home, 1L3;lnss0nd Hiil, year. Funern‘: ‘di':‘<'!11:-s(}ex)v. In IIeudfm-C {‘{antt’l‘yn VVILEY.~ r A 1'. fiirhnmnd Hi 1909, Mary f\§'(-Lvlian. wii Vi’ilvy‘ m ism- 71th year. Funerm S!"‘\-‘i<':‘ at hi-I- lat! Thurs! «1): interment i Cemetery BEYNON.-~ A '1» M2 Mucplim-z Toronto. m: Tuesday, 55v JONEQWAL Umnga Vailoy. (m \Ved- nesduy. Sept. 8, 1909. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones, a daughter. Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"Du Shuop’sâ€"â€"- stop headache, womanly painsl any ain, anywl'wre. in 20 minutes, sure. ormulu ()1) 25a box. Ask ynm' drug' gist; m‘ doshâ€: about this fun mula~1fls ï¬ne. W1 A, Handel-son. Mr. J. Vi Bl'mlkev. of Thmmhill, hns purclm-gml the Arnuld estate just south of the ‘.’1,]?i}!_“, which he hns vr-ry much improwa Mr. Henry, manager of the Sterlng Bank at, Thnruhill, has taken the new hnuse nmv heng vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Breakey. Mr. B. Hoise, of Toronto. has pur- chased the. Unncm-d stow. property and will mnvu there as soon as he dispnses of his business in the city. A disastrous ï¬rP occurred at the stables of the Hendrie Company at the come-r Hf From; and Peter streets, Toronto. Lemming out of a mwhoat ()fl’ Sunny- ai'de tn adjust the rudder, Miss Jessie McLean f9†into the lake and was nearly drowned. Commander- Peary. in :m intm‘view at; Battle Harbor. declared that he. himSvH.’ was the only white man who ever Show} at Lhe pole. to ï¬ll the rodent with something more than apples. A young snn loaded the gun. putting in an extra heavy change of powder and shot. The result; was that, when M) . Baker pulled the trigger the gun exploded, carrying away his thumb and ï¬rst, ï¬nger The doctor was at, once telephoned for. and speedily came and lmndngéd the injured limbs. The patienï¬s doing as well as can he expected, and it; is thought that had it not been for the telephone and auto- mobile Mr. Baker might; have bled to death before the arrival of a. ductor. Mr. “7. T. R. Preston said that, Pro- testant [missionary effort in Japan had failed. Drive Rheumatism out of the blood ‘with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic RemevM and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-(ms never did reach the real di- sease. Rheumatism is’nt in the skin. Ib’s deep down. it‘s constitutional. Get- ting rid of the pain, is after all, what; counts. That is why Dr. Shnop’s Rheu- matic Remedy goes by word of mouth from one to another. And heroin lies the popularity of this remedy. IL is winning defenders everywhere. Tull- lets or liquid. Sold by \V.AA.S:mdei-sun. On Tuesday morning of last, week, Mr. Ahram Baker, of Victmia. Squat-c, suffered :L painful accidvm. For sume time previous, squirrels having fre- guented Mr. Baker’s orchard, pal-tak- mg of the forbidden fruit. he resolved EYNON.~~ Toronto. w ’k‘uesdny, Soplrmhm' H, 1909, i“:“€‘n§"i H k Ambrose. infant sun of Mr. and Rim. Grunge M. Beynon, aged fom' mum hs and ten (1; Vs. M111 y OOH-HT Sept. 5', (If My} Miss Sadie Hudson of Ruvenu and Miss Maud Julian of Fevm‘shnm reâ€" turned home last Friday after spend- ing a week with their aunt, MIS. _VVm. Clement. A large nuiï¬geFâ€"fgénr Blace took in the Exhibition last week. All ream-t, h‘gvipg an _ex_ce]lent time Mrs. Dent/an of Vingisiting with her daughter, Mrs. Gen. Cook. "Highland": Film: 112-, n Mr. J. Pxercey of Testnn left on the 7th for a. trip to the Northwest. He intends visiting with his son and daughter at Yorkton and stopping at other p‘l‘acgs of intgrqsp along the line. Mrs.‘ s. 