Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Nov 1909, p. 5

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@112 (gib‘cml. RICHMOND HILL ONT., Nov. 18. 4909 Mr. and Mrs. ’l‘. anl-‘s and Mr. John Konnelsluy have taken a l‘esidchc (m Richie street, Tm unto. MI'. Hurry BIUVIP. and Miss Mnyh’, \vlm spent»th summer in thvir unt- tnge hero. Letnrned tvn their 'l‘m-ul'llu llume lust Friday for the Winn-r. The peI-sun who was seen taking a man’s l‘lllghvl‘ cape (mt nf Innes’ wag- gun shed'h‘st Friday, the 12th. will please return the same and save fur- ther Hummer-Gum. Men’s single-breasted fly-frnnt good heavy black wool chuvint Ovuxmnts, velvet, 0011a). black-ribbed serge lining. mw. insim-E'three uutsidgpuckets; each $8.00. "Atkinson & Slfifzer.’ The Epwnrth‘ League un Friday evening will bu in charge of the Chris- tian Endeuvur Department. The tnpic, “Lost Uppm'tunities," will be taken by Mr. Elmm‘e Reamun. Mrs. Bully will sing. ; r Presiiyieilr-iran Church on last Sunday morning. and Rev. E. '1‘. Douglas of Thornhill in the evening. ' Ml. H. A. Nicholls,- Rt-ul Estate Agent, reports the sale of Miss Juncs’ pmphty to Mr. David \Videman of Gun-mley. Mr. \Videmnu is retiring from farming and will muve here shortly. ' Rev. Alfred Fitzpatrick, B.A.‘, secre- tary of the‘ Camp Educatiun muve- meut. conducted the seryice kin ghe One of the best, weeklie-s for young people is The Youth’s joulpaniuu. uhlished in Bustun, Mnss.. by Perry ason Company. Subscriptions at $2.00 a year taken at THE LIBERAL Ofiice. ,Bulance of this year flee. Mrs. P. McGarter has purchased from Mr. C. Rnllil) a house and In: on the north-West corner of Richmund and Trench streets. The houSe will be renovated. and will be nccu'pwd by Mr. and Ma's: Mch-ter us soon as flu- ished. ‘ Mr. J. H. Runner sprained his ankle last Friday, and was confined to the house several days afterwards. He suffered so much early Monday mum- ing that the doctor had to he called in. He is, however, attending to business again. A Pumpkin Pie Social, fullowed by a. and programme, will be held in the emperance Hull. Teston. on Tuesday evening. Nov. 23. Tea served at. 6 o’clock. Admission 20 cents, children 15 cents. Anniversary service will be conducted by Rev. J. \V. Gordon at 7 p.m. Sunday, 2lst inst. “Canadian” evening drew a good attendance at, the Epworth League last Friday evening. An interesting paper on Canadian History was given by Mr. T. A. Lamnn. Snlns were sung by Mr. Hume and Miss Switzor, and tiwo-Iuinlltgspeecb‘es were made by P; Brice, Rev. E. H. Toye anEl Mr. J. H. Sanderson. Martin, the six-yearâ€"old son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vnodwm-d of Elgin Mills, happened with a painful accident. one day last, week. The little fellnw was playing in Mr. D. W. Olubine’s burn or stable, when he fell through a feed hole. breaking his leg near the thigh. The doctor says that, Martin will be confined to his bed for five or six weeks. I MPROVEMENTS. Several trees on the north, south and West of the Masonic Hall have been removed during the past week. This was a. good move on the part of the management, as plenty of shade trees still remain. A first-class grann- lithic walk has recently been laid on the north side leading to the Public Library Room, ’and another (m the south leading to Forester Hall. A coat of paint is yet needed on the outer walls. and then the Masonic Hall will present a creditable apphurance. As our young people are anxiously waiting for ice on which to commence skating operations. we believe the fol- lowing notice of meeting tn provide a Skating Rink in Richmond Hill will be interesting. The bill, which bears the imprint, "Alex. Scott, Printer, Rich- mond Bill,” is dated Oct. 29, 1864, just 45 years ago, and reads as follows :â€"- “All persons favorable to making nr- rangements to provide it good skating rink during: the ensuing winter season, are respectfully invited to meet at Mr. Raymond’s lnn, nn the evening (if lin- day, the 4th of November, 1864. MS o’clock. Sigxwd, M. Teel'y. St-cy.-Treus. At another meeting: Mr. Amus At another meeting Mr. Amus Wright. 