ihonl i......;.‘.i.‘.’.“xi.u: mats... 4, 1909 Reeve W. H. Pngsley attended ‘ a ...-._._...._. ..._ -l..._._.__ _-__.. BE R8094 £11.15. ‘ Mr. \V. Brace spent over Sunday at . the Pa rsoiiage. Mrs. S. M. Browri is spending days with friends in Toronto. STANDING FIELD CROP COMPE- TITION 1909. The following are. the prim winneis for varieties of oats in the standing a few illeld crop competition for 1909 held in connection with the Richmond Hill Mrs. C. Kerswill of Toronto spent a Agricultuml swim":â€" fcw (lays with her parents here. Stoui’l’ville Tribune: Miss Frances Page. of Richmond Hill, visited with Good Roads (ii-inference in Toronto, last Thursday. During the limiting season. from the ï¬rst to the ï¬fteenth of November. Mr. \Vni. Cook, barrister, will _ not. be in his oï¬lces. ' The W. :M. S. of the Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Isaac Crosby this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. King and Vaughan leving Match will be held on the farm pf Mr. \Vni. Robinson, 11 miles west of Aurora, to- morrow, (Friday.) Mr. T. A. L-inion and Miss Mary Trench were at the ri-cent Convention of North York Teachers elected men» l-ei's of the Executive of the Associa- tion. We would call the attention of readâ€" ers of THE LIBERAL to our clubbing offer with The News. Toronto, where- by they can obtain the two papeis I for $2.50. Robinson Bros, the.i wrllsknolpvn well diguers of Sohomieizg, son a bell lastcweek on Mr. John \Voods new lot on Mill street and got a good flow of water. iiarterl Reli ions Services will be llt‘le in tiife illeéélludlst Chin-ch next Sunday, commencing at 10.30 a. in. The business meeting Will be held the following day at 2.30 pm. The. electric light system recently iii- stalled by Mr. H. B. Stirling 'lu‘llle grist mill and shop of L._liines to Sons is giving excellent satisfaction. Alto. gether there are 35 lights. A roï¬tablc hour was spent at .tllt" Epwsrth League last Friday. Ilesides the regular business, Mrs. A._br. Sav- age gave a. vocal solo, and an interest.- ing address on llllSSlUllul‘y \volk was given by Mr. 1). Cr. Ridout, Mission;in Vice-President of the Central District. Mr. \Voodrow has erected a. large, kitchen and is otherwise. imprm mg his new home recently purchased from Mr. John Woods. The. work was done by Mr. Adam Kaake, assisted by Mr. Jarvis of Schomberg. Mr. and Mis. Woodrow hope to move into their new V home in a week or twu. Several changes of positions have taken place in the Standard Ba/ik staffs during the past week. Mr. E. R. Fairey who has been acuonntant here goes to the branch at Maple, Mr. H. Munroe.goes from Maple to Stoufl’Ville, Mr. F. McDonald from Stonffville to \Vinnipeg, and Mr. H. C. AlJOe is here from Durham as teller-accountant. HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT. The Annual Concert in connection with the High School will be held in the Masonic Hall, on Wednesday even- ing, the 15th of December. .Messis. Charles Emery and Harold Rich. two of Toronto’s best entertainers have been secured for-the occasion. Details will appear later. ‘TO LABORERS ! Curlers and all interested in curling are requested to report at the. new rink Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. Every- body welcome who can work a. pickuxe. shovel or spade in levelling the earth preparatory to making ice. Come pre- pared to work. as several people have already kindly consented to boss the job. â€"SPECIAL OFFER. Either the Daily Globe or the Daily Mail will be sent to any address in Canada. Great Britain or the United States. Sinonths for $1.00. This offer will probably cover the session of the Dominion Parliament, also that of the Ontario Legislature. Orders taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. ' STANDARD BEEF ASSOCIATION The above institution. with their wives and a. few friends, met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. Burnett. and enjoyed a. fowl supper. After sup er an interesting toast list was wel carried out, Mr. G. Duncan acting as toast-master. “Our King and Coun- tr " was responded to by Mr. B. Grady; “ riculture†by Mr. J. Charles; “The ies†by Messrs. H. Sanderson