Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Dec 1909, p. 5

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'[V For District Cupâ€"J. P. thss, G. Sims. For Slatcr Trophyâ€"E. Barker. G. Cowie. J. H. Sandor-sun, A. G. Savage, T. A. Lumon, E. M. Hyuw. For Smiih Mvdale. Monnnuld, G; Sims, M. Baylo. J, Tyndall, H. A. Nicholls. J. P. (Haw. _ The sale of tickets for the High Selma! concert to he held in the Mason- ic Hall on the 15th of Dvnember has begun. The plan of ball is at the office of Mr. Geo. McDonald. secretary of the Bonn]. From present indica- tions a crowded house m-xy he expect- ed. The usual contingent from Aux-urn have promised to be present. and all surrounding neighbnrhnnds and vil- lages will bewell represented. Fm- t'hle Tunkfirdâ€"C. P. \Viley. A. Nicholls. « The Curling Club met in the Council Chamber Tuesday evening. when the following skips for the difl’vrent selics were :lnp()il}t9d :â€" York County Council yesterday re- fused to confirm ' Warden Henry‘s apKointment of Mr. Reed as Public Sc ool Inspector for South York. but appointed in his place Mr. A. L. Camp- bell. Principal of Weston High School. Mr. Campbell is a former student of the Richmond Hill High School. Some of the boys were caught last, Sunday loosvning the brakes of the curs on the C. N. O. ’sWitich, allowing the cars to run down grade If this should be done with cars on the main‘ line the result might, be serious. Will some of the citizens take the trouble to enquire: “\Vus it my buy?” The 3lst annual meeting of the On- tfit-ii) Agricultural and Experimental Union and the Winter Fair will be held at the Agricultural A College, Guelph. next week, commencing M0n~ day, 6:11 inst. There will he excursion rates from all pmnls. Patties requiring any kind of hand- pninting done on silk or satin,’cush- Inns. piano diapes, etc.. or any articles suitable for Xmas presents. in oil or wnter colms,upply at Dominion House. Those intending to send Christmas post, cams to their friends ncmss the ocwm should get them at, once. In fact, now is the time to select all your Christmas pnst cards While the selec- tinn is good. Very pretty cards at THE LIBERAL Office. Mrs. \Vm. Jones, who has been un- der the doctor‘s cat-e for the past few weeks, has gnne tn the City to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. \Vm. West. Ata meeting of the \Vest Toronto Board of Education on Monday, the salary of Mr. F. J. Johnston, head of the science department. of the Col- legiute Institute, was increusqd $100. Another batch of accounts are being sent, nut, this week for LIBERAL Huh. scriptions. “’ill those in arrears kind- ly remit to the publisher of this pupl'l‘. B 'aldfnrd High School has been dosed twn weeks owing to an nut- lvx'eak of scarlet, fewr. It is hind the school will re-npen on the 6th uf De- camber. Mr. \Vm. Holladny, of the Newman-- ket Specialty Works, was in tho vil- lage I:st Friday. and mlHPd (m a number of old friends. including the two Macs. Mr. F. E. Sims has been improving the front hf his grocery stow. m-xtr dum- “01th of the \Vniting Room, by a plate glass window. le new Pickwing Collvg¢-_\\‘zm fur- mnlly opened in Newmzu'kvt on Friday. Addressvs'wmu delivered by Sir. “’ul. Mulock and others. Mrs. \V. E. Slmldm-t, and litm- dnughtrr, hf C(mksluwn. is viuiLing with her unylhul'.