VOL. XXXII. AT THE LIBERAL MINING d PUBLISMNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,0NT. Calla by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ‘ IS PUpLISHEDEVERY EHURSDAY MORNING 1‘. F. MGMAHON, [doomed \imtioneers {ox-the County of York. Sum xtceu-le-Ho on ahortea notineund a. rea- sonable raaus Patronage solicited Liooaasa .Lmsionoer for the County of Y0 k Gm 1s sol-l on uuaaiguzuouc Genera.) snap ' awe eta um aptly Nib-3:1de to at reasonably rues. ileuidouce Unionville (SUCCESSOR TO DR. H. W. ANDERSON) Our. Ynngo and Bloor Sts., Toronto. License Auctioneer to:- hhe County of York re- ;pvmtmlly solicth your patronage and {riendly influence sales ntcouded on the shortage notice 1nd at ousonuborates I’ 0 address King "(ihli Gjiiriixié: ï¬leï¬Ã©bn Brook. ngenl for ï¬lm unto “ BOOK HAVEN,†RICHMOND HILL. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, \Vill be in Richmond Hill ‘Vednesduy afternoon’s only Ofï¬ce; next dnnr north of Stand- ard Bank. Piunnfnrte. Theory and Compost (ion, Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano-Ensemble, Piano-Pedagogy. Results count. DURING THE SEASON 1908-1909, THIRTEEN PUPILS 0F MR. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OF MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. tar SEND F03 DESCRIPTIVB BOOKLET. m $I per dnnum, in advance.] '1‘ Swigann, Mame Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intermedgute examination at Toronto Conservatory and College of Music. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- arten Method, particularly helpful to )eginnors. 42-1V ‘4 Newton School of Music MISS MILLIE TRENCH DR. FULTON RISDON. ' Dentist, ‘ Grnulmln‘s ul luis‘Uulleze readily Obtain chnice positions. The dtgnmnd fur our graduates is fully ï¬ve tinws the mxpplv. Winter Term opens Jinn. 3m. New catalogue frev. Con. Youc: nun ALEXANDER 51's. W. J. ELLKO’I‘T. Prlnclpul. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘}: ornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. n r superior Business or Shorthand ducatinn is the progressive J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR. Salgean «t McEWen. E2112 @ihml DEPARTMENTS. TORONTO. ONT. Emma a; Pnoemuon. BEST PLACE IN CANADA RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. ll Plenlice. D. G. BLOUGII, e‘t‘? statuary ELLIOTT mum. J K V McEwen - Weapon 9, RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909 PIANO TUNING Orgsns Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed Barristers, Styligtors, &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK DENTON. K. C. W. MULOCK BOULTBEF \V. II. MCGUIRE Danton, Dunn & Boultbee Mouev to loan on land anacunthei mun. ges lowast. rates Auroraomceâ€"Romowd to “an old pout omen one door west of the entrance to the Outnrm Bank Newmnrket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the post omca T HEBBEIITLENNOX G S'rv Mona“: ' aurora. New A. F. G. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Ba;‘riszerg,Solicitors. Notaries, ace. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sm. fox-onto. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tommm Ofï¬ce, Richmond St. 'West, \Veslcy Buildings. Richmond Hill ()fl‘ice (“Liliex-nl’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday furenoull. Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVuudhridge, Saturday forenmm. Money to lu’nn at Five Per Cent (5%). Riohmono. Hill J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CONVEYA NCER. ETC. AGENCY ROYAL AND BRITISH AMERICA ASS. COS. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . M. 'PEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, JAS. N EWTON lSSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E14(:}IN 311141 AS A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places. {hides-takers & Embalmers, RICHMOND LL ÞHILL Lax-6&3 5 H. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Lawrence 35 Dunbar, ENA‘DL MURHA Barristers and solicitors. Oommissiunox, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL 'YOUR COURSE in Shm-thand or Business will bring you bust, rvsnlts if taken at our nld ostnhlishvd and thoroughly reliable schncsh \Vinbcr Tel-m begins Jun. 1th. Catalogue Flt-e. U BIKES}; American ...1,’311.S£I!