and G. Vanderburgh, and “The Ring†by the President. Mr. J. Baker was re- elected President. and Mr. J. McLean Secretary-Treasurer. Corp. of Main. J. Hunt. \Vm. Robinson. The Associ- ation have decided to raise the number of shares from 16 to 20. Those desixu ing to join are requested to leave their names with the Secretary. POSTOF'FIOE IMPROVEMENTS. Work will commence early next spring on the addition and improve- Toronto. provemeiits mean that the lobby will is made larger, and the money order department will be removed east into roopiet quarters in the addition. Tenders for the work will be received up to the-22nd i'ist. See advt. in this paper. her aunt. Mrs. lllulliiy. Dr. Risdoii will be in Richmond Hill Wednesday afternoon only, other days by appointment. ’ Mrs. (Di-.l Spanlding and children of Toronto spent last Wei-k with her ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brown. Methodist Mr. C. Soulrs of Toronto, formerly of this place. was in the village yestei- ‘day and called on a number of old friends. Mr. F. P. McDonald. who left Mon- day to take a position in the Standard :Bank, Winnipeg. spent Sunday here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs: G. A. ‘ McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Gardner and little con Douglas have retnined to their home in Toronto after spending the past four months with the latter’s mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brydoii. ‘ STU L E $30. Last Sunday evening when Mrs. ’l‘iiï¬n was at church some miserable person got. into‘lier residence. and took a way $30.82.. \Vhen Mrs. Tifl‘in went in she found a window in the kitchen .iipeii. and going up stairs she found things scattered around in all direc- tions. The thief had pulled the cover- ing off the bed. and got the money in a pocket book under the mattress. Strange to say. although it was evident he had handled a watch. a sovereign and some other articles he, did not take them away. County Constable Eycr has the matter in band, but so far there is no clue. THE “7 HOLE A LP- ll ABET. In a recent issue of THE LIBERAL our school boys or girls Were asked if they would point out any peculiarity in the following sentence: “J. Vaiidz struck my big fox wlielp Strange to stay. the only satisfactory answer came from the United States. Our American friend points out on a post Card that the sentence contains 26 lettersâ€"sill the letters of the alpha- bet. Our young friend adds that “the quick brown in): jumps over the lazy dog†also contains all the letters of the. alphabet. Quite true. But the latter sentence has 35 letters, consequently 9 letters are repeated. whereas in the. sentence in which the old Dutchman is made to strike the young l'ox there is no repetition. n Rheumatism promptly driven from the. blood by Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy. Don’t waste time with com- nion remedies. A test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid form. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. MISSIONARY ADDRESSES. Last Suhday was Missionary Sunday at the Methodist Church. In the morning Rev. Mr. Ono. himself a Japanese, preached on missions in Japan. and in the evening Rev. Mr. Morgan took up the mission work in \Vest China. Mr. Ono referred to Confucianism and Buddhism as taught in Japan. and made a stiong ap eal for Christian helpers in that; land. xThe missionaries have a, good influence. ili that far-off country and try to live up to new testament teaching. Generally speaking they live exemplary lives, though there are a few drunken Roman Catholic pliests. But no Methodist has brought disgrace on those who sent them there. The speaker paid a high tribute to Rev. Dr. Crumniy Who did excellent work in Tokio. In the evening Mr. Morgan gave an encourag- ing account of 'SVest. China mission work which is rapidly moving forward. He appears to be imbued with the tnie Christian spirit and his work among the Chinese a. work of love for his iellow man. ROLL CALL Friday evening will be Roll Call at the Epworth League. All members are requested to go prepared to respond to their names with a verse of script. own name. The ofï¬cers wish that those membeis unable to be present would send their verse with some one else. VILLAGE counca.