Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Nov 1909, p. 1

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03113 by telephone from Richmond » ‘» [Iillcharged to me. [Amazed tuthnuors fol'the Comm-yo! York. Hum use" la-Ho on slim-tea uoticennd a. ran: 'l m-mle mm Pestrmmge solicited Linen-mu vasioueur for mu County of Y0 k G.J)l1 .1 n l J‘l .2 thin-{1.11.303 Gemer 58.135 Mm: eta promptly “sanded to M. reusonnuh rites flosideuw Uuiuuville Gr 1: (:‘rmhlmg, Sewiu Brook.ngeul for tha above Lioenne Auctionael m;- theCouuty of Yor‘: re- aganhlully when; your pwm'nnnge and friendly influmme sales nttmried on the <Lnrsest notice 1nd at eusouabemtea P 0 address King “ ROCK HAVEN,” RICHMOND HILL. UGERM. PRINHHG & ROBLESHWB HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. 1‘. F. M'GMAHON. Piannfnrte, Theory and Composi- tion, Voice Culture, Sightfiinging, Pizmo-Ensemhlo, Piano-Pedagogy. V'OL. XXXI . Results C(mnt. DURING THE REASON 1908-]9m), THIRTEEN PUPILS OF ME. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OF MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. (SUUcEssnn 'm DR. H. W. ANDERSON) ‘Uzu'. Yongv and Block Sts., Toronto. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, 23' SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. “m Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intennedgnte e-xzunileinn at anonto Consm-vaLm-y and Cullng of Music. Special course in "lVIyor’s" Kinder- (iarcen Method, particularly helpful In egimwrs. 42-1V I8 PUBLISHEI EVERY DHURSDAY MORNING “'ill be in Richmond Hill \Vednesday :cl'tvv'ruqnu’s only I , Office, next dum- north 01" Stand- ;n‘d Bank. T Saigerm. J K M ‘ Mum) Wes S 1!;qu dc .‘lcEwen. _ EL'LIOTT MAD numn nun! FOP supvl'inr Nusi Educntvim’: E».- H I"! Newton School of Music Graduates nt' mm nliulin chnice pusi! ' fur our grudnutws lily fin) thst thu supplv. Winta‘: arm opens Jan. .‘1rd. New mtuluguu fire-v. Ih'ge readily Th? dullde Con. YONG: ANS) ALEXANDER 87;. W J. ELMOTT. Principal. MISS MILLIE TRENCH $1 per annum, in advance. ‘0 DR. FULTON RISDON. I)entist, VETERINARY SURGEON, J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR. BUSINE DEPARTMENTS. TORONTO. ONT. Eb ' ’” he glbmfi BEST P L"; RIGHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano ’Fhornhill. Emma a5: J. HE P: a-nliee. D. G. l: LOUGII, $3 ctrrfiuam AT THE Mum. SS CARDS. ROPRIETOB. SAHADA m' Shortlde (waive J K McEwen Weston RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25, 1.909 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, Etc. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . Ban-hich and Sollclwn. Money to loan unluud anncnmte u.Ivi‘.pugt-s lowest rates Auruxnnflicoâ€"Rcmoxed be; the old post oflxca one rigor west 01' the enhance to the - Qntano Bank Newmurkm officeâ€"Three doors south of the pusson‘u-e T Hrznnxnu Lrgxxox 6 81V MORGAN Munro, New NUIARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER, ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. NOTA RY PUBLIC, Barristers, Snlicturs, &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK BENTON. K. C. \V. M ULOCK HOULTBEF W. H. MCGUIRE Riohmonc; Hill [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, EIJG‘IN IVIIIJI «IS F J Dung A large Barristers,301icitors. Notaries, M. Home Life Building 00:.» Adelaide “"1786 Victoria Sts.. Toronto. Organs Repuired and Expert. Work Guaranteed BARRISTER, Soucx’mn, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-(mm Office, 33 Richmond St. \Vestl, \‘v’eslny Buildings. ,Richmond Hill Office (“Liberal’ fjfiice), every Thursday fox-911mm. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \VUUdl)l‘l(l£{t’, Saturday forenoon. Money to 1mm at Fix‘e Per Cent (5%). Danton, Dunn & Boultbee A 'G F Lawrence PIANO TUNING LENLVQX & MUHGAN RICHMOND HILL &FH‘33NHILL IAS. N EWTON Lax-as 5 Undertakors .t' Eunhaimol‘s, YOUR COURSE in Slmrthnnd m- Business will hrng you lwst, results if tukm) at our old cstnhlishcd and thoroughly reliable suhoul. \Vintm- Term begins Jill]. 4th. ()utulngue Flee. H. A. NICHULLS Contwa Y. M.C.A. Bldg” Tux-“nut REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORN HILL British Ameyican . Busggss’poh‘ege l‘_..L.A v‘v var r1 A Commissiunm. Cnnvcyam-er, etc‘ Insurance, and Rwa Estate Issuer nf Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC 305:1 .7. 