- Yurk Radial Railway :weL. . m-epairing pumps. . ye ails, etc. . . A . . hewm-k o_n .sidewalks. . érd. nnxmg tar. . . . . =1, teaming. . . . . . . H _ 9, work on streets. . Eugtinns were read from the. _ 'SOCiELtiUIl, asking Council n5 \um to the Legislatuxe re jmlues; from Mr. J. T. mggning his contract for :g, etc., and fmm the 'lnicipul Journal, asking brawn for same. ' {nod letter was land on the tnrtup‘s resignation was 5m on motion the petition ththe Single Tax Assucia- he) signegi by the Reeve '1'?“ {salon} the Curling Club NU.» with a. view to mfor the coming “ms arrived at. had. 11‘ . HUME, Clerk. m.â€" o.uu L T w: pail)â€" +d1lnhlm but what (u lhv largo attendâ€" mus \W=:thâ€l' unli“ g ’!1(-‘ fair. b‘: -:w R- 2 Inn ‘3 ~21 :Ju’ware Co.’y, (721122 Id"Md, druggists 'â€" ere, H. clever ‘rupalled Preven- me! ï¬ne for fev» Preventics at off all colds. fizluderson. t) ? ‘n ere held in [L unduy. In A "as! preaqhgd W fmtn, and in iog‘nr, Rev. Mr. WlDic was ren- i by Miss E. l ‘vliss Myrtle oro’nto, con- rvice. The I ated. envho had his '1 progressing :‘ lust : 135,. {family have here he has Lea . m{ave a. nus- ' esday even- mNixon, who 'I‘Ym Monday ,H. were sent t] Saturday :ey circied L headed for 191‘. G. Ru- 1my at Mr. lgraport‘smen 1.0 the Oc- Gun in asnnable flaurting v 1i e the Bckwuods a] to all oaided by the back 7f their undland n 3e great Iss7 88 8/]: /o., $1.00, mar pair, Elfl 0U, h Hattie 1th. l't 2Elson. vdy VVell- beï¬tain, all. L1( 1 1 Reâ€" ,Xallloda. "’ pun thf‘n in 3 Mar- aRich- “sun. lshé‘ ,heiihé l‘ 0 ' ('30 t inst. hwr rllll 01 um 'm‘ete. Iey. .Uald- Lricks, .nch. Han-t. fen-nu. 51 43 14 53 13357 on, The wholesome, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop‘s Cough Remedy its cum- tive properties. Tickling 01'de bron- chial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly effective Cough medi~ cine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that. they can with safety give it to even vex-y young babes. No opium, no uhhu-ofurmâ€"ahsnlutely nothing harsh or harmful. It calms the distressing cough. and heals the sensitive um- hranes. Accept no other. Drmand Dr. Shoop’s. Sold by \V. A. Sander- son. Apply to MISS NOBLE. Maple Or to \VILLIA M COOK. Barrister. 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Torontn. W A splendid opportunity to supple» ment the regular reVenne of the farm is offered to those who can compete for the large cash prizes which will be. given at the Ontario Provincial VVin- ter Fair. to be held in Guelph on Dec. 6th to 10th, 1909. About $14.000.00 will be offered as prize money in the different departments. which include the principal breeds of horses, dairy cattle, beef cattle. sheep, swine. and poultry, and also seeds. The Fair comes at a convenient season when the ï¬tting can be done. during the slack time of fall and early winter, while the few days spent in Guelph with the ex- hibits is a pleasant and proï¬table out- ing. Our readers who are interested should apply to the Secretary of the Fair, Mr. A. P. Westervelt, Toronto, for a complete list. VVt‘St ha†10$ 23. in 4th concussion Vaughan. . EXERâ€"jn Richmond Hill. \Vednes- 48â€"tf TESTON WON. The football match fur the champion- ship Of the country teams \vnsplayed an Woodbridgé last Tunsday between Teston and Noblemn for the $35 cash ‘prize'. This was won by the 'I‘eston Chaser-s by a score of 2 to I. This is an achievement wall worthy of men- tion. Names of playerszâ€"Gonl. O. Couper; defence, 0. Keys. Len 010m. ent. Wm. Power-G, R. Rumble, Ed. Conper; forward lineâ€"T. Clement, 0. Kyle, W. Cousins, T. Egan, T. \Veatherspmm. 'day, Oct. 13, 1909, to Mr; and Ms. ' Walter Eyer, a daughter. Man’s Selig Ocean Picture 00. will give one of their high-012155 entertnin- mean in the Masonic Hall Submday evening of this week. They will show the latest and most, up-to-date pictures, also illustrated songs. One night only. Do not miss it. Come and bring your friend if you want, to enjoy yourself. Doors 0 en at, 8 o’clock. Admission, l5c., chi dren, 100. The lady who buys the E. T. C(II'SPt at Atkinson & Switzer’s will never luck back bone. (2) Will every man and woman who reads this request, comply with its demands? Om' request is. write a p83tul card as follows :â€" “I respectfully beg of you to re- commend lhut the death sentence passed on Anna Robinson be omn- muted.