‘ ofthe Council 0v. 2nd, in the The regular meetin was held on Tuesday, Council chamber. Present : The Reeve and Councillors Sanderson. Hopper and Trench. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Accounts were presented as follows : Jos. Hall. oil and matches . . . . . $22 89 D. Blanchard, Work on well.. . .. 7 00 On motion the Treasurer was in- structed to pay the same. Mr. Watkins, representing theQueen City Acetylene Generator 00., address- ed the Council. re installing a plant for ,' lighting the rink. A deputation of the Curling Club waited on the Council to ascertain upon what terms the rink could bebb- l ments to the ~General Postoï¬ice in i tained for the coming winter. The. building is to be exteud- { . _ . . _ ed thirty feet to the east, and the im- With it View to obtaining damages tor Glass Bros. addressed the Council sheep killed by clogs. Moved by Councillor Trench, second- ed by Councillor Hopper. that the Curling Club he given the use of the I rink for $15 for the season.â€" Carried. Council adjoinned. ure beginning with the letter of'their" l l. James McLean. Richmond Hill; variety. Prince Royal; points. 87!}. 2. W. H. Clubine, Thornhill; vari- ety, Early Bohemia; points. 87. 3. Albert Jones. Hope; variety, Sensation; points. 84g. 4. Jos. Graham. Cari-ville; variety, Prince Royal; points. 83. I 5. Fred. A. Clarke. Headfortl ely. \Vide-a-wake; points. 82. . Highly Commended. J; Lunau, Vic- toiia Square; vai iety. _}l’liite Cluster; points. till. It Cmnniendi-d. Frank A. Legge. Jefâ€"V ferson; variety, Banner & Dodd’s \Vbite: points. 80. ' Judgeâ€"E. Robinson. Guelph. ANNUAL MEETING. The ari‘nual meeting of the Curling Club was held in McDonald’s shop on Friday evening. The auditors' report showed a small balance in the treas- nrer’s hands. A committee reported that the Village Council were not yet prepared to say how the new link would be lighted, or what the rent would be. The membership fee was placed at $3. The following ofï¬cers were elected :â€" ‘ Presidentâ€"â€"A. G. Savage. Vice-Pres.â€"E. M. Byrne. 2nd Vice-Presâ€"J. Tyndall. 'l‘i-easurci~G. A. McDonald. Secretaryâ€"T. A. Lamon, Com. of Managementâ€"G. Cowie, J. H. Sanderson, H. A. Nicholls. C. P. \Viley, E. Barker. 1‘. F. McMahon. Representativesâ€"A. G. Savage. H. A. Nicliolls. Auditorsâ€"J. H. Brydon. N. J. Glass. Chaplainsâ€"Rev. A. P. Brace, Rev. E. C. Currie. Patronsâ€"D. Boyle, sr., W. D. Scott. ; va ri» A clergyman writes: "Preventirs, those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets. are working Wonders in my parish." Preventics surely will check a'cold.-or the Grippe. in a. very few hours. And Preventics are. so safe and harmless. No Quinine. nothing harsh noi- sicken- ing. Fine for feverish restless chill dl"‘ll. Box of 48 at Sold by W. A. Sanderson. ~=VISIâ€"TI‘DRS FROM TORONTO. Mr. Thompson. Commissioner off-In- dustries for Toronto. came up Tuesday- al'ternoon and, accompanied by Reeve Pugsley and other members of the Village Council. had a walk around our town. Mr. Thompson was accom- panied by Mr. Garvin, also from the City Hall; Mr. M. Brown of the C. P. R., and Mr. Livingston of the Toronto and York Radial Railway. Having here the Canadian Northern Railway, the Metropolitan, and the spur connecting us‘with- the Schom-i berg and Aiiiora Railway. the visitors thought that Richmond .Hill should be a. favorable location for manufacturing institutions. ‘ Owing to a failure of the broom corn crop brooms liave'advanced 30% doi- ing the last month. we are'still selling them at the old price. but you must- call early, as this offer cannot last long; Atkinson & Switzer. HALLOWEEN PR ANKS. Some very good trisz as well as a number of very poor ones were played in the village Saturday evening. One thing is certain. it the Village Council tried to hire those who did certain work, the rice asked by them for the disa reeab e job would be con- siderable. _ t seems folly to allow this foolish ractice to continue year after year. However. judging by the bold tricks and destruction, of property in surrounding neighborhoods. Richmond Hill has not much to complain about. The ringing of the town bell here was rather alarming between 11 and 12 o’clock. Read the pain formula on a; box of Pink Pain Tablets.