\Vl’ight 131119.. Lnngstaif. have sold theirfm-m of 189 acres, beng lots 33 and 31, con. 1, Vaughan, Yunge 8b.. to Mr. Louis Pngv. The price paid is $14,000. The newly acquire-d pmpm-tv lies alongside Mr. Page’s, giving him a {M m of 321 acres. Rev. E. H. Toye has [men writingun smm- subjects un (he Divinity Course this week, and started back to Univm- sily m) \Vednesdny. A committee Consisting of G. Cmvio, A. G. Sawnge, G. Mchnnld and T. Lanmn has been appointed by the (-urling club to interview the village enuncil relative. tn renting the new curling rink for the conning season. Rev. G. \V. Ray, F.R.G.S., explorer of Central Bolivia and a traveller in four other of the South American re- publics, will appear in Gaucho costume. and ive his famous lecture under the auspices of the Epworth League in the Methodist Church on Monday. Oct. 11. An especially infer-testing programme is being prepared for the opening meeting of the Senior Epwnrth League un Monday evening next. when the heads of the sevmal departments will give a brief outline of their proposed work for the coming year. A full at- tendance is desired, us the new Execu- tive have several recommendations to offer. On Sunday morning next Rev. A. P. Brace will give a ï¬ve minute talk to the younger members of the emigre-ga- tion, and will also preach the ï¬nal sermon on grumbling, suhjvct, "A Perfect Cut-e fur Discontent." Rev. E. H. Toye will preach in the evening, subject, “Disregnrded Signals." Do not fail to see tho Stm-vnpticnn Views in the Px-eshytel inn Church this evening. Silver collection to defray expenses. Mr. H. A. Nicholls repmts the sale of the Schuolry property just snub!) nf the village to u Ml. Knight. of North Tux-unto. for $5,800. Mr. John '1‘. Auden-sun. piano tuner. \Vest Toronto, will he in the village the early part, uf nvxt. \VFl‘k. Any persons neodingtlyeir instrument tude will kindly lvave their order at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. A gold Snuwnir pin of one nf the northern tmvns fnund. The mvnur may have same by prnving pmpurty and :Lying for the grapes. The nwncr will now to whom to upply.~â€"Advt. Our young h-iend, Mr. Vernon Char- les, writing from Castor, Alt.a., and renewing his subscription to THE LIB- ERAL, incidentally says in speaking of the crops alnng the C. P. R. :â€"â€"-“\Ve have nu reason to kick. We have a good crop. which is all out. and shocked, and smne of it tyhl-eshod. The yield is from 50 to 70 bushels per acne.†The Family Horuld and Weekly Star. fuur months Ln January 1. 1910. for 20 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. On “"9dnosdny aftermmn Rev. Mr. Brace attended a meeting of the (Jam- pnign Committee of the Dominion Alliance Executive. Mr. Brace suys them is a. prospect (If nmu‘ly 150 cun~ tests in the coming local option cam- paign. Sunday wee-k, Oct. 10th, will he a specml day in the Methodist Church. It will be Rally Day in the Sunday School, and Harvest Home Thank- OITering at morning and evpning serâ€" vice. Rev. G. \V. Ray. F.R.G.q., the great explm-er and missionarv ()f Gen- Lral South America. will preach at ImLh services and will have souls in- teresting relics uf aboriginal life. The Junior League WI“ have its l‘pt'llillg sessiun on Monday ufternnuu at 4 o'clock. Tho lust. Fire Practice- of the wagon will he held next Monday evening. A full ultendunce’is requested. A nvw time tahlu ml the Mvtrupnli- hm Railway will go intn vlfectr next Monday, the 4th of Octnlwr. Good general servant \V:|Dt(-d. One win); is Capable! of wailing un butt-l table. See nde. elsewhere in this paper. I)i\isiull (‘murt will N- lwld horv next Saturday. the 