†Sign your name and place of resi- dence, address it to the Hun. A. B. Avleswm-th, Ottawa, Canada. but it now. Mrs. Fred 0. Ward, President; Mrs. Will. Pugslvy. Superintendent, Legislation and Petition. ‘V. O. T. U. headquarters. Toronto. Ont. (3) Will you do it at once, for the imhappy victim has only six weeks to ive? \_ , mmvllfl‘ï¬sures. .v'c nmke through the courtesy and generosity of the press a Lhree-t'old “HEW-n... '(.l) ‘Vill evm'v'editm- who receives this uppenl, kindly publish it in his next issue P THE FARMER’S OPPORTUNITY. ,L Should they be extract- Od? Once outâ€"out for over! Don’t be too hasty. Dome and consult us. They MAY be saved. you nothing. Surely the matter ls warâ€. ï¬ve. minutes talk f Our adv!†com Farm for Sale CREE: ow‘xgldned Gumon Rn m. one :i {wiy In DON’T MISS THIS. For Sale BIRTHS. M , .u “5" suc- Jpareii, and her .c- Lime in which to take G. KERSVVTLL, r up [in 0n the property is said to be erected at two stnry, seven romned frame house, being otherwise known as No. 7 Arnold Street. Richmond Hill. There is also said to ban nice garden. fruit trees and hen house with a ï¬rst class well. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of the pur-. chase money at the time of sale and the balance at the expiration of thirty days thereafter without interest. The pmperty will he Ut‘fPl ed for sale subject Ln u reset ve bid. Fux'bhei- terms and cunditions 0f sale will he made known at, the time (‘1’ sale. or upon npplicnï¬ion tn Measm. Pi-nudfrmt, Dunc-rm, Grant 85 Skenns, Confederation Life Building, Tun-ant“, SilllflltA ui-s fur the above named Executor and Exmnbrix. part of the north east quarter of lot number forty-six in the ï¬rst concession of the Township of Vaughan, hntted and bounded as follows: Uommerming at the distance of seventy-six feet in an easterly course along the northern limit of Arnold Street from the South east angle of village lot now occupied by Francis Wiley and W. E. Wiley. thence northerly along the westerley boundary of the said Wiley’s lot one hundred and twelve feet more or less to a fence at present standing, thence \vesterley along said fence seventy-two feet six inches to the easterly limit of village lot at present occupied hy John Sims, thence southerly along the said easterly limit of John Sims’ lot one hundred and twelve feet more or less to the north'ei n boundary of Arnold Street, thence easterly along the said northern boundary of Arnold Street seventy-two feet six inches more or less to the place of beginning, as de- scribed in a deed from Matthew Mc- Nairaud wife to Albert Alhin, dated the second day of April._1891_. Dated the twanty seventh day of September. 1909. 15 3 Undi-I- insh uctinns from John \Vake- ï¬eld and Margaret Fisher, Executor and Executl'ix uf the last will and tes- tament, (pf Jnlxn \V'rlkf’ï¬i-‘ld, late (if the Village of Richmond Hill. retired far- mer, deceased, there will he offered fur sale by puth auction nn the premises in the said Village of Richman Hill, by J. T. Snigenn, Esq.. Auctioneer. on Saturday, the 23rd day of October, 1909, at the hour of 2 p.lil.,‘ the following propen-tngpne pag'ciel. pull)er :â€" I 16 the Village of Richmond. Hill, in the County of Yul-k, and Province of Ontario, being composed of a certain village lot in the \Vestern Division of the Village of Richmond Hill, being 8-3m Auction Sale of House and Lorin the Village of Rich- mond Hill, in the County of York, The undersigned is pleased to let. the public know that, he has been given the agency for the Ideal Wire Fence. made by the Mncgregnr, Bnnwell Fence Co. of VValkerviHe. He has He will be pit-used to hmn- frum :my p11-so11 who llct'ds any fencing done. 16-tf A good chance for a smart boy to learn blacksmibhing. . Apply to = 16-3 . \Vâ€"M. TRENUH & SON. IS PREPARED TO DO All Kinds of I: z: 2: ‘ Phonographic VVork Between Methodist Church and Lnt 40, on Sunday morning. at lmly's purse containing money. Finder will please kindly leave at, LIBERAL Ofï¬ce and re- ceive reward. Iron Posts, Law'n Gates, Small‘ Gates, Lawn Fences. â€"â€"ALSOâ€"’- Ideal Flower Bed Guards OutdonnGl-oups, Buildings. Etc. Am- ateur Dex‘vloping and Printing. 