Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Nov 1909, p. 4

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lMx-.’Ellis Barry, accompanied by his sister Ethel of Strunge, and his ln-nthw Alvin of Turnntu. and also Mr. G. Munroe of Strange. won: guests uf frieh’ds at, "Frog Valley” farm lust SuAndHy: _ is more like 16th century politics. The Mail cannot make its readers be- lieve that the Dominion Government dislikes the farmers. Ml. Mackenzie King is a member of the Cabinet. Did anybody expect‘him to support Mr. McLaughlin who ran as 3 Con- ser‘vativc? The Mail knows better, but if it does not its intelligent readers do. The Mail and Empire tries to make out that W. L. Mackenzie King op. posed Mr. McLaughlin in West Mid-l dlesex because the latter was a farmer. Thié, the Mail looks upon as an insult to farmers as a body. In Monday’s issue the Mail says: “In this fight of Mackenzie King against the presence of farmers in Parliament sound com- mon sense must sympathize with the class the Government dislikes.” This The American Labor Union now in session in Toronto has made itself clear on the liquor question. In Massey Hall last Sunday, in terms that could not be misunderstood, the liquor trafiic was denounced from every standpoint. The saloon was condemned an an enemy of the work- ingman, a burden on his life, and a curse to his home. The declarations cannot fail to have an influence for the cause of temperance and sobriety. Most people admit that it is unwise even for the wealthy to indulge in strong drith For a workingman to spend his money on whisky and beer, that should go to buy the necessaries of life for his wife and children is little less than a. crime. Rev. K. J. Beutnn of Victnx-in Col- lege. Toronto, “'hl) conducted the missionary service in the Methudist Church here Inst Sunday, delivered an excellent. sex-mun, found in Rev. iii:8, “I know thy works: behold I have set lnrfox-e thee an open dour and no mun can shut. it: for thou hast a. little strength. and bust kept my word and hast not denied my nmne."_ Mrs. Gen. Cuuk." "Highland Farm," has been seriously ill for the past $\ eck. Her many friends 100k for her spygdy‘rgcnxery. A large numhe'r of friends from Testnn attended the missionary ser» vigg hexjt- lilSESlllenfln Owing to the, account, of so many weddings during the past few years it, has been fuund necessary t0 add more members to the Methodist Church choir of this place. Fuur new mem- bers have been added, namely: Miss Hattie. Nixon. Miss Annie Jones, Miss Annie Huiles. Mr. Lewis gig-merit. 7 One of the largest; turnips which has been produced around [his vicinity for some time was producm] Ivy Mr. \Vm; Ulement this yenr. He had one which weighed 18; nunds. Pity the fairs are all over. V illium; you might have g0_t__fixst prize? Miss Ainy Jones has relurned home after spending at week visiting with frivnds in Toruntu. AN IMPORTANT ADDRESS BY SIR WILFRID LAURlER. Sir \Vilfrid Lnnrier's recent speech on “The Constitutions of Great Britain and the United Statesâ€"n Cumpnrisun,’ giwn before the \Vonmn’s Canadian Ulnh of Montreal, was an important one, and one which teachers “lid lead- ers of debuting societies will find ex- ceedingly valuable for readings and for discussion. Mr. Nnuh Hniles has grmtly im- proved his farm by removing a numâ€" ber of large stumps. Thatlt was an instructive address goes without saying. for matters of constitutional history form one of the favorite studies of .the Premier. He was ontlmsinsticully applaule thn he declared that the British Constitu- tion was the pride of all British sub- jects. Ht: showed how all otlwr countries in the search for lilwrty had had to adopt the principles of that constitution in whole or in pnrt. and remarked that the most illustrious ex- ample of all was that of the American Colonies, which, when they had wrenched themsdvc-s from tlw Mother- land, had paid her the compliment of adopting her constitution as far as the new conditions permitted. He showed why, in his opinion. the British Cun- slitutiun was more- elastic and more rebponsive to the public needs than the American Conflitution. RICHMOND