Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Sep 1909, p. 1

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,w, 1 umls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Lica'ned \ezctioneers for the County of York. 5 Nos “tended to on shortes noticeand n. ma. commie rates Patronage solicized AT THE LIEERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. Licona e Auctioueat to:- the County of York re- apors-Mully solicits your patronage and friendly in finance sues atbnmi'ed on the shortest notice Incl at emsouabamtes P 0 address King {dawned rumimxaer for the County 0! Yo k (in) a is 3011 a 1 3.:43i4muant General mugs a; J : am; No uphiy ubbeulled :0 at reasounbk mm: isshlo’ma Uuiunville '9! .L Li‘ 1.11 hug, Newton Brook, agent for the a ma VOL. XXXII. (Succxrxsan TO UK. H. \V. ANDERSON) Um: Yang» and Blunt Stan, Tun-onto. wan he in Richmond Hi” every ' \lemmday. Office, next dour nurth of Stand- ard Brmk. Office Hoursâ€"9 3L. m. m 5 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, .L‘H URSDAY MORNING Teacher of Piano-playing and Theory at the Modvl School of Music, Toronto. Special cn'urse in “Myer-’8" Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. 42-1V Pupils prepared for Piano and Theory Examinatiunrs at, the Toronto Con- servatory nf Music and the Univm-sity of Toronto. Studio, “Ruck Haven," Richmond Hill. o ‘t Booklet with Terms, , ca t-inn. Fall Lem: uppns September 2nd, 1909- Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intermedgmv l-xamimuion at Toronto Conservatory and ()ullege 0f Mgsic: '1‘ S»i;eon, MLple .‘. F. McMAHON. 351 per annum, in advancaj MISS MIuLIE TRENCH Ono schnM that, stands at the hmul in Thumughness, Popularity, and Genuin Mm-ii‘ is the It enjoys a l.” ,m‘lmumge because its superior Walk is so well known. Get your training here and be satis- fied. All graduate-s easily get posi- tions. Catalogue free. Enter now. Con. YoNG: AND ALEXANDER STs. W J. ELLIOTT Prlycipal. “a...” __L_ , DR. FULTON RISDON. {be utist, VETERINARY SURGEON, ’E‘hornhill. J'. E‘ARLE NEWTON BUSINESS CARDS. Szu ii TORONTO. ONT. (Elm gfiihml GET THE BEST. 1T PAYS. Is P U‘BLISHE 1,- E vim Y Pupil of Wm. H. Sherwood Teacher of Piano Pianist and Theorist .l. 21 Pie Emma d: Barnum-01s D. G. BlanG‘lg MISS NORA MGMAHCN ELLIOTT RXGEIMOND HILL :9“ dc NlcEweu. «veterinary Fianiste flezztal. entice, Richmond H‘ill. &c., on appliâ€" J K McEweu Weston RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1.909 A G F‘ Lawrence F J Dunbar HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . PIANO TUNING B.~\RRIS'1‘ER., Soucn‘un, NOTARY, ETC. V 'i‘nrrmm Office. 33 Richmnnd St. \Vest. \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill ()Ffiw (“Libel-:11” Olfiw), every Thursday fm-mmun. Mth), Thursday after-11mm. \Vnodhl'iduv, Saturday furommn. Money to [mm at, Five’i’m- Cent, (5%).‘ Barristers and solicllors. Monev to loan on :und annoum-bu: mortgagesa lowest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Removea lo the old post 0“ch one door west of the entrance to the Ohtarlo Bank Newnmrket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pustorfiw T HERBERTLENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurora. New CCMM’ISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. Barristers, Solicmrs. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS :60 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada FRANK DENTON, K. C. IlERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF - Phone Main 311. Riohmoho Hill Barristers,30ficitors. tharies, &c. {1mm Life Building Cm. Advlclide & Victoria 818.. 'j‘uumto. Danton, Dunn & Boultbee DI. 'FEEFY. NOTA RY PUBLIC JAS. N EWTON .[SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG‘IN DIIIJIQS A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at, both places. Lax-ms 5 RICHMOND HILL&THORNH[L L , YOUR COURSE in Shortlmnd 01' Business will hring you hPSL results if take-n at our old established and thurnughly reliable school. ‘Vintur Term begins Jan. 4th. Catalogue F1 96. ’ 'gtms Repaired and Export \Vork Guaranteed (Inderlakers a: Embulmors, Busifiééé‘ College Central Y. M.C.A. Bldg.. Toronto. British American H. