RICHMOND HILL, ONT., AUG. 26, 1909 Markham village has struck the tax mm for the current yearâ€"~29 mills «m 3.119 duliah Yum“ (h-Hm-s are too precious to he wnurvd. \Ve hpip you save them. Atkmson & Switzer. The \Veekly Glnhc will he sent four nmmhs. to January 1. 1910, for 15 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. gin égpiiamzl. The next; regularf meeting of Hill Crest Lodge, 1. O. O. F.. will he held \Vednesdny evening. September lst, at 8 o’clock. After spending two weeks on the shores of Lake Siman with his son levollyn, Rev. Mr. Bruce occupied his pulpit last Sunday. The Riclmumd Hill Public School will rempen 11w same day as the High School, Tuesday, Sept. 7. Let every schnlfu- be m his and her pluce on llle ï¬rst; dz Court Richmond, A. O. R, will hold its next meeting on Friday, the, 3rd uf September. when Lhu delvgute to the High Court, will give his repm t. Another car of 1110 lwst Portland 7911mm, on [111- market, the celebrated “Rut-hm“: Star†will arrive this week. Reserve your orders and get it fresh off the car. H. A. Nicholls. Mr. J. H. Sanderson purchased from the Switzex‘ estate the Temperance Hall on Centre Sty. Mr. Sanderson wili likely take the building down, and frect a cumï¬wtuble dwelling on the Qt. A social event in the form ()f a. lumpers’ At Houm will be. held at, Lake \Vilcox on Fiiduy evening of this week, 27le inst. Styli-’5 Bios. Orches- tra has been engngvd fur the occzlsiuu. The ladies are asked Lu provide. Next Sunday morning Rev. E. H. Toye will pmach in the Methodist, church. His subject will he, the “Prob- lem of \Vorry.†In the evening Rm: The Stmxifville undertaker hr'livve‘s in advm-Lismg. In his village paper he advertises "Regular $75 funerals for $50,†and “All uther funerals reduced according to size, with ï¬rst-class nut,- ï¬t." \Ve Wonder he does not remind the public that “now is the thus to die.†ArPTBx'aée \X'ill preach (m “Aniliputhy 01- Telepathy.†On Friday evening last Rev. A. P. Bruce gave the addrvss at the. annual meeting of the Bethesda \Vommi’s Missionary Society. Misses Jenn Scott and T. \Iapos of Victui'iet Square cm)- trilmted accept-.1110 recituiiuns to the programme. Three valuable horses, belonging to Mr. \Vm. \Valkingtnn, whose farm is on the township line, between King and Vaughan, gut, ouL ()f the field on Thurs- day night), on to the Grand Trunk Railway track, and were killed by a passing train. The horses were afterâ€" wards valued by competent men. A card from the ’1‘. Eaton 00., pub- lishers of the new Ontario Readers, says that, they expect to have smother lot of First and Second Readers ready the LLLLor pal-L of this week, and the Third and Fourth Renders in nbnut two “'evks. Teachers must not. there- fore. be but) hard on their pupils for a few weeks. Mr. Charles Brodie, an (‘x-reeve of \Vhitchm-ch township, died Sunday evening at his home at Stuutfville. where he haul residvd since his retire- ment; frnm active life. Deceased was in his 72nd year. He was (1. member (if the Presbyterian church, and vns interr'edin the Melville cemetery on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Soulvs. who had been in the hardware business hero. for the past 11; years, has sold out to Mr. Batty of Toronto, who took possession it any m'two ago. Mr. Sonics and family are removng to the city, where they have purchased :1 residence. Their many friends here regret their reâ€" moval, but wish them every success in their new home. Mr. Geurge F. \ 7&11‘100, of Vaughan township, :Lftvr suffering for ahuut l’mu- yvnrs from nervous trouble, died on SzLLm'dny in his Glsb your. 110 is azurvived bf a, widow and ten children. Dvcensed had long taken an active interest in the, snciul :md mural \VOI'k (If the cmmuunity, and will be much mis ed in the