2nd »f Octnhm. The frie-nds nf the Zinn Methodist Uhurch, East York, will hnld tlwir anniversary sex-vices October 10 and 11. On Sunday special "gt-‘rvices will he huld at 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.111 On Mon- (lny evening supper will be aerved from (i to 80’cl0ck, aftm' which Rev. C. O. Jnlmstnn will give an» of his popular lvctures. Admlssinu, 2:30. and 15c. lucimnsn HILL Own, SEPT. Pink Pain TalnlvtSâ€"JJI'. Shnop’sâ€" slup headache. wmnanly pains. any pain, anywhere. in 20 minutes, sure. Funnnlu (m 25- Lax. Ax‘k yuau- drugâ€" gisl, m-dm-iuz- :l‘"HlY this flrllllllhtm 1175 flue. \V. ‘. Surwlers; n. Ms.- Lth flihcral. H ARV EST HOM E. 30, l The schedule of the Return of Cun- victinns lwfnre Justices of the Peat-e fnr Ymk ()nllnty is published in last vaek’s Markham Economist. The re- turns aw fur the quarter ending Aug. ‘31. The nature of the case‘s includes disordorly cnnduct. assault, drunk and ldismderly. abusive language. ï¬ghting on highway, carrying Offensive wea- pon<, (tr. \\'e fail to see tho name uf ‘ any Richnmml llill citizen (.1) the hon- urerl list. King and Vaughan Plowmvn’s As- snciutinn ‘mv-tvnb Lemon’s hntvl, Aur- m-a. on \Vednesdny, the 22nd inst. The fulluwing have been appointed nflim-rs and direvLm-s:â€"Prosidvnt, Jas. McLean: vice-president, Samuel Jumâ€" ivsm): Lrvasurvr. (lieu. Luwsml; secre- tary, J. 'l‘. Suigwm. Directors: A. B. \Vells. R. Thomas, A. McCullum. J. R. Campbell, \Vm. \Vulkingtnn, Alex. (Jami-run. T. H. Legge. J. R.'VVilsmI. W. J.'\/Villis, A. L. McNeil. William Glass, Hurry Fisher, Simeon Lomnn. Samuel McClure, A. D. Carley, J. S. McNair, James A. Uanwrun, Ruhr. W. Phillips. Jas. Walker. \Villinm A. Hug- guu, George \Vond. Hurry \Vx-ight, Lennard Hutchinsnn. Hum-wry um- hers: Jame-s \Vc-lls, Andi-9w McNeil. The match is to he held on Friday. Novmuber 5th. on the farm of William Rubinsnn, lat 20, con. 2, King. one and a quarter miles west, of Aurora. ~ * v†(a Church. Toronto, will preach the ser- mnn. The music will be provided In; the choir of St. Augustine’s Church. A collection will be made in aid (If the improvement fund of the church. All are cordially invited to attend. The annual thanksgiving service will be held in St. Mary's Church, Rich- mond Hill, 0n Thursday evening. Oct. 7. commencing at Su‘clm-k. Rev. F. G. Plummel. lectnr of St. Augustine’s (VL W. ,, , A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tabletâ€"callpd Preventics~is heingdis- pensed by dI-nggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any cold~completely. And Prevent- ics being so safe and tnothspme, are very ï¬ne for children. No Quininemo laxative. nothing harsh not sickening. Bux of 48â€"25c. Suld by \V. A. Sanderâ€" SOIL Miss Ethel Nixon. of “Frog Valley" farm, accmnpnnipd hy hercousin, Miss Annie \Vuud. of Can-ville, visited with Miss Ethel Burl-y, 0f Strange, last Saturday; Mrs. Fuliertnn Gibsnn, Mls. James Mnlluy and Miss Gladys Mallny have rvtm'm-d from :1 three months’ visit to VnncuuH-r, Seattle and other points. Mr. Chas. E. anper. who retm-nvd tn attend (hp fnnPl'ul nt‘ his aunt. Miss Leek. kit on Saturday fur Lansing. Mich. where. he hnids a pusiLiun with the Olds Mnt‘m- people. KING AND VAUGHAN PLOVVMEN HOLD MEETING. Mr. George Crook. “Maple Grove" farm, lost a valuable horse one day last, week. Rev. Thus. Cumpht-ll. nf Islington. who preached (m the Methodist rircnit lust Sunday.