Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Nov 1909, p. 1

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VOL. XXXII. IS PUBLISHED EVER 2 EHURSDAY MORNING AT ms USER“. PRINTING & PUBLISHING MUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. " VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Gal‘ls by telephone from-Richmond Hm charged to me. T. F. McMAHON. T figigeon, J K Mc Maple Wusm Saigcon «In NIcEwmn, amused Auctioneers ferthe County a! Sulecncoudedbo on shorces noticeand a eonabio rates Patronage mliaited Efiuuwu Auctionaur tar me County of Y0 1,; Guam: so”. an consignment Geuarul fines «too at: firckaptly whende to at rensmmole ntes Kosidwesvuinnvme . p,» LL.‘ License Auctioneex tar theCoI‘mty of York ra- apeetmlly sollcxts your patronage and friendly bnfluenoe sales attr-uded an the shortcut notice audit oasona‘bemtea P 0 address King DR. FULTON RISDDN. Dentist, {SUCCESSOR T0 DR. H, W‘. ANDERSON) Our. Yongefiand Bloor Sta. Toronté. Will be in Richmond Hill ‘Vednesday afternoon’s only Office, next door north of Stand- ard Bank. I- w: Wmuwuvv - ....‘....._.- G R éuuldmg, Newton‘eut for the lbove JOHN H. CAMPBELL» “ROCK HAVEN," RICHMOND HILL. Pianoforte, Theory and Composi- tion, Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano-Ensemble, Piano-Pedagogy. Results count. DUEXNG THE SEASON 1908-1909, THIRTEEN PUPILS OF ME. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CGNSERVA: TORY OF MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. tar SEND FOB DESCRIPTIVE BGOKLET. m $ I per annum, in advance.] Prepares pupils for Primary. J nnicr, Intermedgute examination at Toronto Coliseryqtnry and_(3oll_o_ge of _M_u_§ic._ Ct . 720303110. our. Newton School of Music Grathmtes of thisb‘oilege readily obtain chnicepositinns. Th? demand : fur om- gruduntes is fully five times ‘ tht-impmv. WIMer Term opens Jan. 3rd. New catalogue free. Con. Voncz AND Annular! 873. V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Special co'urse in “Ma'er’s” Kinder- :m-ten Mashed, particularly helpful to Jeginm-rs. 424V MISS MILLIE TRENCH For superim- Business or Shorthand' Education is the progxessive BU SINES S CARDS. 3. EARLE NEWTON, ‘D’IRECTOR. Elm giheml DEPART M-ENT S. Emma & Pnornmwoa. BEST PLACE IN CANADA RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. I! Ptcntfice. D. G. BLOUGH, ELI-10'1"! weterfiuam mum. J K McEwon Weston t York. I. 1'68.- RICHMOND HILL. ONT.,THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1.909 PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired and Expert Work '( l r 1 \Money to loan at, FivevPer Cent, (5%). A G F Lawrence F- J Duub a: Barristers , Sclieitors, Notaries, 85:. Home Life Building Om. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. anonto. BARRISTER, Somcn‘om NOTARY, ETC. Tomntn Office, 33 Richmond St. \Vvst, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond - Hill Office (“Libequ Office), every Thursday fox-(moon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnodbx-idge, Saturday forenoon. Barristers, Solictors, Etc. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E... TORONTO, Canada FRA'NK BENTON, K. C. HERBERT L. DUNN WV Munocx BOULTBEE Phone Main 311. Demon, Dunn & Boultbee Money to loan enlwd anachatbe] mortgages lowest rates turoraomceâ€"Bemoved to the old post oflm.’ one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of #he poscoflfi-c-s 1‘ HannnaTmemx G STV Mona“: Amara. New l Riohmcno. Hill mmw PUBLIC GCMJQHSSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE , &c. Issuer 13f Marriage Licenses. BI-GHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, JAS. N EWTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN MIILI ,S A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept; at both places. (Inden‘laken‘s a: Embalmors, RlCHMONB HILL M‘HORNHHL Lax-em 5 E Lawrence & Dunbar, H. A‘ NICHULLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Ganveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNIâ€"IILL YOUR COURSE in Shot-themd or Businéss will bring you best results if taken at our old established and thoroughly x-elinhlv school. ‘Vintel- Term begins Jun. 4th. Gntalngue Flee. )entrul Y. 31.0. A. Bldg.. Tnmnw‘? British Amepican .. , Bu51'1‘1gssmCollege I‘Yl'n . J. EDWARD FRANCIS, gain 5. Wa‘m'dson THORNHILL SNN‘HC M MORGAN Barristers and Solicitors . VOIciNG AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. OOKKISBIONEB 1!? T3: “In Essmlialfi, Unity; £51 Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." mm. C Sweet to E1! ; none Main 29 Van han Council met, on the 10ch of Nmem er. Reeve Longhnusein the chair, members all present.