surrounding neighbor- houds. Intvrnwnt took place in the \Vimdhridgo Methodist cemetmy on Munday. uy. Miss Adams. of Tm'umn. visimd Miss Akxnnbmck from SuLurday till Mun- day. Miss Em Hill spent the Week, end with friends in Tumnm. Mrs. McElmy. ’i‘nann, is making a visit, \vilh'Mx-aj. I". LyneIL. Miss L. McMahon is spending the Week with Mrs. H. Gamble. Jcï¬'vrsun. Mrs. Flank Dayle and son, of New- market, spent Tuesday with relatives here. Misses Helena and Voima Ransom are spending the week end in \Vhit- church. Mrs. Ed. Norris and family, of .Tmu (mm, me making a visit with Mrs. Jen-y Smith. Mr. Oakley and Norwnod Hill, of Buffalo, spent, mun- Sunday with their uncle, Mr. D. Hill. Mr. and EMS. G. (J‘rlangvr \‘isin'd Mrs. H. Leverut \Vestuu during the past week. Mrs. J. \Vondrmv, ()f Schombnrg, spentu few days with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kemke, the luttvr’s niece. Miss Jean McDonald is spending the week in Stonffville with her bmther, Mr. Frank McDonald. Mrs. \V. Clubine, of Church Street, Toronto, ~Qpent, over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. Helmkuy. Mrs. \Vm. Toppin and two dailgh» Lars, Birdie and Mabel, of Buffalo, are visiting at Mrs. E. Banker’s. Mr. and Mrs. Gem-y and two child- ren, 0f Torontm spent \Vednesday afternoon with Mrs. D. Hill. ML‘. Herman J. Brown, of New York, visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown, for a couple of days. Tho Misses Phylis and Glace. Gnldev. of Peterbnrongh, are spending a week with theix friend, Miss Eva Hill. Miss ML-Cmmghy and her cousin. Mias McLaughlin, :11'1- spending a few days with Mrs. Smillie at, Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. D. Stouï¬'er, of Toronto, visited with the fm'n'lvr’s cousins. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. mevn, on Saturday. Miss Edythe Davidson, B.A.. of Kings-tun, is spending: :L week \Viih Misses Agatha and Edna Alculnbl’fllik. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills and daugh- ter Georgina, M" St. (Hm-ens Avenue, Toronto, spenta few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lewis. Mrs. Minnie L. Pugsley, of Toronto, is spending a few days at, home with 1101" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis. Mr. F. W. Harrison, B. A.. returns this weeks to MuniLUhn. tn l‘vslllnt' his duLivs as Principal (If the \vaaucsn High School. Mr. T. H. Trench is in Surniu this wer as a delegate from Cum-t Rich- mond A. O. R, at. the annual High )(mrt meeting. Mr. E. M. Byrne, manager of the Standard Bank, and Mrs. Byrne left; Saturday for :l week’s hulidays in the Niagara District. Mrs. Ed. Lynett has returned hume, after having spent, smnu tun weka with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Miss \Vilkie, King City. Mrs. D. B. Best, of Magnetawan. Pam-y Sound, is making n visit with hm- parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. G. Marsh, at Elms Lea. Newmurth Express: Mrs. F. Wiley and Mrs. Helmkay, of Richmond Hill, spent \Vednesday in town, the guests of Mrs. A. Brammer. Miss Margm'vt Doyle, of Midland, and Mr. James Doyle, of Tcronto, are spending their holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Fred Lynett. Mrs. T. B. Ludford and Miss Orma Ludfm‘d. of Drlvisville, called on sever-- :11 friends here on Monday. and were guests of Mrs. H. H. Hopper. Dre. Ralph and Lilian Lnngstaf‘f re- turned Tuesday evening and resumed practice, after a, well earned holiday spout, at, Gordon Buy, Muskoka. The f.)llowing are visiting with MI“. and Mrs. E. Glover :HMI-s. F. Ryan and son of Philadelphia: Mr. and Mrs. J. Lapin. of St. Catherines; Mr. John Glover, VVesL Toronto. Mr. E. R. \Vitheril, B. A., Principal of thn High School, was in the village Tuesday and VVe-dnosday of this