'Bbw‘v‘eg‘df ‘t'ï¬i‘s‘ï¬ié‘fe vié'ii'. ing with Mrs. J._Piercey of Teston. Miss Bessie Dndd of Buffalo and Miss Flo Sbihbs of Bradford and Mr. Gen. Chadwick of York, accompanied by his two nieces of Onllia, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. M. Nixon. “Shady Bank†Farm. Mrs. T. Cain, accompanied by 1101' son and daughter of White Rose, is spending a. few days with her father, Mr. John Jackson. Miss Harriett; Judges of Richmond Hill spent from Saturday till Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Judges. "Gentle Breeze" home. She also dulled on some of her friends argynd glue geighbm hood. Miss Gertrude Nixon is again under the parental roof here after spending a couple of weeks visiting‘with her aunt. Miss B. Dodd of Bradford. RICHMOND HILL. 01m. SEPT. 16. 1909 Wu flihml.‘ = . scnlyx. on Mnndny. Svpt. A i‘hul'lmrz- Lewk. :11 her ,u: imsond Hiil, in hm- 70th GUN EXPLODED. News Notes '- at hi-i- lutv [Phidf‘V-JCP. intvrmonb in Tl'xmnhill DEATHS. BIRTHS. whnmnd Hill. Svpt. 7th. [‘Lvlizm. Wife of (u‘wmrd Hope. Intmtmon‘; in her An up-tn-dale, eighbmmnnd, brick vmwerml house. equipped \v1Lh fur- nace, bath, hot and cold water, and CI’SspUOl. A ï¬rstrclnss sluhle’ and garage, with half an acre of land. At 'l‘hm'nhill Switch, on Metropolitan Railway. Purchaser may Ivave $3000 on mortgage. Apply to Real Estate Agent, ' H. A. NICHOLLS. 8-tf Richmond Hill 12-2 Electors are called upon to examine the said List and if an omissions or any other errors are found therein tn take immediate proceedings [0 have lthe said errors corrected according to aw. J. B. MCLEAN. V Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 16th day of Sept, 1909. I.) n Legislative Assymhly and 3!, Municipal Elections; and that Said List, was FIRST POSTED UPut/ my nfl‘icv at the village of Maple on the SIX'I‘EEN'I‘H DAY OF SEPTEMBER 197373; 1111' r243 mains there for inspectinn Notice is hereby gin-n that, I have transmitted or delivered to the pvr- snns n‘ientinned in the Eighth and Ninth Sectinns of "The Vntm-s’ List, Act.†the copies I'equirvd hv Said Seu- tiuns to he so transmitted or (lolivm-I-d (If the List made pursuant to said Alzb and amendments then-em nf all persons appearing by the last Revise-d Asse-ss- Inth Roll of the said B’lunivipulity to be entitled to vote in the- said Munici- pality at Elections for Mvmlwrs of the Voters’ List, 1969 VAUGHAN SATURDAY, SEPT. 18.â€"â€"Anctinn sale of implements, furniture, etc., at her residence, 'l'hnrnhill. the property of Mrs. N. Bannon. Sule;1bl:30. Terms cash. SAIGEON & MCEWEN, am; tvioneers. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 29.â€"â€"Auct.ion sale of household furniture, etc., at her hnmP, Richmond Hill, the prupmmy of Miss Sterling. Sale at 2 n’clnck. Tel-ms cash. SAIGonAz MCEWEN. A full stock of Fruit. Jm-s, all sizes, Jar Rubbers, Pickling Spices and Vin- egars. Atkinsm1& Switzer. ‘. The exhibit nf sheaves of oats. wheat, and barley from the prize-winning ï¬elds in the Standing Field Crop Gum- petitiuns in Ontario was an innovatinn which attracted great attention at the National Exhibition in Turonm. In nrdertn equalize conditions the Pruâ€" vince was divided into threeldistricts. and competitors could show only in the district in which they reside. Mr. Frank Legge. of Bond Luke Farm. whu exhibited through theâ€Richmund Hill Agricultural Society, secured third prize in sheaf harlev in District No. 3, cmnprising York, Simone and all cunn- ties west and south west of szune. at a mere fraction of original cost. These cars are taken by us as part payment for the newest and latest models, and are such as we can tlior- oughly recommepd. Any machine we send out is guaranteed to be in ï¬rst-class condltlon, apd beypnd the fact that second-hand cars are not th1s year’s style, there '15 nothxqg wrong With them in any way_ We use them as a means of mtroducnon to the country trade, and make the values extra specxal toencourage qu1ck buying. If interested 59ml your name and