2am’dson THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATlNG stock of Funeral Furnishing ki'pt at both places. COMMISSIONER IN TE! $211M. In Essentialv, Unity ,1 in C Sweet to Eat A Cand" Bum! Lamin. Phone am 1 H 'I‘mnntn Saturday Night has been enlarged in a thirty-two page [)7lIM'l'. '(livided into two sectinns nf sixteen ‘ pages each. The) first section will deal with nmnly things from a mnan puint } (If View, while the second svrtinn of sixteen pngvs will lu- devoted to women, mnbracing all inpics nf interest) to } \vnmunkind. A lady of exprrienm- and ‘ ability ha: been (luggage-d to Lake charge inf this sectinn. The enlarging of the 'pupvr tn thirty-two pages will admit ‘ of many new depurtnmnts nut hitherm incnrpnrntod in 'l‘umnm Saturday 5 Night. while the old departments will in nu wisp lw changed (ii-altered. as we judge and we hnpe rightly. that, HS l nuw cnnfluttted, they meet, the rvqniro- [ moan (if the rmulinp: public. Both ? sorztions will be fully illustrated, while { thy. different new dqpurtnngntfi su_v_h as “Gu to the weak or ailing nerves of these m-gnns,” said hp. Inch inside m‘gun has its controlling or “inside nerve.” \th) these nervvs fail then those nrgnm must, surely falter. This vital t1 11th is loading druggists every- _ Atkinson & Switzer wish to inform the public that Hwy will as usual have N big display Pf fancy guuds and Christmas novelties. Canada‘s Great Iliustrated Weekly in a New Form. It isn’t so difficult. to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes Mt it, cm'l‘ect- 1y. And this is true of the Heart and Kidmsys. The old fashioned wnv nf dosing the Stomach m- stimulating the. Heart, 01' Kidm-ys is surely wrong! Dr. Shnop first pninted‘nut this error. where to dispense and l‘vmmmend Dr. Shoup’s RPszm-ntivo. A fvw days test. will surely tell. Suld by \V. A. San- (la-sun. The following Iecently appeared in an evening paperz~A man looking at a photograph snvs. “Brnthvrs and sis- tm-s have I none. but that. man’s father is my father’s son.” \thso photo is he lnokingnt? A bets B [but he is looking at a pint "re 01' his son. B says it is himself. \Vhr.) wins ? \VARNING. The Family Herald and \Veekly Sta! 1 of Montreal in this week’s issue are; warning their present subscribers toI renew earlier than usual this season, ' as them is an enormous demand from I new subscribers and there is apt, to be ‘ a congestion at the close of the year. The new premium picture, “The Soul’s Awakening," is causinga perfertfu ore of enthusiasm in all parts of the Do- minion. It is certaian a beautiful pica bure and is appreciated more : ud m ire l the oftener one sees it]. It is 19 x 21' inches ready for framing. A copr is sent to every subscriber for 1910 and ’ along with such a paper as The ,‘amily Hclald and \Veekly Star at one dollar a year certainly is the best bargain of the, year. 01H gylnen of all denomina- tions are urging parents to becmne, possessors of a copy of (his interest-l lug picture. | winter evenings. Llwu' Uplutuus Ill Ulvnr ()I SUCH u Ull'clP, Mr. James kindly offered his home for the first meeting. Dre. 1st,. at. 7.30. A short illustrated talk on “Our Solar Sysiem" will be given by Mr. E. \V. MrIyle. All are. invited to attend and give their help towards forming a strong Reading,r or Study Club for the The President, Mrs. Martin, and the. Sumetary. Mrs. Car- ruthers, will have, charge of the pro- gramme. .__._.‘.< G ormley Revival services will be. held in the Brethcrn’s Church at this place for the next; feW weeks. commencing on Sun- 'day. Nov. 28. Rev. Girviu Beress of |Ridgeway, Ont., Services. willl conduct, the ._â€"â€"Q0. Men, we can rmake to your measure “City and Country Homes," "Fashions fm- \Vnmen,” “Ideas in Dress” (for mm), will he written by experts and will, like the entire paper, he fully illustrated. Send fur a sample m-py. The subscription price is $3 per year. past paid. Tickling. tight Coughs. can‘he‘sm-vly and quickly lunsenml with a. prescrip- tinn druggiuts :itt' dispt-nsing evvry~ where as Dr. Shnup‘s Cough Renwdy. And it, is so very. very (liife'rt-nt than (:unmmn enllgh nwdicilws. Nu Opium. nu (lhlnrnfmm, :lhsnlntoly mulling harsh or unsafe. 