week, making preparations for the re-npen- ing on the 7th of September. Mrs. Geo. Redditt spent \Vetlnesday in the city calling on friends, and spent some time in St. John’s Hospital with her schunlnmto, Mrs. Geo. Butlpr, who has had a very serious illness, but: is again able t0 see her friends, who hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Ernest V. Tyrroll. of G7 '\Vnst Lodge Ave†Pal-kdulv. fnrn'lerly of this plnco, and Mr. XV. 1). Hunter, son-in- lmv of Mrs. T. Tyn'ell, left for Saska- toon on Thursday. They purpose visiting the f{H’IDPI"S sister. Mrs. E. L. \Vright, nf Edmonton. Alt:l., befm-o thy return. A very pleasant outing; tunk pIuC-e‘ at Bond Luke Pm-k last, Thursday, when about twenty relatives from around Anuitngv and Richnmnd Hill met; to ave :l picnic with Mrs. RUN. Rodditlb nil hm- sister. Mrs. Min-inn Hunt, {Ewe their departure for Rm‘rio, I"; m If: plcnsunt time was man. thgï¬lyr : hunting and other umusmnenv «1'1 '1‘ all had enjoyed the hnumiful 1'9- ;‘eshments all returned hmnu hopin-g nllzu' outings may ofth be nadufgsd F1 PERSONA LJS. Mrs. \VrighL of Newcastle visitvd ht’l' still Hector of the Sterling Bankle on Mummy. Mrs. Scntt and Inme returned from their visit, to Nnvu Scutin on \Vednvs- day. The arrival (If Master James Inst Thurs‘dny at che home of Mr. and Mus. Carl Jnnws was an occasion of much joy. Many cm’ngrntulutimls are being cnuveyed to Mr. and Mrs. James ovar their ï¬rst-burn. Dr. Beauty of Grace Hospital, To- ronto, is visiting with hvr sister, Miss Mabel Beutty, this week. Miss Flmtmn nf Beetnn is visiting at the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs. Cousins and Winnie are visit- ing with Miss McGrogmu Mrs. Riddell enteï¬mined the Pres- byfmiun Crlmirr luistibi‘ntm-day evening. We are glad to know that, Tessie Hox-en is home fmm the hospital and was able to enjoy the picnic with the other school children on Tuesday afternoon in Bell’s flats. On Tuesday afternoon our teacher, Miss Beatty, held a picnic for the children of the public school and their parents, which was well atu trial and grmltlv enjoyed by all. The Thm‘nhill Branch of the East York Woman’s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Carlyle, 2nd of Mark- lmm, and report a. very interesting meeting. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Mnyle‘s, Langstafl’. Lust wre‘k Mr. A. Hall and Mr. Fred Farr were the two men who seemed to he booming things around here. but by the sound of the whistle and the song of the threshing-machine we know that Mr. John \Vice has joined the ranks, and will do n. rush- ing business to the satisfaction of his many patrons in the next few weeks. “11". Andrew Chapman has been in a. critical condition for several days. I19 ‘1» . . M 1'. \Vm. Welsh has been iglirghtly indisposed for R, few d.1ys. Mrs. J. T. Suigeon and Miss Robin- son went on Saturday to Niagara Falls to spend a few days With Dr. and Mrs. Logan, formerly of this place. .n n ‘ . r 7 ~â€"- , Mrs. 1‘. Consuls spent, l:st week VIS- iting 1n Tux-unto. Mr. Cousxns went) down and I'enmined overSundny. n1, _, ,1\r .n n ,, -_V..‘...J . Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. H. Keys are away on u- visiL to friends at Mount Albert. Mlss Jeff's has resigned her position as assistant teacher, to take charge of a school near her home at Bond Head. Miss Nor-n. McMahon, of Richmond Hill. and Miss Verna \Vinters, of King City, spent; Sunday with Miss Myrtle Saigonâ€. Mr. B. Newton and Mr. A. Medaalf hf Richmond Hill also visited Hr: M 1-. Saige-ml’s on Sunday. A serious accident happened to Mr. Dmmhl \Vatsmx, of Sherwood, last Thursday afternoon. The horse that; ho had been driving in a. sulky rake bunk fright and mm away, the wheel of the rake striking Mr. \Vatson and causing