Those intonding to send Chrisurms post, cards to their friends amis thv ncl-zm should get them at, once. In fact. now is the time tn select all your Uhrigtmas post cn'lds while the 59190 (inn is gut-d. Very pretty cards at THE LIBERAL Oflicc. The “Toronto News†is to he congrat- niuU-d upon the high class serial stories. instalmenis of which appear daily. They am by the host, authors, and are inn-resting up to the last, chapters. \Ve understand The News has just procured the Canadian serial rights on “The Circular Stair Case.†Our readers can huvr1 the pleasure of reading the t-nthmlling stun-y by sub- scribing for The News daily and THE LIBERAL nnco :1 week for $2.50 a year, at this nï¬inv. place. Her dead bodyuwas found lying m a vacant yard behind a wooden shanty at, the corner uf Buy and Adel- aide streets. DiSSEanion was given as the cause. A tnveting of the Curling Club will he hvld in tlw Council Chamber next Tuesday evening, the 30m inst" atS o‘clock. Everybody interested is re- quested to attend. and come prepared to join. Skips for the unphy compo- litinus will be selected, and other im- portant business will be transacted. As Mr. D. Sloan contemplates going into business in Tnl'untn. he has sold his cottage 011 Centre Street. Mrs. W'. J. Clark is the buyer, but, it will be ac- cupled after the first of December by Mrs. J. Mulloy of Teston. The price pnid is $1,200. Mr. Sloan and family will move into Mrs. H. Blanchm-d’s residence for the winter. Furnwrs can make no mistake in suhscribin for The. Canadian Farm, which ma 8 its appearance in Toronto last July. 113 editorial columns are ï¬lled with tho ï¬nest enntrilmtions, and every page has special features. The paper is well illustrated. and is imtional in charm-tor. Auntlwr )I‘Onl- llwnt feature of The Canadian arm ii; its market reports. Suhscrihers nf THE LIBERAL get this weekly pape ’llt 50 cents a yvnr. Call for sample copy. 'Tm‘ontn papers last week referred to the death of the unfortunate woman, Mrs. Delia Harris. well known in this Nun-d missionaries who have deliv- ered mddmsses in the Richmond Hill churches this full are Mrs. Gofm-th and Rev. Messrs. Riduut. Kilhurn and Ono. Some person has placed their names in the form nf a miSsionary command as ï¬-llmvs:-«Gu forth, ride out, kill born, 0 no! Rm‘. E. 1 Currie had .‘I hiliuusnt- tm'k hut Sunday and was unable u, take (hr nun-hing sen-\ico. Lutz'r in the day, hmw-vm'. he gut, nut 01’ bed and preached in the evening. Fmv cases uf impm-tnncp mum hu- fuI-K- Jung Morgan at Divisinn (Emu-L hH-v last Saturday. Penph- appear t,“ he Ivan-Hing the method of settling their diï¬ereuces out of cum-t. ' Dr. Langsth spent, over Sunday in Rochester with his- sister. Miss Eleanor Langstnlf. who had been tnken suddvu- 13! ill. Miss Lnngstnif was much hetqu when the Dr. left hu- Munduy morn- ing. A watch found several weeks ago, and 1va at, THE LIBERAL ()f’flct‘. has not, yet, been called fur. \Vill the uwuer identify the article and take it away. Om staff are getting “rid of winding it up. Mr. Han-y Sundmson has lam-n ap- pointed by the Ontariu (a‘rm‘erm‘nent m the pusitiun of Assistant. Inspector on the Hydro Electric Cnmmissinn. Mr. Sanderson stm-u-d duties