'l‘lu- tender lem'vs of :1 hm unless. lung healing mmmtuinmis shrub. givvs the curative pl'upt‘l'llt‘S to Dr. Slim-p‘s ()nugh Remfllv. Thus? leave-s have the puwi to calm the must, (listl'nssing Cough and in SUOHH‘ and heal the Innstysvnsibiw bronchial nwm- lmnm. Mothers should. for sufuty‘s snkenlune always dmnafnd Dr. Slump’s. It mm with pvrfvm, fx-Pudmn hr- givvn In (won the ynungvst balms. TESL it ynln-svlf and sve! Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. ' The Christmas )iCilIJ’RE'S is :m idonl huliday nnmlwrafilled with sensonuhle fiction. beautiful illustratiuns and in- tn'rpsling and informing artirlvs. Jessie \Vilcnx Smith. whnsp pictures nf (-hild life han lwcmun fumnus, contributes: :svt (if drawings depicting “A Child's \Vurld.” wliirh are rrprndnvvd in full color. The num'lwr is p :1 ticulml'y rich in fiction. There a: 0 Christmas stnries hy Mmy Stewart ()utling, Gertiude Hall. Martyn-9t, and Arthur E. McFar- lmw; and ctories Ivy Pvrceval Landon. J. 0. Cobb and Orr Kenyon. David Smkice writes of the atrocnies com- mitted in [he Schluesselhurg. Russia’s most, terriblv political prisnn; Rudolf Oi-onau doscrilws "The New Germanvi Rufus Sterle tolls how Wild hm sos are trapped. and \V. H. Ridving write-s of “I‘m. lxplnrors and a, Literary Pur- sun." TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT. \VIIAT’S IN WHOSE PICTURE ? N ou-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." MCCLUR E’S. Revival sm-vicos will he held in the Brethern’s Church at this place for the "('Xl’; fvw WOPkS. commencing on Sun- day. Nov. 28. Rev. Gil-Vin BPI‘PSS nf Ridgewuy, Ont., will] conduct, the Services. Men, we cam make to your nwnsuro a first class Suit, fit, style and work- nmnship guaranteed, nicv path-HI winter weight, tweed, fur $15.00. This 7 . offer lasts one wwk only. Alkmsml 6; Switzer.\\‘ Mr. T. “7. McLean; Principal of the Public Sulmol at Omemee, and his family. were visimrs at the parental Inigo. here gluing par!) of last, \vgekL The anniversa?y of, the Methodist Sabbath School was held on the 20th and let inst. The Rev. D. H. Currie of Omemee ()ccnpied the pulpit at; the mnrning set-vice. His text was: “For rzlhur foundation can no nian lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ,” in- cluding verses 12. 13 and 14 of the 3rd chap. nf Fix-st Corinthians, The ques- tion may he asked. \Vhich is the right; funndatinn. the one spoken of by the Propiwt, Micah 1n chap. 6. verse 8, or that spoken by Paul as referred to above. The Rev. Mr. Olearv 0f Gavan conducted the service in the evening. In the last, issue of THE LIBERAL. nndvr the heading “Mount, Pleasant,” it was stated the “sixty-fifth” anni- versary of the wedding day 01" Mr. and Mrs. James Mth-un, etc. It should h2g9 road the “sixty-first.” The nwners of the lzmd which the )uvan long swamp drain passes through understand that the dram (‘Ollld he made for $7.000. Its only about seven miles lung now. \Vhen cumpleted the cost, is said to be nearly $18,000. p-nyahle in twenty years, with interest. THE YOUTH‘S COMPANION. Companinn Building. Bustnn, Muss. New Subscriptions received at this office. I Ladies’ Black Cnshmvrc Hose. Iihlwd and plain, seamless feet. spliced heels and toes. uwdium weight. 3-5:: ’11:, 01-3 pr. for $1.00; heavy I‘ithd \Vm-Stvd Hose. 40c and 50(: pr. Atkinsml & Switzer. At :1 mew-ting of the Ladies’ Institute hold with Mrs. John Dean, 'l‘hm'nhill. VVedlwsda‘y evening, Nov. 17th. the snhjpctlof forming a Study Iii-(:19, 01' Reading Club was under discussion. “Astronomy.” “The Reformation" and "Deeds of the Empire,” were three subjects spoken of :Is worthy of their consideration. After talking the mat- ter (war. and those present expressing their opinions in favor of such u Circle, Mr. James kindly offered his home for A fowl supper was served m] rife evening of the let inst. in the Tom- pemncu Hall. A musical programme was rendered in the church after the ten. Rmd the pain formula on a. box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your duntm- if there is a better one. Pain means congestionâ€"blond p r e s s u re wnnewhm-P. Dr. Shmup’s Pink Pain Tablets clwuk lwud pains, womanly pains. [min anywhere. Try one and $99! 20 for 25c. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. The Yunth’s Companion has lnng liven distinguished fur its famous Brit- ish contributors. Tennyson and Glad- stone are noteworthy among those of furnwr years. and the roll includes such names as Rudyard Kipling. Sir Edwin Arnnld. Sir Reginald Palgrave and the Duchess uf Sutherland. During 1910 T119 (Junipnnlnn will he enrirhed by the enntrilnutiuns of many British writers. Anmng these are the Duke of Argyll, (who will write on the Scottish and Irish clans), Lady Henry Smnerset. Rt. Hon. James Bryce, British ambassador tn the Unith Status, Jane Barlow, F. T. Bullvn. Sir. H. H. Jnhnsmn. Sir .Tamvs Crichton-BMnvne. E. \V. Thum- son and Rev. \V. J. Dawsmr. (who will write nn fruit-grnwing in Knntenay.) Every new Canadian snlmcriher will find it of special advantage to send at nnce the $2.00 fur the new l910 anumo. Not, only does he gm, the beautiful “Venetian” Calendar fur 1910. lithn- graphed in tvhilteen colors and gold, but all the issues of The- Cmnpaninn fur the remaining weeks of 1909 from the time the subscription is received. THE COMPANION FOR CAN~ ADIANS. Mount Pleasant. Langstafl. Gussel’s Magazine, per annum The Stm'y Teller . . The Quiver . . . Musicle Home Journal . The, Girls’ Realm . . . Little Folks . . Chums . . . . . C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian J? u b - lishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign cou.1trxesfor maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Subscriptions i’aigsjn at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€"â€"â€" Bran and Victor Feed, for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American cbrn (61d). CASSELLS 5?, COM PANY 42 Addmde St. \V. J. pram to All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices. paid at the Elevator. STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also file. Don’t risk even one single penny! Arid I will tell you why I say this. ‘ It apeeause eve packs: of Drashoo’ ' medicine as absolutng free 3% fails. . No one need risk even one single penny. Just think what this means to the suffering lick! No risk. n nse. nothing whatever on less health a . or 30 full days. end without the e penny. you can u- either of my t salesâ€"Dr. Shoon'l Restorative or ‘ ‘R enmntic Remedy. Then why fike any chance whatever? Why purchase an medmm whom maker dare not back i just as I do by this remarkable offer? And besides. I om nos to you. My "No v pay 9 n as made D: Bhoop‘s Resm 'ery dpxx mom in the land. Th ' said...‘ We an no chance whs ve ere." « For twenty years Dr. Shoop’smediclnes haw becomethoroughl s a dardlzed allover America. And I hav 1 - tqd hon t and responi lble drugn’ists i - " Ity village every- where to no my . yours: The. selected (In at a. m edlcines wit! the sick-and ’ e entire risk is mine alone. But write me first for an order. I have an agent in almost every communu Styâ€"but all druggists are not authorized to sum the 305m)! test. _ So drop m a. time. pleaseâ€"and thus save :11 disappointments and delays. Besides. you are (res to consult me by [em-l us you would your home physician. Do so f nnd fullyâ€"H you desire. My advice and the boo below are yoursâ€"and without cost. Perhaps I word or two from me wxfl clear up some nation! ailment. I hzyve helped_tbousands upon thousand: by my private prescnption or personal advicl pian. ’ Besides.the books wm open up new and helpful ldeng m‘yqu: $th gall of my .‘pycali ex- patience at the in homes and in non» {315. Al! phase 10 and rpllef_are told 0! here. They f u Minmde nerve" no larger th . silk- n trims thi Heart its impu How the Stomach and Ki In", each have their inside or power nerve. Hpv these organs snrelv falter when these controhnl , . to fail. How Dr. Shnop'l Resbpmtive go . ese Inning nerves and rebuilds. ' :5 ’- restore: the In! . help you-xi It I to do so. My bad withiq the power of med enort :5 surer wonh y u ple requelt. 80 VIII! now. while it Is fresh mind. to» WI never comes. Dr. Shoop. Box 12. Racine. Wk: which look M X Baal You! No. 1 0n Dyspepsia. No. 4 For Women No. 2 0n the Heart No. 5 For Men No. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 0n Rheumatism J. H. RAMER If Sick GOA L. [Single copies, 3 01:5. No 22 in the $1.50 1.70 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.5” 1.50

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