‘ Mus. ‘5'. Glass. Roll Call a! Epwm'th LI-n'mw tn-mrm x-nw (Friday) vvvning. 'l‘lw suhjw-t, "PratVel'." will he tnkrn by Mrs. SImm. Th9 Mrlhudist thlmth Srhfinl have cnmnwncvd pl'Hctiaing fur lhvix- e-ntelu taimneub m [)9 given Christmas night. day) uft.t-rmmn fit 3VVU’CVI'xrmk [IL-1.11;}!!- nf Mrs. Stirling. Reeve Pugslm/ in utto-nding thv Nu. vember session of the Cuuuly Council which opt-de on Monday. Mr. “I 3. SuVugc has horn sum- uumed as {l jmymnn in the High Cum t which marks muly next month. Mia‘s Shunk. hf \VM‘C Tux-um”. spent uvnr Sunday _\\‘ith Mr. and Mrs. G. Ruunmi. mcnmnxn HILL. 0m, DEC. 2 1909 39112 flihcmlfi Tl‘w )V. M. S. will _I1}ref {his (Thurs- HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT. L ()C A]; Nu SKI PS APPOINTED. any perm” m (hwumilmtium EP‘VORTH LEAGUE. A profitable hour was spent at the Epwm-th League Friday evening when officers of the Central District were present The speaker nf the‘ex‘ening was Rm- Dr. McKenzie, a. leturned mission: from Japan. The question nt missions was treated from mymy stitmiiminls, _:m(l the Dr. gave an en- coiling;ng accunnlfuf the work in dis- tnno fluids. He rave credit} where credit w-ris dim. nnL sliondnndisnngi- i‘vlfl.lHl}>UHllS, _:mu “1? Vlh'. gave an en- cmmxgi‘ :5 accumulfuf the work in dis- tnno fluids. He rave credit} where credit w-vxs dun, nnL slmwvd rundiqposi- Ham [0 dq‘n-m-inte the Work dune by Smith. lst Class â€"â€" Mary Dean, Madeline Cunper, 14‘: eddie Hem-icks, Margumite Ellis, Annie Rlchurds. Jr. 3rd Glassâ€"Beckie Fountain. 66; Alvin‘ Smith. 41; Rhoda. Barker, 89. Sr. 3rd (Singsâ€"Jessie Lily. 72. Jr. 3rd ClassmKitfihwefi AEiiierH Maud Hurt. 76; Viola Caldwell, 58; Rosie Hem'icks, 5'7; Chm-fie. Richards. Sr. 3rd Glassâ€"Elsie Hart, 66; T1105. Fountain, 65; Hector Patterson. 65; Preston Elsnn, 61; \Villie Wellnmn. 56; Peru Elson, 53; Ruy Smith, 46; Walter eslop, 77 v v ' Bf ClaSS»â€"0ll\'erSrâ€"llltvh. Mary Hen- ricks, Percy Caldwell, Daisy Hart. Classâ€"Verna Hg-m-icks. Lillian 4th Classâ€"Mary Cnofmr, 74; Hattie Brodie. 73; Gladys Helmkuy, 51; Thus. Smith. 21. Riverdule Tomatoes. Sc tin; SunSPt and Garden City Choice Tomatoes, 10c tin; Corn and Pens, 3 bins for Atkinson 85 Switzex‘. Headforol Publc School Re- port tor November. Jr. Pt. II.â€"-M:u‘gnret McOngue 89. Rena Baker 89, Nellie Saunders 89. Cum \Videmzm 85. Ross Baker 85. Albert Cohex- S4. Gladys Leary 83, Nelsun Boyntofl ‘76. To stnp any pain iu'ZO minutes. take_ one of Dr. Shuup’s Pink Pain Table-Ls. Sve fm-mula on the lmx. Ask your Doctor 01- Druggist about; this formula. It can’t he battered. \‘Vrmmnly pains, head pains. any pain gets instant re- lief. Bux (of twenty Pink Pain Tablets, 250. Sold by \V. A. Sandersnn. Sr. III.â€"â€"Bessie Finlay JUILIES 91. unglas Rigad 90. Sr. II.â€"(a‘ge()r-ge Read 168. Allan Humor 167. Russell Boyntou 163, Alvin Bezltty 150. Jr. ILâ€"‘Gordnn Read 158. Luella Fi‘nlez‘lc'fl. George Finley 98. A 7 p Sr. Pt. II.â€"Eifix}2; ‘I'igxanFSS. Lorne Jones 88. Sr. PL. Lâ€"Wilkie Dixon 88, Verna Finley 86. Jr. Pt. I.