Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1909, p. 7

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“011, Mr. Slowman,” exclaimed a worthy old lady to a minister, “I do like the Sundays when you preach!” “You gratify me very much, my good woman,” answered the latter, who knew he was not popular. “There are few who think as you do. But tell me what is the reason of this preference?” “Why, sir, I always get such a comfortable seat,” was the ingeniuos reply. Fussâ€"“Did you ever hear Gadby say anything particular about me 7” Russâ€"«“No; he never was Very par- ticular what he said about you.” Some men are born liars and some are compelled to acquire the art. {Man who now returns home as the Discov- crer of the North Pole. Cold. Cutting .Winds and Dust cause Red. Weak. Watery yes. Murine Eye Remedy affords Ro- lable Relief. Write Murine Eye Remedy 0., Chicago.. for Illustrated Ew- Books. urine. 500., by Mail_ from All Druzziats. “You look bad, Jim. Have you been laid up ’2” “Well‘ rather. Toâ€"day’s the first time I’ve been out of doors for three months.” “What {was the matter, old chap?” “No- thin’; but the judge wouldn’t be~ lieve it.” Kindly mention the name of this caper in writing to advertisers. A Pill that Proves Its Value.â€" Those of weak stomach will find strength in Permelee’s Vegetable Pills, because they serve to main~ tain the healthful action of the stoâ€" mach and the liver, irregularities in which are most distressing. Dys- peptics are well acquainted with them and value them at their pro- Ter worth. They have afforded re- ;ief when other preparations have failed, and have effected cures in 'uilments of long standing where other medicines were found unavail- ing. ‘Provcd Once Again in the Case of Mrs. Fred Krieger, Who Suffered From the Worst Forms of Kidney Disease. Mrs. Robert E. Peary, morn than nine gears ago, favorably. rommeufml on Murine ye Remedy after an application 1,“ hr Family for E 8 Trauma! ream ting from Measles and carlet Fever. nd later re- ggmmepded to the fapous mule-qr. the Palmer Rapids, Ont, Nov. 1. - T(Special).â€"â€"The thousands of Cana- Edians who live in daily terror of {those terrible forms of Kidney Dis- ;ease known as Backache, Gravel {Land Rheumatism, will be deeply in- :terested in the story of Mrs. Fred fKrieger, of this place. l "I was for years a great suffer- er from Kidney Disease, Gravel, theumatism and Backache,” Mrs. TgKlrieger states. “It all started chrough a. cold, but I got so my ’head ached, I was nervous, my Elimbs were heavy, I had a drag- ‘ging sensation acioss my loins, and I was totally _unfit to do anything. 'I won’t help you again. I don’t be- lieve you have done a thing all the 'year.“ Trampw‘flndeed I have, mum; I’ve just done thirty days.” ' “Reading about wonderful cures lb}, Dodd’s Kidney Pills led me to ‘buy some. After using a few I ‘found they were doing me good and this encouraged me to continue their use. Eight boxes made me ‘well. “I have been able to do my own work ever since and toâ€"day I am completely cured. Dodd’s Kidney Pills gave me health and I feel like a new woman.” I If you keep your Kidneys strong and healthy you can never havo Backache, Rheumatism or Gravel Dodd’s Kidney Pills never fail to make the Kidneys strong and well.? Shpâ€"â€"-”Y0u hem; again?” Tramp â€"-“Yes, kind lady.”_ SHOT-“‘“75fll‘ THROW AWAY ALL YOUR FEARS BACKACIIE. GRAVEL AND RHEUMATISM VANISH BE- FORE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. ISSUE NO. 45â€"09 Many a man is willing to lose friend to acquire a dollar. “‘Why 3” criefl the major. “If you can cut grass you can cut hair! G0 and do it!” The man vas duly sent, but on receivng orders to act as barber, ventm‘edrto expostulate. Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes hacking coughs. If used according to directions it will break the most persistent cold, and restore the air passages to their normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend it; to those familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use. the ad- vice is-vtry Bickle’s Syrup. A major in a certain English or- giment has a great contempt Iv: in- capacity of any kind, and is also somewhat impatient. A writer in Tit-Bits declares that a sergeant once complained to him that he could get no man to undertake the duty of barber to the company. “Is there no gardener in the com- pany?” asked the major, testily. “See if you can find one, and send him to me.” Quaint Chinese Imperial Decree. Re- cently Issued. The following Chinese quaint imâ€" perial decree was recently issued from the palace in Pekin: “Owing to the scarcity of rain Prince Kung and others have been detailed to pray at the Takoatien on our beâ€" half of dedicating incense and also Prince Tsai Hsun and others to the shill yin-kung and othertemples to prev by dedicating incense and now plenty of rain has come for which we feel thankful. Therefore we have to show our thanks to said temples. We tl us dedicate incense and we detail Puhung to the Shao~ chengmio, Tsai Fu to the Yihomiao on the same day to dedicate incense and. to perform ritual service to re‘ turn thanks for the min with de- sires for further rainfall to console the peasants.”