Tuesday. For thoprosenb he will he lncuted ml the power line between Berlin and Guelph. MI. and “w. P. G. Sax-ago run Mun- dny attended the fum-rnl at†Mr. Hill- nmn, n Irv-UH: “t the lulu-1'. in Ta- rnnto. \VP are plPHSl‘d to he ulrlu- tn state- that Mr. .lnlm l’nlnerhvngh yet. va weak, has been feeling a little strunng- this Wm k. and was: able Lu sit up in am easy (.haix- fur a short limo. By lmving your order M, ’l‘mc 1.11;. ERA}. Ofï¬ce NOW. you will hv surt' LU grl u ('ley mi lhv Uhlislmzls (ilulw. Ymk (‘mmfv Ununcil lllm'ts Monday, the 29th of Nm'muher. Mr. “'nlh-r Eym- and his mnthvr Ivft. \Vednosduy afternoon fur Hc-sm-lm- In attend the funeral uf Mrs. Isuzu: Uuhvr. Mr. C. I". \Vih-y 10ft Tut-sday 1n sin-ml n u‘vvk in va Yul-k (‘vily will: his hrullmr, Ar. Douglas “'ilvy, who is in poor lu-ulth. Mrs. Randolph ut‘ Seattlv, \vhn pur- posvs spt-Iuling tht- Winn-r with hI-r umllu-r. Mrs. Ah-Lrllzm, in Turnan is viuiling fur a fmv days with Mr. G. \Viley and Miss \Vilvy. funmuxv HILL Ox'r†Nov. 25, 1909 f! 9 0‘. @1113 3mm, ]J()C AL 1.3% NE‘V FARM PAPER. WEZWAW m-xt RISEBROUGHâ€"At his late residence, Newtunlmmk. on November 24. 1909, Robert Risehmngh. in his 83rd yam. Funeral rivato. nn Frida . November @. , at. L§0 p.111. ntvrment at; ‘ up. The Pumpkin Pie Social held in the Temperance Hall Tuesday evenng of this week was a great. success. The programme was Well rendered and the tea was up to the standard. The pro- ceeds were nearly $30, zmd a good cul- Iection was taken on Sunday evening. when Rev. J. W. Gordon preached tn :1 full chm-ch. The young people of the Eme-tb Lengue are to be con- gmtulated on the success. ‘ ,,, County).....'..... Liberal and Farmer’s Sun. . . . . Lihe ~le and Fan-men’s Advocate 500. extra on each paper to States for post ge: That charming little play known as “Cinderella†will be given by the Sub- bath School of the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, the 23rd of De- cember. The play contains ï¬ve scenes, and will doubtless drawn. full house. Particulars will ho. given litter. Liberal and \Vc(-kly Globe . . . . . . . $1 Liberal and \Veekly Mail . . . . . . . . 1 Liberal and Canadian Fax-m . . . . . . 1 Liberal and Toronto Saturday Balance bf 1909 free to new subscribo ers of weekly papers only. There is a prospect of another mis- sionary treat for the members and friends of the Epwm-th League on Friday evening. It is the occasion of the annual visit of the ofï¬cers of the Toronto Central Dist/I lot. In company with them will come Rev. Dr. Mcâ€" Kenzie, a. returned missionary from Japan. Dr. McKenzie is the founder of the Orphanage in Japan. and will bring to us many interesting exper- iences. Let us not miss the o port un- xty of learning more of G0ng other children from one whose life has touched theirs. Shall what we might have known condemn us for what we know? r" ""4 Night, . Libel-:11 and Faxle Herald . . . . Liberal and The Evening News Liberal and Daily Globe (York County) . . . . l . . . . l . . . . . . . . . Liberal and Daily Mail (Yank llirhmnml Hill (claims the honor (If lun‘ing as an osternu'd citizen nut. min the lvl(ll>‘sl. pmtmnsu-r in 'he Dulninion, but ills“ the oldest printer in Unn- adn. Tllt‘ questiun as to whu is the ultlr‘st ()aumlizln printer has recvnb Iy bw-n (list-ussrd in the Duily Star. The dislimtliun was ï¬rst «rlnimvd fur Mr. Butlvr nf Hamilton. whustm-tvd as“ printerin 18-16. Mr. (ion. Clmithivi' uf’l‘m'unlu, was lhvn put forward by mn- hf tlu‘ Sun- remit-rs. having unit-rod the lmsim-ss in 1338. Mr. M. 