Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Oct 1909, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. USERAL PRINTW‘G & PUBUSHING H0885 RICHMOND HILL,ON1‘. Sztigeon «It NlcEwen. Lice-119:1 \Imthnesrs fox-the Countyof York. SL103 u‘uneudadbo onshortes noticeand a. tea.- s rumble rates Patronage solicited Die/3315;! tmfloneer for the County of Y0 k G).)l$ “113:1 Jaisizunent Gsueral Hales "‘ an: em nu.) aptly mcbegded no at reasonable “.5297 Residence Unionv’iUe VOL. XXXII. moans e Auctioneex tor the County of York re- apmtfully solicxts your patronage and (giondly influence 38,108 attpuded on the shortest notice and at easonabemtas P 0 address King 'i‘ . F . MUMAHON. Gr who [s PUBLISHEDESVER? , BEURSDAY MORNING (SUCCESSOR T0 DR. H. W. ANDERSON) Gar. Ynnge and 310m- Sts., TUI‘OHLU. Will be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesday. Oifice, next dour nurth of Stand- ard Bank. Oifice Hours-9 n. m. to 5 p. m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Results count. DURING THE SEASON 1908-1909, THIRTEEN PUPILS OF ME. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OE MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Special cn'nrse in gal-ten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. 42-137 “ROCK HAVEN," RICHMOND HILL. Pinnnfm-te. Theory and Composi» tinn, Voice Cultnw, SightSinging. Piano-Ensemble, Piano-Pedagogy. it? SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. Prepares pupils for- Px-imax‘y. Junior, [ntetmedgate examination at Toronto Cnnsm-vauu'y and College of Music. a .. . -. fl, ., $1 per annum, in advance.) fiELLmT-r mn'pnumn “\T'l‘ ~ (o Newton School of Music MISS MILLIE TRENCH One school that, stands at the head in 'l‘hm-nnghuess, Popularity, and Genuin Merit is the It; enjoys a large patronage because its superior work is so well knuwn. Get your training here and be satis- fied. All graduates easily get posi- tions. Catalogue free. Enter now. Con. Yours: AND ALEXANDER STs. WA J. ELLIOTT, Primian DR. FULTON RISDDN. 'E)entist, S Ligunn. M1910 d. Lhuldmg; Néfitgfi {frookmgemfor the VETERINARY SURGEON, '1‘ horuh ill. BUSINESS CARDS. J. EARLE NEWTON, DXRECTOR DEPARTMENTS. @112 @jihezsxl TORONTO. ONT. GET THE BEST. IT PAYS; I RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano Enuon & Pnommroa. J. H Plemice. n. G. BLOUGH, wetcrizmm AT THE imam. J K McEwen Wesson 97 Organs Repaired and Expert Work Gunruntned PIANO TUNING A G F Lawrence F J Duub ar Money to loan on land anucumtel mortgages lowest rates Aurorantficeâ€"Removed to the old post oflzca one door west or the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the pact orifice T HERBERTLENNOX G ETV Manama HXGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . Barristers, Solicitars. Notaries. 8 c. Home Life Building Cm. Adelaide :5; Victoria, SLS.. Toronto. BARRISTER, SOLICITUR, NOTARY, ETC. Tumult!) Office. 33 Richmond St. VVestv, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Office (“Lilmml” Office), every Thursday forenuml. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vuudln-idge, Salim-day furrnoon. Money to [mm at Five Per Cont (5%). Danton, Dunn 8; Boult'bee Barristers, Solicturs. Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN W. MULOCK BOULTBEF Phone Main 311. LE J. Richmofiq Wfiill JAS. N EWTON DI. 'FEEFY. . NOTéBY PUBLIC, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG’IN DIIIJI 4S J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER, ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. A‘large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at; both places. RICHMO'NDHILL &THORNH1L L Lax-cats 5 RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2], 1.909 )ng t-rnl Y. M. O.A. Bldg, Toronto? YOUR COURSE in Slmrtlmnd or BusineSS will bring you best, results if taken at our old established and that-nugle reliable school. “’inter Term begins Jun. 4th. Catalogue F1 99. (Ind ermker s & E mba Imers British American BusggssmColl‘ege L, I‘Yirn A Lawrence & Dunbar Commissionm, Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORN HILL LNN‘)X 65 Barristers and solicitors. 