Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1909, p. 5

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0n \Vednpsdav evening Rev. Mr. B1 we lectured at Ketllvby on "Motors, Trailers and Scrap.” The Family Herald and Weekly Star, fum mnuths Lu Jamle 1. 1910. for 20 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Office. In the Methodist Church here next Sunday morning Rev. E. H. Toye will preach. 1n the evening an old friend and recent, pastor will ucunpy the pul- it. in the persun of Rev. Thomas Campbell. Rmmmxmflmn ONYX, SEPT. 23. 1909 Mrs. ShIm-r‘r- millinH-y display will open at her show rooms in Thumhill next Thursday. September 30. Rev. A. P. Brace gnes tn [slingtxm for Sunday to speak at the Sunday 51-hnul Rally and Han est, Home Ser- vices there. Anothel car of the fmumm Rathhun Star Pol-Llale (/‘enwm, will urrne this “me-k. Got it: fresh uff the (:m- flmn H. A. Ni'chulls. $8,000. Court Richmond. A. O. R. will meet Fride evening of this week. A full attendance is requested, as Mr. Butt. representative for the Order, Is expect,- ul L0 pay a visit, on that occasion. California Seeded Raisins, 16 ounce pkg., funny. 2 lbs. for 25¢. Fine Uur- x-nnts, washed and ciezuu-d, 3 lbs. fur 250. Vnstizm Currants, cleaned and stemlvss, per 1h. 11c. Atkinson & Switzw. Edgvley Uidvr and Jelly Mill npcns next Monday, Sept. 27. See- ndvt. Mr. Muses Vandal-burgh has suld his 100 acre farm three lnls south uf this; villugu. The pux-chnsvr is Mr. Janws Hunt. of Uurrville. and the price is Mr. H. A. Nichulls. real estate agent, has transfel'wd Mr. Jnhn Klinck’s property at, Eglintnn to Mr. Chalklvy, of Toronto. The price, we undm-smud, is somewhere around the six thousand dollar mark. M12 gQLFilucml. The first mpe‘Ling uf Richmond Lodgm A..F.&A.M.. after valuation will be held on Monday evening Imxt. A full attendance is requested, as the re- pnrt, of doll-gate, to the Grand Lodge and other matters will he considered. Great changes are heng made round Victoria. Square lehudisc Church. An acre is being added to the church grounds and graveyard. The sths are mm'vr] ,hack and more room is be- ing provided. In the wring the in- terim-of the. church will he overhauled. Mr. James McLean, who sent an ex- hibit, of flats to Oct-awn in the field crop competition, rPCeived word a few days mm from Mr. Radnor, Ontat-in repre- sentative for Seed Branch, that he had secured third prize. The exhibit, said Mr. Radnnr. reached the exhibitinn in gnnd cnndilinn.and weighed L03 pounds to the bushel. The annual cunvention of the York and P991 Counties Vanan’s Christian Temgemnce Union will be held in the Pres yteriun Church at Brampton next Tuesday and V’Vednosduy. There will be two sessions each day and a public meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. IL Harris of this viliage will give a report. on Flower Missions. We aré sorry to note that, Mr. J. T. Startup happened wiLh a serious‘ arci- dent yesterday morning at Innes’ Mill. He was fveding u buzz planet- when his left hand came in contact with the knives. The index and the middle finger were completely severed, and the thixd finger was also lacerated. Mr. Shin-mp was at once taken to Dr. Lungsbafi’s hospital, where the wounds were dressed. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. The annual thanksgiving gar-vice will he held in Trinity Church, Tlmrnhill, (m \Veduesday evening. Sept. 29, com- mencing at 8 n’clnck. The Right, Rev, James SWHeny. Bishop of annnto, will preach the seimnn. The music will he provided by the Choir nf Sc. Allmn’s Cathedral, Toronto. A (:nl- lectimi will he made in aid of the improvement fund of the Church. All are cordially invited to attend. ‘ The Newmal-ket Fair, to he held on Sept. 29th nod 30th. and October lst. embraces many, prominent features. The dil‘b‘GtOl‘fl-l’P are putting forth every effort to make‘ this year's exhibition excel any previously held in that town, They have bought, additional ground. erecth a cormnodious horse stable in an ideal location, thus increasing the accommodation and comfort, of exhlh- itm-s and visitors. On the third night. in the Town Hall. the society will hold :1 concert, at which the most popular artists will summary On the