‘ ‘Minutes of_la_lst _m_eetirjg refui amd approved. The following sheep claims were mx di‘J'9d to be paid :â€"-J. Hiu-ris, 4 sheep and 1 ram, $26.66; Neil A. Mulloy, 3 sheep killed. $18.00. The 1' allowing communications were received and remitâ€"- From Frank Barber. 0.11, with pro- guess estimate N0. 2 Kleinhm-g :uch. authorizing the payment of $1186.40 to 0. L. Hicks, cumin-actor. From w.'s. Gibson. C.E,, with sur- vey and desariptiun of deviation on Int Zchhn. 8. to Gemgg Cguper. From W. Ht Gnfiit, Esta” with conies of service re Gamble versus Vaughan and Markham. “ From Albert Semie. Esq., re culvert, &c., on tmvn line Albion and Vaughan being out of remix. me W. R. Tiffin. Esq, Allundale, stating that. crossiu at Concnrd Was in accordance with t, Ie order of Board of Railwily Qmflmissioluers. From R: J. Train, asking for culvert between Alots ‘25 -ar_|_d 2X3, cn_n, 9. From Chas. Norman. Esq.. asking the Council to take steps towards upeninxzdx-nin o pnsm’. the'l‘emperance House in the vi lug? ofMaple. Mr. Thomas was appointed Commis- sinnm- to attend tn the same. From J. E. Frauds. Esq., enclnsing Yonge St. Account and smting ‘hrlt, cart-Hrs on thge SL. Would not work foL-kjss than $3.00 per day. Snigennâ€"McNai;'â€"~Th§\t the Trims- nmr he and is hereby authm‘ized to pay h) 0. L. Hicks. CDIIU'HCLOI‘, tiw sum nf $1188.40. heing in paynwnt fm' esti- mate NH. 2. as per order uf Frank Bar- ber. C.E.. being 80 per cent. uf wm-k peI-fm-nmd to date on the Kleinberg arch.â€"~Unrried. Cumemnâ€"McNairâ€"That the Clerk hp and is hereby instructed to 1111157 to \V. R. Tiffin, 142511., 0f the G. T. R. (10.. tn thP effect that, tin-grade on the east side of cmssing at (‘lon'mrd statinn is not a 5 per cent. grade. also. while the west Side may he 20 ft. 6 inches in width. the posts on road guard are ton near the centre of the mad. Alsn. the Reeve and Cunncil (if the Township of Vaughan would be plensvd m meE-tthe road officials on the grounds at an early date for discussion in said mat- tenâ€"Carried. McNair-Thomnsâ€"'[‘hnt Councillnr J. T. Saigenn be a Commissioner to onâ€" quire into the necessity of :1 culvert. at railway cmssing hetweensllnts 25 and 26, con. 9,â€"Oan-ied. ‘ On motion, the Treasurer was auth- orized to pay a large number of road accounts, Yonge St. accounts and stat- ute labm- :Iocnunts. Council then adjourned, to meet at the Town Ham, Venom, on Tuesday. the 7th day of December, A.D., 1909‘ at 10 o’clock mm. it isn’t so ditficuit to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes at it correct- ] . And this is true of the Heart and gidneys. The old fashioned wav of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the Heart; or Kidney-'5 is sureiy wrong! Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. “Go to the Weak or ailing nerves of these orgnns,” said he. Each inside organ has its controlling or “inside nerve.” \Vhen these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists every- where to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. A few days best will surely tell. Sold by W. A. San- derson. The great success of the Free Em- ployment Bureau. for men. and the \Vomen’s \Vm-k Bureau, during the past ten mnnths, has Pncournged the Associated Charities of Toronto to con- tinue their efforts. They have secured enlarged promises where the work will he more efficiently carried on. Both bureaus now being under the one man- agement. and in the same building. \Vc‘ owe it to the large number of men and wmnen whu say. "It’s work. not charity. wn want." m see that such is provided fur them through this chan- nel, which is entirely free to both emplnyvr and Pulpit)ny Auuiiusr feahu-é added to our endea- vors is to by and secure light, employâ€" ment fm' the “aged” and “physically” defe-‘c’t ive class. who deserve the sym- pathy of all who can give such work as can he perfm-mtd as efficiently as the young a mi strong. These must live. and should have a chance tn maintain themselves. \Viil all who require help nf any kind, skilled or unskilled men or \vnmen. communicate direct with these hm‘vnns. 