‘ Then ask your doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestionâ€"blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Shoop’s Pink. Pain Tablets check head pains. womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one and see! 20 for 25c. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. "“ CLIMBING UP. Mr. F. McDonald. who was on the Standard Bank staff in Stoufl’ville for the past three or four years. was the latter part of this week offered a posi- tion in the new bank which the man- a ement are. opening in Winnipeg. r. McDonald accepted the offer, and leftfor his new quarters Monday night. As several other branches will be opened shortly. Winnipeg will doubt. less be the head ofï¬ce for the‘ West. The position is considered a good one, and his many friends are pleased to congratulate Frank on his promotion. CLUBBING RATES FOR l9l0. Liberal and Weekly Globe... . . . .$1.75 Liberal and \Veekly Mail . . . . . . . . 1.75 Liberal and Canadian Farm. . . . , . 1.50 Liberal and Toronto Saturday , A Night . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 Liberal and Family Herald . .'. . . . 1.90 Liberal and The Evening News .. 2.50 Liberal and Daily GlobelYork County) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,., 3.59. Liberal and Daily Mail (York, , 1 County). . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 Liberal and Farmer’s Sun. . . . . . . 1.911 50c. extra. on each States for postage. Balance. of 1909 f paper to United A. I. name, Clerk. era of Weekly papers villiâ€: i l l I i l l l ?+W**'Â¥++++MW+++mm4~ï¬*+m+4-++H4-H++++*d MMWW+4'MM+H+H *M+W++++++++M*i~++ï¬+‘l +~Mï¬ . rec to new subsci Eli's/EU i i i :3 O O D = We so at the fairest insures Good Health an V d from the fac Blend. very choice, 45c. lb. V\ ood’s Vienna Coffee, choice 60c. lb Red Ribbon Séeded R 2 for 25¢. 4 ‘ -I5c. tin. - Goidenette Pure Cane or 5 lb. ails 4oc. VVethey's Mince Meat for 25¢. Split Peas, 5c. lb. _' ‘ Atkinson Oct. 28, 1909. d- ' 1 largely a matter of" Good L pply everything you need to eat and drink price possible. t that our money-saving get more goods and solivé on a Our prices are alive with Real Barg Wood’s Boston Maple Leaf Coffee, Mecha Good Japan Tea, 4%. lb. Good Valencia Raisin-s, 3% lbs. Best Vostizza Currants, was Puritan Golden New Orleans Molasses, extra goo ‘ ‘ Pure Golden jelly Powder, A . Good. Pot Barley, _.7 lbs. CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL +'P+++*§§++M+*M*$+++duke-iii" %*++++++M%+y+%++%é+++4°%+ '1' '1' 1' '!° g 4' i It ~1- 'l‘ 2 a. i 3 4- i 'l' m > {â€"1 -â€"a 2 ivng The quality of our goods the good livin and Java 30 and 40c. lb. Sifted Hyson, very aisins, I lb. package 130., or for 25c. bed and cleaned, lIC.l b. d 9 Table Syrup,'3 lb. tin 20c. ’ 10c. pkt. assorted flavors, 3 pkts. for 25¢. ,& ’ Switzer M'Â¥W +s+w+m+mor+t++++mu WWW****N+ *i-M’P-l-‘l'ï¬'f-P-l-‘i-ï¬ HM‘P'b-H'M ++¢***W '1' There are H Pandora. ' Stoves and Hardware on... Are you going to buy a Range or Heater this Fall? - It will pay you to see our line. The Imperial Oxford Happy Thought " . Domm' ion Jewel " Oxford Laurel ' } Base ‘ “ Modern Jewel Burners Also a. full line of Heaters for Small rooms. STOVE. FURNACE AND TINWURK ' . of every description promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. : Agents fortheCelebrated ANTHONY WIRE FENCE Mew-i THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. (Successors to B. 0. Rooms) none better. } Range NORMAN BATTY, Manager i t l, "i '1' per suit A very ï¬ne ï¬tters Special in Me Our i i i ’0 J Dania .3. M eâ€"z: line of Wool Dude: G'ents’ 'Unlined KidGloves, good quality, neat chanics’ Working Bo‘ots, Good- year welt, box call. per pair ‘ ‘ ‘ OUTFIT-TE R Moi-oi»++e~-r;.+-w.g»;ws++y++ Wei-eem-«iusowwwMW $ 1. 50 2.00 wear, per suit N++¢°§¢~l~$¢+++4~++H4~l-++M+4r£~*ééHWW++~r++++°P-r°¥4°+*m+ Gents’ Furnishing A very ï¬ne line of Wool Fleecedined Underwear, 1.25: 3 300? P. ii7stAss .iz