afternoon of the last day there will be speeding contests fm Gi'm'n race, 2.30 pace and 2.25 trot. and an open mm- for trotted-s and pacers. Purse in the last, twn xeuces each $150.00, Good bands will he in attendance each day. Don‘t fl rgt ' \a 2 fu‘? still seHing men’s .snitsai; :v. A room I" m. Atkinson & Dwit‘zer. PAINFUL ACUI DENT. NEVVMARK ET FAIR. Miss Peal] Silver. of Suttun \Vest, has been visiting friends in the villngn, and has been the guest-0f Miss \Vinnie Hume. Mrs. Fulton Chamberlain and little son, Ge-ulfrey of \Vinnippg, are spend- ing a few Weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stan-(up. Mrs. \Vm-rvn, Hewison and little nit-1:9, Box-Lie. have gnne to \Vilcux. Sash, to make a visit with the furmer’s sister, Mrs. C. I. Munro. Mrs. R. Sn‘ers. of Tot-unto. was in the villag» nu Monday. She mnden visit with her-(11d frivnd, Mrs. Graham, and cant-d on several other friends. Mrs. me and the Misses Lune, of Ym-kmn. Snsk.. after an absence of twenty yvm's, me spending a short time 11919. the guests of Mrs. Michael and Mrs. Trench, sisters of Mrs. Lane. Miss Gnmhlv, uf Oshawa, is making a visit, with Mrs. J. P. Glass. Miss Eva. Hi” [me gmw to Buffsz to spend a nnmth with relatives. Mr. Ulat-k‘snn M-«zDLnald nf tlw Stand- md Bunk staff, Br‘udfurd, was hume over Sunday. -- ’ MissesMalw’i and mm Marsh hm'e' returned hum» after spending a muntl) at Petenbm'ungh and Stony Lake. Mrs. D. B, Best, of Magnptawnn. left, for her lunme lecently, after a momha" stay with her parents at Elms Lea. VICTORIA SQUARE. The Virtm-ia Square branch 0f the VanPn’s Institute will hold their reg- ular monthly nwetlng at the home of Mrs. Isuzu: Brumwell. nn Tuesday. Sept. 28th, at 2.30, as it, has been fuuml necvssm y [0 Chang) the date. A‘papm- (m “Prgpiu-aliuns fnzn'l‘hreshlng.” \vlll be read by Mrs. Gr. Bell and Mrs. G. Fin-ester. jr. Snlus will "is:an ren- dered by Miss Armstrong and Miss \Vnts m. and a Irritation by Miss Mar- garet Brown. Visitors will b9 present from Highland Cree-k. Recipos will he exchnngvd. All are welcome. Mr. “(Ignghurty representivig the Kennedy Bll<iHPSS School. was in the Village '01: Saturday. Mr. Hugh Hilts. of Blenheim, has returned tvu spend n couple nf months with old friends in Markham tnwnship. Mr. Hersrhei Nixnn. :u'cnmpunied by his sister. Ethel. and his cousin, Miss Flmence Cain, nf Alum-a. visited with relativos in Curl-ville last. Sunday. Mise Annie Wood. of Curl-ville, is visiting with how unclv, Mr. J. Nixm). “‘lfyognVullqy’i {31 pm. Mr. Arthur Mmtsufi, nf vis- ited Sunday with relatives at, “Shady Bank" farm. Mrs. C. E. Shisler. of Medina. N. Y.. is visiting with her sister. Mrs. M. Niggqn, "ZShfldy Bank” farm. Miss? U. Bakes. of Vi'céiirin, B. 0., visited with her mother, Mrs. S. Buwes nf‘tllis p}:mn._ Miss .Myrfle Lund has returned to her home in Chicago. accompanied by Mrs. G02. Ugnlfi, _"M.-tple Grove” fan-m. Rev. Mr. Smith, ()fVi('£c;1;inVU(;l‘lVP-gnt;; Tut-onto. occupied lhv pulpit, in the NItjghOQiSAD chy-ch here last. Sunday. Mr. John Thnmaé.roif visiting with his Iii-other. Thomas, Spruce Lawn. PRESBYTE RIAN CHURC H. An Illustrated Review of the last quarter’s Sunday School lessons will be given in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday evening. Sept. 30. at80’clock. The service will he conducted by Mr. Harry L. Stark, Supt. of the Bluor St. Baptist Bible School, and will be the same as used there Sunday afternoon. Mr. \V. B. Evans, assistant Supt" will take charge. of the lantern. Mr. E. H. Hardy, 2nd assistant Supt.. will give a brief statement regarding this special form of review, and MI. Alan Delm- van, Gen. Sec.’y of Bloor St. School, will conduct the review. Some of the pictures are copies of famous paintings, and are well \voi-Lh seeing. As is the rule at Bloor St" the doors will he closed during the opening services. Silver collection to defray necessary expenses. September is noted for duck hunting and the numerous sportsmen who pur- sue this form of sport with ardour will find their favorite recreation dealt with in ample fashion in the September issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, pub- lished by W. J. Taylor. at VVoodtock, Out. This healthy and invigorating sport receives flne treatnwnt in stories of duck hunting in Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. goose shooting in the \Vest and papers on the rufl’ed goose as found in British Columbia and Ontario. Light travel and holiday sketches. with fishing papers give variety and interest to the issue. Dog lovers will welcome a further paper by Mr. Chapman dealing with the Airedale terrier. Altogether no better com- panion for the sportsman either at home, in camp, or on his travels, cam be secured than a Copy of this fine issue. ROD AND GUN FOR SEPTEMBER Very ohoice Blond Cufl’ep, ground fresh. 