~ was a guest nf Mr. \V. A. Sundersmn. Miss Murcie Cook, of Car-wine, visit- ed with her uncle, Mr. John Nixon, “Frog Valley†fan-natht Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker. of Minne- sota, U.S.A.. accompnnipd by Mr. and Mrs. John Nixnn, of Bradford. visited with relatives in this vicinity «me day last week. Miss J'. Jackson and Miss L. Kefl’er, of Maple, visited with ‘Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook, “Highland†farm, last, Mono day: Mr. and Mrs. Gem. Kirhy. of Can-- ville. visited with Mr. \Vm. Kirby last Sunday. Mrs. “'im-umn and Mrs. Other). of \Vest, annnLn. spvnt Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Jnlm “'nnds. Mr. Uharles Chamberlain, nf \Vinni- peg. made a call how a flaw (luys ago on a business trip Lu New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alliss. uf Grand Vimv. Manitoba. have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. [sane Crnsby. Mr. Muses Vunderhm-gh left, Tues- day fur a trip to tlw Nul'lh \Vt-str. He tank his Lickvt for Indian Head. Susk., where he will visit, his son Arthur. Mr. Elmer Bx-yson. of Lnskay, companied by M 1'. Lewis Dicvman, Teston, renewed old acquaintances this vicilnityglnst Sunday. Mr. and‘ Mrs. J. H. Sandersnn spmt fmm Sunmlny till Tuesday with reln~ ï¬ves at Dundus. Elgin Mills. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rvdditt. of Bun-i9, \vlm recentlv returned from a trip tn England. spe-nt Mundny with the Mism-s Reddittv. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac U. Culwr. of Hespeler, have been 9 ending a time with Mr. and Mrs. lux. MuCaguo, v.“ - un-u Last Sunday was Rally Day in the Methodist church hex-e. Rev. Mr. Morgan made an appropriate address to the schmvl, which proved very in- teresting for the children. MW. R. VnIuh-rlmrgh is away for“ \‘xsit'unrl intends Ln stay .1 week or twu. Miss Bark-w has gum-.1" Stmlï¬'xille \“hl‘ll‘ shv will pruhdlyly spend the fur] numths. z Atkinsnu & Switzer set-k strong ties with thuir mzny [muons hy always lmvinq tlu- 1m u t thing in ties and all sir-rs u" nackxvm : at pavpular prices. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. QUARTERLY RETURNS. PERSON ALIS. Hope. RC- of in An interesting family gathering took place last Saturday, Sept. 25th, on the old homestead, lot 14. concession 3, Markham. when 1‘ r. and Mrs. George Pudget entertained about 600f their relatives and a few intimate friends. The occasion was the 15th anniversary- of the marriage. of the host and hostess. Among those present at the happy re. union Wore Mr. Padget’s aged mother, \Vest Toronto ; John Padget and fam- ily. Buttonvillv; \Villiam Padget and family. Toronto; Thomas Padget of “"95t'l‘010nto: MI. and Mrs. Thomas Carter. their two sons and their fam- ilies: Mrs. Nelson Bell and two child~ ran and Miss Mary Bell; Mr. and Mrs. ‘VVhittakor and two children; Mr. and Mrs. John Ness. Dollar; Mr. William Ness. sr., Dollar, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cowie of Richmond Hill. In the afternoon the gentlemen present had an Interesting cricket match. while the ladies indulged in baseball. Tempting refreshments wore served. and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent to- gether. The relatives separated early in theovaning, congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Fudge-t on the sncéess of the happy (went. and thanking the host and hostess for their kind hospitality. (Du) vafer. There tendance. Quitv a number left last week on the hmnv-seekm's‘ excursion to the West. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. B. Jncksml. Miss Ethel Rupert, Mr. Eph- raim Jackson. Mr. Tom Jackson and Mr. LPwis Oliver. Rullv Day sou-vices were held in the churches last Sunday morning. , 1 I: .