HILL. OWL, Nov. 18. Through the courtesy nf Sir W'ilfrid Lnurier. the full text ufsthis address h :5; hue“ puLlisllgd inr'flVm-ld \Vide’ of Nuvcr'l’ww 6H), c:‘q'*-i»~‘.3(:f which may he obtained v‘v r. \ "'wll ratos from the ubli he: >, I' r, Duugznll & Hour; hcnnreal, O; u Hope. The beautiful picture, “The Soul's Awakening.” now being distributed amongst subscribers to the “Famil Herald andVVeekly Star,” uf Mmm-en‘ , wins the admiration of all who see it. It is so vastly superior ,and different to the ordinary pieuiium picture. that one wonders how the pnhlishvrs of that, great weekly paper can afford m give it free with a year’s subscriptiun. “The Snul’s Awakening" is 19 by 24 inches, all ready for framing and fit tn occupy a place on the walls of any home in the Dominiun. Any hnme pus- sessing a copy will be much the better Of it. A dollar sent now for a. year’s suhsél'iptiuu to the "Family Ht-l-nld and \Veekly Star", of Montreal, will bring ynu a copy of the picture five. Do not wait until the crowd ahead of you gets too big. There is an enm-nmus demand, and delay may menu missing this great treat. The new Hexngnn Mush “filing. in black, only 270 yd.; Hair Rolls, large size,'asxurted shades, 250 each. Atkin- son & Switzer. The Victoria Square branch hi the» V‘Vnmen’s Institute will meet at, the home of Mrs. Perkins on VVednesdny, Nuv. 24. at 2.30 p.m. Programme: Musicâ€"Noun! duets; paper on “How we are benefited by meeting togethel ." hy Mrs. Gen. McCnge; Musicâ€"vinlin and piano. the Misses \Vilh'umsnn: reading. sch-cred. by Miss U. \anker; Musirâ€"-\'ul:n|. Miss Myrtle \Vilsun’; ex- change of recipvs. -AlI welcmuc. The Ynuth’s‘ Compnninn abounds in stirring stories of adventure and herp- ism. One may describe an escape from necidehtnl eril, nnntheru strange on- cnunter wnh wild creaturesâ€"1mm or beast. Many of thege gym-his :{l-e true as to facts. and only disguised us to names and places. A soon: or more of 81101) stories will be published during 1910. in ndditiuu in nearly 200 othersâ€"â€" 250 good stories in all. and no twu alike. And this is not countng the. serial stnries, which it, is believed will be cnnsidered by old Companion rend- ers as the best The Companion hitsever published. Every new Canadian sub- scriber will find it of special advantage to send at unite the $2.00 for the new 1910 Volume. Not only does he] get the beautiful “Venetian” Calendar for 1910. lithngmphed in thirteen colnrs and gold.‘ but all the issues of The Companinn for the. remaining Weeks of 1909 from the time the subscription is received. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION. Companion Building, BOSTON, MASS. New subscriptions received :it this office. BARNES-AL Elgin Mills, on the 12th of Nokubur. tn Mr. and Mrs. \Villium Barnes 3 daughter. NEILâ€"At Richmnnd Hill, on the 12ch of November. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neil a son. . MOYLANâ€"On Monday. Nm'. 15, 1909, at; his daughler’s residence, 100 Oak- streetv, Patrick Mnylzm, in his 7lst year. Funeral Thursday, Nov. 18. at 3.30 3.111.. tu St. Paul‘s Church, thence to Tho hranch of the Standard Bank wet-lltlv npenPd here is prm'ing a rent, convenience to the farmers and usi- ness men. It, is well patronized and is a great stimnlusutybusiness. Mr. David \Videumu, for many years an esteemed citizen of this place, has purchased a prnpelty in Rich~ mond Hill. and is moving With his family |:_o that village. ‘ ' Rheumatism promptly driven from the blood by Dr. Shonp’u Rheumatic Remedy. Don’t waste Linna with com- mon remedies. A test will surely toll' In tablet (In-liquid'form. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. ‘ Mr. \V. 'H. Lever’s auction sale of farm sLm-k and implvments hvl'elnst Saturday was a meat success. Prices Snarvd high. and the :mctiuneerLMI'. J. H. Prentice of Unimn-ille. was in excellent, form. House and stable with of an acre nf land. part of lot 44..Vuughan, on Yungu Sh, one quarter of a mile south nf Richmond Hill. Pussessinn right away if sold at nnce. Ap fly to l6-lf l. A. NIUHOLLS. St. Michael’s Cemetery. 3:13am manur- film as Rtpans AN INSPIRING PICTURE. 