4M.P.P., was chairman), and the. fullmving gentlemenâ€"some of whume are yet _with us, but Lhe nmjor- ity have passed awayâ€"were appointvd a committee of umnngmnm‘xt to make the réquislte a:'l'ungemmns and (Milan, S\1b501'ipt,iom:-A. \Vrig' r, Esq. B". Teefy, J. Henderson. 1'“ Pint L \V' ‘53} Myers, 'Audx ‘ N-wvlm, “'23 ‘lhvm R. H. qué, u Amiv wt}; ‘ Daniels Kin \V ‘ :' Bernard. 3. , H wad. 9.’ :H " PAIN F U‘L ACCIDENT. “SKATING CLUB.” Fire \vuq discovered Tuesday evening about 9.20 in the leach house and bark housv at the cannery of Newton Bros.. E‘lgin Mills. The centtal tele- phone office here was at once com- municated with, and messages were sent" in all directions. ' The fire alarm was rung. and soon the fin- engine and uthnr appaxatus was on the way to the scone of the fire. Meanwhile neurhy nt-ig‘hhors gather-(Id and didvvalia‘nb work as a bucket brigade. No at- tempt was made to save the buildings already in flames, but the judicious Work was concé‘ntl'fltrd on the large tannery'lmilding which was connected with the hark house by an elevated bridge. There were times when it was thought impossible to save» the ta nnery. hut everything was favorable â€"â€"il](-' wind Was in the right "direction. the roofs were soaked with the day‘s rain. and the end of the tanmlry near- est the flames was (‘tH'l'H‘l‘l with metal siding. The fireoengine was placed l’war the1 creek, and hour after hour trmsgnf water were thrown on the burn- ing titnln-rss. but, the flames Would burst forth again and again. Shortly after midnight smoke was observed in the tannery, and tearing off some of the siding a post was found to he [nu-n- ing, hut the hose was turned on and the fire. extinguish-d. Most of those at the fire remained mama or three o’clock, while many of the tire-men and others stayed till daylight. During the night, refreshmvnts. with coffee \vero serve-d at Mr. Newton’s. It was a hard night's Work. but nobody cared for that. as long as valuable property could lit‘ saved. The buildings burned contained a machine for grinding bark and other valuahlc machinery. but it is partly covered by insurance. New- ton Bros. wish to express their warm- est thanks for the good work done by the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade and the many others. Had the wind been in an oppositc direction not only the tanner-y but probably ulnst of the houses at. Elgin Mills would have been wiped out. The fire was possibly caused by the heating of the machinéry in the mill for grinding bark. \Vater is good in its place, especially at u. tanuery fire. ‘ \Vhen the medals are given nut, don't forget, the S. A. man whq’sfiuck to the brakes with scarcely a rest. One of the Richmond Hill aldermen accidentally fell into the creek. but his portly form kept. him afloat till he was safely landed by willing hands. High twelve tea is quite appropriate on specml occasions. A ver pretty double wedding, though private in character. and one in which many of the people of this part 01’ the. countr are interested, was solemuized in entI-al Methodist Church, Vancouver, B.C.. on \Vednes- day, Nov. 3rd, at7 p.m. The contract,- ing parties were Mr. R. H. Thomas, formerly of Etcbicokc, Out, and Miss Bessie D. Nixon, second daughter of the late Mr. Charles Nixon, of Hope: also Mr. Hector Conacher. former] of \Veston, and Miss S. L. Curmichae . of Vancouver. Rev. C. W. Whittaker eiformed the ceremony, and the Brides acted as bridesmaids for each other. The former couple was attend- ed by Mr. H. T. Stephenson, cousin of the bride, and the latter by Mr. S. Carmichael. the bride’s brother. Miss Nixon’s dress was of white uemo silk, with crystal trimmings, and Miss Car- michael’s was of white satin. Both wore bridal veils with orange blossoms and carried bouquets of white crysan- themums. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the Bismarck Cafe, where n dainty dejeuner was served. Their many friends wish the young couples long life, happiness and prosperity in their new homes. There was 2L large audience in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening to listen to Rev. W. E. Morgan, a re- turned missionary. He gave a, very interesting address on “Three Chal- iengps from China.” Dr. Rontley sang a. solo. "The Ninety and Nine. In the morning the sermon was preached by Rev. Kenneth J. Beaten, of Victoria Univellsity, A ~ A Mr. J. A; Rose has rented the store lately-Qccupied by Mr. L. H. Vaughan. ;m_d_ hus__put_i_n _i_t his stock qf fumjture. Mrs. Ur. Keffer wturned on Smur- day from a. week’s visit with friends in Kogiu-ney:~ Miss Lydda Kefl’er entertained a. number of her friends on Saturday eveningL Mrs. “N. Knight, of Toronto, was visiting with friends in the village last week. ‘ Mrsf'l’runex- is visiting with friends in Toronto. ' ' Mr. '1‘. Oliver. who was away huntâ€" ing in the month. returned last. Week. bringing with him a fine deer. Liberal and \Veeklv Globe . . . . . . . $1 Liberal and \Veekly Mail .. . . . . ; . 1 Liberal and Canadian Farm. ; . . .. 1 1111an:le and Tux-onto Sél‘mx-day Lihm'n'l Liberal Libvrnl FIRE AT THE TANNERY. hem] and Famle Herald . . . . hem! and The Evening News bvml :1. nd Daily Glnbc (York Gummy). . . . . .. .. ..' . . . . . . . hvml and Daily Mail {Ye/‘ng CLUBBING RATES, FOR 1910. Night: SPARKS AND SPLASHES. DOUBLE WEDDING. f 1 "K {mt- vo '1‘» it'éflméi‘ib‘ IY l'::1l=!"!-'\'3" I (i Maple. Unitgd To thu Editor of Tax: Lmnmn: ’ ‘ ‘ " Dear Sinâ€"Our attention has been called to the lelter uf “Citizen” in your lust issue. It has it's puiut. and relates to a name which is nub nth in itself pernicious, but a. menace-Ln any well- munnged town, nndj devclnps the hoodlqu spirit. The kink 0f the thil'ik’ is bad, to my nothing of the time wasted and [he annnyange given. As tn its cpyrvcfiun, [chine-suggest: , (I) That [)nl'éllt:~r“seélfii§t. mi boy under 15 years is free to become a; paltr-EueLinrthis [gustimen v t "' I (2) That each man and boy with self-respect, and regm'd fur the hmk of things. cut it, out for himself. Most of them. if nnt all, have homes or handing-houses in which the even- ings might he prufitahly spent. (3) That, the Council meet the re- quest 0f “Citizen,” and pass u, hy-luw to restrict. and appnint someone to say “Move on,” and en‘f'urce Oldm-s: 0r, (4) That, lhu Council hpe'n :l mom upstairs in said Lorne Block, which could he used :Is a club mum; or, that the Library Board open the reading l'uulll each evening fur such use, en- fmcing the restrictions re silence, elc.. only on the regular evenings of book distribution. The writer knows that either the Council or Liln-arwapurd will have the cu-nperut ion of the Village churches in such enterprise, and has heard one person express the willingness tn con- tribute n duller er mo th tn’ meet the expense incnrre . \V~il ~ not the 0mm} cil 01 Library Board trike this matter in hand? 'It is the duty of the former; but the privilege of the latter. Yours“. Mr. Wm. Harrison. who' has been a member of the Quarter] y: Official Board of the Methodist Circuit: for bver fm ty‘ years. during which tithe he attended all the meétiuga with few eXceptions, received the following: resolution of gympnthy :'â€"- Circuit, tosuud you a copy of the fol- lowing resolution which was passed by the Board at its regular meeting on Nov. 8th last; and Lassure you that. I do so with ‘much 'pex‘wnalbste‘em and with (unite. concunjqncg in the senti- ments éiip'n'e’sseil thte "fi£’\’ ‘ I am yours \‘ery. truly. __ Dem- Sir,â€"â€"-II am ifistructed h I the Qpartgerly Boa_rd of’th’e Richmpq Hm Richmdrid Hill, Nov. 13, 1909. Mr. Wm. Hal-[isonz . > . - _ 7 S‘geyi’ard. Moved b : Bria; RIF. MoMahon,‘ sec- onded by m. QQOJGge, ' “That this Q-iaiftegly Board. in ses- sion assembled, dé give. exp‘n‘ession to their deep sympathy with Bro“: Harri- son in his severe illness. and the pm- longcd and tedious confinement caused thereby, also to assure him that his prvsvnce at the meetings of the Board Is greatly missed, and to express the hupe that he may speedily be restored to his wonted health and strength. and that, in his enforced retirement. he may know to the full the cumfort con- tained in the fact that ‘iUndemeath are the even-lasting Firms.” ’ i The resolution, which was put to the meeting by the Superintendent, Rev. A. P. Bruce, was Ci‘ujlie’dk unanimouyl y. Read the pain formula on a box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your doctor if there is a. better One. Pair) means congestionâ€"«blind p r e s s u re mmewhere. ~Dr. Shoup’s Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one and see! 20, for 25c: “.Suld‘hy‘WV.