~?SS.P011.ege Sofia .7. @am’dso‘n THORNHILL uh'zxi V.M.G.A. Bldg.. Tomntn‘.‘ VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK “WRIGHT BR.th 50X MURHAN COMMISSIONER 121 T8! “In Essentiaiv, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Wm“. ’ ' - l hut, of buys andM C { \Vntch nur hig mlf f( A farm M Atkinson & Swilzer. Phone Main 298 Reeve Lupp presided over the rog- nlar meeting uf the township fathers held at Uninnville on Nov. 20, and all the other members of the Council were pxesent. ~ )ummunicalinns \Vt’l‘t’ rmeived from (_1) Martens. re Rf‘li}\Vi-lyhgo._; (2) J. Hicksnn re sheep claim; (3) J. S. Rnherson re grant to National Sani- mrinm: (4) '1‘. Herbert, Lennox re Vanderbilt's: case. Mr. Nigh was appointed :1 commis- sioner to look uftvr the fulluwing:â€"-(1) to r9pnn‘ bridge between lots 25 and 26. cun. 5; (2) to put in a new culvert hot-ween lots 25 and 26. con. 6; (3) tn inquire intn and arrange a svttlement with Jns. Cruickshunk re injury to horse. Mr. Kilk was given the following cnmmissimnâ€"(l) m repair culvelt 0p- posite Int 17, con. 5; (2) to put in a new culvert opposite Int 11, con. 5. The reeve was appointh a commis- sioner to lowera. culvert in accordance with engineer’s award oppusite lot 2, con. 7. Councillor Padget was appointed u commissioner to supei-intend the. ful- lmving:-â€"(l) Tn act, with tlm commis- sioner appninted by Vaughan to try to effect, it settlement, with Mr. vl’urr)" for injuries sustained on Yongo St: (2) to meet H. rvpl'vspntntive (If the Canadian Nut-then) Railway re cul- verts between lots 40 and 41. A grant of $15 was made Markham Public Library. The clerk was instructed tn notify Mr. Jns. Lundy and Peter Dnntzm tn appear at, the next, meoting of line (lnuncil Ln explain certain math-rs in cunnmtinn with thPir claim for dam- ages for sheep killed by (lugs. A number of g -:uel accounts. gen- eral accounts and sheep claims Were ordered tu he paid. A hy-luw was passed to arrange for the hnlding «If u municipal electiun and the mum-s of returning ofï¬cers and the places of holding the bouths inserted, - Council adjourned until \Vednesday, Dec. 15. Ready Nm‘mnhm- 2;')th. 1909. :1 splon did year-hunk. on nstrunmny and meteorology. the only one containing the original “Hicks \anther Fore- casts.†By mail. pnstpnid. 35c: (m newstands. 300. One cnpy free With a year’s subscription tn \de and Works. the Rev. Ir] R. Hicks Monthly Magazine, the best, $[ monthly in America.‘ Discounts 'on Almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. Rwanm- her, the genuine “Hicks Forecasts†are not, published anywhere elseâ€"you get, them only in his own publications. \Vm-d and Works Puhlishing 00., 2201 Locust St†St. Louis, Mo. The old fashioned way of (losing a. weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shnnp ï¬rst, pointed out. this error. This is why his prescriptionâ€"~Dr. Sbnnp’s Restorativeâ€"43 directed entirely to the cause of these ailmentsâ€"the weak in- side or controlling nerve-s. It. isn’t so difï¬cult, says Dr. Slump. to strengthen a. wer Stomach. Heart. or Kidneys if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then thnse organs must. surely falter. These vital truths are. leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recom- mend Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Test it n few days and See! Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Council met nt_Hm~ris’ Hutel. Schom- begg. up Saturday. Nuv: _2_Uth. A large number of. road accounts, sheep claims and other accounts 'were by resolution ordered to be paid. RESOLVED. That the Clvrk be authorized to communicate with the G. T. R. Co. re the culvert. at King Station, and also with P. S. Gibson, O.E., re his award l-ejitch a}; King Statiqn. M'embers all présent. Minutes of last. mgoting read an‘d Conï¬rmed. That, \vitness‘f'ees and milnge- he paid witnesses x-e law suit re East Gwilhm- l)u_ry vs. Kipgï¬n the amount of $52.05. That no biils and 300 unts hé paid aftjer the 8th of December, 1909. By-an N0. 