\ u- -- __. The monthly meeting of the W0- nwn’s Auxiliary 09‘ St. Stephen‘s church met. lzwt, Thursng at the home of Mrs. Miss Gnllunnngh and Mrsf, Buckle. of Toronto. and Miss Camp of Chicagn, were visiting last wevk at Mr. N. Umnp’g. Next Sunday evening, Oct. 3rd. 11 sax-vice nf song will in» given in Hie Methndist. rhu'rch. Thm-nhill. It has been :mnnnnced that a special! nfl’el-ing will he asked for w purchase muric fur Un‘ Uhnh'. . Mr. and Mrs. 0. B: Hivnvlf);."(?f; Thum- hill, were visiting in the village on Thuysdfly and Snr_1d_§y. Miss Nellit- Jn‘nésrtvftt'annn Road has rvsumed her class in instrumental yplgsic. and is at the home of Mrs. Ynu press the button on ynm- pocket book but lightly, and Atkinson & Switzer will do the rest, if you must have a. new suit. Mis:<Bin-goss. uf Tarznntn. is visiting hPl' friend. Miss Dorothy Rupelt. 11:-.. n n . . .- .. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General will he re- ceived'at Ottawa until Noon, nn Fri- day. the 29th Octnher, 1909, for the cunveyunce of His Majestv’s Mails. on :1 proposed Contract for fnur‘yenrs six times p91 Week ouch way, between Amber and Milliken G. T. any. Sta- tion from the Postumster General‘s pleasure._ ‘ _ A j, Mr: Jonas Shnnk is in Turnntn serv- ing-9n [bqfegty Jury. quigvnn from Wedliéédxliyiâ€"é;eï¬Â§myth“ Friday morning. . 13-2 The annual thanksgiving service held in Trinity Church last, evenin was en- joyed by all whu attended. he set» mun was helpful, and the music was particularly enjoyable. ' The éungn-gatinn of St. Luke’s chm-ch are making prepumlinns fora Buzzw, Tom and Concert, to be held in Victm-in Hall on \V‘edhfesduy. the 27th uf Oanln-l'. Amung the features will he a Fancy: \V'urk Tllhle, :1 Candy Bnuth, it Unmnmde-W'tll and an OD ungt- Tree Grow. rThe dnurs will Open at?! p.111..zln(l the Concert, will con)- mencc all 8 n’ulnck. Millinery Display MAIL CON TRACT ~ Printed notices containing furthvr int‘nrumtinn as to conditions 0f pm- posed Conn-act may be seen and blank forms of Tender may he obtained at the Post Ofï¬ce of Amber. Millikan, Al'mndule & Bagel-man’s comm and at, the Ofï¬ce of the Post, Ofï¬ce Inâ€" spector at Toronto. \Vill be pleased to show latest designs Gr. 0. ANDERSON. Superintendpnt. Post Ofï¬ce Depm'tment. Mail Sur- vice Branch. Ottawa, 15th September. :909. . 13â€"3 Thursday, September 30, ’09. MRS. SHUTER TEOBNH in FALL AND WINTER HATS. FAMILY GATHERING. Thornhill. Maple. _‘AT-_ iAtkinson & Switzer '3-++$++++++++++++H+++++++++' f++++4~ééé+++++++++4 +++++++4§~ 4"!-+$+++H$+++++++$+$++%+++ é+é¢3+¢*WM{"§"§'%‘M%+++++‘b +~§++$§5*i“¥"§"i"§"b+N-3â€%‘N+*+‘I°%i+i Wâ€*¢#QNQQQ§$Q*§ 'P‘P+'('+++++++ (-+++++-i'+4-M+‘H°M' Sept. 30, 1909. A VERY FINE LINE OF .. .. Samples for Fall and Winter w, Reminder List It will pay you to see these before buying: ' elsewhere ‘ MADE TO YOUR MEASURE. FIT AND STYLE GUARANTEED Handkerchiefs Carpets Underwear Gloves We will remind you of the rest when you come in Stoves and Hardware Are you going to buy a Range or Heater this Fall? It. will pay you to see our line. There are none better. The Imperial Oxford “ Pandora. Happy Thought Dominion Jewel “ Oxford Laurel } Base " Modern Jewel Burners Also a. full line of Heaters for small rooms. Ranges It of every description promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Agents fortheCelebx-nted ANTHONY WIRE FENCE STOVE. FURNACE AND TINWURK NQRMAN J. GLASS (“EUTB‘ITTER THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. Suits ml Overcoats Hose Supporters Corsets Mitts +§++++++Mfl+++++++++ “no†«ï¬wuowon READ THIS... (Successors to R. C. 80131.25) JUST ARRIVED; Umbrellas Embroideries Laces Ribbons sub-MM +++~§o~z~~z +4»:-+++4n++++~b+++++++~z~++++~t§$ NORMAN BATTY, Manager Lace Curtains 1‘