Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1909, p. 1

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UEERAL PRMTING dz PUSLiSHmG HGUSE RICHMOND HELL, ONT. V’OL. XXXII. IS PUBLISHED EVERY I} ti URSDA‘Y MCIHN 83113, by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. (Rue ‘Essmc To DR. H. \V. ANDEI-290N) ()m'. ‘z’mlge and Blmu' Stan, Tux-onto. EVEN he in Richmond Hi“ every \Vudnesduy. (lfice, next dour north of Standâ€" ard Bank. Office Iâ€"qursâ€" 9 w. m. m 5 p. m. Li-w‘nad \‘Utirmour {or the County of Yo I: G n 1,- $01 1 u.) an 131 mumut tie-mm] sales gm; etc we upbly Ltcenled no at, tens-71mph. mes Residence Uniunville Licensed Auctioneers fm'the Countny Yurk. 83.195 xtsemlednn on shortes noticonnd a rea- B’JDthe rates Patronage solicited License Auctionem for theCouuty of York re» aprmtfully whats your patronage and friendly influence sales uttnvxdad on the shortest notice 3.211 at emsonabomtes P 0 address King JGHN R, CAMPBELL, G 6. Gaulng, NeNmu Brochagem for [.119 athe $1: per annum, in advance.] Pianist and Theorist Teacher of Pianoâ€"playing and Theory (Lb the Model School of Music, Toronto. MISS NORA McMAHCN Pianiste Pupils prepared for Piano and Theory Examinations at the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and the University of Toronto. Studio, “Rock Haven,” Richmond Hill. Booklet with Terms, &c., an appli- cation. Special cn'nrse in “Miler-’s” Kinder- garten Method, pamiculurly helpful to beginners. 42â€"137 ‘6 lell term oprns September 2nd, 1909- Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intermedgate examination at Toronto Conser‘vatm-y and_Ooll}:ge o‘f_M_u 'c. T Sfigeon. J K M Ma.p!e Wes Saigcon dz McEwun. DR. FULTON RISDON. MISS MILLIE TRENCH This scnnm,1s unquestionably one of Canada’s Greatest, Must Success- ful and Best Colieges. Our gradu- atés readily secure employment. Let us educate you for nositinns worth from to $100 a month. We know how. Write today for mag- nificent catalogue. Con. Votes: AND ALEXANDER S73. W.J. ELLKOTT, Princmx. BUSINES.‘ CARDS. J'. EARLE NEWTOE ETERKNARY SURGEON, @fl LB FAL‘L TERM OPENS SEPT. lst. TORONTO. ONT, Pupil of Wm. H. Sherwood. ’I‘Eiornhill. 139 n List, RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. u Prentéce. D. G. BLOUGII, wetcrmary ELLIOTT AT THE Se: Pnovnm’ron ‘M’ n g J K McEwen Weston ' Lax-th 5 PIANO TUNING fiofin i7. flavz’uflwn THORNHILL Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed NATIONAL TRUST (3U A M BERS 20 KING ST 3.. T(')R()N"U, Canada. Mann; DENTUN, K. (J. HERBERT L. DUNN \V. MULOCK BCULT um Phuno Main 311. LENNQX & Mmer m loan OHM! m1 smuolmuei mortgages“. lowest rams Aururn nficonhemuwu u- the old post 06ch one door west. 01 the enhance to who Ontnnu Bank Newmurkel bfiiceâ€"‘I‘hree doors south of the 1; Hit (who T HEREEBTLENNOX (iv Sr“ ldORGAN km‘nru Near Barristersfioiicitors. Not rise, tire. ; V Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide1 «‘3 Victoria SL8” Tot-onto. ! m BARRISTER, Sumatran, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-onto Office. 313 Richmond St. \Vust, \Vcsley Buildings. "Bicbmond Iiill Qfficq (“LilmmP Money to 1mm at Five Per- Cent (5%). Riohrnono. Hill COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. HIGH COURT OF jUSTlCE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . NOTARY PUBLIC, JAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, F:IJ(”}IN 31114] 4%} anion, Dunn 84 Eoultb RICHMONDHILL &TH{)RNH1L L A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places. RIC} MOND HILL. ()N'i‘., THURSDAY, AUGUST Lawrence 24 Dunbar, (fine), every Thursday forénoun. Maple, Thursday aftez-nuon. VVomlhriduv, Saturday fox-911mm. H. A, NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Undertakch (\r Emhnimcrs, REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNIE-IILL YOUR COURSE in Shorthnnd or Business will bring you best, results if taken at mu- old established and thoroughly reliubln school. XVinter Term begins Jan. 4th. Catalogue Flee. - Cmnmissiunm. Conveyancm‘. etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer (-f Marriage Licenses. Central Y.M.0.A. Bldg, Toran British American Busgggss'poll‘ege uxv-urn . zu‘a'iswrs :nul Solicitors. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC LM. 