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence & Dunbar, REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNIâ€"IILL Commissionm, Conveyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issue-r of Marriage Licenses. ENNOX & MORGAN . EDWARD FRANCIS, .7051: 3. Qavz'dson THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS. VOIGING AND . . . . ACTKON REGULATING WILLIAM COOK NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER IN THE £11131, In Essentiaic, Um'ty; C Sweet to Eat A undumel Atkinson & SwitzE‘r.‘ Pnoue Main 198 g Oats . l Barley (BY A BANKER.) In vm-iuus parts of the globe \vhm-e cliffs of chalk nr uf szmdstnne turn) the avast-line, landslips are not of infre- quent, necurrenuvs. (-wml instances uf thL-se suhsidvnces may he obswved qund the British masts. (me of the most, striking (of tlwm “H lwing 0n the \Vood's Souvenir Coffee. in 1 pound c_aAty}istex-s,n 9'93“th ground. 40c. tin Coast. of Kent, where the snow-white chalk ('lll’fs appear Ln have lwvn exposed to smile (:mn‘uls‘iw urgasm of Nature which has rent from them a great; sec» Linu,’ apparently partially sinking it tutu the depths of the earth, and calls- ing an irregular upheaval of hillncks. and kuulls, and Cl'nng; hvro cleft as lay the cyclupt-au aer nf some Titan into drop fissures and rifts; here a jagg! (l, angular mass dislodged frmn above and hurtlt-d (lmvu the steep acclivity on to the heat-h beneath, where it remains a jutting prmnrmhu-y expnsed m the on- slaught-s hf thv wa ves; or here- a luv. ly vwdur :-clad shvltered dell. beautiful. thuugl. alas ! the basking place of the harmless hut repulsive grass 5 rake. The ,fullnwing prices are being paid by Rainer & Sliver ut the elevator at the O.N.O. st-nLiou. Fall W hpat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980. to 990. Goose \Vheat, . . . . . . . . . . . . 930. to 95c. The entire- extent, of this wildly pic- rurusque and luvt-ly wildurrn'ss of lwau- (y is nrmnnents-d with u luxuriant; growth nf flmvvring shruhs and dwarf lrmas; while ew-rv open space is n pnrterre of wild flmvorsâ€"doliwrbr- ruck. rum-s, pink cenLnuI-y, the hundsmne saffron lemon Umdflnxâ€"why (his name fur such a. beautiful flnwer?â€" Wild inignonette, [all pink willow herb, with many another hmuity of the fields; while- lhv “traveller‘s joy” entwrnes and wreuihs itself among the branches of (’VPH lofty trevs, crowning even the highest. branches with Chaplets and garlands of its beautiful cream coloured Hows-rs. Cuntrasting strangely with the Striking and lmmlSulne Viburnum, gunde with a profusion of curymlm ()f Vermilion-pink berries. like clustel Pd murals. of which numbexlelss examples may be seen in all directiuns. VVind- ing amidst all this beauty, Vhem’nth archvs of overhanging bunglis, nre many hy~pzlrhs. up hill, down dale, through glen and combs. dowxru steep declivity to the sen shore, or by the side of n, purling stream or bumklet, every turn of the path opening out; some new vista of lwnuty. or smne fresh display of flm‘ul adornment. “ “limb is the Matter_ wiLh the Churches P” is answered by many dis- tinguished men of many varying creeds in The Delineutnr for Octuher, The question asked by Theodore Dr?