30521 3. 9avr’dson THDRNHILL [. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC NNOX & MORG WRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK COMMISSIONER!!! THE 01 G STV MORGAN Aurora. New A cm" Bowel mm. 5 C Sweet to Eat‘ In Essentials, Un-ity; in Puoue Mair $98 At the regular meeting of the Mark- ham Toivnship Cuuncil held at Uninn- \ille on Saturday, all the members were present, with Reeve Lu-pp occu- pying the seat, of honor. - VUm'mnunicutions were l'eceivcd from Canadian Northern Railway re cross- ings in lhé municipality; \Vm. Russell to ditch ml Ynnge 8b., and T. H. Leu- nux 1'0 Gamble case. Mr. Nigh was appointed :\ commis- siuner In repair bridge on north Luwu- lino. hetween con. 3 and 4. Mr. Urmemd was appninled a com- missinm‘r to repair lnidge between lots 5 and 6, cun. 4. also Lu l'Ppflil' culvert ()ppnsitr lot 8. can. 4. Mr. Paget was uppninted to repair bxidge between lots 20 and 21, con. 3, and Mr. Kirk to put in u- new culvert app. lot, 21, con. (5; also to put a. new culvert between lots 10 and 11, con. 5. Mr. Ormerod was also commissioned to repair cul- vert opposite lot 1, con. 4, while the Reeve was asked to superintend the utting in of a new culvert opposite Em 5 on Pickerlng towulinp. An uneducated child is said to have '- only one chance. in 150,000 of gaining distinction, or making enough to have 1 the comforts and luxuries of life. and l saving for old age. A common school ' education increases his chance nearly four- times. A high school education ; increases the chance of the commoni school child twenty-three. times, giv- ‘ ing him about eighty-seven times the ; chance of the uneducated. A college education increases the. chance of the I high school boy nine times, giving him ‘ 219 times the chance of the common 5 school boy, and more than 800 times ‘ the chance of the untrained. l The clerk was authorized to Write the Canadian Not-then) Railway Co. and inform them that the Council H!- fuses to pass the proposed resolution until such time as their crossings shall he put in such repair as shall he satis- factory to the township council, and further that; a representative of the Council would meet a representative of the railway and go-over thp line apd point out the defects complained o. - i A number of general aécounts were passed, and the Council adjourned till Saturday, Nov. 20, at 114,111. A grant of $25uns made to Union- viljâ€"e Pruhlic: Library. > Mr. Lundy was {mid $12, two-thirds value of one thoroughbred Dorset ewe \vnlrg'icd Ely dggs. Alex. Bâ€"nyd” was paid $10.67, two- thirds value of one ewe and two lambs kil-lfd by dogs. by George Kibbe Turner, the plain story of the developmme of the White Slave traffic under Tammany rule, and “Pellagm. the Medical Mystery of To-day,” by Marinn Hamilton Carter. Another article of note is “Psychology and the Market,” hy Dr. Hugo Mun- sterberg, in which the great scientist tells how psychology may be applied to commerce and labor. \Villium Archer contributes an article on “The New Drama and the New Theatre? Glen. Binghzmi, the ex-pulice cummis- sinner, writes of va Yoxk’s organ- ized criminals; G. E. Maberlyâ€"Opplrr describes “Gormany’s Preparedness for “7am” and Lieutenant Shackleton cunelndes the siory of his dash for the South Pole. Among the Shnrt stories: “The Tiger Charm,” by Alice Pesrin; “Sergeant McOarLy’s Mistake," by P. O. Mmtfarlmw; “ The Crackajack Story," by Harald Kellm:k; “Vanity m- bhe Viewpoint,” by Stanley 01m. sized; and “The Stolen Sung,” by Michael \Villiams. To quickly check a 'culd, druggists are dispensing evn-rywhem, a clever Candy Gold Cure Tablet. called Preven- tics. Preventics are also line fur fev- elish children. Takv Preventlcs ul; the sneeze stage to head 011" v all colds. Box of 48-250. ‘ \V. A. Sanderson. The wholesome. harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing [mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shuop's Cuugh Remedy its cum- tive propel-Lies. Tickling or dry brun- chinl coughs