'l‘m-unto Free Employment Bum-nu (for men) south-east corner of Queen and Jarvis St" and the VVnmeu’s W'm-k Bureau, in thP same building? An earnest effort will be made to se- cure just. the bel you need, and as promptly as possigle. Gnnd heavy cotton Grain Bags, 2- }mshol size. per (102. $3.50. Atkinson & Switzvr, T9 EMPLOYERS 0F LABflR. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. MhmmL An event which will long be remem- bered by those who articipated took place at the home of r. Wm. Paxton of mm» township of King, last Thurs‘ day. Nov. 11, 1909. The occasion was the re-union of the family of Mrs. \Vm. Paxton. composed of the mother, Mrs. Jaa Stewart. now in her ei hty-ninth yfur: MrsLJ. H._Ro_ss_, of rogkville; Mr. “'11:. StPWart. of Aurora; Mrs. A. Kennedy. of Barrie; Mr. R. R. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stewart, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McGill, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paxton, at home, and Mrs. M. Legge and her daughter, the charm- ing representative of the fourth gener- ationâ€"baby Elsie. . The keynote which echoed and re- echned in each heart found expression in Tennyson’s immortal lines : “The. love of all thy son‘s encompass thee: The 11:7“? of all thy daughters cherish t 99; Thedkwe of all thy people comfort thee, I Til! his iove s‘et thee at his side again. Joining all hearts in the fervent hope that the Divine Master whom she had humbly serve-d all her life would be pleased to grant unto them a. continu- ance of that, life so full of blessing and of lnspi:-a£_i<1n._ A pleasing incident to the occasion was the fact. that, it. was the forty-first. anniversary of the marriage of Mrs. J. H. Ross, the well-beloved eldest mem- ber of the Stewart family. The mother. horn in Scotland in 1820, came to Can- uda as a chiivd. her parents settling at B‘Iadfwrd. where this remarkable fam- ily_ spent their childlucht » 7 ‘ flu-1843 she. was united in marriage to James Stewart of Kin township. and spent, her life there. er husband. after a life of unselfish usefulness, gassed to his reward in September, 889 Her father died at Bradford in his eighty-sixth year; her eldest sister. Mrs. A. Rodgers, at ninety-five; the next old¢st, Miss Ellen Rennie, at eighty-nine; Mrs. David Johnston, (mother sister, at eighty-foul" She has a sister still living. Mrs. “’11:. Spence of Bradford, rapidly approach- ing the rightieth milestone. 0f the sons and daughters of Mrs. Stewart there are four daughters and three sons still living; forty-three grand- children :und twenty great grand-chil- d reu. The oldest/of the grandcchildreu is now twelve years old. Tckling, tight Coughs, can he surely and quickly loosened with a prescrip- tion druggists axe dis ensng every- where as Dr. Shuop‘s (gough Remedy~ And it is so very. very different than common cough medicines. No Opium. no ()hloroform, absolutely nothing harsh m- unsnfe. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr. Shuop’s Cough Remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Oough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial mem- brane. Mothvrs should, for safet ’s sake alone always demand Dr. Slump s. It. can with perfect fnwdom be given (0 even the youngest huhes. Test it yourself and see! Said by W. A. Sanderson. ‘ Buiidiu _is 1‘0 mssing m idi in the filing. ‘Tgis geusnn the Snug; 0f the hammer and tilesaw may he heard daily, Sundays excepted. The devel- opment of trade and increase of cus- toms under the Laurier Government, alung with the high prices farmers xe- ceive for all their pI-uduce. stimulates trade, and gives a fair wng to the laboring man, which is the cause of the huge increase of deposits in our banks. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. McLean we“! the recipients nf many kind congratqu tiuns from theirchildwnat “Pembiuu,” London. Out, and Toronto, on the sixty-fifth anniversary of their wed- ding. Part of the clan McLean had forgotten thv 13th of November, but; the chief accepts their kind wishes all the same. The small cmp‘ of apples has been gathered in safely, aluug with the mob crop, said to he largennd of good qual- ity, which our stuck require during th£_lung winte: season. \Ve regret to hear that Mr. 0. Court'- nvy had one of his fingers crushed in the \thels of the cider mill, so that he hug to have it, amputated. The rmstnf the Gavan long swamp drain is said to be (war $17,000. Look out for an increase in taxes fox twenty years to cmne. A clot-gynmn writes: , “Preventics, those “(the Candy Gold Cure Tablets. are working wonders in my parish.” Prevvntics surely will check a cold. or the Grippu. in u very few hmus. And Premmics are so sufe‘and harmless. No Qllininw. nuthing harsh nor sicken- ing. Filw fur feverish restless, chil- dren. Box of 48 at 250. Sold by W. A. Snndmssm. Temperanceville. Mount Pleasanta. Here is what should and can be done! Now you would not willlnzly pay for mod nm was Worthlessâ€"would you? ‘ Then why pay for medicine until that med]: cine first proves to you its actual worth? .Posmvely knowing what Dr. Shoop'a Re- “mauve can do [or the sick. I say to all "don'I y unleu health first returns". And I back my wrath. with a signed sud sealed 30 day "Nu New. 1% eontpstv , ._ n._ 4-). -_-__|.._. 1:] free 7“ fails”. 1st others do the lunar- or else pus theig prescrlpgions pg. .m--‘ _.u_ 1.“. u. um ym ....,.. “HM...” ,., . If you need more strength. more fltaiity. more vigor or more vim. use my Restornth'o ‘ law days and note the immediate improvement. ~ When the Stomach. Heart. or Kidneys go wrong, then test Dr.Shoop's Restorative. I do not dose the Stomach nor stimulatetbe Heart or Kid- neys. for that is wrong. Years ago I cast away mu mistaken idea in medicine. The books below best tel! you_hmy Igm sngcegding. - 1;;._ an- my van .yvu no" 1 “nu wuuwwu- These books also tell of a tiny hidden "In- Iide nerve." no larger than a silken thread. They hell how mm nerve. until it fails. actually gives w t_he Heart its power, in; tone. its never-endinl Monggr lmpul§e. ___ i ‘ ‘ ' . wow-u» un yu-w. These books wm open up new md helpful Ifleu mthose who are not well. They tell how the Stomach . and Kidneys each have then-"inside" or power norvea They tell how the Restomfin was especmuy made to reach and revitalize them weak or mum: inside nerves. All of these facts mu why I an ab). to Asgy.£'lt is mic if it fails". wâ€" nu; . nu. w...- .V --.V ..__ :I‘his is why 1 any Xi‘a'ke no chavhoeio’n G medsz whose maker dare not back it just as I do by this 1-emarkable ofer”. 80 write me today for the order. I have appointed honest Ind responsible dmggists in nearly every community to ism. my medicines to the sick. . But write me first '01- the order. All druggists sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative. but 311 are not luthorized to give the 30 day test. So drop me a line pleaseâ€"and thus save discomimment and delays. Tell no 3130 which book you need. ,. A postal will do. Besides. you are free to consult me as you would your home physician. My advice and tho book below are yoursâ€"and without cost. WVâ€" Perhaps a. word or two from me will clear up some serious ailment. I have helped thousands upon thousands by my private prescription or personal ndvive plan. My best efiort is surely worth your simple request. 50 write now while you have it fresh in mind. for tomorrow never comes. Dr. Sheep, Box 12. Racine. Wis. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinityâ€"- No. 1 0n Dysvepsh No.2 0n the Heart 80. 3 0n the Kidney! STEAM COAL N UT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton doal. Also Tiie. ' I. Bran and Victor_Feed_ for cattle and hogs. A150 slim/cs and good American corn (old). 'All kinds of grain bought and highest possibly prices paid at the Eievator. ‘- Canadian P, u b - lishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. v CASSELLS’ It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Cassel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.50 The Story Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . 1.5!) The Girls‘ Realm . . . . 1.50 Little Folks . . , . 1.50 5F SICK--WHY PAY Chums Subscfiptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adelaide St. W. Toronto Unless Health Fixst Returns. vumwu ve‘iy pledto to thefick. every hogpfg yestomtwe gs Q be" bso‘l'm- J. H. RAMER GOA. L For threshing engines. [Single copies, 3 cts. Which Bwl M! -! Band In"! No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men _ X0. 6 0n Rheumatism No. 21 in the

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