Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1909, p. 3

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Men of moderate means last spring became by' fall men of great wealth after the sugar crop had been marketed. Small planters of pineapples of a few seasons ago are men of high finance today, expend- ‘ing hundreds of thousands of (lulâ€" lal‘s annually advertising their onlâ€" §But that was. not. worth a tenth of t at sum all told ten years age. Employment of Boys May Do Away With Servant Problem. Why not employ boys as “houseâ€" maids” and be rid at once and for all of the everlasting “servant roblem” l A London woman who had had desperate experience with the ordinary servant decided to install a boy. She got a bright and intelligent one from an ageing, and he developed into a most cre- ditable “mother’s help.” livii, clean, intelligent, always willing, and invariably quick, the lad prov ed himself more than the equal of the average female servant. “The wages boys require are small,” writes Mrs. Carey, who advocates the employment of boys, and she gives some valuable information on the subject in a booklet which has just been published. A REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION. Of the many magnificent features at Khe Toronto Exhibition this year none was more remarkable nor created more gen- uine interest than the demonstration of (he ” Nugget ” Shoe Polishes in the Main B uilrd i n g. Hawaii Turning Out Men of Mil- lions by the Score. There are firebany more self» made millionaires residing in Ho- nolulu than in any city twice its size on the mainland. According to Van Norden’s Magazine, there are scores of millionaires made and in_ the making in Hawaii. The domonstrater polished a shoe with file “Nugget” Polish and immediately afterwards washed it. The water ran ofir the shoe “like water ofTa duck’s back,” and the shine was not destroyed, which proves that “Nugget” is a waterproof polish. The shoe was then wiped on a clean towel, but the polish did not rub off and soil the towel, which is conclusive evidence that it will not come off on the clothes in wet weather. (‘I‘ The “ Nugget” is a leather preserva- tive which will double (he life of your shoes. It keeps the leather soft and pliable preventing the shoe from cracking. Millions ufie it all over the civilized World. Tr ' it, and its superior qualities will be sel -evident. At all dealers, 10¢. per tin, Black or Tan. A M ILLIONAIRE F ACTORY. “Aftarnthoroughly {111' test, I can say I um delighted with it. I luv: (he but reasons forthls Conclusion ; bee-use, while evuything else I triedâ€"~salves. cmbrocn- tlona. washes. loapn. and doctors' pre- parations-Jailed Absolutely to relieve my pain and rid me of my trouble, mree boxes of Zam-Buk hive worked n complete cure. “In my opinion Zamâ€"Bnk should be evcn more widely known than n is, and I hive no objection to you publishing this letter." Zam-Buk, and I determined to give thiS balm a trial. "Gentlemen.â€"-For mlny years I was troubled with a seriaus eruption of :he skin, which was not only unsightly, but nt times very painful. I first tricd various household remedies, but all these proved almgethcr unclean. “ I then took medical advice. Not one, but :evcral doctors in turn were consulted, but I was unable to get any permanem relief. Some time back l noticed I report from a justice of the Peace who had been cured of a chronic akin-disease by For eczema, eru (ions. rashes. tetter, itch. tin worm In similar skin diseases, an-Bu is wnhcut equal. 1: also cunt cuts. burns, scams, pilel. abscesses, chronic sores. blood«ponsoninz. etc. All drug istl and store: at 50 cents A box, or on rec {or price from the an-Buk Cm, oronto. Magisnate F. Rasmussen, of an, Marquette Street, Menu-ca}, writes to the lam Buk Co. as follows:â€" BOYS AS H017 SEMAID S. Hawaii a poor man, worked hard, helped organize and conduct the Honolulu Iron Works which now makes sugar machinery to be ship~ pod to every quarter of the globe, retired from hard labor and built as his monument a hotel that is equal to any in appointment. found in London or New York and V a roof garden more spacious than any on the Continent. He is con- tent that he has lost a million maintaining this public palace, for it is a credit to Alexander Young and to Honolulu. Its building set a, new