300.; 40c. and 456. ll). Japan Rice, the very filwst quality, per. lh. 8c. Java Rice, the lmst, obtainable, 10c. lb. Atkinsml & Switzvr. Ypstvrdny at Bond Lake Park. Mr. Harbert. W. Flenry. numnger of the Fleury Agricultural Works. estabâ€" lished in Aurora 50 years agn. was tendered n grmt receptinn by his fel- low mwnsnwn and others. Addresses \\'Pl'(_‘_delil:§l'(:d ivy grnrnnx. M.L. A.. Hun. E. J. Davis. F. Undel'hill. H. (Jane. Mnyul‘ Baldwin. J. M. \Valtnn and Mixers. Mr. Flnury madc- an up.- plqpriate reply. after which an inter- esting pmgmm of events was carried out. RECEPTION TO B. \V. FLEURY. PERSON A LS. Hope. Higbfiela, is Mr. Williqu A pleasant reunion took place a short time agn at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bailey, when the fqur brothers of Mrs. Bailey from McKeespm-t, Pu.I spent a few days with them. Mr. Ed. win Brown. who is still in the village, seems tn he iulpynving in health. Drive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr. Shuop‘s Rheunmtic Rmnedfi and see how quickly pain will depart. Rub-nus nevel-did reach the. real di- sensv. Rheumatism is’nt in the skin. It’s deep dnwn, it's constitutional. Get- ting rid of the pain. is afar-r all, what counts. That. is why Dr. Shuop’s Rheu- matic Remedy goes by wnrd of mouth from vne to another. And herein lies the pupularitynf this remedy. II. is winning defenders evm'vwhere. Tah- lets or liquid. Sold by W.A.Sanderson. The trustees 20f tlIéRIéLhodist éllurch are having graunh'thic walks pub in fr-_n_)c and at therside'of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Russel VHJIQ‘is and Miss Viult-L'Gun-ow, of Toronto, spent over ngduy zit Mir. G. Gurrmv's. The ll/nrvast Hume services at Ziun 'werc a glam] success. Despite the (lain)th deem-Minna which [end to mitigate against» buth speakm- and singers. Rev, Mr. Tuye and the Thm'n- hill Methodist. Choir pnptivntod the audience at, gaich sci-Vice. The Zinn (smigrvgutitm Is In hé Lumigmtruiuled fur their hei'rty C(LUPPI'HfiUH‘ in Beauti- fyiug the chuwh fm the occasion and for the huge amount of the thunk- utfering. which exceeded last year by nearly ten dullnrs, though last year’s (iffgi-ing vals exceptionally large. “Um-mg was exceptionally lar 8. Mr. Althllr VVeedt-n and B 1-. Snod- don. both of Tux-unto, occupied the pulpit. 0| the Methodist Church owing Ln th ahsencv (if Rev. 'E. T. Douglas at Richmond Hill. NexE Sunduyr j; “bay in the Methodist church. A servic-e for the chjld: eluvill he held at 11 a.m. . The funeral uf the infant of, Mr. and Mrs. O. '1‘. Graham tuck place on Fri- dil):_l|ft(:‘l‘nu()l'l. The I’rt-sbytvrian Clmir did exceed- ingly wvll last, Sunday evening in the AMoLhudjst Chm-(2h; und.wm-P buLhAVeH received and ’hm’rtily 'nppx-Pchitpd by the congregatihn. Miss Morgan heigvHFI' fiél'wdrxiti‘es last week as assistnnt teuchex in the Pub- lic thun]. ‘ ’ The funeral: uf the late Mr. John Ridden of Fisherville took place here on Saturday afternoon, and was large- ly ntlendegi, The six sans (if deceased acted as pull-hearers; and Rev. Mr. W hit/elnw mmdncu-d the service. The widow find family have the sympathy of all thcit friends in their hex-enve- umnt. Mrs. JuhnStnn, of Tm'onto. is s end- ingu few days at the home 0 Mr. Wm. Camp. ' ' (BY A BANKER.) How fortunate it is that this earth has but one satellite to illumine the night. For. however striking and beautiful the spectacle might. be of six or eight brilliant moons, some large. some small, sometimes occulting each other. sometimes clustered together, sometimes scattered in various parts of the heavens, and shining with varied