â€"~Ha.1-vey Cuber, Clam Read. Pearl Baker, Pearl Finley. Vel- ma Lem y, \Villie Baker. Mr. .luhn Ki-unvrslvy, who with his ’ sun-ixhlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mape-s, reunqu fxmn this place to Tnl'uul'n a‘ fuw \w-eks agu. (“Pd sud- dmlly in their urw humc. 71 Richie Ann. Saturday mnruing. Dom-used had been in failing health fur the past. two (:1 thn‘e Wald, lm't'went tn lwd on = 'l‘lnnsday_ Honing-feeling as well as usual. \thn Mr. Mapvs left the hnusc :IL (5 o'clock Friday muruiug he saw him slveping (:mnful'tulaly. but when Mrs. Mann-s went to call her fathel at, 7.30 shv found hilu unable to speak. though ‘ evidvully he knew hex-.asa LPax-dmppvd ldu“ u hischet-k. He never tallied, and passrd awuy Saturday nmruiug, 2A hum-s after the- lwmun-hagv. Mr. _ Kmuwrsley was in his 78th year. He. ' had lawn in Llw hour. and shoe business here- for nlmuL 30 yvars. He was horn in [Sum-worthy, County ‘Vvstfurd, 11-»- ; land. and came [0 Canada when [9 yeaus of ago. I’lt‘ is sul \ ixrd by two anus. J. .l. KPHIH‘ISlHy. Tux-unto, and (ah-mg.- (3., of \Viuuipn-g; and two (daughters, MIR. Mam-s, and Mrs. A. ' Pi'lll'lm‘F. of Fielding. Husk. Aftl-l' SPN'lm- at. the lwuse. :\t_1.30 p.m., Mou- rlay, thv r: mains were lu-uught hex-(- hy spe-cial (:al‘. and laid beside illust' uf his wife. who predeceased him sennul ymrs. va. E. C. Currie- cnnducting the SH Vice at the gl‘flnn The lat-gt- ‘ number pro-sent at the funeral testified l to the respect and vsteem in which de- ceased had heun held in this place. ‘ Jr. IV.~â€"Eva Cunnm- 358, John Mc- Cugue 343, Heber McCugue 332, Elsie Donor 321. Ruth Hoover 305, Ervie Hunt 290, Fred. Cosgx‘ove 255. Harry James Report 3.3. No. 4. Markha'fi, for November. man. Firstâ€"John Rankin, Fn-die Bowes. Margur-rite Rankin. Lela Bowes, Mal-â€" jog-Vie Earp. W'ilfre'd Dean. Sr. [Lâ€"Enid Dun-y. Stuart Charl- ton. Marjurie Philips, Hulda Gibbs, Frances (iuidul. Gym-g6: \Vubt. Dnnuld Drnrv. Martha Cluphmn, Vernon Gibbs. Aggie Hnmln’._ VViHje Claphjm. Jr. Pl'lllN'Ifliâ€"I‘laZt‘l Ridde-l, Lillian Flancis, Birdie Gibbs, Kathleen Hl‘x‘ghestJames Grunt. (miss Vl.â€"â€"St,ewm-t Cumphdl. Leroy Farr. Muriel Denn. James Drm'y, Eva flown, Dorothy Durnfnrd. Class IV.â€"~Amy Bull, Flnssie Allis- (m, France‘s :Cm'lvtuu, Mildwd Dm-n- ford. Lizzic- Rankin, (inrdun Francis, Ton-me Dunglas, Jennie Sanger. Violet Case-Ivy, Stanley Peal-sun, Frau- cis Cox. Class [KLâ€"Kathhwn Rankin, Ver- non Fun-hes, \Valter Duff. Frank Charl- Lou, Mix-ylg‘lillilips. Jr. 11.:‘Mny hardt, Harvey Gibbs, Mabel Chap- ' Sr. Primer.â€"â€"Marjorie'Bull, Nelson Fol-hes. ’l‘hornhill School Report for N ovember. MR. KENNESSLEY'S DEATH. 95. Ex nie "' 4‘ »’ +«:-w+w+++++w~zo+++~tazu§~emz~+~3~+ Preventics. the new Candy Cold Cule Tablets, am said by druggistg to have four special specific advantn‘g‘es' over all uther remedies fm'n cold. Firstâ€" they‘ contain no Quiuinebn zthing harsh or sickening. Secondâ€"Tlgy give'nlé" most inémnp 'relie'f. 'Ehiulâ€"Pleasant t0 the t‘létf’pliKS-SkfiuyTFBifi-‘ffiq la‘fgéWJS Prevent/it'sâ€"at‘ 25 cents. 'Alsu firm for feverish children. 