by the Conservativesâ€"their objection was based upon the contention that the railroad was unnecessary, and that the people as a whole would not approve of it. The last number of The Sentinel, in speaking of the objects of the Orange sooiety, says :â€"~“The object of our order is resistance to the polit- ical propaganda of the Roman hier- archy.” It is generally understood that the Orange order is more of a political organization lhan anything else. It is safe to say a large major- ltv of Roman Catholics in Canada are Liberals. 0n the other hand nearly every Orangeman supports the Con~ servative party. In a speech at the Constitutional Club, Mr. It. L. Borden summarized the view expressed by Parliament at the last session, commending it as a policy on which both parties were united. His summary was:-â€" (1) That they recognized the duty of Canada to take her share in Imperial defence as her wealth and import-anoe increased; ('2) that the payment of regular and periodical eontributions to the Imperial treasury was not, so far as Canada was concerned, the most satisfactory solution of the prob- lem of Imperial defence; (3) that the House would approve any expenditure necessarv for the speedy establish- ment of a Canadian navy in close relation to and in cooperation with the Imperial navy and along the lines suggested by the Admiralty at the last Imperial conference; and (4) that the Canadian people would be prepared to make any sacrifices neces- sary for the purpose of co-operating with the Imperial navy in maintain- ing the integrity of the Empire and its naval supremacy. Council met at McBride 8 hate], King Sultiur). on Saturday, July b'lst. Mum- lwrs all present. Minutes uf lust meellng road and adopted. A large number nf bills were on mo- o I ll'él31'}.'l t.» be, p Ll(l. Rtsolvedâ€"Tlmt the fullmving pPr- smh‘ lne paid wire fence- lmnus zâ€"râ€" Ne-lstnn Scott. 27 rods, $2.96; Adam! Smart. 80 rods‘ $6.10. Rxcnmom) HILL. 0111.. AUG. 12, 1909 'RQS,-dve-dâ€"â€"'l‘h:u. : sspssms Mt-Cullum mud Black rvceivc the sum vf $3190 om-h rn equalizing union Suhnul sections and valuatith vxemptml pmpvr‘ly. Ix’vsulx ul#Tlmt. Hfu Tl'éas‘ll‘l‘el‘ 'lw in- sn'mttvd and is hereby nmhnl'izpd to :uh uncv Ln the t1 USH‘VS of Puliw Vilâ€" lag» of Sohmnlwrg the sum of $3300.00 nn thorkwy nf _llw p -' ‘v11_t,_yo:nn Huvaedâ€"lhut-IMiss (7-5:thle H- t:eivei the sum of $12.00 ru b‘nmllpnx qunmnbinti. “0n mutiun Cuunuil adjourned tn Im-GL :It, Tempemnuu Hull, Keuluhy, an.) itiuturdrxy, August 28m. Dun‘t. drngtlw Stmuuch‘ nr stimulate the i19Hlthl'KidHP} That is WI (mg. It is the mek m‘rws that, me crying (m! fur help. Viinlizv strx weak in- sidc- runtJ-nlling nu WK w?! h Dr. Slmvp‘s “wrntixo. and s-w hmv quickly gmle ; will LUHH‘ t' V011; -' ’5 St, it 'c. F‘uEd by 'v '. A. ' ~n. FORTUNATE FORESIGHT. 3112 fiihml. KING COUNCIL. Puritan brand NewOrlPans Molasses, in 31h. tins, 200; Gnldenvtte pure. Cane Table Syrup in 5-H). pails, 40¢ each: Edwardshurg Molasses. ,in 5-H). pails, 300. each. Atkinson & Switzer. Last Sunday was the hottest, day in Tax-onto in two years. The Obsm-vn- tory thermometer registox-vd 93.3 de- grees. Th9 hottest day last year, July 12th, was 92.2. The Uniuuville lawn lmwiera am making an enviable name fm- the-m- selves. winning matches wherever they play. The last, team to defeat was Parkdnle. The score was 38 Ln 22 in fawn- nf Unionville. Tuesday after-noon in about three hours Hallhul’s Pointâ€"Toronto’s Unn- Py Islandâ€"was almost wiped out by a fierce fire. One life was lost. and Hotel Hnnlan and nearly all the planes nfamusement were destroyed. Loss about $200,000. The old family residence known as the "Lawder Building,“ situated to the West; of the Metropolitan power nuns“ and Mount Pleasant Cenwtely. was greatly damaged by file Friday evening nboutb‘ o'clock. The ’ kitchc-i: and roof of the large 16-minin resi- dee Were badly daiuagod by file and wa Ler. and two hams nearby wvre ul- sn consumed. The loss is almut $5.000. The fire brigades from Nnrlh Tun-unto and the City did excvllent service. Buys‘ Crash Sailor Blnusm. 