The Evening Telegram is one of those papers that seem to think that ‘the'duty of the Leader of the Opposi- tion is to oppose and condemn any measure, good or had, brought for- ward by the GOvernment. On the question of the Canadian Navy, Mr. R. L. Borden has endorsed the action of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Gov~ ernment, but this is declared by The Telegram to be bad politics. Among its editorial notes Tuesday evening were the following: “R. L. Borden continue to speak for himself and the partisans who are weak enough to surrender their ideals to Mr. Bor- den’s expedients.†And on the same page it says: “Canada is the home of perhaps the only earthly Opposition whose tactics meet with the entire and enthusiastic approbation of the Government and its organs." Evi- dently Mr. Borden does not believe in making himself ridiculous in the eyes ofthe public, even if he has to endorse some of the Government’s measures. \VRIGHTâ€"Near Elgin Mills, Ont.. on -Munday, November 1, 1909, after a long illness, Sarah, belnved wife of ‘ the late \Vm. \Vright, in her 88th year. Funeral private, to Richmond Hill Cemetery. HENRICKaâ€"At Headford, November 3, 1909, Mary Jane Clifford, wife of Genrge F. Henr-iuks. in her 64th year. Funeral from the family residence. Saturday, at. 1 o’clock. BREAKEY.â€"Milfor‘d, fourth sun of Mr. J. W. Breakey. died Tuesday night. Nov. 2. 1909, Mb his father‘s residence, Thm-nhill, with n pendicitis. Furieral on Thurs ay afternoon at 3 o’clock to Thornhill cemetery. It is creditable to the Toronto papers that they condemn without stint the disgraceful conduct and out- break of violence,of a lot of the stu- dents. The University authorities also feel humiliated by the outrages, but practically admit that they cannot control “the boys.†Saturday night ladies and gentlemen at a social funcâ€" tion in connection with the University were seized by the unruly mob, the men’s faces were painted, their clothes torn and soiled, adoor was smashed in, and ladies were badly frightened, but the perpetrators will go unpunished. The trouble is that the students claim privileges not accorded other citizens, and their rowdyism is generally i winked at. As the University author» 1 .ities have shown that they are power- less, why do they not hand the stu- dents over to the policemen ? Kip. Ripe Sir James Whitney expressed him- self last Sunday as being anxious to do something for the cause of temper. anee. At a. meeting of the Canadian Temperance League he said: “I de- sire as a citizen of Ontario to join in every reasonable eflort to diminish and minimize the terrible evils of the drink habit. There has come to me what comes to the lives of most men who have passed middle ageâ€"the longing to do something or be identi- ï¬ed with something that will be of lasting advantage to the world.†RICHMOND HILL. ONT., Nov. 4, 1909 @112 ï¬ihcml. Barfly um matter In worth ï¬ve. mlnutos talk? Our advim gosh you nothing. Should they be extract- ed? Once out â€"â€"out for over! Don't be too hast-y. come and consult us. They MAY be saved. Hats 5 DEATHS. 31' .‘r The cider mill is nuw running every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. House and stable with P3 of an acre of lzmd. part of lot 44. Vaughan, on Yonge St.. one quarter of a mile snuth of Richmond Hill. Possession right away if sold at (lace: 16â€"tf done and Satisfaction guaranteed. 17-4 made at, BOYLE'S MILL. 17-3 Now is the time to rush your apples in and get. your CIDER to Department of Public \Vnrks, Ottawa, October 29, 1909. Newspapers will not. he paid for this advertisement. if they insert it without authority from the Department. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank; payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Wm ks, equal to ten per cent. (10 p. c.) of the amuunt of the tender, which will be fm-feited if the per-sun tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do sn. or fail to complete the work contracted fur. If the tender be nut accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest, or any tender. By (Bl-den Persons tendering are nntiï¬ed that tenders will not be considered unless made on the rinted fun-ms supplied. and signed wit their actual signature-s with their occupations and places nf residence. In the case of ï¬rms, the actual signature. the nature of the 00.. cupation and place of residence of each mg‘mber of‘the firn|_must be given. > Plans, 8 eciï¬cation and form of con- tract can e seen and forms of tend“- obtained at this Department, and on application to Mr; Thus. Hastings, Clerk of \Vorks, Customs Building, Toronto. EALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned, and endursed “Tender‘fm- additions and alterations to the General Post omce Building, Toronto, Ontario," will be received at this ofï¬ce until 5.00 P. M., on Munday, November 22, 1909, for the work mentioned. Fresh Milk 00w for sale, also well- bred Shropshiredown Ram. Apply to “ JAS. H. DOWNEY. I9- 2 The owner may take her away by proving property and paying expenses. J. MCKENZIE, 19-3 \Villuwdale. Came to the premises of the under- signed on or ubuut, the let of October, one small white sow. v A quantity of stump wood. Apply D WM. ROBINSON. 