801d by \V. A.’SnnderS()n. - ' . n A_ ++++++++M++++++H++~$aÂ¥+++4 8 hands. by Misses McMahm'i ,and Oliver ‘nnd Messrs. AndreWs ani New- ton; 2 pianos 4 hands, by Miss Laura Innes and Mr. Newmn; piannduet by Miss Marguerite Boyle and Mr..New- ton; 2 piunns 4 hands, by Miss Ella? Reaman and Mr. Newton; andoflwr piano solos. &c. Recitations 'were given by Miss Irene Scott'and Miss Marjorie. Currie, a. reading by Miss Agnes Boyle, and Mr. Newton Tend an interesting paper 0!: Mozart. the'great cnmpuser. The closing number was “God Save the King”â€"2 pin-nos 8 hands. : A most interesting. instructive and pleasing recital was given gt the studio of Mr. J. Earle Newtuh. “Rock Haven,” lust Thursday evening by the upils of the Newton Schnnl of Music. l‘he Sherwood Music Club is composed of strong? players,,and the work done Thursday 'evening was most gratify- ing. refleciing much credit ume Mr. Newton and his class. It. is in such is class that young piano players receive practical experience which gives them confidence. and many should take ud- vantuge of the opportunity offered. After an address of welcome by the President. Mr. R; C. Andrews, and u repmt nf the last meeting by the sec: retmy, Miss Laura Innes'. the proâ€" gramme proper commenced. The prngmmmewyns pen-ha _'s‘ more intu- esting from the fact t at it was all Muzm-t. Thvre were selections. 2‘pianos a L.....l,. L- u,- u. ‘- . _ \Ve. have on hand one ficind'heavy Saskatchewan Ruhr. whiuhswe will so“ «way below cost; ng'. $8.75 for $6.00. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ To the Edit-1r of THE meunz- - Dt‘ar Sinâ€"Hammer: readng with interest the lepters: in ynup valu- able paper re the habit an- men and buys loitering nn’ the/earner. \yVns pleased to see in your last issue the cause of the boys h’myaudt~d by fluid the boys themsvlves. ,Ho who sits in “Scornex-‘s Chair" n. ‘Vm-entw ly thinks they are [120% wurth; (I: femer of tryng [n ope-n up some .wny in which their evenings cuuld he spent 80» they would he of more benefit; uutl' pleasure to themselves and Lu the villugv gs n_\\*lmlv. , _ r“ . 141m in sympathy with the lmys and I think if eycx-yone in null village who l {hm-(Ifqu 8(Ilsgâ€"[ilé-;;:elllliel‘8 of the purchasing cummittee will explain the TRUE reason for xefusing ‘to-gmnt’ my request}. r ‘ M. TEEFY. ,, v- ,m. is an historical work. and costs the emu-"mus sum of seventy-fiye centrst Ill . Richmond Hill, 30th N0v.,-1909. esstafilishrd. I consider that the pur- churing cmnmitu-e hu've actc‘d un- justly toward me in passing over the punk [‘syh'nted fur the library, which As a ratepnyer for over sixtf years. and a contributor to the mil}! 0_ Ii_hrm-y finccrib has been Ouhhmt’s History nf the Rpfnrmm Lion in England is a standard work. and should he in our public Iii)le \j. In pursuance uf Lheuhmc l wmte in the- svcruhu'y of [hu Public Library. giving tiu- name of n celebrated author (n Protestant) who is described in Uassvll's Biographical DictIunary as “the best known and most. influential “of all un- selfâ€"tnught Suns of England. “He wan English in ixxnpet.xl<u151wss “and pnssinn ful jumticv. He has never “been (-quicllvd :unung political writers "in