- iser, the editor. has bmughb out re- sponses that will he of widest, interest. The points of view of Cardinal Gihbcus and the Rev. Emil G. Hirsch, D. D.. of the Rev. Charles H. Parkhnrst, D. D., and the Rev. Charles F. Aked, D.D.. of the Rev. Shailvr Mathews, DD, and Gipsy SmiLh, differ Widely. yet each utters truths that, are most. illuminat- ing. 25 bars of Comfort, Eclipse and Richard’s pure snaps for $1.00. AL- kinsou & Switzer. In the llnckgmund is Xhe lofty lineof chalk cliffs towering upwards to the sky, while fur beneath, the rolling hillnws break upon the ruck-strewn shore, frnm time to time dislodgng from the chalk cliffs spheroids 0f py- rites. which when hmken appear as if formed of crystallized gold. And in the solitude of these beauties of Nature the mind turns in gratitude to the. Creator of it all fol having. with sur- passing and incomprehensible condese tension and love, cnnsented to suffer scorn, and nblnq uy, and racking ugnny at the hands of the ungrateful dwellers uprm this planet, in order that by undergoing-all that sufferingnpun their behalf as punishment for their sins. all and any who will may he pardoned and eternally saved from the terrors of the wrath to come. It’s a. pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart and Kidneys. That is all wrong! A weak Stunmch means weak Stomach nerves, always. And this is also true of the Heart and Kidneys. The week nerves are instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr. Shoup’s Restorative is promptly helping Stomach, Heart and Kidney ailments. The Restorative reaches out for the actual cause of these. ailmentsâ€"failing“inside nerves.” Anyway test the Restorative 48 hours. It won’t cme so soon as that, but you will surely know that help is cmnino'. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. THE DELINEATOR FOR OCTOBER. A WILDERNESS OF_BEAUTY. in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” GRAIN MARKET. . . . . . 980. to 990. . . . . . 930. to 950. . . . . . 380. to 39am . . . . . 50c. to 520. The, 102ml anniversary of the settle ment of the Hai tman family on lot 80, Con. 1, \Vhitchm-ch,-one mile east of Aurora. held on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. Lot L. Hartman, on Monday of last week, was as enjoy- able as it was unique. At 11 o’clock a. large. and handsome monument was llDVt‘lll‘d in the Aurora cemetery in the. presence of a large nun.ber of relatives and friends, when Sir William Mulock delivered an eloquent and ap )ropriate address. Sir \Villiam ma e kindly refmence to the late John Hartman and. his descendants, and gave .some interesting history in connection with the eain pioneeis in this section of the Country. The guests to the number of nearly three. hundred, some of whom came thousands of miles to be present on the happy occasion, afterwards re- paired to the homestead, where a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. The lawn was handsomely decorated with flags, hunting and flowers, and all par- took of an excellent repast. After the refreshments had been served, “The King” was toasted, after which a mun- ber of able speeches Were delivered, Mr. Lot Hart-man acting as chairman. The speakers were Sir William Mulock, Justice Clute, Mr. Clayton Hartman, Hon. E. J. Davis, and Mr. R. W. Donn. The formal proceedings being over, relatiVes and friends spent a happy time together, recounting the events of former days, and renewing acquain- tanceship. Some of the relatives, now grown to manhood and womanhood, met each other for the first time. Among the many pleasantfeatureswas a small log house, a reproduction of the first one erected on the homestead over 100 years ago, the work of Mr. Lot Hartman. In this house were a large number of interesting relics which had been used in the early part of the last century. As might be supposed, the host and hostess and other members of the family were complimented on the success of the happy re-union, an event which will long he remembered by all who were there. Barrie . . . . . . . . . . Bultnn. .. ... Bradford . . . . . . . . Brampton . . . . . . Benverton . . . . . . . Coukstnwn . . . . . London . . . . . . . Markham . . . Newmzu-ket . . . , . . Orilliu. ..