a fracture of the hip. He also reached 3. Severe gush on the head. ()n the previous Monday his neighbor, Mr. B. anton, had his leg bloken below the knee by the tongue of the threshing machine striklng him as it was being moved in the barn. Mr. Wm. \Valkingtnn, lot 1‘ con. 4, King, met; with a vex-y lmd misfortune last, Saturday morning when he had four of his horses killed on the G. T. R. and one seriously injured. Mr. VVulk- ington has the sympabhy of the neigh- bors in his severe loss. It IS to be hoped that he can make an agreement with the railway company to help him coyer his heavy loss. Mr. Frank Piercey, accompanied by Mr. C. \Valker. of Teston, spent Sun- day evening with his uncle, Mr. John Nixon, "Frog Valley" farm. Miss Bessie Thonlag. “Spruce Lawn,†Mr. G. Mum-0e 0F Strange renewed old acquaintance around this vicinity 1;»59 _Sund_ay. DH. Lewis Diceman. accompanied by his sister Annie, visited at the h()_l£]e (if MILO. {onus‘laï¬t ngday: Miss BessiEThomis. “Spruce Lawn, is spending per yapntignwin Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey of Toron- to and Mr. VVillinm Bell of Chicago spent from SMurdny till Monday with relations in this neighborhood. Mr. G90. Crank and family, "Maple Grove†farm, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. “7111. S. Rumble 0f Patter- son. Miss Dorothy Denbon and Miss Myra Hudson of Toronto are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. George Cook, “Highlimd†fayi). Harvesting will soon be a thing of the past with a number of farmers in this neighborhood. GARDEN PARTY. The annual Gui-don Party of St. Stephen’s Chm-ch will be held in Mis- poleL’S Orchard, Maple, next; Tuesday, August? 31. Mr. Harry Bennett. as- sisted by best local talent, will render '(L select programme. There will also be addresses by local clergymen. Tea served from 5 to 8 o’clock. Neilson’s ice cream. Admission 25 cents. By 5L spvciul clubbing arrangeuwnt, the publisher of THE LIBERAL is pre- pared to send to new subscribers his paper from this date to January 1, 19l1, together with the \Veekly Globe and Unmch Farmer for $1.75. The \Voekly Globe C(mbzlius the Illustrated Supplement, and both papers will be sum, for the above- sum for 16 months. Thnse who think of taking advantage of this uï¬â€˜er should subscribe at THE anuuL Ofï¬ce at, once. LYNETTwAt King August 20, 1914).. twin hubs of Mrs. 3 months, 1:) dug: BARGAIN DAYS. Thornhill. Maple. DEA'I‘EES. Hope. City. on Friday, Gordan Edward, E. .1. Lynett, awed *++W%+M$++dt++*+%+++°¥+ ¢++++++M%+ ï¬~Â¥++~£¢++++++$§+++ w?5‘+'§‘$+%%+++%é+*‘béé+%++é~%++‘ +<%+‘§¢4~+%%+~F+$#~F++%+ééé‘é‘f'é'; 3: Aug. 26, 1909. For the Men Men’s Christy Stiff Hats, ï¬nest quality and up-to-date For the Ladies and Misses A very ï¬ne line 01 Ladi/es' Booms from A very ï¬ne line of Misses’ Boots from shapes 7 . . . . . Men’s very nifty Four-in-Hand Ties, in the very ï¬nest shades . . . . . Atkinson & Switzer Be one of our customers and be satisfied Some Comprehensive Offerings 32-inch Striped English Flannelette, reg. 15c for 13c yd. 35inch Striped and Pink Flannelette, reg. 15c for 11¢ yd. White Satin Quilts, reg. $2.00 for $1.85, reg. $2.15 for $1.95, and reg. $2.45 for $2.25. 3 doz. Ladies’ Embroidered Turnover Collars, reg. 8c each for 50. Hair Nets, mull and dark brown, 100 each. Barrettes, 15c. 18c and 25c each. Navy Panama Cloth, 42 in. wide, reg. 50c yd. for 45c. If it’s from the Concrete it’s God Richmond Hill Hardware Store ORDERS BY PHONE PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 RIGHMON D HILL, ONT. The quotations below are close to the line M the New Store NORMAN BATTY Further Particulars Next Week ++++++++~z~e§§§w+w+ww +'§'4‘+'§"§'++'§- ’ '%'§"§~§“§~§w§-++ GIVE US A CALL MANAGER $1.70ï¬0 $3.50 $1.50 to $1.90 $2.00 .50