Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Oct 1909, p. 8

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\VEDNESDAY, OCT. 27TH.â€"Creditsnle of farm stock near Cankstuwn, lhe x-npex-Ly of Arthur Bowen. Tm-ms. 2momhs. Salt-.‘zltlpJn. SAIGIUN & STODDART, auctioneers. THURSDAY, Oct. 28â€"Oxedit sale of farm stock, imph-monts, &c.. \Vesb Ym-k, (con. 1. Yong? SL, \Villow- dale, (hp Property nf P. S. Gibson. Sale- nt 1 0 Mock. Terms 12 month J. H. Prentice. uuct. FRIDAY, Oct. 29~â€"Credit, sale of farm stuck. implements, Mm, on lot 20, cm). 1. Vaughan, Maple, the prnper- ty of R. Mispolet. Terms 10 months. Saigeon 6; McEwen, auctioneers. SATURDAY. OCT. 30.â€"Crodit. sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 1. mm. 4, VVhitchm-ch, the pmperty of David VVidema n. Suh- atl o’clock. Terms, 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, uuctioneer. Lax-ets 5?. THURSDAY. OCT. maltâ€"Credit. $319 of farm stock, implenwnle, etc.. near Cunks‘town, the property of Gvnrge Jepps. Terms. 12 mnnths. SAIGEON & STODDART, auctioneers. THURSDAY, OCT. 218T.â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements. etc" on lot 33, con. '7, Markham, the property of Rubt. Harman. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 12 months. J. H. PRESTIGE, auctioneer. FRIDAY, Oct. 22~Credity sale. of cattle and cults, at the Maple Leaf Hotel 251151}, Tngtisjnham, the propgt-Ly (3f J. H; Brillingvr. ' Ten-us I 0th l. Saigoon & McEm-n, auctioneers. SATURDAY, OCT. 23RD.â€"Allctinn sale of the \Vakefield estate, in the vi]- age of Richmond Hill. Sale. at 2 p. m. at; the residence. SAIGEON & MCEWEN, auctioneers. SATURDAY. OCT. 16TH.â€"â€"Auction sale of furniture, etc.. in Uxhridge, the property of Mr. Fox-scythe. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, cash. J. H. PREN- TICE, auctioneer. MONDAY, Oc'r. 18TH.â€"â€"Auctirm Side of a. fen-m. farm stock, etc., on lot; 15, con. 8, Markham. the property of J. W. Johnston. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Terms, 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, auctioneer. TUESDAY. OCT. 19,â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements, etc., on lot 19, con. 9, Markham, the property of Tilman Rumor. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tex-ms. 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, auctioneer. TUESDAY. Oct. 19â€"â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc" in Etohi- noke. the property of John Brett. Terms 12 months. Suigeon & Mc-, Ewen, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. OCT. 20TH. â€" Auction sale of 10 acres of standing timber on lot 7. con. 4. Uxhridge, the property of VVillison & Co. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms. 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, auctioneer. THURSDAY. OCT Inaâ€"«Credit sale of farm stock. implements, etc., on lot 16, con. 5. West Yurk. the property of W. J. Duncan. Terms. 12 months. SAIGEON & MCEWEN, auctioneers. THURSDAY, Oct. Livâ€"Auction sale of horses, cattle and sheep. at the Palmer House. the propelty of Pat- ton and Taggart. Sale at] n‘clm‘k. Terms 3 months. Suigeon & Mc- Ewen, Acts. THURSDAY, OCT. 14TH.â€"â€"Uredit sale of farm Eitock, im laments. etc. on lot 3, con. 8, Mark am, the property nf Chas. Revnolds. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, auctioneer. FRIDAY, OCT. Iiiâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implement-s, etc., on lot 17. con 10, Markham. the property of E. J. Lawn-i9. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms. 12 months. J. H. PRENTICE, auc- Methodist, Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M ~Meets Mon- uv on or before full moon Court Richmond A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- day - . . R-. u. -- . ... ‘ mAL_,_:-A.. 3:51:14“; 'Chvt'lfiwfiér Churchâ€"Services on alter- ngtp gaudy.” at 9 .a. 113. 10.30 a. m. ‘fGy Lodge. A0 U W--Meeta third Wednesday of each youth? month Public lernry and Rea-ling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets evcrv Friday. Junior Epworhh League meets every Fri- day afternoon at 4. "iififiééhh Chfirchâ€"Services still a. mJnEK 7 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meet-mg '1; ursdav_eveni_gg. _ "(1:253 Elam. S O S â€"Meets second and fourth ngyefim _ _ -AA“ . .. .u. «AW; Hill Crest. Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets first Wednes- dnv and third Friday of each month. R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday each month Firq Brigadeâ€"Meets first Mundsy of (way Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m. In, Quid uqd 4th Smithy. ‘ Third Suntlgy_g.n 11 n. m». If. B.â€"-Registered letters must be handed in It least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closmg. Until mrther notice Mails will be closed at the Mahmoud Bill Post Office as follows :â€" 7 rMail Closes for the South Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Rivans Tabulea. nipana Tabules cure torpid Iivar. MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNIN G EVENING POST OFFICE NOTICE OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster Mplififfi G’ . . munm m Ur . EVENING .. Mail Closes for Auroraâ€" MURNING... ...l EVENING“ Morning Mail arrives 8.15 Evemng Mail arrives 0.15 Village Directory. Auction Sales. C Sweet to A cm; lowcl u 830 Native is hereby given that, Vern Ethel Kearney. of the City of Tux-onto, in the County of York and Province of Ontarin, txmrx-ied \vnman. will apply In the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a hill of divorce from her husband. \Villium J. Kear- ney, of the said City (If annntn, in the County of York, Street Railway Em- pluye. on the ground of adultery and desex'tinn. Dated at Toronto. in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, this Pygmy-fifth day of September, A.D., WA- 14311) â€"‘RiDEOâ€"I;§'T8>.i)vujé§ 6|}; headache: in RICHMOND HILL and adjoining cuunn-y. anthill Nurseries (850 acres) 4-3111 TORONTO. ONTARIO Th;- demand for Nursery Stock is increasing yearly, and if you beenme nne of our salesmen you will realize there is good money in the business fnrynu. Write at. once fur particu- lars Pay weekly. Fx-ueoutfib. STONE & WELLINGTON Notice of Applica- tion for Divorce. “CANADA’S ULDEST AND GREATEST NURSERIES” AT ONCE Confederation Life Ass. Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. Western Assurance Co. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. York Fire Ins. Co. London Guarantee 86 AooidentCo. All business will have prompt attention. All claims quickly adjusted when insured with any of these companies. CURRY. O’CONNOR. WALLACE AND MACDONALD, GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill P. G. SAVAG E A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED Pianos and Sewing Blachines. Sulicitm-s for the Applicant. Representing the Iollowing Companies:â€" INSURANCE AGENT to represent. ‘ ’ It’s made from pure white (- lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. ‘ It does not powder, flake off or crack. It forms a tough, durable film that wears and looks well for the longest time. It’s colors are clear, bright and lasting. . It Eosts less by the job than my other paint made. . « :S‘O-ugm,‘ , u The full color card show 48 handsome shades. 8.. W. P. is ' put up full measure, chimp. I... TO "I"! IWLDOIOI m cm I”, "Ollfll G-o-i‘ n g‘ trb P a; at Thenuse ; . I s r, THE slimy/NJVILLMS P11”: ‘ JACOB EYER 8c SON SOLD IV THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TICKETS for the Canadian West pmcured at The Next Sitting uf Divxsion Court fox N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Tickeis for the West DIVISION - GIIIIIIT. Our prices are reasonable and our goods wearable. Besides that, it is stylish, easy, comfortable, and has that; strong, luxurious look that. only harness rightly made ever bears; A MdEénie'fi 'ui‘fat'nfifivéiil}: Uriziaéé Str- cumtion of any scientific journal. Tex-ml for Canada.s:s.7sa our stage paid. It! an newadealemy “)0 m 80 w Mmafimaog°;mmlark Tana: Manx; ' Dumas { Cowman-rate. ‘ Anyone sending a notch and domgtan may quickly ascertain our opinion mo w e at an Invention is probahiy Patents!!! municag. uons strictly confident a]. HANDB on Patent. , “°£“€;°& 981%“? t °“°'§°£:1.‘sn Jam." ‘1: n e ton : epch noun, without 0 ‘ "Re-Inth .. _ Agfientiiic Miriam a It’s a combination of good leather and best workmanship. You won’t find any harness better than ours anywhere. 0f the Finesmua‘my THE LIBERAL OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL. Ordors taken atâ€" Saturday, Nov. 20, 1909, Cnmmencmz at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMABON 0mm}: RICHMOND HILL Ask nearest Ticket Agent for through tickets. Tickets on sale at single fare for the round trip to points Sudbury and North from Oct. 12th, and VVashago and North from Oct. 2lst, all tickets good to stop over and valid to return until Dec. 4. 1909. is found on the Canadian Northern Ontario. Ask anyone who has hunted on the line. If yun are not a hunter and you want, to join in the “Sport Of Kings” it can be made very easy for you by wxitying C. PRICE-GREEN, PAS- SENGER. AGENT. CANADIAN NORTHERN BUILDING, TORONTO, who will tell you how to go about it, where tn go, and Send you copy Of “Moose Tmils and Deer Tracks.” David Hill 86 Co. and by theix healthy appearance it is the only bread they slmuld out. CHILDREN SCRAP FOR THIS 15 TH E LOAF THE that is being usvd in nearly every hume in Richmond Hill. BEAUTIFUL LOAF OF Bathm- us. “'9 go right "lung in tin- sume old way making HM! 0xcarts nor Mom DEER iORTH E onTARIO HUNTING IN CA'NADA Ilichlnond Ilill THE BEST .i A. J. HUME The .Money You Save Saves You HOMEMADE BREAD Wished 1873 from wonyewanlâ€"dcbtâ€"humifiatiom A comfortable Bank Account gives one an easy mind, nelf-confidencc, and the power to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to halter one's position. gives Savings Dcpositors. whether their accounts be large or sma! , the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once with 5 Deposit of One Dollar or more. in out Savings Deputxnent. ' 73 TAILOR E._M. Byrne, Manager BMNCHES AUOWAT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Aeropianes OF CANADA STOUFI‘VILLE. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL 'Zfifl Llfifififlén’ $1.00 IN ADVANCE. 4‘4"? ++++$++++$+$+++++++§+++ +++++*+++*é++*$ ...Spice w. [L Sanderson + ****++++%+ i 32 44-3") Tamworth Swine. +%+++~§W++*%W+é% +~Â¥++4~+§4¢ wauwm $768K FARM. The nndvrsigm-d, rpcently employed wilh tlw Massey-Harris (70., has taken 11w Blacksmilhing business vacated by Him Bunny. and is prepared to attend tn all lll‘iklll'llf’s nf the (mule. 4F. J. WEB WARD PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC'UUN GUARANTEED GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS Nothing for sale at present but. Pure-bred Bull Calves. Pure... F. J. WUUDWARD. Holstein Cattle AND HORSE-SEWING A SPECIALTY Druggist RICHMOND HILL JOHN MCKENZIE. 77 Bmchel

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