16-1 mu nun; mm § »4 w w Ind. x One new hunt. pa tvnt me, never lwen \v‘m-n. size 3-; lady's. lost. 0n road from Richmond Hill to Maple. Pleas:- leave at H. A. Nicholls, RichmundHiH. PHOTOGRAPHY hvlu'vadnuu" ï¬u‘ds us new. hm Srlnslm Cc P0110!“ formerly of Galbraith Photo Cm, Torunto Ideal Wire Panes Witâ€"1y Norm" H. B. Stirling Boy anted ï¬u‘ds us new. hm rho» Inc yr!†Ilnsuu ave \PO‘ (land Mdnemfl] we}! ,xou ubout work which : immatth with», 7. Some hnv - w 31d. Cum: "r35 «mull 1" M on“ ma, i-I' ‘ ‘QV- WM. MARTIN, me am? -'" o mgr/Own j“ 8 H3“ Lost -. “,J'fgly t_n Lost; RICHMOND HILL. I A. NICHOLLS. age: an}: The cider mill is now running every Tuesday and Thursday. After Nuv. lst it will run every day. 15-8 From lot; 35. lst mm. Vaughan, on August, 22nd, seven Ewes, four with black faces and three, with white. Anv information leading to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded. Notice of Applica- tion for Diverce. Notice is hereby given that Edward MacKay Unï¬gl‘lnn, of the City of Tur- nntn, in the County of York, and Pru- vince of Ontario, Cnmpnsitor, will ap- ply to the Parliament of Canada at the mad Session thereof for a hill of divorce from his wife, Saxah E. Creighton, of the said City of Torontn, in the. said County of Ym-k, ml the ground at adultery and des’ertiup. _ 1909. ' CURRY, O'CONNOR. WALLACE « AND MACDONALD, l4~3m A good Organ for sale cheap. the property of Miss Sterling.\ May be svell at residence of Mr. J. Hall. Grand house and lot in the centre of the village of Richmond Hill. Apply to ANDREW MILLER. - IMwJat Toronto, in the County of Ym-k, and Province of Ontutin, this glygnty-ï¬fth day of September. A.D., 15-3 9699996¢¢¢9¢099+¢¢¢9 609099 0¢§¢¢9+§NG+O v¢¢¢+¢§¢¢+¢§§§ Hausa for Sale. RichmOnd Hill Creamery. Organ for Sale complete with bayonet, would cost not less than fifteen Dellars each in the regular way. \Ve bought these'at a great bargain. If you get here he- fore this lot is sold out and present this advertisement we will sell you one lor Our priQeS {qu Loaded Shells and Ammunition are the lowest. - afterwhis lot‘ is sold. Jun 10 Gavernmem Miï¬itarg Service Magazine Rifles, lown THE BERWIGK ‘WELDRICK, Solicitm's for the Applicant. mam 1-: have the! :I . <7": g I Strayed RUSSELL HARDWARE Laugstuff P. 0., Out. Sen This surprising val-ac in ï¬rst-class wheels will he an import. ant help to the restoration of their popularity. We hme planned for a big bicycle year, and are ready with the best machine for {be money ever ofltred in Canada. r Send for Illustrated Folder 126 East King 315., Toronto VYe are making; a n.w N departure this suasun, and have arranged to sell \vl'culs‘ airâ€! by mnng ‘ swing to our custonmrs all intermediach proï¬t-z. By this plan we can x {Tar Regular $50 Hyslop Bzcyaiies - fer $25 Thol-nhill. HYSLOP BROS.. Limited $2ï¬8 High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. W'QQ 909QOOOQOOOQQOQOQOOOONOOt Thanking our many customm-s for past favors. would solicit. a continu‘ ance of the same in U]? future. An up~tn~dnte, eight-mnmed, brick venvered hnusé. equipped \Vltb fur- nace, bath, but, and cold water, and cvsspunl. A ï¬l‘SvalflSS stable and garage, with half an acre 0f land. At Thm'nhill Switch, on Metropolitan Railway. Purchaser may leave $3000 on mortgage. Apply to Real Estate Agent, H. A. NICHOLLS, 8-tf Richmond Hill. On South-east corner of lot 33, con. 4, Vaughan, a lot containing 6acres, more or 1958. On the premises are a good flame house and stable. Apply to , ~ ALFRED BISHOP. 7 Cider and of each week for the Season of 1909. COMMENCING ON SEP. 27TH, AND \VILL, RUN TILL NOV, 17TH. CIDER APPLES 'WANTED Esta». 159’). 10-6 WILL RUN 2 DAYS ONLY Mondayana Owing to the shortness of the Apple ' Crop Expect, to buy all the Cider Apples that may come. Newmarkef P. O. or to JOHN NIXON, King P. 0. EDGELEY NOTICE. For Sale For Sale Yours truly. Jelly Min V?! INGER. Tuesday Richmond Hill. C0.