quickly and safely yield tn this highly efi'ective Uuugh medi- cine, Dr. Shnnp assures mothers that they can with safi-ty give it, in even very young babes. Nu opium. nn chhwofuInnâ€"absolutely nothing harsh or harmful. It, calms the distressing cough, and heals the sensitive mem- branes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shonp’s. Sold by \V. A. Sanderâ€" snn. Foremost. among the articles in the November number (If McClure’s Maga- zine are: “The Daughters of the Pom,” Spiced cooked beef. Dnvies’ roast beef and chopped dried beef, 15c tin; Clark’s corned beef, 170 tin; Clark’s pork and beans, large tin, 10c. Atkin- son & Switzor. EDUCATION AND swamâ€"s, VVHAT’S IN M COLURE‘S. MARKHAM COUNCIL. N im-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Rev. J. F.‘Rayc)*aft occupied the pulpit; of the Methodist Church here I last, Sunday, and gave a, very interest- ;ing sermon from the text found in 1 Luke xiv:17, “Comm-4'0:- all things now are ready.” I Mr. J. O‘Brien of Maple renewed old ‘ acquaintances around this neighbor- 1 thd last Sunday: ‘ Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton of Elgin Mills, spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. J. Niiugl‘), “"Fmg‘Vzilley”fqrmz Some of the fnends frat}; this place nttmxded the Harvest Home sex-vices held in St). Stephen’s Church, Maple, last Sunday. . Mr. A. McQuarrie is again on the sick list. His son Pickering is also suffering from an attack of quinsy. \Ve look for their recovery. Mrs. (J. Cook, “Grand View” farm, is spendmg her vacation with relatives in Tnmnto. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mmtson and daugh- terof Patterson, and Miss E. Suther- land of Bradford, visited with friends abjfiShady prank: firm l_ast Sunday. _ u . . __. field, and Mrs. Oasberry £68171??- vey of Tellemm‘e, spent Sunday at. the home of Mr. and Mus. Wm. Thomas, “Syruce Lawn?” Miss'Fln Stebhs, of Bradford. is vis- Iting with her cousin. Miss B. Nixon, "Shady Bank” farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Barkemeyer, of McKegspgrt, _Pa., yisited with Mr. and Mrs. CfCrorok, L‘Grarnc'ir 0n_({§1ay_!;lsp week. Mr. Charles Jackson of Rhodes' Mich., is spending a few days this WeE-k vis1ting with his brother-in-law, Mr. H. D. 000k, “Highland Falm." Macmmchie’s kippered herring, ova1 tin, 170.; 3 tins Golden West pease for 250, alsn 3 tins Lakeside cox-n for-25c. Atkinson & Swim-1'. MILNEâ€"JOHNSTONâ€"-On October 16th, 1909. at VVillowdule, by Rev. F. G. Keam. Charles Stanley Milne, of Montreal, third son of Alexander Milne, Esq, Don. tn Edna. Sheppard, only daughter 0f Abraham Johnston, W’illowdale. An increase from ten to thirteen cents in jurors’mileage has just. been authorized by the Ontario Govern- ment‘ and the Sheriffs throughout the Province have been notified by the Attorney-General of the increased ul- lnwauce. The per diem allowance was increased :1 year ago from $2 to $2.50. The. new mileage allowance takes ef- fect at the Fall Assizes. GO0Dâ€"â€"On VVednesdny, Oct. 13. 1909, at his residence, 364 VViltnn avenue, Tor-unto, Jesse Goad, husband of El- len Bmphy, in his 78th year. Funeral Saturday, Oct. 16, to St. Paul’s Church, thence to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. SLXNEYâ€"Ix1 loving memory of Frankie Sliney. who died'0(:t.0her 8, 1908. “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it has pleased the. Lord so is it dune: blessed be the name of the Lm-d.” Mlss E. Hot-he of” Testér; Vi‘iegéwed old acquaintances in this vicinity last Sliqdaxtuu Mr. \Viliiam Thomas of Spruce Lawn rammed from Woudbridge fair on \Vednesday last, leaking quite happy, as he carried off the red card, which meant that he received first; prize for his team. His daughter Bessie also reg-fived'first plize for butter. Most of the farmers in this vicinity artime tgkigg 1_1p_their roots Stomach troubles would mnre quick- ly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effect, would come. into practice. A tiny, in- side hidden nerve, says, Dr. Shonp, governs and gives strength to the stomach. Ahranch also goes to the Heart, and one to the Kidneys. When these “inside nerves” fail. then the organs must falter. Dr. Shoop’s Re- storative is directed specifically to these failing nerves. Within 48 hours afterstm‘tiug the Restorative, treat- ment patiean say they realize a gain. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Sweetman of T0- ronto spent from Saturdav till Mon- day with her father, Mr. Wm. Kirby of_this p]:xce._ Miss B. Nixon of “Shady Bank Farm” left for Vancouver, B.C., on Monday last, accompanied by Miss C. Bmyes of Victoria, BC. Mr. Noah Budgiér bf Maple ‘ipenb gurglday with his cousin, Master illie 01 ES. Misa Ruby Holt: Vrétiurrvnred home after spending about a month visiting with friends and relatives around Headfurd. , “Shady Bank" farm last Sunday. My and Mx-s.~T. _Stobbart, of High- MORE MILEAGE FOR JURORS. (Crowded out last week.) MARRIAGES. DE ATHS. Hope. nick! For sale at the C. N. I Station, or delivered in t‘ village and vicinity:»â€"â€"â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. less health a without the h penny. You can us: either of my t ediesâ€"Dr. Shoop's Reswmuve or . umadc Remedy. Then why mlge any chance Khan-ever? , Jun,“ '1 up may wanna, .v . v- . Why puv-ehé’é'an medicine whose makerdarenotbacki just as I do by this remarkable offer? My "No p Shoop’s Ram in the land. Th no chance who v For twenty years Dr. Shoop's_medlclnes ham become thorough! r: dardized allover-America. And I have .m‘ hon t and respons- i lble drugglsts ty village every- where to a my yours; Thea selected dru edlcines will ~ or the sickâ€"and e entire rlsk is mine alone. , But write me first for an order. I have an agent in almost every commun- Ityâ€"but all drug-guts are not authorized to sum the 30 day test. 80 drop me a. line. pleaseâ€"1nd thus save all disappointments and delays. Besides. you are free to consult me by lettel as you would your home physician. Do so heel: and fullyâ€"ii“ you desire. My advice and the boot below are yoursâ€"and without cost. Perhaps I word or two from me will clear up some seriom ailment. I have helped thousands upon thousand: by my privite prescription or phraonal advtcl NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Dim’t risk even one single penny! Mid I will tel! you why I say this. ‘ It I pecause eve packa 9! Dr._ 81100) medicine as absolutefil free is" at fads. No one need risk even one single penny. Just think what this means to the sufierinl Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). All kinds of'grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. G A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pu b â€" fishing Company Cussel’s Magazine, per annum . The Story Teller . . The Quiver . . . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks . . Chums . . . . . ea HFFFHHH CHOU" 51‘] The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" il'uriI‘ ' ' ' ' ’ Besides.the books wfll open up new and helpful ideas to you: They ml] of my 80 yean erx-V , ‘ V parlance “the -r r ‘ nhomes an in Hosp» mls, All pha - ‘ a and tone are told 09 here. The! f “inside nerve" [19 larger ph si] - : ‘E 94 ;a E Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be» sent to no larger th ' $erle Mt gites ? thl Heart its impu se. How the Scoth andlfl ney, each have their inside or power nerve. H01 these organs surel falter when these conth . all. How Dr. Shoon'l Restorative go - ese Inning nerves and rebuilds. = -- n restores the lost I help youâ€"ii it n mdo so. My bed effort. ls surely worth yo ‘ ~ ple request. So writ! now. while it is fresh ' mind. to» tomorrow never comes. Dr. Shoop. Box 12. Racine. Wis; CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelalde St. w. Toronto No. 1 0n Dyspepsia No. 2 0n the Heart “0. 8 On the Kidneys J. H. BAKER If Sick Nofiskgnflxynse. nothgmg whatever un; GOA L. [Single copies, 3 cts. Which look Shall I and You? No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men No. 6 0n Rheumatism .17 in the

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