degrees of brilliancy ; yet had we, like Saturn, ten satellites, or like Jupiter. eight. astronomy would he, in great measure. an unknown science; and, except on those extremely rare oc- cusions when the whole of the satellites were clustered in .the skies of one hem- isphere. the glories of the midnight sky wouid be invisible; the s‘cmtillating constellations would scarce ever delight us with their grandeur and their beau- ty; the: planets, except perhaps no- casionally the brightest among them, would never be seen; comets would come within our range. their lustrous, trunsplendent magnificence and grand- eur veiled' from View by the many orbed lunar illuguinations; and the brilliant displays of ‘fshooting stars" which necusionally provide such a. gor- geous and sublime pageant, appearing as though the stars of heaven were falling from their courses, and the stel- lar universe itself were being wrecked. would never be visible. And, too, the many other wonders of the stellar worldâ€"the variable stars ever waxing and warning in brilliaucy: thbse other universes Sunk deep in the profundities of' the abysm of space al- most. but not quite, beyond the re- Vealing power pf the eagle eye of the telescopic gamerzigtthe numerous but-m ing suns whoé'e fires are tinted in so many varied huesâ€"some carmine, some a brilliant; sapphire or a glowing uzule. some in vivid emerald or a lustrous aquamarine. or‘ some a delicate rose- pink. hr :i-deep orange, with the man other wonders and marvels of the mi - night skyâ€"all these bewildering and fascinating s‘plendnurs would be hidden from our view, shruuded and obscured by the ever splendent overpowering light of those numerous satellites. But happily we have but one moon ea lovely orb which though it so de- lights us during her varied phases, yet fortunatelydisappears at regular in. tervnls from ‘view; Surely this is another instance of the solicitude of the Creator in making this lavom ed earth so complete in all thutconduces to the welfare and‘the happiness of its inhab- itants. And yet, alas, they are so un- grateful thut multitudes not only ignore Him. but even refuse or neglect to accept the great expiation made by Hum on Golgothn. although for each one of those who surplicates Him for pardon and eternal ife. those ngonies which He endmed are reckoned as complete satisfaction for their mis- (If-eds. Oh! earth, earth. earth, sure] iltl‘19(}l'”flt Day those famous dwel - ers a! izlsf thy beauty who have ig- nm ed 'w. 3 Creator will bitterly me thez‘ {All} A snkounan’ rikfiXfiENTJ ’ Thornhill. Maple. +N4~MM+$*++* %~%+%-+++'H'+'P fi+M+$W$+W$Â¥ Fifi-*4"!- Bous’ 3~piece Tweed Suit-s, ' ' $4.85 & $3.25 . ' ‘l’ +-§-+++*%+*+4-*+++++%é++++1‘4"!" '1‘~l-+‘§°+'i‘+'§'++++++~§~+M+$+~bé++°¥ 1+++++++$+++++++++4 +°§++++++ ++W++++++++M++W+d~*+ 3; 0 UTFITTE R $ '1- é"P'i‘i'WW9i'4"?+ӣ"i'+€"f*+r;v-£'~1=~r+44%"? MwM-vweswwwwmg AVERY FINE LINE OF .. .. .. Samples for Fall and Winter we can refit _ghe schpr children for very littlc‘odtlay to you and' start bright and iresh. .. 30c per yd. 40-in. Navy Blue Serge, Now Sept, 16. 1-909. + II- Alfew Boys’ Sweater Coatsr ‘ left, still selling at 39c It will pay you to see these before buying elsewhere MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED Richmond Hill Hardware 00. kiwi-4%"!- Just tolet you know afew of the lines we have and will continue to keep in stock General Shelf Hardware Builders’ Hardware Stoves and Ranges Graniteware Paints and mm Tinware Paints and Oils 'I'inware Glass and Putty Roofing and Building Papers Charcoal Fence Wire and Staples Agents fnr the Celebrated ANTHONY WOVEN WIRE FENCE. Stove and Furnace Work Tlnsmlthing and Eavetronghlng Promptiy Attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed 'l'++~§"§“3 NORMAN J. GLASS .‘ Tweed Dress Goods, THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. Suits ad Overcoats just as the summer days of heat and dust have been on your own Alkinsnn&8wiizers ECONOMY The vacation season has been a trying one on your A Study in (Successors to R. C. BOULEs) JUST ARRIVED; THE lildren for the new term at a. and start them off for study NORMAN BATTY, Manager 472‘0 per yd.

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