pace and the business city of wood was practically rebuilt in stone and marble. Peculiar Combinations of Two Lit- tle English Words. Esau Wood sawed wood. Esau ’Wood would saw wood. All the weed Esau Wood saw Esau Wood saw. In other words, all the wood Esau saw to saw Esau sought, to saw. OB, the wood Wood would say! And oh, the woodâ€"saw with whlch Wood would saw wood. But one day Wood’s wood saw would sa-W no wood, and thus the wood Wood sawed was not the wood Wood would saw if Wood’s wood- saw would saw wood. Now, Wood would saw wood with a wood-saw that woould saw wood, so Esau sought a saw that would saw wood. One day Esau saw a. saw saw wood as no other woodâ€"saw Wood saw would saw wood. Unique Ceremony Observed Annu- ally in India. A strange custom of fireâ€"walking is carried out annually at Mushira- bad, a. suburb of Hyderabad, Inâ€" dia, 0n the anniversary of the twen- tieth day after the death of Imam Hussain. In fact, of all the woodâ€"saws Wood ever saw saw wood Wood never saw a, woodâ€"saw that would saw wood as the woodâ€"saw Wood saw saw wood would saw wood, and I never saw a, woodâ€"saw that would saw as the woodâ€"saw Wood saw would saw until I saw Esau Wood saw wood with the wood-saw Wood saw saw wooed. Oh, the wood the woodâ€"saw Wood saw saw would saw! Oh, the. wood Wood’s woodshed would shad when Wood would saw wood with the woodâ€"saw Wood saw saw wood. Finally, no man may never know how much wood the wood-saw Wood saw would saw, if the wood-saw Wood sa-w would saw all the wood the woodâ€"saw Wood saw would saw. When a man has enough money laid aside to keep him on Easy street the rest of hit days, he ought to give others a chance. Now Wood saws wood with the wood-saw Wood saw saw wood. Several cartloads of firewood are gathered together in an open space in front of the “Asboorkhana,” and at midnight the heap is set alight. The wood burns steadily for some two hours, the heat being so in- tense that no one can stand within a distance of at least a dozen yards from the fire. When it is burnt out, the live charcoal is spread out evenly on the ground in the form of a circle, with a diameter of about six yards. When everything is ready, two men bearing “3.11113”â€" standardsâ€"jump barefooted on to this fiery carpet, and walk across 117», not; once, but at least a dozen times. The heat from the glowing embers is more fiery than when the wood is burning. The jumping of the first two men is a signal to the others, and soon several hundred persons have followed their exam- plE: Even children of all ages jump into the fire, and run across it, without the least hesitation, and all. seem to be at home. rThe strangest thing about this unique ceremony is that no one up- [ears to rrgcpive apy ~hurt. ESA U WOGD'S STORY. THE FIRE WALKERS. ISSUE NO. 39â€"09 The physicians were holding a consultation beside the cot of the man supposed to have appendicitis concealed about his person. ‘His Wifeâ€"“That’s just like a ccntemptible Iran! You’ll sit there and think mean things.” Before the other prospective opâ€" erators could reply, the patient turned his head and remarked feeb- ly: “What do you take me forâ€"a cheese '1” “True,” E-eplied the purely comâ€" mercial gentleman, “but how much do you think a. man ought to be “I believe,” said one of the sur- geons, “that we should wait and let him get stronger before cutting into him.” Her Husband~“Well it takes two to make a quarrel, so I’ll shut up.” Very many persons dive annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used, If attanked do not delav in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg’s Dysentcrv Cordial. the midi- cine that never fails to effect acuro. Those who have used it say it. acts promptly. and thoroughly subduea the pain and disease. “Worth makes the man,” sighed the philqgophe}; worth ’1’ Father (very severely)â€"-“Now, look here, Jenny, you must not en- courage that young man to stay so late every night. It is disgraceful. What does your mother say about it?” Jennyâ€"“She says men have not altered a. bit, dad I” “Father.” asked the son of a He- brew clothesâ€"dealer, “will these shirts shrink?” “Vy do you ask, mine son?” “A customer wants to know.” “Vos dey too big for ’im’l” “Yes, father.” “Den most certainly dey vill shrink.” Trial is Inexpensive.