'l‘vel'y, (our pustumster. on the ï¬ll) inst. Win“: the Star pointing nut that lH‘ hogan work in 1836. “79 take the l'nllowing AN HOUR \\-‘ITI1 MOZART. The Shel-wand Music Club are pre- suming an uthm-livv Muzm-l pmgnam at. lhvil- nu-oting this ('l‘lmlsdny) m‘ow ing at 8 u’clm'k in the- slndinnf Mr. vatnn. “Hm'k Haven.†The "pit-('0 (Iv rtvsislunce†(\f tlw owning will proh- nhly he the charming ()vrrtlu-u tn the “pt-m tho Magic Flute arranged fur lwu piunus. eight lmnde. All umsic lawns are imired to he pmsont. III- \'it:|Linns may he had fun" M 1-. Newton or any of lhc pupils of lhv schoul. Tbe teachers and pupils (If the Pub- lic schnul are to he cungl'ntnlutml (In the success nf their concert, last. Friday evening. The hall, was cruwded and tho prnceods amounted to Mr. J. '1‘. Saigonn nclvd as chairman. Mrs. B. Jncksun and little sun. and Miss Ethvl Rupert. arrived home on Saturday, "fie-r spending tho past tWU munths nonr Ste-Nor, Alta. Mr. C. \V. Mlliiuy paid an ofï¬cial visit. tn mn- [’nhlic scluml last Friday. 11.. 0.4 ,1 n- Mr. and Mrs. J. -(I.f:‘j§;:\\'- markvt. visited at Mr. J. H. Kirby's from Snuff-day §.ill_AI()_n(l:Ly. __‘.._. v_.......uu.' hu- Auuuuay. Mr. Mylks, who is e'ngaged as baker by Mr. 0. Norman, has mnvcd with his fumin into the huuse lately occu- pied by Mr. Vaughan. thunmtism prmnptly (ll'iYPl) fI-nm the blond by Dr. Slwop‘s Rheumatic Remedy. Don’t, waste tinw with com- mun remedies. A test will surely tvll' In tablet. (-1- liquid form. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. the Star pointing nut that in- lwgun work in 1836. “79 take the fullowing frnm his interesting lottm' :â€" "l was horn on April 18th. 182' and Shll'lt'd at, the trade in 1836. as an up- prvnlicv In Mr. 'J‘hmnus'Dalton. pub- lishn- and edilm of The Patriot news- pHpI-l'. :md C(lntihllt‘d until hisdt-Mh. Thv u-fliu- fm-cnmn‘s name was \Vuc Myt-rs: Hw Mann-s of [WU nf the cum- pmilms. lhnLI ivnn'mher. \n-re Junws Auslin, iuu- [Il‘l‘sitii‘lll nf Ilw Dnminiun Bunk. and Junn-s MH(’kI'H'/.i('. sun of lhv lale Mr. “'11:. Lynn .‘VL’N'kPHZiP. During my apprenticeship l Lnuk part. in printing Lin! “appendix†In [mi-d Durham’s cerium-«ted rvme on Gun. um-unms celvln'ated ['Pme on Gun. :uliuu ufl'axirs. a copy of which I lune among my collection (-f 01d docu- mrnls." Richmuild H’ll. THE VERY OLDEST PRINTER- CLUBBING RATES FOR I910. EP‘VOR I‘H LEAG UE. CINDER-ELLA. Teston, DEATHS. M aple. Iv Herald . . . . . . 1. Evening News .. 2 G10 he (York . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50. r Mail (Ymk l . . . . . . . . . . ..... 3.50 er’s Slin . . . . . . . 1.90 er's Advocate .. 2.40 .. 