225â€"Tn appnint place for holding nnminalinn, pulling lmmh. Deputy Returning Ofï¬cers and Pull Glm-ks. received its several readings sing passed. Next week we will have a complete liut of tuys al)d_\:Uhx-isnlms gnuds. \>Vs_nt:(:h mu} hig gulf fur fuxthm' details. Cu'unnil :Idjnurm‘d tn mnet at Sut- tyn’sliuplx Srllqmberg, on “7ch195. Hy. THE REV. IRL R. HICKS AL- MANAU FOR 1910. Deciimher 8th. MARKHAM COUNCIL} KING COUNCIL. mm The pumpkin pie social held here Wednesday night, 24th Nov.. under the auspices of the E worth Lea ue, was the most. success ul ever he] ‘in the history of the church. Anniver- sary services were held on Sunday evening previous. conducted by Rev. J. GUl'dUI‘I of Maple. Mr. Gordon gave in very impressive discuuxse specially prepared for the young people. The music, which was also specially pre- pared by the League. was most ex- cellently rendered. The social. which Was held in the lecture mom adjoining the church, was all that, could be de- sired. The ladies deserve special con- gratulatiuns for the dainty spread which was served. After tea was all served a most ex- cellent programme was given in the hull, which was crowded to its utmost capacity. Mr. E. Bowen, president, of thg League. made an ideal c_hairt_ngm. The pro ramme opened with a chm-us by t 9 members of the League. A dialogue, entitled "Awful Boots,†was well rendered. . Recitation by Miss Steckley received grgap Hgtengipn. Solo by Mr. J. Blough amid great applause. At; this interval Rev. Mr. Walkpr gave a very instructive ad- dress on "True Manhood and True \Vumanhood." A dialugue was then rendered, elm-i titled “Three Smart Girls," which; pl oved very instructive as well as in- Lelï¬estilgg. _ ‘ _ 5 Another chorus by the League, a duet: by Miss Annie McCluskey and Mr. J. Blnugh, entitled “Smarty. Smarty.†fairly brought, down the house. Coughs that are tight or distressing, . tickling coughs, get quick and certain I help from Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy. j On this account Druggists everywhere I are farming Dr. Shoop’s' Cough Rem- , edy.‘ And it is entirely free from Opium, Chloroform. or any other ‘ stupefying drug. The tender leaves of a harmless lung-healing mountainous shrub give to Dr. Shoo 's Cough Rem- l de its curative progiuties. Those I leaves have the power to calm the most ‘(listressing Cough. and to soothe and , heal the most sensitive bronchial mem- ‘ brane. Mothers should, for safety’s sake alone. always demand Dr Shoop’s. i It can with perfect. freedom he given to (Well the youngest babes. Test it, once ‘ yourself. and see 1 Sold by ‘V. A. Sanderson. A well rendered recitation by Harold \Vilsnn. Duct, by Mr. J. Bluugh and Mr. Frank Piercey, entitled “The Broadway Swell." The extraordinary spiriL and vigor- with which these gent tllemen invested these lifelike interpre- tntions was in the ï¬nest. vein of dra- Anothvr dialogue, entitled “A Splen- did Beau.†was Well rendered. The Toronl 0 Daily Star continues to keep up its remarkable record of growth, setting a pace quite unprece- dented in the history' of Canadian newspapera. During the last year it has added over 9,000 to its list of sub- scribers, and now has a circulation of more than 68.000, a. figure more than 15.000 greater than that of any other Toronto paper. morning or evening, or both. It is hard to realize that only ten years ago when the present man- agement assumed control. 'I‘heStar was at the foot of the list with only 6,000 circulation. While its competitors have. been standing still or growing slowly it has forged ahead. until now it has a. commanding lead. ,Thnt its progress continues at an unabated rate indicates that there is nothing fol ced or inflated ahout its growth, but that it is a healthy mitnrnl development. the result of a determination to give its readers the best paper. combined i with the ability and hard work neces- f sary to put the determination into ef- §fect. The star could not show 15,000 3 subscribers more than any competitor, ‘ if it was not a good newspaper.