'EEEIFEC Barristers, Snlictors VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK WRIGTEI‘I' BRO S. COMMISSIONER IN THE “In Esseizfiaic, Unity; i1: Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, gal. C Sweet 20 Eat A Cami" we: mm MO RGA N Pmme Main. 298 (BY A BANKER.) ‘ Now that the science of aviation has been so successfully developed that a. flight across the English Channel has? been achieved, perhaps it, might, be permissible to gh e rein to the inmgin- _ ation and to indulge in speculation as to the eventual potentialities of this strange mode of locomotion. ’l‘here Can he no question whatever now that it has been so practically proved that it; is possible to construct, machines capable. of making long aerial voyages at. rapid speed that in the near future l)‘:l\‘t‘ilil]g‘ by aeroplane will not, he re- I garded with greater wonder than was . travelling by motor car a few years ago; and it. is possible that the flying machine of the future will be. as great; ; an advance over that by which the. brave, Frenchman crossed the Channel, l both in magnitude and also in speed, i as the. great Atlantic liner of the pres- ‘ out day excels the little. wicker coracle : in which the ancient Briton ventured to ; Cross a river. or went fishing in a lake. 1 And if this supposition be fulfilled} 1 how it will revolutionize. travel. war-1 fareâ€"if indeed it would not put a stop I to thisallogetherâ€"â€"even civilization and ‘ national life generally. For if the air- l ship of the future were. equal in size‘ and carrying capacity to the, great steamship of to-day; its speed of course ‘ innneasuial'dy increased in the ratio of the difference between the resistance ‘ of aCr and that of water; a great, aran could be transported from one country ' to any part of another in a few hours, and invasion would he so easy, and , repl'isals so feasible, that it is manifest- ‘ that. international warfare must by universal consent be. discontinued. And as nearly a mile a minute has been 1 attained. it may fairly be assumed that a speed of very much more than a ‘ hundred miles an hour will in the fu- . turn be practicable, so that a journey across the. Atlantic, or from London say to the. Pyramids, or to Jerusalem. . could he performed in a few hours; and the tourist agent of the future. ‘ will perhaps he advertising a journey ‘ round the World, even \‘in. the north and south poles, to be. accomplished in, . s ' a week! I To L110 question whether the Indus- '- trial Disputes Industrial Act has been (-ifnctive,” says ex- P1 esident Elliott in MCULURE’S for September, "the clear i answer is that since its enactment in 1 March, 1907. the Dominion has known no cessabion in the continuous opera- tion of any of its great agencies of communiuatinnâ€"steam railways, tele- glaph and telephone lines, or othvr public utilities of the kindâ€"and the national industlirs and the public have not suffered any inconveniences other than a few of a pmle temporary and ‘ Incal nature through the cessation of ' some mining operations. This remark. ahle record may not be continuously -maintainod; but, it, see-ms quite posâ€" ‘ sihle that nevoragain will the interests , of the Canadian puhlic be injured i through the threatening, or actual J outbreak of sudden and oxtensiu- in- .(lustrial conflict-s, such as frequently : occurrnd in Canada prior to the enact- ment of the law, and still occur, wifh § enormous and widespread damage. in i the United States.” ‘ All this may appvm to be fanciful :md extravagant; and so also in the old coaching days would a medic-(inn be, regarded that: journeys would he porfmnlod witlmut, horses at the speed nfamile a minute. But whether it; be so or not, thxs we may be certain (If, that in the never ending her'oafts-r Huge who, in yil‘tue of the quitvtuncg achieved for them by the Saviour of the. worldâ€"â€"wh0 Himself bore the 19t- rihution which was their dueâ€"attain to an inheritance in the glory-land, wiil, on angel wing, and with the rap- idity uf thought, travel from sphere t0 sphere, and doubtless visit the stupenâ€" dous and amazing wundex's uf the g1 eat; n ui Verses. The footprints of Dyspepsia. have been directly trncod to the Stomach nerves. When those “inside nerves" fail. indigestion and stomach distress must surer result. For this, druggists everywhere are supplying a. prescrip- tion known as Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. First, Lhese tiny inside Stomach. Hoax-b and Kidney nerves fail. Then gas belching, Heart palpitation, or failing Kidneys follow. Don’t drug the stom- ach, or stimulate theHe-art or Kidneys. That is wrong. Strengthen these full- ing nerves WIth Dr. Shoop’s Restora- tive. It is the nerves, not the organs that are calling for help. \Vithin 48 hours after starting the Restorative troutnwnt you will realize the gain. A test. will tell. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Men’s heavy wm-king shirts. sizes l-L *‘W‘uâ€" tn 17. 750... 800. and 900. each. Men’s‘ Drive Rheumuhsm iron: the Mum! heavy black duck smmzks. 2 pockets. w1th D1“. Slwops’s Rheumatic Remedy. riveted buttuns, 90c. and $1.00 each. Tablet; or Liquid. Sold by W. A. Atkinson & Switzer. Sanderson. CANADIAN PUBLIC UTILITIES NOT STOPPED BY STRIKES. AERIAL TRAVEL. The pmg ‘nmme of special attractions at the Canadian National Exhibition which has just been issued shows that the en tci't-aiument part. of the big Fair '9 to he more extensive than evei-before: The programme in front of the Grand Stand is dlvidvd into three parts of an hum- each. The first hour is given to vaudeville and the bill has to be. well squeezed to got. it on to the four stages in that span: nf time. August time, tells on the nerves. ; But. that spiritless. no ambition feeling 5 cas be easily and quickly altered by itaking What is known to druggists yeverywhere as Dr. Shoop’s Restoraâ€" tive. \ViLhin 48 hnurs after beginning to use the Resturutive, improvement will he noticed, Of course, full health will not, immediately return. The gain. hnwever, will surely follow. And best nfall, you will realize and feel your strength and mnhitinn as it is return- ing. Outside influences depress first the “inside nerves" then the Stomach, ‘Hearbnnd Kidneys will usually fail. ‘ Strengthen these failing nerves with Dr. Shoop’s Restorative and see. how quickly health will be yours again. 3 Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The second part is given over to the Mflibnry Tmu'lmment. which includes the musical drive by the Attillel-y, the musical ride by the Dragoons. and a. dnzun C(m'rpl‘titrimxs, in munv (If which, bhqcorps. wjll hr nmtchgd against coll'ps. The third hour is filled ‘Eo oval-{16w- ing with the British Army Quadrilles and Tnttooo with ten massed military hands, the march past, the Siog? of Kandahurand the Battle of the North Sea. The whole concludes with a fifteen minute display of everything that Is new in fireworks. Add to this bill. the model military camp, the blowing up of ships by sub- marine mines on thv waterfront, har- ness hnrso races, daily displays of Japanese da y fireworks, athletic sports, etc.. and it will be readily admitted that this is the greatest bill of specials the Canadian National ever presented. fur September contains an article en- titled “Canada and Greenland,” by Robert Stein, of the United States Bureau of Statistics. The author ad- vocates the peaceful acquisition of Greenland from Denmark in exchange for some of the Province of Schleswig‘. which could be obtaim-d from Ger- many by Great Britain in exchange fm‘ some far-flung British colonial territory. That, in brief is Mr. Stein’s offset to the present ill-feeling between England and Germany, and it is a proposition that, is well worth reading and considering. Finest Bill of Special Attractions the Canadian National Ever Presented. Men’s fine Premier suspenders, 300., 45c. and 50a. pair. Men’s American rose garters, 25c. pair. Atkinson & Switzer. The Markham annship Cmmcil held its August 1119M,ng m1 Saturday. 14th inst. The mmnlwrs were all present, Reen- anp in [ht-,- chair. Cmnmmnications were. recc-ivm from J. A. Bzunsden re Gaunt-y tax; A. 1). Bruce re telcphnm‘ contmvmx j; (T. R. Fitch, and AII‘X. McGowan. M.P.P. Messrs. Pndgvb and Kirk wvro ap- pointed a oummittee to remedy u grievance complained of by Mr. Al- combrack. M '. Ox'lnemd was :u.)point.od n mm- mismner tn pub in :1 new culvert be- tween lots 5 and 6, con. 5. A number of gravel accounts and general accounts were ordered to he paid. ‘v: . . «. - The clerk was instruutye‘d to write 311‘; L‘nglesm‘. notifying him to remove obstructinn tn (trm-k nu highway. Mr. Kim was appointed a commis- sionm‘ m repair bridge bewwovu 1(st 15 and 16. can. 6. 