‘. .. Schumberg .. . . . Scarhm-o. . . . . . . VVnodhr-idge . v . . . “795mm...” By-laws were fiassed instructin the Clerk to levy rates for Countv, lgnwn- ship, Schomherg Police Village. King City and Kettlehy special and town- ship school purposos, and such ad- ditional School Section rates as the trustees of the several School'Sections require. and a by’law appointing Robb. Rutherford as collector fur the south- ern division and Ar‘temus Hnmbleton for the northern division. British Columbia. Salnmn, 1 lb. flatsfi 2 (ins for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzer. Tickling or dry coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy. And it is so thoroughly harmless. that Dr. Shoop tells mot hers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems ofa lung‘henl- ing mountainous shrub give the cura- tive properties to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy. It calms the cough, and heals the sensative bronchial membranes. No opium, no chloroform. Nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. De- mand Dr. Shoop’s, accept. no other. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Dugganâ€"Phillipsâ€"Tlmt the follow- ing wire fence bonus be paid, the same having been inspected :â€"Charles E. Porter, $3.00; John H. Thompson, $6.40; James Bryen, $3.20; Robert) \Veir. $3.20. Phillips â€" Carley â€"- That Andrew Hammn be paid the sum of $20.00 fur the keep of indigent child for three months, and that the township will not be liable’forfinythiqg further. Duggnnâ€" Carley 'â€" Th‘it rrtrliér V fixisual gram; of $35.00 be made to the Schum- beflg @gl‘iculplhl‘fill Sociflpy. C‘éx-lé§â€" Phillips â€"â€" Th'nt, the usual grant of $20.00 be granted to the King Plnwmen’s Assnciatiun. Council then adjourned to meet at Wright‘s Hotel, Nobletun, on Satur- day, Sept. 25th. The Council in committee of the whole, after confirming the minutes of previous meeting, passst a large number of accounts and authorized thsir paymeni._m The last regular meeting of, King Council was held in the Temperance H551]. thtlehy, ‘ HARTMAN FAMILY RE-UNION DATES OF FAIRS. KING COUNCIL. . . . . . Sept. 27. 28. 29 .. Oct.4, 5 . . . . . . . . Oct. 19, 20 . . . . . . . St pt. 21. 22 .. 0015.5.6 . . . . . . . . . Out, 5, 6 . . . . . Sept. 10 to 18 . Oct. 6. 7. 8 .Sopt. 29, 80, Oct. 1 . . . . . . . Sept. 23. 24 Oct. 14, 15 .. ...Sept. 29 ..... Oat. 12. 1:; . Oct. 1.2 iCanadian P u b - ‘lishing Company Cassel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.50 The Story Teller . . 1.70, The Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . s 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . 1.50 Little Folks . . , ' . 1.50 Chums . . . . . . 1.50 All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and ’can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countrxes for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelaide St. \N. Toronto For sale at the C. N. ‘ Station, or delivered in t‘ village and vicinity»â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS’ lick l Don’t M‘sk even one single penny! And I will tell you why I say this. 1!: is pecause ever package 9f Dr._8hoop'l medicine as absolute 31 free V" at fully. No one need risk even one singio penny. _ Just think what shin means :07 the suffer!“ plan. Besides. the books will open up new und helpful ideas to you. They tell of my 30 years ex- perience at the in homes an in Hospl mls. All phase a ‘ and relic are told 01 here. They A- “inside nerve" -» ,§ 31108 9 trht [19 larger _th nolarger th ' sianWal’ bat giws flu Heart its impu se. How the Stomach andKi y, finch have their inside or power nerve. How these means sur 1 ' falter when these controlina ‘- to fail. 'How Dr. Shoop'l V ese failing nerves ~ A. restart; the loss V help youâ€"ii it ii «to do so. My ban withiq the power of med' effort is surely worth yo _ Ne request. 80 wflu now. while it is fresh mind. ion tomomi never comes. Dr. Shoop. Box 12. Racine. Wis.- No. 1 On Dyspepsia. 3‘10- 2 0n the Hem R6; S T: iiié iiiéhéys J. H. RAMER GOA E... [Single copies,~ 3 cts. Which Book Shall 1 Send You? No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men No. 6 0n Rheumatism No'xz in the

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