2.40 United 75 Mr. George Crook. “Maple Grove†farm, is greatly improving his farm by removing at large numbex of stonesand stumps. Mr. Calstatur. accompanied by Miss Parsons of \Vnstun. were the guests of Miss M. Ul'uuk last, Sunday. _ - The penple of this vicinity are glad to see that, Mrs. George Cook. “High- land†farm, is able to be around again after her recent illness. a splendid yuld baud hmceh-t. the gift ‘ of the grnom. Miss Annie M. Muc- Dmmld, 0f Vellul-v. nmde a pretty 3 hridvsnmid. custumed in hmwh pann- ma skirt with ecru net hlnusv. Mr. Thomas R. \Vhiteluw. of Toronto ‘ Police Furce. vm-y ably supported the gruum. The gnmm's ifr. to the brides- maid was a pretty go (1 brooch, and tn ‘ the [mat man 1: gold scarf pin. The] happy couple left on the evening train :nuid shuwars of rica. and good wishes‘ fur their future home in Toronto. Ladies' and Men's Morocco Kid Gauntlet Gloves, gaud lining. nssnrted sizes, ladies $1.25 pr., men’s $1.60 p13, buys’ lined Kid Gloves $1.00 pr. At- kinson 85 Switzcr. The people of this place are indeed sun-y tn hear of the illness of Miss Myrtle Crook. “Grand VieW" farm. “:9; luolg fn_r her speedy liecovery. Mrs. D. McMill'en. “Willow Grove" farm, is suffuring from an attack of blggd pyison in__the _h:u}d_._ . n u Preventics are so safe and harmless. Nu Quiniuo. nnt‘himz harsh nur sicken- ing. Fine fur feverish rust-less chil- dren. Box of 48 :Ib25c. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. A quiet wedding was Sulomnized at the home of Mr. Duncan MncKinnun. Vellm-o, Thursday. Nov. 18. when his only daughter, Mary Donald“. Muc- Donald. was united in marriage to Mr. \Villium A. Grail). of Toronto. va. James Gordon, of Maple, perfm-nmd the ceremony. The bride. who was given away by her father, [00de charming attired in at princass gown of brown silk, trimmed with souuwhe hl‘ilid and j»t_l1u_ttons. She also wore Dear Sinâ€"Om- uctentiun has been called in a later written by “E. C. Civims,“ re establishing a club huuse. ora place of some kind in which the young men of this village might spend their evenings, instead ofnn the street, corners. \Ve. as boys of the village, wish to suggest that n Ynun Men‘s Christian Assuciatinn he estah ishvd for a start, m'snmotvhing of that, kind. and let it he in the hands at some responsible person or gonnmittee tu look after it and see that rules and regulations are carried nut. class of mm who lounge- on the stops M the Lnl'llt‘ Block. spitting on the sidewalk, and gh ing offence, tn passing pedestrians. me not uf the class who Would pntrunizn: a reading mom, club t-umn. ul‘ anything in that line. Then. again, cumnmn sunsv suggests that. a nun or buy ht-have himself in IL Suemly manner on the strvet, and if these an (:alh-(l men or hnys dn not know hnw tn lu-huvo themselves, itshuuld he left to thvir ignmauce. Hmvever. I am uf the upiniun that, it should he put n stnp tn, and that, smm. Very 'l‘t-uly Ym \Ve understand that, some of the churches in Tomntn have been start- ing something similar tn this. \Ve heartily agree “'ltll the writer of the letter in the. last issue that the Coun- cil sllnllld help the churches and at this in fume. And we alsn think t at there is no use ï¬nding fault with the boys fur loafing on the corners until something similar hi this is dulm. A ulv-rgyumn writes: "Preventics. those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets. are working wnndm-s i_n my payi‘sh.