â€"-Shanghai Mercury. Like all creatures bearing antlers, their growth of such blood vessels is regulated by the temperature of the winter and the fall of snowâ€"- ail of which affects the food supply. If the winter is open, the summer warm, you may look for record heads. They differ from the Newâ€" foundland caribou in that the big bulls here always keep the lead and do not follow in the rear. Each year adds some knowledge to the pursuit of caribou. They are generally found in herds of from three to twenty, and some experts can tell them the same as moose. This, however, is for short distances such as a hundred yards or so-â€"‘the call is very high and hard to imi- tateâ€"when they will leave the herd under their charge to investigate. The color of thé antler is govern- ed more or less by the nature of bush on which they clean them 01' the velvet. The big bulls do not lose one antler as early as the larg- er specimens of the Newfoundland caribou, though many will drop one antler about the first of November. In caribou hunting as a rule the open countries are travelled on fine warm days and the greenwoods durâ€" ing stormy spells. It is the unani- mous opinion of those who have fol- lowed the sport for many years that a lengthy trip should be planned to insure satisfaction, says Fry’s Ma.- gazine. As the report echoed throughout the wood the balance of the herd scattered only to reveal as they passed an opening that more than one larger head could have been procured. This after hours of wet, drenching work rather rankles the most sublime temper. For this reaâ€" son, if. for no other, is the late fall preferred by experienced men to any other time. It may take longer, but; there on the hillsides in the clearings is the game in full View, and though requiring hours to stalk few mistakes are apt to be consciâ€" ously made. May be Called by Experts Same as the Moose. In the country at the head watâ€" ers of the Tobique and Nepisiguit Rivers, New Brunswick, several weeks or a month are desirable if you want a record head. Should however, one be hampered for time, a steady hunt regardless of weather conditions is kept up. This is not only the hardest kind of work, but is not satisfactory. Many a time have hunters stalked a herd in the greenwoods. Finally they picked out the apparently best head and brought it down. PURSUIT 01" THE CARIBOU. THA N KING THE TEM PLE. ROUGH ON THE MEN Either both girls would be angry with him, or delighted, after su-r'h a remark. ' And what do you think happened 1 The two girls blushed anrlvgaid he was av flattererhahd'went Uze‘r Way together, each‘bappy for he:- self and sorry" fDrLthef-‘Gthbmfl " “Because everybody says Hm“, a handsome girl always ch’mscs a‘ homely one as a companion, so that her beauty may be enhanced by the contrast.” “And why ?” asked the two together. So he thought rapidly for a mo- ment, and then said: “And, I know why you two girls are together.” There was once a young man who met two girls who were constantly tazweth‘er. Now, he was an aseut: young man, and he desired to say something nice and agreeale to the ladies, but he knew that if he paid a compliment to one of than, no matter which one, the other would instantly be hurt. It Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain. “For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains, neuralgia and lumbago, Dr. Thoriias’ Ecléc- tric Oil' is without a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and it quickly and permanently relieves the affected part. Its value lies in its magic property of removing pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. She-“Fred, do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword?" Fredâ€"“Yes, I do. You never saw anybody sign a cheque with a sword, did you?” A lady writes: “L‘was enabled to remove the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure.” Others