â€"To them who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailmeni arising from derangement of the digestive system, a. trial of Parme lee’s: Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed, should the sufferer be unac' quainted with them. The trial will he inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this excel- lent medicine. So effective is their action that many cures: can certain- ly be traced to their use where other pills have proved ineffective. Practically all Canadian drug- glsts, grocers and general dealers sell Wilson’s Fly Pads. If your Storekeeper does not, ask him why. Smallmanâ€"“These are hard times. I heard of a man the other day who couldn’t raise money even on Government bonds.” Slimwitrâ€" “Indeed! What was the reason ’l” Smallmanâ€"“Well, you see, he didn’t have the bonds.” “You do not doubt a trained sw1mmer could do that, d0 you, James ’2” If every housekeeper would use Wilson’s Fly Pads freely during the Summer months the house fly peril would soon be a thing of the vast. Jimmie giggled when the teacher read the story of the Rmnan who swam across the Tiber three times before breakfast. “No. sir.” answered Jimmie, “but I Wondered Why he) didn’t make it four and got back to the side his clothes were on.” Kimfly montion flw mm» of thin wiper in writing to advertisers. It takes the average man sevenâ€" teen times as long to tell what he llxiulm he lxnz'nvs nfi it does to tell what he really knows. 3E SURE V0!) GET THE KIM?) YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD-~Owing to the area popularity of “The D‘ & L." Mentho Plaster unscrupulous makers are putting up one like it. Made by Davis a. Lawrencl Co. d i e'r. DIDN’T WEAR ’EM THE DUESTION. GRIM HUMOR. NO ESCAPE. It is an undisputed fact that one packet of Wilson’s Fly Pads has actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such quantity can ever be found in a well kept house, but whether they be few or many Wilson’s Fly Pads will kill them all. The sages of the village were dis- cussing the veracity of old Si Perâ€" kins when Uncle Bill Abbott amb- led in. "7“What do you think about it, Uncle Bill?” they asked him. “Would you call Si Perkins a, liar?” “Waal,” answered Uncle Bill slowly, as he thoughtfully studied the ceiling, “I don’t know as I’d go so far as to call him a liar ex- actly, but I know this much; when feedin’ time comes, in order to get any response from his pigs he has to get somebody else to call ’em for him.” These Pills Cure Rheumatism.«o 1‘0 the many who suffer from rheu- matism a. trial of Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills is recommgnded. They have pronounced actlon upon! the liver and kidneys and by regulatâ€" ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to» direc- tions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. “Does your wife enjoy roughing it?” "Does she? Say, you should see her in a bargain rush” "They’re no need fur anyone’s borryin’ trouble; jes_t lelt ’er‘n‘borgy .__V,,, , alittle money ail; the trouble win take keer uv itself.” “Well, that’s all right. Just drop a. line to your mother inviting her to visit us. She’ll do the house- work until we can get; another maid.” Ignorance is a. CurlseH-"Kno-w thy-self” is a good admonition. wheâ€" ther referring to one’s physical condition or moral h-abitudes. The man who is acquainted with himâ€" self will know how to act when any disarrangement in his condition manifests itself. Dr. Thomas’ Ec- lectric Oil is a cheap and simple remedv for the eradica? ion of pain from the system and for the cure of all bronchial troubles. She offered an explanation of her tearful mood. “I’ve been to a wedding,” she said. “I always cry more at a. wed- dzng than I do at a funeral. It’s so much more uncertain.” Red, Weak. VVetu-y, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. Fatherâ€"“Now, look here, you girlsvâ€"w‘aen you grow up one of you must, be able to speak French and the other German.” Brendaâ€"“A11 right, Dad; and Muriel had better learn German, because she can gargle best.” A THING WORTH KMOWING is the‘ (ant, that Painkiller finds more uses in a household than any other remedy. {For a“ bowel complaints. Extent:le for cm: and wounds. Avoid substitutan. there ‘I but one “Painkiller"â€"Perry Davis'â€"25d‘ “My dear, the hired girl has quit.” A bank teller always has someâ€" thing