1995 4.56 each fur30c: 18-in. heavy Crash Tun" ailing. reg. llc yd. fm- 9&0. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ Men’s and Boys’ Leather Baits. latest stvles. (an, grey and black, 256, 300 and 75c each. Atkinson & Switzvr. The holiday feeling pervading the land during the hottest month of the year is well represented in the August issue of Bad and Gun in Utrhudzltha lished by W. J. Taylor ul‘“Woudstock, Ont. How the people in the Maritime Provinces, known by reason of the sen breezes us the "Kingdom of Quoldnm." enjoy the beautiful summer weather is told in a profusely illustrated article. A delightful paper is "Still Hunting \Vith a Camera" . while of equally ab- sorbing interest is one on similar-lines. "Shooting Wild Geese With a Kodak." To detail the list of good things Would be to repeat the table of contents. but the article on Voracious Eaters by Martin Hunter is worth attention from all sportsmen. The King of Forbear- ers ii a story of a successful attempt as fox rearing for the ake of pelts. Mr. Bartlett’s paper on the Wolves follows up the interest urea ted tln-ough the Magazine in this important sub- ject. This number should accompany every sportsman on his vacation, for in its pages he will find lunch to make his leisure time pass pleasantly. August time. tells 0n the nerves. But that spiritless, no ambition feeling ens be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shonp’s Restora- tive. Within 48 hum-s after beginning to use the Restorative, improvement will he noticed, Of course, full health will not immediatva return. The gain. however, will surely follow. And best of all. you will realize and feel your strength and ambition as it is return- ing. Outside influences depress first the “inside nerves" then the Stomach, Heartund Kidneys will usually full. Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative um] see how quickly health will be yours again. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Thv Ontario Department of Agri- cuitnre has issued a list, (If the. Fairs and Exhibitions to he held this Fall, but the list is not yet; complete. The fullmving are sun'ie of Lhuse Fun-s Ln he hvld at, an easy distance from Ric!» mond Hill:â€" Drive Rheumatism frum the blond \Vlth D1". Shmrps‘s Rhmmmiic Rmnedy. ’l‘nhlob 01' Liquid‘ 501d by W. A. Sander-5m}. Barrie ... . . .‘ Bolton . .. Bradford ._ . Oonkntuwn ._ London .. . Newmarket. Orillim .. w Schumhex-g . Toronto. . . . \Voodhridge SATURDAY. AUGUST 21.â€"Anr:t,inn Sale uf frvsh milk cows. humes, etc” at New Gm-mley. the propel-Ly 0f Put- hm and Forrester. S:le at 2 u’ulm‘k. 'J‘m-ms, 3 Inl\l)thS.â€"â€"S;\.IGEON 6; MC- EWEN. auctioneers. Should they be extract- ed? Once outfiout for ever! Den“: be too hasty. Game and consult us,- They MAY be saved. AUGUST ROD AND GUN. DATES OF FAIRS. News Notes. Auction 3‘ no. , . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 19. 20 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . _ . Oct... 5, (S ‘ .. . .. Sept. 10 to 18 . . Sept. 25), 30, Oct. 1 '. .‘ ........ Sept. 23. 24 . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . Oct. 14, 15 .. . .Aug. 30 £9 Sep}. . . . . Sept. 28,_ 2E) up;. 30 to Sept. 13 . 4 . . . . . Oct. 12. 13 The proprietor of Pleasant View Herd Holstvin Cattle and Breeder of Improved Olwster White Hogs. Lot 29. lst Um), Van hun (Thornhill) has fur sale some gqq ynung stuck. Apply to MISS NOBLE. Maple 0r tn WILLIAM COOK, Barrister, u‘gichmund St. \Vvst, ’l‘m'ontu. ~t On Ynnge St", Richmond Hill. an S-l-mnm-d house. with hard and swift water and a guud garden. Apply tn 4841' W. H. PUGSLEY. after-noun. 7 Th0ruughb1-Ed mill and hog kept for service on the premises, D. G. GOODERHAM, MON!) HILL (*‘t'é‘l‘y WEDNE SBAY West. half lot, 23. in 4th concession Vaughan. MAPLE BAKERY MAPLE BREAD 1-3m. Lot No. 3, third con. \Vhiu-hnrch (one mile from Got-Inley station on the C. N. 0.), containing 89 acres. The farm is well watered, having thlee good wells, and :1 flowing spring all the year round. The land is in a good State of cultivation. Good large nrchald of apples, pears, cherries and small fruits. Large frame‘house with excellent. cellar, two barns, stable and other outbuildings. Convenient to scllool, post office, church um] store: Fifteen news on lqucnn. Vaughan, resu- u! Int 38, with bank lmrn 34x44. i acre gnud hearing orchard. and Jill"- fm-Luhle 7-H“)de house, good garden- ing soil. For further particulars Appl to > H. A. §IUHOLLS, Real Est-ate Agent, 51-tf Richmund Hill. For hh-ther particulars apply On the premises. L. B. 