who have tried it have the same egperience. Pa4“1t is a knot in the string a woman ties around her husband‘s finger, my son.” Little Willieâ€"“Say, pa, what is a forgetimeâ€"not ’1” “For 14 or 15 years. I had Kidney and Bladder Troubie. :ufiferinz n times in- tone pain. I doctored continually but nothing gave me permanent relief until I was persuaded to try Gin Pills. Wit-bin a couple of days. I received neat relief. and after taking one box, I was comnletely cured.” The shock of immersiori revived her, and once more she was able to chamber into the treacherous buck et. Safely above ground again, she gave way to exhaust-ion, but only af» tor her task was done. Write Nut-101111 Drug a Chemical 00 (Dept. W L) Toronto. for free sample. The bucket crashed heax'Iily to one side, her foot caught in the chain, and she fell backward into the water, head first. At length a boy of fifteen was let down by a rope, and he succeeded in carrying up the child. Mrs. Pumphrey then placed one foot; in the'bucket‘and signaled that she was ready to ascend. But the nox- ious gases below had been too much for her, and midway in her course tuward the surface she suddenly fainted. Rescued a Little Girl Who HadyFal- lcn Into a Deep Well. One of the most interesting exhi- bitions belonging to England’s ju- bilee year was the Women’s Roll of Honor, containing five hundred and eighteen names of heroines be- longing to the Victorian era. These were women who had performed some act of self-sacrifice or devo- tion, and the brief record of their deeds furnishes reading calcnlated t!) stir the mind from its everyday calm. Take the case of Mrs. Pumphrey, a delicate, shy little woman, whom no one would suspect of latent heroâ€" ism. A little girl of five had fallen into a deep well, and the mother, with two neighbors, rushed hurri- edly to the brink. Mrs. Pumphrey, one of the two neighbors, offered at once to go down after the child, and resolutely stepping into the crazy bucket, she was lowered into the abyss. At a distance of between thirty and forty feet she touche’d water, and leaned over to grasp the little girl, already halfâ€"drowned. ..v_c °__., w.--v.v. “v”- “ No sooner had she done so than the bucket overturned, and left her hanging from the chain, clutching her‘ precious burden. If every woman, who has Kidney or Bladder Trouble. could no to Daviaville. Ont. and talk to Mrs. A. Simpson, they would do just as she did‘tuke Gin Pills and cure themselves. .‘ - The most commonplace among; such actions must have taken the greatest of courage and selfâ€"forgetâ€" fulness. A MODERN SOLOMON. HELPS HIS MEMORY. A HEROIC WOMAN. cunen IN ONE MONTH. Indigestfoin is relieved by the'jdiéé of half a lemon amid a. little ml: in a cup of hot water. Ffuit stained hands become white with the appli-catigp of_133mop juice. Ink stain and rust spots vanuh when moistened with the juice and hung in the sun. Dirty straw hats become clean when wet with lemon juice and brushed with corn meal. Worms derange the whole sy5« Lem. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterâ€" minator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. “Bi 3. strancher vants you to in dorse a cheque, tell ’im you vos vil- ling to vait till der pank vos open " A Cure for Rheumatism.â€"â€"-A pain- ful and persistent form of rheuma- tism is caused by impurities in the blood, the result of defective action of the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the introduction of uric acid, which causes much pain in the tissues and in the joints. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are known to have effected many re- markable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of them will convince anyone of their value. Bloxâ€"“Theorists are fools." Knox-“Is that your theorv'l” Bloxâ€"~“Yes.” Knoxâ€"“Then we will let it go at that.” I up: I was allrun down tnd bordering an Consum kion. [could ndt sleep at night, had aw ul sweats. and con bed nearly the whoie time. This is howgi was when I began to take Psychine. in I low nervous state; but from the first bottle! began to improve. ltdid marvel: for me and bought Inc backto health in no time, making: new man of me. It (unifies the body against the attach of La Grip? and is a sure pre- ventative. I always can: Psychine ii I feel 3 acid coming on and it puts me right in no time." . m? can; PAWNR NO HOME SHOULD BE WITHOUT PSYCHINE ' For $11: by I“ Draught: and Duh“. 