'â€"3 Elgin Mills. Vaughan Council The next meetmg 0! the Council of the Muni- cipalitv 01 Van ban will be held in the Town 9.11. Vellore on At Boyle’s Mill Richmond. Hill ‘ Creamery. 'M g4 WED., NOV. 10, 1909 Estray Notice JOHN BARBER, Proprietor. Chopping For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale NAPOLEON TESSIER, Secretary. Anab' (0' at 10 a. m. : A. NICHOLLS. J. B. MOLEAN, Clerk Sherwood P. O. The x-npx'ietox- of Pleasant View Herd olstein Cattle and Breeder of Improved Chester White Hogs. Lot 39. 13b Con, Vaughan (Thornhill) has fo'xlusnle snip? gqog! xgumg _slnck‘ Thoi-oughhxréd bu'll Qua hong‘ept for service on the Breunisvs. . G. GOODERHAM, David Hill & Co. PLEASANT VIEW FARM 19 -4 See And further take nutice that, after such last, mentinned date the said Ad- ministrim-ix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased munng the parties entitled thereto, having regard only t0 the claims of which tlwy shall lhen have notiCe, and that the said Ad- ministrnu-ix will not be liable fur the said assets. or any part; thereof tn :my person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been receive-d by them at, the time uf such distribution. “Dated the Third day of November. Nntice is lipre-hy given, pursuant, n- “The Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1897, Chapter 129. that all. creditnra and othi-rs having claims against, the estate nf the said Julm Nunghtnn, \th' died on or about Lhe 22nd day of February, 1909. are r: quired. (m or be- fore the 4L1) day of December, 1909. in send by pnst plepaid m‘ to deliver to Messrs†Lawrence & Dunhnr, Nu. 60 Victoria Street, Toronto, Solicitors fur the Adminislrnlrix uf the esLuLe uf [,he' said decensvd, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions. [lu- fnll particulars (if thuii claims, the statement, of their nccuunts, and the nature 01‘ the securities, if any, held by thgem. 3 IN TH EJIA'I‘TER 05‘ THE ESTATE OF JOHN NAUGHTUN. LATE 014‘ THE TU W NSHI 9 OF VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, YEOMAN, DECEASED. 19-3111 Ditlted at Toronto, in'the Province uf 51)}‘1Jt‘ax-io. this 28th day. Mr October, Notice in creditors. Notice is hereby given that I, EImm-o VValKerSant, of the Oily of Toruntn, in the County of Ym-k and vaince of Ontario, Telegrapher. will apply to the Pallianneut of Canada. at the next session thereof for a. hill of divorce from my wife. Mary Tanner Scott. on the gm}mds of adultgry :llldef‘Sg‘ltiOll. J. B. MCLEAN, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated at, Maple this 4L1] (lay of N0- vember, 1909. 19-2 THE 16TH DAY'OF NOVEMBER. 1909, at 9 «.11)., Ln hear and deteunixie the several complaints of gums. and omissions in the Vuters’zList of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan. for the year £109. 1 AH, persuns lmv'imz lmsinéss at the Cnmt are n-quired to attend at said time and plzxce._ Notice- is hereby given that n Cnmt win he held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ Lists Act. by His Humm- Judge Murgan, .Judge of the County Gum-t, of the Uuunby of York. at“ the Musunic Hall. anie. on TUESDAY; ._.--.__ .-_ A-. --A-~â€".-.nnn Notice of Applica- tion for Divorce. Court: of Revision Rlnnnl Tahules: pleasant luau“. Rina“ Tabules cure nausea; Rxmns Tubules cure H ver troubks. Rumsz Tabmw waist digestion. Housecleaning LAWRENCE «St, DUNBAR. VAUGHAN ELMORE \VALKER SCOTT. Hill‘s MUNICIPALITY OF â€"-â€"FORâ€"â€" Solicitors fur Margaret. Naughtnn. Administm tl‘ix of the Estate ufJohn Naughtun. decease d. +++++ Windows Needs Propriu {or Mill Phone 42 - V' v Q aleaeeaamgwaageaaaa 9 90+ 126 East King St, Toronto ' ‘ owwouwwwwwo“woo 09¢§§¢¢§M9+§ ww¢ww+o++o aaoaaeeeaaeaeaaaoee Q Q A KEEP POSTED ON FARM NEWS 5 66¢ §6§§O§O§§§O 990000999090 00. §Q§§§§¢§§§§NQOOO 0009060 USE “WHITE CROWN†FLOUR FUR PASTRY CLEAN, FRESH, AND ALL MADE FROM [ONTARIO WHEAT flussfli’s Asphalt Rooï¬ng, which costs less and is more satisfactory than wooden shingles or metal rooï¬ng. 'lt’s absolutely waterproJl, and practi- cally ï¬re and wearpmol. Can be quickly and easily put on by anyone, and costs per 100 square feet for all materials supplied upwards from Russm’s Asphalt Rooï¬ng, Our Clubbing rate is $1.50 for the two papers. Subscribe at once and get the beneï¬t of the full term. Insult C0919! «(The Canadian Farm on to no. u this cfflcc. Tm; CANADIAN FARM, published in Toronto, is the National Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion. The work and money spent on its production makes it incomparany superior to anything of the kind. Special writers for special depart- ments. All original matter in every issue. Splendid and reliable crop and market reports. Everything up-toâ€"date. Finely illustrated. Choice and instructive reading for the farmer and his family. No farmer can afford to be without it. Every farmer will make more money who reads it. 01d only by THE OU have one on your house or‘ barn. Right EEOVV is the time to repair or replace it with EVERY POUND GUARANTEED PURE The Canadian Farm Emu and. Shorts A mum: Fifty H. V. DENNE 86 CO. All subscribers get The Canadian Farm from now to the Is: of Jan... 1911. RUSSHLL HARDWARE Chap Feeds All orders shipped promptly IBERAL For $1.50 NE‘WMARKET A1414 IIINDS and the Resid ance 136 C0.