“ A. Sanderson. ' On \Vednesday evening of last week Mr. Thomas Huppeflm puned with an accident which mi ht gave cost him his life.,‘- He wasshmdingrin his wag- gun-nt MnD.” McLean’s sule when his horse, ‘lwcoinhjggfrig‘htenegl. plunged fur-ward, thmwiu‘g .Mri Hopper to the ground ‘backwardsiflfle struck the ground 91') :ghis’left ghoulder and in- jin'edj'h'rs Qallm~biqnef The doctor was at; onee tetephOnedfm', but, Mr. Hop- , gr was uncunscioua-for more than two " Outs." Later in the ‘evening .he was 1 ‘mmeed to: his:hinne:‘ Huts-improving [ every day, h11£-§LWill‘be anonSId‘ex-able t-time before ht; is able to use the in- jurécl arm. ,3. - ' I LORD’S DAY ALLIANCE MEETING The address given in the Presby- to-rinn UhurchgTuesday evenin by ReV. W. G. Hann‘h, B.A.. 'genem sec- retary of the. Ontario Lm-d’s Day Alli- ance, wst Worthy of a much larger audience than that which greeted the speaker. 'Rev. Mr. Brace acted as chairman, and Rev. E. 'C. Currie also uiade‘u‘ few npprqpriate remarks. The speaker of. the eyening pomted out the necessity of an active Alliance in every municipzility, showed how the condi- t.ions were changing in Scotland and other places, an ,cmitended that lib- erty to rest on the Lord's Day should be safegumded by law. At the cob- clusion of the address a Vote of thanks was tendered the speaker on motion of Rev. Mr.- Currié,‘seconded by Mr. McMahon. The following officer were nppointéd:-PL-esident, Rev. E. 1). Our- ne; See-Treks" G. Bellman; Lay Rep- resentatives... G. Sims." J., H. Sander- son; Vice - Presidents, the resident ministers. During the evening solos glare sung by ;4M . fl’jlun‘i‘e and Miss Ida ass. ’ . ' \Ve‘lizwe a 11in insamrtulent nf \anl {Papers with C(jiling and borders. (4) :umtchg Rimes '\ )v-i\'5_1[1(n§9111(9. 3 011976 VI: umv ,~ 12¢ *4, or! ’1, are _, .. . .. - V RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY. THE LOAF’ING HABIT. DANGEROUS FALL. ‘5. w): A. 1,.HUME, E. 0. ‘CIVITAS. i (SO-in. Damask Tabling iMWHWÂ¥WWÂ¥H+ “we-aw” Mwwe-wwwwt g 36, ~54 & 724in; Floorâ€" on Cloth §~Atkinso & 'Switzer $++++$§+¢+W$+$$+M++++~ $+$++++++%°§"§#++%+*‘3Ҥ"§°+°§“¥"3‘€ Hui-+1 If you 39+M++++MM°§+M+§4*4-‘1‘404'M-1-4‘+W%*%¢*~9+§-+M+¢+WM+M§° Nov. 18, 1909. Extra good val'ues. Perfection, 66x82. 5 'Ibs; Good quality white Wool Blankets, soft inwfinish! with a close, even nap, in 'blue borders. Per pair;$3.25.”' Concrete House Blankets Men’s Fine Mocha Gloves . Made trbm rich brown quality "Mocha, lined thrgughqptflwithwarm woolen lining, extra goodyalue‘s. Per,.pairj,:$x.¢o.}_ Better, $1.35. Genuin’e, $2.00. Nice patterns, Per sq. yd, 27c. ‘ Heavy Weight Oil Cloth, block: ._ p‘attern; ., sq. yd., 42%0. ' » " , ‘ Linoleum zuwseev In g'r'eeh coloring, with floral design; .450 per have" not'ialreadynbgen buying from .115 it will pay you mgr-#11365. fiA’Wav Better than "City prices; for same to legive‘usia 't'fial .in gBobtsl Undgrwear, Clothing. quglity. Turkey nred, With floral design in Whitafiocfyd, Green and red Tabling, 60 in: Wide; pet yd‘.;v63c. loves, Hats; Caps, Shirts, Neck’Wegr,~ 2193]“ many it ' *fiw‘rwwwa- +~z~+~2~+¢7éz~iak$ ' Richmond HiIIHardware Bu. We handlg only lines made by reliable makers, and can therefore guarantee satisfaction: Agents forâ€" ' THE CELEBRATED “MELOTTE” CREAM NQRMAN J RICHMOND HILL We think We can suit; you both in quality, style and price. , SE PA RATOR,, " SAMSON LADDERSâ€"something new, ask us about, them. $4444"! THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE to; NORMAN BATTY, Manager ANTHONY WIRE FENCEâ€"the very best made. Get our prices. Call and seerpur assortment of Heaters and Ranges . . . «wow ufiéowownw () EI'I‘ FI'J.‘ '1’ EB 72E”, +++++++++4§§fiw++ww NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THE Manx-+4- I GLA‘SfiS

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