50c. 81 $1 per hauls. 'Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LIMKTED, 1030mm Arrested, and Consumption Cured Mr. C. D.quwe“. of Walkerviflc. Ont. was stricken down with LI Cxip in I906 and it_left hing in ve_ry bud cpp it'lon. He It is beef in pure concentrated and most palatable form, and is assimilated immediately you‘drink it. Ordinary foods require hours for digestion. When your brain is tired -â€"'when your daily duties seem too heavy â€"â€" when your appetite is capricious -â€" BOVRIL is better for you than any medicine. NEEDED IN EVERY HOME heiiil. HANS BREITMAN SAYS: LA GRIPPE USES FOR LEMONS. PROOF POSITIVE. Surecure and posltivo preventivc, no matter how horses at r ny are an infected or “exposed.” Liquid. filvsnon the tongue; acts on the Band and Glands. expela the oisonous cal-ms 1mm the body. Cures Distemperin DOE! and Sheep and Cho era. in Poultry. Largest selling livestock remedy. Cum: La Grippe among human being! and is a fine Kidney ren‘uly. 500 and fl I bottle: $6 and $11 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep it. Show to your drun'lstd who will eat It for you. Free Booklet, " Distemper. Causes and Cures. for DISTRIBUTonsâ€"ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS _ SPOHN MEDICAL 00., Chemists and Bulerlulonlsla. 005MB. EH!" v.54. SI DI§TEMPER “Say,” queried the would be hu~ morist, “where is that. place Atoms that so many people are blown to T” “It’s just the other side of Effigy, the place in which so many people are hanged,” answered the solemn person. iFruit Gro wers ! LISTEN. Kindly paper in If you are interested came to Toronto on Nov. 10th and 11th. The Fm” liruwers’ Association ls holding its Fiftiath An uml Convention in the ’l‘empie Bufldln . Practical addreuas on $11 fruits by Prof. ohn Craig Cornell University, New York: D. K. Falvey‘ Vostfleld, New Yo I G. E. Basaett, Fenmrillor Michigan ; J. R. Come 1, Newbm'gh N. Y., and twenty 01 our befl Ontar o growers. snow. 8|N97Lr! [ARE Excunsmus on ALL RAI‘VLWAVVHSZHJ ‘ " Exhlbltlon of Apple: largest In Gunada. In- cludlnz Oregon and Ontarla Boxed Fruit. Send postcard at. once for full yrogrummo to P. W. Hodgetts, Pariiament Build 1135, Toromo. by mail in your spare time at home,’ on Cash or Instalment Plan. All! thinking of taking a course this winter write for free particulars ah an early date. Address [EARN ,H. w. Nelson & (0., Toronto, Ont. Smders' Dress Cutting School f 10 INVES’l‘OBS-Your orden to buy or . 3811 Cobalt 0 other Stank: will re- jcelve my person: scwnuon. Cohan and ‘Gow Ganda Minini Claims for sale or ex- 1011!“! e. 8. M. Ma hens. Broker. 43 Scott 1%., oronto. p 7 wordsf unpaid; Ten Vdéxitvs. fiifiihmu‘i Rice, Granby. Que. Bargain prices, $15 to $65, (all makes) taken in exchange for Model 10 and u Remingtons. Many of these machined Show little use. Romlngton Typewriter Cgmpiny. Umltod. ANTED~LOCAL AND GENERA] Agpnt§»â€"Li_b¢ral centrgcts Itq 2.031 m'efi : aifilvywiyywléfiéi. w63666}?limit "mu. Insurance Compapy. Toronto. Co'rrelw pondence confldentxal. etent OYD ANGER, umnrs. Lumps, ecc.‘ internal ,' and enema. cured without pa.le by our Emma treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical (‘10.. XML, (tolling-wood, Ont. cured. Write forâ€" Eaialozue. WPEWRITER? We buy Wing and Tail Turkel Feathers. Write for prices. 1 ONG _.___ v-.. ¢ vuuuu 6331'! 0’“. BY RESPONSIBLE HR" ‘1' 00"] You IOTHHIG 1'0 TRY. V..â€"._. ........._ I Chan: from u 1 "m In or mun 51 "BP- fial Inn; 7- my men vho an nmply the correct nmu .d these two v.11 known town and fulfill coudinang bylaw V: 01hr our 154101!" Lla’y's noun GOLD 'AYOI: Myjtnnel (3mm: Government Stumped) :- A "I! on. (like: India In pro-Outed to Gum.) had our “has: an a shut of plpor. t on" with my"! ad uni union for rap y. u PEI-0 l C 00,. “dual. Witch Momma“. I!» mama. Eaclul. Yb- wluor in "garnet to pun:th all: to wu: with much. I‘m nuac a! §2Ll9§9LMWHfifzifi ‘étent "I" I“ .r mu" '. lwuo T .u- mm" at "my. “a. km” n4 n1 mum- all-d Mrs, H. Bnrkharlt. 20 Eden Road. Toronto; Mr. A. J.~ Eastman. Shoal Luke. Multubu. 31 Erie Sh. Strum)“, Ontario, Canada. ______..__._..._..-_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BOYD‘S SHORTHAND SCHOOL. an! Yonge 89.. Toronto. nreuares cog-1 , stenographera in 50 days by t a, RYL-LA;BIG SISTEM. Positions 80-: m BAY STREET, arohofii'o: BOOK-1_60 IiAVORITE SQN‘G s. monfion the new; of as: writing 10 adverhsers. AGENTS WANTED LOCATED. EDUCATIONAL. FOR SALE. Dress and Manmi lelng, Fitting, and Futtlng Together STOCKS. 'Shlpflig Fever & Cnlurhal Fever fin]: Eye. Eplzootlc,

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