†u U u ' I ' V “V Pl-H‘u-ntlcs surely “'1†chm-k n cold. or the Grimm. in a \ery few hunts. And To (.115 Editor of THE LIBERAL: In many l't-spt-ctnhh-citizens. as well as n (lisgmce unrecognized by Lhusu whu indulge tlwrein. In his lctm- lH" gives: smne vm-y good and pun-Linn] suggestiuus for its nhuli- tiuu. and among the-In he speaks of the advisability of having the Public Lib- rary Re-nding Hmuu open urn-y even- ing. and (he- 1‘Slnl)llsllllu‘llb nf A room in the Lurne Blmzk by the Village Cuuncil fur :1 club mum. ' Now, Sir. whih- these things would he allh-ight for our village. and perhaps “'uuld nut. «Inluil much exprnse un the palt, of UN run-payers, yet I am of the (:piniun. and that "mainly. that, lhc Richmond Hill. Nov. 23. 1909. May be largely increased by kming the exact condition of the farmer’s market, 1nd by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the next of iirfonnatlon the Famets’ Weekly Sui! gives in uety issue. It has no equal 08 I Inner-‘3 Business Paper. Good In. rely on it. For price see our To the EJitor of THE LIBKBAL: Richmond Hill, NOV. 3, Sinâ€"In yuur last, issue, my attention was drawn In a letter written by one "E. (I. Uivitus.†touching on the lmtfing habit, which is so prevalent. in our vil- Inge, and which-is hecmning n nuisance tn umny t't-spt-ctnhln-citizens. as well as THE “SCORNER'S CHAIR.†FARM PROFITS A REMEDY WANTED. V ellore. Hope. T \VO OF THE BOYS. NUFF SAID. “P 4‘++++++~§+++M+WM$+§+$++® +++$++++M¢€'-§+-§'++i~+ï¬++++§ -i- o «l- ; Men’s Fine Mocha Gloves 4, Blankets ’24-'3- #i**§"§-++MH'+HM+++++M+~$ +4- W'M &*+*WW$++W ‘W ++HW+++++* *MQ-‘H'é'i-M-E‘ &+M+++%+~E-+++++ i- 5‘++++++++++€'+M+++4+M$M+4~+WW++H$*+*W+$§++~F Nov. 18, 1909. Atkinson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL other lines. Awav better than city prices for same have ngt. already been buying fr_om us it will paiyiyroru to give us a trial in Bogs, Underwear, Clothiï¬Ã©. qualjgy. GlgigLIâ€"lats, Capsy Shirts, Neckwear, and many Extra good values. Perfection, 66x82. 5 lbs. Good quality white wool Blankets, soft in ï¬nish, with a close, even nap, in blue borders. Per pair, $3.25. If you 60=in. Damask Tabling 36, 54 & 72-in. Floor Oil Cloth Made from rich brown quality Mocha, lined throughout with warm woolen lining. extra good values. Per pair, $1.00. Better, $1.35. Genuine, $2.00. Nice patterns. Per sq. yd., 27c. Heavy Weight Oil Cloth, block pattern; sq yd., 42%c. ., Linoleum In green coloring, with floral design; 45¢ per sq. yd. Concrete Houseié Turkey red, with floral design in white, 60c yd. Green and red Tabling, 60 in. wide; per yd., 63c Agents forâ€" THE CELEBRATED “MELOTTE†CREAM ‘ _ _$EPARAVTOR. Richmond Hill Hardware co. \Vc handle only lines made by reliable makers, and can therefore guarantee satisfaction. NORMAN J. GLASS OUTFITI‘TER SAMSON \VIRE [LADDERSâ€"something new, ask us about, them. ANTHONY \VIRE FENCEâ€" the very best made. Get our prices. "ï¬-Wï¬Ã©â€˜i-é THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. NORMAN BATTY, Manager \Ve think we can suit ynu both in quality, style and price. Call and see our assortment of Heaters and Ranges . . . NO‘V IS THE TIME 1‘0 BUY ++~x~~z~+é+++~t$§~£~++~z~++++e~ «wowwï¬Ã©wouwwo THE 9'3'4-‘1‘4'4'