his capacity of expluniin what he “understand. He Was NW rst, jnur- "Imlist who dimuu-d public attention “to tin- uunditiun nf the won-king “classics.” Thu Liberal of 13th August. contains the following notice: "Citizens of Rich- mnnd Hill and the‘ frnntr'pm-ts of Markham and Vaughan mo reqiwste-d tn li-nvewith the sv‘crehuy at, The Liberal office. the name of any [mud hunk Llwy wish to see purchased for the Public Lilu-m-y. The Purchasing Ummuittcv hnpv mum to make their purchases fur the Full drlivury.” To me Editor: “AN HOUR WITH MOZARTJ’ "N0 ‘CATHGLIC NEED APPLY." ‘11 Opens in all Departments (if The Central Business College, Tun-(mm. mm Jan. 8x31; (Early applicatjlirg t'n,x:".;lglmiss'ion isiinvitnaJ “IrffléFfur Ga Laioguejmd Emblkmvnb ‘Furmq Ac}: Ill-9331337. H“; ’Shafi"; 1&1?» cipnl; (Yongé- and Gun-2i rd SLR... Toronto. . AA Wimer Term FRIEND OF THE BOYS. A FRIEND OF‘THE BOYS. $3.... §{-+%%++++'§'+'Â¥'§'+++'§"§“1"!‘~§*+~!°*i”1"§ *4"??? PM 1' 3: '5 +4 +++§4fi°4 4‘ Atkin80n & ' Switzer (CONCRETE HOUSE ' RICHMOND HILL "kw-H.+§+++~m+++++++++++++++ 351M494:rag-3»:-+4»:-MMMawww-EWWWMMMMMMMM Finest Quality Dripped Citron Peel, 250 per lb. Very Fine Natural Figs, per lb. 5c. Best Turkish Table Figs, per lb. 12c. Fresh Hallowi Dates, per lb. 80. Wethey’s Mince Meat, per pkg. 11c. Puritan Brand New Orleans MolaSSes, 15c tin. Goldenette Pure Cane Molasses. 5 lb. pail 40c. Edwardsburg Table Molasses, 5 lb. pail 300. . Very Choice Blend (Sofiee,'ground fresh, 300, 40c- and 45c. lb. - Choice Pickles and Onions, the best obtainable.’ We have also choice lines in Spices, Seasonings, ‘lavorings, Icings, Baking Powders, Jelly Powder, P Quick -Custards, Cocoas, Shelled Walnuts and Almonds; ' ‘ ‘ ‘ $%++H**M%M+*¢M+HHQ “Mm H r+++++++m++++++++++++u+Â¥ tuna-«H- ENews’ Of Interest othe‘rvlin‘es. Aan bettgr th’afi city} brices for sénie have not already. been buying from ‘us it to QiVe us’a t'rial Boo-tstUndérWear, Clzthing. Gloves,+Halts_r;:Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, and many If you Dec. 2, 1909. N J. ‘ G LASS _ OHTFITTEE’» Selected Valencia Raisins, 3 lbs. for 25¢. Good Valencia Raisins, 4 lbs. for 25c. Finest Blue Vostizza Currants, 22‘ lbs. for 25¢. Fine Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs. for 25¢. Santa Claus Seeded Raisins, 16 oz. pkg, Ioc each. Best Candied Lemon and Orange Peel, per lb. 160. Agents {014â€"- THE CELEBRATED "MELOTTE” CREAM nvnn. .mfin \Ve handle only lines made by reliable makers, and can therefore guarantee satisfaction. Richmond Hill Hardware (:0. 3&+++-H THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0 ___...v-..~ VAI/AALAL‘L SEPARATOR. W SAMSON \VIRE LADDERSâ€"something new, ask us about. them. ANTHONY‘K'WIRE FENCEâ€" the very best made. v Get our prices. \Ve think we cam suit you birth in quality, style and price. call and see bur assortment of Heaters and Ranges . . . NOW IS THE TIME 1‘0 BUY ++~e++++++a¥£+++++++++ «nowwgfiéomwww THE House Wivesi i-é-I-i'é'i- "'1'+++++++++++§M++++$++§+ NORMAN BATTY, Manager IS Molasses, 15c tin. asses. 5 lb. pail 40c. ses, 5 lb. pail 3oc. ,‘ground fresh, 30c, 40c

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