'SCHELL, PLEASANT VIEW FARM A Lady’sRed Cué'iéfwas found at. the \Vniting Room. Owner Apply 99 Tm: ~ LIBEE Lax-6&3 5 merits. The International Dictionary has Wan a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more generai 1533 than any dther W‘s-hi: of its kind in the Engii ,h ianguage. r11 4113‘: win upon their A. 1!. Saycv, LLJL, 13.13., of Oxford 'Unive: ', England, has reoemly said of it: IL; jmimll a 1‘1'TV010US‘VUX‘k;itiS Cuiilcult to . (cm-(1'7: (,1 a dictionary more exh .mjx'onnrl c np‘me. Every hing is in it â€"â€"m4 only wian we might expect to 11 man :1 MAR. but also what few of us \wxu'ldevc have 1 hougrhtnf lmkingfor. A supple nt 10 the .ew edition has bro 1 TM it mJ'w up to date, I have been loo: mg: '1 1111311211 we Inner Wm) a feeling of naamishment at ils cmnpietenass‘ and fine mnoum of labor that has been. pub mm " F R E E ~“A Test in Pronunciation." in- slruct‘ive and omermining for the wlmlc family. Also illustrated pamphlet. (the highest award) was given to the In- tel-national a: we Wor’xl‘s Fair, St. Lama. at, Hall's and Graingm-‘s Grocery Stores. ’ CHAS. NORMAN, G. 81.0. MERRIAM CO Tiw. nudvi-signvd will \isiL RICH- Farm for Sale THE GRAND PRIZE PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Farm for Sale 0 for S01“). 3% Kim ‘0 PROPRIETOR. For Sale To Let ASK FOR round I: and 20: C Sweet to Eat ; Abndy Bowel mafia ' SATU RDAY mung" Also Gurmléy .P. 0. C. G LOVER. Prupricfim i All Subscriptions for weekly end. (lein papers taken with “The Liberal” at $1 a year, at the following reteszu Weekly Globe, one year, 750. Weekly Mail, one Yew. ?5C. Dell Globe, one "ear TheYbrkszlounty y 2 a The Daily Mail and Em- 2 - plre, one year (York - County) -- Tl? Slaw, reeeiv v Theeggegf of Sublieetiggd QM The Daily Steam?) reeeivâ€" E. 129 gr} film W n? nnhlinafitinn York'COunty The Daily Mail and Em- ~ plre, one year (York County) The Daily 8831*, received 011 day of pubhoation The $3.3in mt receivâ€" ed day of pubhcamon Family SEE: and Week- 137' Star Newldea, Woman‘s Magw . zme wiil purchase a NO. '3 Uflififl Churn, usually sold for three times this price. Just alimited number to sell. §§§O§N§4 §§§+§+¢§§§§O§§§N§fi¢§§§§¢06+4§§§9¢+§§§§ k§”§¢¢¢§§§§§§ .3900:§4 6.0 OQMOQOOQONO§§MO§QOOQO §§09990§N9§§§006 609099! Ix automobiles are needed anywhere at ail they are in the Country‘ One of the speakers of Lhe ‘y‘v’omen‘s lnS‘imlc, at (inclph. recently pre‘ dieled that the time was near at hand when .‘m'mer’s wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the predictiun a vxsionury une. Like Ilh telephone and the trolley, Lhe agnomul'ile seems destined (u add 1') the comfort of country life, and the cost whl not mtertex‘e mth your buying. We can sell at a mere fraction of original COS'. 'I‘imne cars are taken bv us as par: payment for the newest and 1'11cst mode-Ls, and are such astwe can (hon onghiy recommend. A [y machine we send out is gLIJI‘ZIHICL‘d m be in [inst-class condition, and bpyund the. {nut tnai svcuncLhand cars are nov this year's style. there is nothing wrong with them in any way. '\\c [m- ihem as a means of intmduction m the Cmmtrv trade: and Efin'ix'b‘tizr values extra specia! to encourage quick buying. 'If interested seml‘yow name and address for fuller particulars. ’ l High-01555 Automobiles ani Bicycles THE Good Secamd-Hand RUSSELL HARDWARE HYSLGP BRGS., Limfi‘iezfi 126 East King 813., Toronto ES fi'fiachi TORGNTQ. ONT

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