‘ mutic tr :Iditiun. A duel; bv Miss Nellie Bibby and Mr. Elmer McGluskcy was also well render-ed. Another dialogue. entitled “A Pain in the Side,†received special atten- tion. » ' ‘ This most succcésful concert closed with another chm-us by the League. fol_lr_uwed by the; Nabiogmlï¬nthem. Altogetlier this gathering was a lit- erary mud artistic triumph. ' (Too late for last issue.) TORONTO STAR'S NEW RECORD. In respnnso to n grmving (lpmnnd in his homp, Henry Kitchen W'ehstpr. author of “The Sky Mun.†once went, to his father’s house. bm'rowed the family high chair and stall-ted taking it. home by hand. He had to wait, long for his car. and when it‘ï¬nully came its cnndnctnr was a hnuml‘ist. "Aren‘t, vnn pretty big fur that, chair?†that nï¬icial ventured. “Yes,†admitted Webster, wparily, “I grew up while Waiting for the car.†~4me “Success Mugazine.â€] RAPID TRANSIT. Don’t risk even a pennyâ€"mail health ï¬rst returns. And I mean just ogmly that. l m the one physxcbm who nys to the 3ch "l wil1,out of my own pocket. pay for your medi- cine 11 it fails to brmg you help I" And for 20 non Dr. Shoop’s medicines have been used Ind recommended in eyery city “a hunletln America. {they are positively ï¬nd- u-d in every commumtyâ€"and everywhere. Then why In! the cash. and e: your risk. for other unwerrented and uncertain medicines? Thousands upon thousands have in» the M successfully used Dr. Bhooxfs Restorative. When the Stomach nerves. or the Bentor Kid- ney nerves Iail.these sick one: know how quickly â€" -- - n - m, a.†._:n amin- “nun hnnlr m nay net you nun. am†an.- v.4... __- .V _- . _ _ Dr. ’ Shoop's Beswrative will bri them 1390!! to health again. But best of all, t 3/ 17081th- Zy takeno money 113k whatever. They know th at when gehalth lanai“) return, Dr. 00D W himself gladly I h e n my the drun- gist for that , mi .And 10? that test a. full 30 day treatment is tree I immed- But write me ï¬rst for an order. This will save delay and disappoinan All druztists sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative and Dr, Simonâ€: Rhenmanc Remedy. but all ore no: au- thorized to give the 30 day tat. 80 drop me n lino pleaseâ€"tor l have appomtod an honest and ro- Iponsible drugâ€" (in in almom every cohmiun- icy. everywhere. to issue my 'no a help, no pay." medicines to me sick. Tell me also which book you need. The book- below will lurer open up new and helpful ideas to those who are not. well. Besides you are perfectp ly free to consult me instas you would your home physician. My advice And the book below are yoursâ€"113i without cost. Perhapsn word or two from me will clout up tome serious ailment. I have helped thousands upon thonsands by my private prescription or personnl a vico plan. My best at 0 ion. is surely worth you}; simple {equesh 15:0 WLflID No. 1 0n Dyspepsia No. 2 On the Heart No. 3 0n the Kidneys Get Wei] First For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and Vicinityâ€"’3 STEAM COAL NUT, STOVE", FURNACE I Best Scranton coal.‘ ‘ Also Tile. Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and h6g5. ' ‘ Also Shorts and good Americah cofn 1613). All kinds of’grain bought and highest poésible prices paid at the Elevator: C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pu b - lishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company 'cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. ‘ ‘ \' It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga- zines. Read the following:â€" Cassel's Magazine, per annum . $l.50 The Story Teller . . 1.7†The Quiver . . . . . 1.51) Musical Home Journle . . 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . . 1.50 Little Folks . . , . 1.50 Chums . . . . . . 1.50 Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be Sent to CASSELLS & COMPANY 42 Adélalde St. ‘VV. Dr. Shoop’s Restorative J. H. RAMER COA L- Fot threshing engines. [Single copies, 3 cts. We) look lull I Bond You! L‘ OI‘ODIO No. 4 For Women No. 5 For Men No. 6 On Rheumatism. No 23 it: the