of interest on hand. and 500. Corns cause intolerable pan: Holloway’s Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see whal amount of pain is savad. DE: RINK, GUHED New Systtm of Treatment. Recently Discovered Remedy “I12 Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results ()biained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern Medicine. Patients cured secretiy at their own homes against their own wiil and knowledge. No suffering. no injections, no loss of time, or detention from business, no had after effects. A TRICK OFTEN WORKED. WHY THE TEARS CAME. We send by mail. free of charge, our 64 page book. which fully ex- plains our modern system of treatment, of how the Drink, Tobacco and Drug habits can be rapidly overcome and cured. This hook is sent in a plain envelope, sealed from observation, so no one can tell what your letter contains. Allcorrespondence absolutely secret and confidential. Address. UNCLE EZRA SAYS : ROUGHS IT THEN. BILL’ S FAILING. A GOOD START. PORTRAIT AGENTS~~RELIABLE MEN five apart in business of their own and I“. credit. Merchants Portrait. 00.. Toronto. OUR HEAVE CURE cures where other! fail. Sells on its own merits. Best of testi- monials fnrmshed on application. As your druggm u got, you Mm». or sand «11‘ act to Four Brothers. Restoule. Price $1.40 per package. Charges paid to nearest cxs press office. None genuine without out trade mark, FOUR BROTHERS. on each ackag‘e. Try a package and be convinced. gecause others have failed is no reason why Heaven cannot be cured by using Four Brothers Heave Cure. Au iYonge St. Toronto. nreuares 'cnm" potent stenogravfiern in 30 days by the BOYD SYLâ€"LA-BIO SYSTEM. Positions Be-I “Honest endeavor may go unre- warded fur a spell. but some morn- 1n’ 1t W111 wake up an’ see “Suc- ) ' I, ccss wrlt on the footboard. The constitution gives to every man the right to free spocchâ€"un- less he is boardng in a. jail. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writing to advertisers. Eureii. Write for catalogue money or premiums send your nam and address for our 1uvenfle catalogue a easy selling househoid snacialties. 0n! adult Agents 68 mag. cnta‘vomle is flan ready, free on request. Canada Silveb cloth 00., Toronto. Ont. ‘VANTEDâ€"LOCAL AND GENERA j Agentsâ€"Liberal contracts to :00 men: apply by letter. Continental Life. Insurance Company. Toronto. Correl- pondence confidential. Ladies to do plain and light sewin’ at home, whole or spare time: 3003 pay; Work sent any distance. charg- es paid; send stamp for full parti- culars. National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. The superiority of Moth-er Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle an! give it a. trial. R OUTEMAN WANTED. TY“. AH WHOLE- saje 7 to Â¥ priyate _ families. Anal! Fm' “Soclcan” inquire at your dealers. Established 18552, taken ovsr by the Provmolfl covarnmont of Ontario, 1908. Amliuted with the Universfiy of Toronto. under thq control of the Dept‘ of Agriculture of Ont-mic. Coll ovens In Octoben 1909‘ Course of uqu exhen “Iron h 3 roll-age years. FEES PERSESSAUN 875.0“ Calendar en applicauon. E. A. A. GRANGE. “3.. 11.8. Priuoival. Dept. K OY WANTEDâ€"TO ACT AS AGENT {or “TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT" fin ‘hisjpare tinge. Gpod money. Circu- Iâ€"Qtigfi’ MVivVlrager, Toronto ‘ONG BOOK-150 FAVORITE SONGS, f Words, music; Ten cents. Arthur Rice, GranbY. Que. If V 3818â€"13 fifi'fitlawfammea Alfred Tyler. London. Ont. Ontario Veterinary College fees is the kind of education that is -/ prnvided by Canada’s oldest and best basin“: xchool, The British-American Business College Y. M.C.A. Building. Toronto. Now TEMPERANOE 8T.. THRUNTO, 0AM. OYS AND GIRLS WISHle 1TO EAR]! T. M WATSOX, BOYD‘S VSHORTHAND SCHOOL. 131‘ WANTE D. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: open for Fall Term. Start any time. Write for cabaloglm AGENTS WANTED. EDUCATIONAL. WANTED. FOR SALE. sooxm mmmrzn LAND 00.; fiarysvlllo - - California m Fruit». “(Illa And chk Grow» in: Section. Blah. buy Soil-"Ink gahd. Buy szmonh. Writ. for V N CALIFORNIA'S “SPAVIN CUREll Mailed on race! 2 “01.00. Sand for book em The Votorlnary lemon Company, leflcd, 31x A, 75 Adelaide 8... E. Toronto, Canadn. VARIANT a mmuwn GUARANTEED FREE I Principal

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