2.4. A further sum of $350.47, with rate 0f 4 mills, is tn ho culloctvd from the Police Villagv of Uninnville, and $192 at a, rate an.~lf1-om Muunt Joy. Fm‘ Sclmul purposes. $11,435. Another hy-lnw was pnswd appoint ing “7. F. Nichols cullr-‘ctm' for the west half and Runhon leau cullvcmr for tha east half of the U‘nvndfip. Council :ldjnumvd till Sufm'day, Sept. 11. at 11 o‘clock mm. A by-Iznv was passed Lu ass and levy tax rates fur county, township and school purposes for the. year 1909 as follows:â€" Gpne‘ml and Industrial llnme pur- poses, $9320.66. mm) 2.3. A Inwnship purposes, $9361.01, rate GREAT PROGRAMME THIS, THE CANADIAN MAGAZINE MARKBAM COUNCIL. Charity." 96, 1.909 Tell Same Sick fine It Is Free If It Fails. Will you do an act, of Humanity! “fill you tell some sick friend of this, my remarkable offer? Tell him ox- her. that you have learned of a medicine so certain that its maker dare say to the sick. "1's is absolutely and unconditionally free if it fails." A nd you. no doubt. 31!?de [know of Dr. And you. no uuuuu. uuunu; nuuu v- -.. Shoop‘s Restorative and its popularity. For 20 years it has been the standard rom- edy for Stomach. Kidney and Heart ailments everywhere in A‘menca. ,, A A‘L..-n:..- mA-I'ntl nf every wuuiu m nlllLAAvu‘. When the “inside” or controlling nerves of these viml organs begin to mu. it is Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative that has quickly vitalizod, and strong‘ thened. and brought these nerves and organs back to health again. I do not dose the Stomach. nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneysâ€"401‘ that is all wrong. Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative goes direct to the cause of these ailments-the failing. faltering. inside or controlling nerves. And herein lies the keynote to my success. _ _-,1.‘ um“ and KL‘) HUIU EU A“: D\L\/\1\/u~u When these nerves are again made we“ and strong. then that is the certain end of all such sickness. Tome it is a great satisfaction that I am (he only physician able to say to the (\‘Jfiel'infi sick. “’_l‘a_]ie my prescriptjop for it‘ll 30 day: and ' ' ‘ '** ‘ id fugigtguhzlfi‘?éfirthéVénflre expense is mmeâ€"not yours." Then why/should the sick 'mlw any chance on (my other medicine, whose maker dare not back itjwt as I do by this remarkable ofl‘m'? _ . ,VVJAI.‘A ... . ~ ...w. , a, I also have a. Rheumatic Remedyâ€"and that remedy is covered by the same identical "No help. no pay” protective plan. Besides. you are free to consult mo. just as you would your home physician. My advice and the book‘below are yoursâ€"and \‘. iulout '20... Perhaps a. word orm'o from me will ('lom‘ up some serious ailment. I hnvelmlped thons‘nmls upon thousands by my pri vate prescription or personal advice vlan. My best effort is surely worth your simple request. “In: u u. w. ., v“. Vuy, So let me send you an order at once. Take the message to some sick friend. A postal will brim: the oppommity. I will have an honest and trustworthy drug- gist to whom you can conveniently go for the 30 day test. But first, ask me for the order, for all drug. gists me not autlnorizod 10 give the 30 day tost. F0 write me now and save all delays. Ho- membcr jlmp _tum0130\v nev ' Address .n 1. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:~-â€" STEAM COAL No. 1 On Dysnepsia N0. 2 0n the Heart N0. 3 0n the Kidneys NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. Canadian 1? u 10 ~ fishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interestfiand can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. CASSELLS’ It is not necessary to send to foreign couatries for maga- zmes. Read the followmgzâ€" (.lnssel‘s Magazine, pm- le Story Teller Th L‘ Quiver . . Musical Home Journal 'l‘hu Gil-la" Realm . Little Fulks . . Chums . . . Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde St. W. J. H. BAKER COAL: [Single copies, 3 cts. For threshing engines. “mu .v.. Dr. Shoop, Box 12,1mcine. Wis. Which Book Hull I Send You? Toronto No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men No. 6 0n Rheumatism. HHHUII) No in the $15.0 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.50

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