address for fuller partlculars. ’ If automobiles are needed anywhere at all they are in the country“ One of the speakers of the Women’s Insï¬tute, at Guelph, recently pre' dicted that the time was near at hand when farmer’s wives would run their own automobiles. Nor is the prediction a visionary one. Like the telephone and the trolley, the automobile seems destined to add to the comfort of country life, and the cost will not interfere with your buying. We can sell High-Glass Automobiies and Bicycle}: Municipality of the Township (1 WHY NOT OWN AN AUTbMGBaLE? Fear of having a tooth extracted ls unnecessary under our special treat- ment. We often remove four and ï¬ve at one slt- tingâ€"impossible if at- tended by pain. For Sale County of Ym k. A1 cbion SHEAF EXHIBIT." Good Secanddï¬amd Machsnes H‘i Richmond Hill. 'MI'SS NOBLE, Maple Or to WILLIAM COOK, Barrister, 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto. 48-tf \Vest half lot 23. in 4th concession Vaughan. 0n Yonge street, Richmond Hill, in centre of village. Possession the middle of September. A family with- out children preferred. 9-tf 9~3 An ()xfnrd Laurel. nearly new, gnod heater; also an Oxford Range, 11 good baker. High Schonl students pn-ferred. Apply at 10-2 THE LIBERAL OFF: Boarders Wanted 10»6 0n snnth rust (-nrnm- hf lut RF}. mun. 4, Va'ughun, in Int. (:nntnining Gum-vs. mm-v m- lvss‘. On (1w prmnisvs are a gum] fmme house and stahiv. Apply in ALFRED BISHOP, . Nmymnrket P. 0. “nr 10 JOHN NIXON.“ King P. 0. 1n On Thursday night. Svpt. 2, mu Hall St... a purse: cnntnining it sum nf mumoy. Finder can have same by running prnpvrty. 1. An automobile cover was fuund .‘I, fmv days ago a shm t (“slam-o south hf Richmond Hill. The nwm-r may have same by proving prupvrty at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce and paying expenses. 1272 A gnnd S-l'nmnvd hrick home with all mudvrn cnnvvniemws. Will be up cunt; the 15th of Outuhpr. 12-3 House For Sale or to Rent. 1 top buggy, harness, robe. blankets, etc. Alan 500 cedar fence pusls. Ap- ply after 6 p.11). or on Saturday ufu-r- noun Lu J. H. NAUGHTON. 12-1 ' Concrete mixer, nearly new, hmguiu if taken quickly. Call and see it (11' write tn vah'e horsepower gasoline engine, alsn ~1in aulmnnhilé. \Vill'sell \‘(iry cheap to quick purchaser; M’rite Lu ' _ J. \VINGER, 12~1 ' "Thai-"hill. Farm for Sale House to Rent For Sale Apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. THE 'LIBERAL OFFICE. For Sale For Sale For Sale Bbund Found THE BARBER SHOP. HENRY W INGER. Oar-n “19, Out. TORONTO, ONT Richmond Hill Bnln-ry. Apply at D. HILL. M. MCNAIR. Elgin BIilIS. Thu‘hl hill. U York'County' The Daily Mail and Ema x pire, one year (York 00 u nty) ' The Daily Star, received on day of publication The Daily Star, not receivâ€" ed day of publication Family Herald and Week- ly Star, to Jan. 1, 1910 Nevyldea Woman‘s Maga- NAUGHTON BROS», - Elgin Mills Farmer’s Advocate ¢§¢¢§+¢¢¢¢94§§¢§§0¢¢9¢6¢¢¢ §¢¢¢§6¢¢§¢§¢§ :00 900+0O§6§OO¢§§+§O§O¢O§OOOQOOM 099090 O§§§O¢§§+§§N1 per gallon for Cgai oi} in lots of 5 gallons or more taken away from our store by the purchaser. This oil is equal in quality to what you may have been paging 26c. per gallon for elsewhere. It’s a moneyvlo. i‘tg pro~ position for us at this priceâ€"just a way we had taken oftesting the buéirxess bringing qualities of the Con- servator. The price and offer is gowd only on presen- tation of this advertisement in our store and is void after October 2nd THE RUSSH‘L HARDWARE 126 East King St, Toronto RATES All Advance Styles on American Lasts THE WELL-KNOWN MODEL SHOE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED All solid Imthvr \Vux-sown throng-hunt SHIP lvu1 hux- counters Full flLLvrs \Ve carry a full lino of >99+¢¢6§¢4+§§§ 1.40 C0.