250 GOOD STORIES. Tnhules: pieasant 121:; ath‘e. "Pa bules cure names, Timulas cure. live r tr-L'k' Tatqu assist ' nti For Sale Gmmxey DEATHS. BIRTHS. Notice to mailers. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “The Revised Statutes of Ontario” 1897, Chapter 129. that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John Naughton, who died on or about the 22nd day of February, 1909, are required. on or be- fore the, 4th day of December. 1909, to send by as! prepaid or to deliver to Messrs. Buwrence & Dunbar. NH. 60 Victoria Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Administratri)‘: of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and" sur- names, addIBSSBS'Hnd descriptions. the full purticuiars of theii claims. the statement of their accounts, und‘the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. IS PREPARED TO DO D.Hil’1&00 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN NAUGHTON. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, YEOMAN, DECEASED. Outdoor Groups. Buildings. Etc. Am- ateur Developing and Printing. Try Our Cakes and Cookies if you want to enjoy a. Rich Treat VAnd further take notice that after such last, mentioned date. the said Ad- ministrem'ix will proceed to distribute the assets (va tljeA deceased among thg +++4~++M ++++¢§+++++++%++:P+ PHOTOGRAPHY parties entitled thereto, having regard unly to the claims of which they shall [lien have notice, and Lhatthe said Ad- minisLl'alrix will not be‘ liable for the said assets. or any part thereof to any persnn or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. . Dated the Third day of November, HILL’S BREAD v v u Viv I ‘~' . The elder 1m” xs now :nnnmg’levery‘ a‘uudzay. Thursday and Saturday. ‘ 15-8 ' '17 ‘ , §Cut Prlces 19-4 Mummmmm+++++++ formerly of Galbraith Photo 00., Toronto " JERRY SMITH WE HAVE STILLT ON HAND QUITEA“, LARGE STUCK_OF LADIES-WATCH CHAINS. . W'P-F'i-i'i' W ED WARE AT A E ARE SELLING OUT ALALIOUR SlLVERzPLAT- ‘\,‘ ++§~+++++$ ALL OUR jEWEL- RY AT A Richmand Hill Gwamery. ‘ discount 0f 25% discount of 50% H. B. Stirling LAWRENCE & DUNBAR. a Solicitors fur Margaret Nunghtnn", Administra- trix uf the Estate anuhn Nzlughtun. deceamd. ' Makes Bread=Eating A Pleasure All Kinds of :z, :: :: .Photographic VVork 9000OOOOOOQ§O+9§+§9§§fi§¢§4§z§§z§§§§§§fi§ 90000909090 96+§6§9§§9§6§§§9 +++++++++++++++++++++«.+++++++++++w$++++++++++++w _ Y _ x k S = GRL 2 l .J I LAFH . = H w; 7...... N "In .10., Mill Phone 42 126 East King Sf... Toronto owwownwnowwoMownoowwwwuw >§+§+0¢+¢§§§§ 60+- 4 0 a § 609 OOO§§§§¢¢§++§§OQ§O§9 0+. .09 .00 0049900900900. #0099” €aaé§$wwww aeaaaaaaeeeaoaeaaaeQ S KEEP POSTED ON FARM NEWS Q less end is more satisfactory than wooden shingles or metal roofing. It’s absolutely waterpro .l, and practi- cally fire and wearpmol. Can be quickly and easily put on by anyone, and costs per 100 square feet for all materials supplied upwards from Sold only by YOU have one on ynur house or barn. Right “OW is the time r'wair or replace it with Russill’s Asphalt Roofing, which cost§ CLEAN, FRESH, AND ALL MADE FROM ,- ONTARIO WHEAT USE “WHITE CROWN” FLOUR FOR PASTRY THE Our ClthBing rate is $1.50 for the {cum paige‘x'SLfSubvsfiri‘lgg ' pt pnge and get the benefit of thcitimnerm. ' I Tm: CANADIAN FARM, published in Toronto, is the National \Veekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion. The work and money spent on its production makes it incomparany superior to anything of the kind. Special writers for special depart- ments. All original matter in every issue. Splendid and reliable crop and market reports. Everything up-to-date. Finely illustrated. Choice and instructive reading for the farmer and his family. No farmer can afford to‘be without it. a Every farmer will make more money who reads it. Bran. and. Shorts EVERY POUND GUARANTEED PURE The Canadian F arm 3am. Cannes a; z :1 7- a; ghgionjsgé, A Dam» Fifty LIBERAL ‘ " For $1.50 H. V. DENNE & CO. RUSSELL HARDWARE All subscribers g’et The Canadian Farm from‘now. to the lst of Jan.. I911. Chap Feeds All orders shipped promptly NEWMARKET AIJL KI? and the BIDS Residence 136 Right C0.

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