va. \V. b. 'I‘rvncluviH preach in the MI-thmhst Church m-xL b‘uudny mum- mg. Mr, ‘Hnlmw (Tl-ushy. W110 spent the past svx mnmhs in Michigqu (My. u-mnwd hum»; 'l‘stdn’y. Mr. Nicholls l'PpUl‘tS this week the renting uf “It†mum.†pl'npmt.y snul'n nf the village to Mr. Losse, of 'l‘Iu-nntn. '1 he! is suhjt-cl‘. Lu an option for the purchase Lln-wuf. RiI-hnmnd Lw'dgv A.F.&A.N mxt Munday uwning. Dec. 20. The Maple Sunday Sclmnl Anniver- san will he hold on Christmas night. A cantata Pnlitlvd "Sunha Claus and Johnny Gunnuck.†will he rendered by Lhé nwmhers of the Sunday Schnul. Admission 25c. Entertninmvnt will begin at 7.31}. Rxclmuxn HILL, Ont, DEC. 16, 1909 Mrs. \V‘. R. intm' and MN: Kath- leen Pl-uctm- spent, from Satmdny lvill Tuesday uh!) Mm. J. H. Brydon, the fun Inn‘s bisu-l'. Mia‘s erlQ» Hum er spout, n fvw days in Aurora with h:-r aunt. Mrs. Mm- 1-ison, and attendvd the Cl-usslvy and huuLH' inn-Mr. Rev. E. C. UHIi‘iv Wm gh’n the ad- dress at; the Epwm-lh Lougue- Friday twenng uf this \wwk. suhjch “Christ,- ‘ian LiVing." A recitation will he givcn by Mr. J. H. Ol'inismn. The ChrisLn-ms Glulw is u partic- ularly rrvdimhlv muer this yen-Ir. The general npihiuu is that nth“ last number has beaten any of “a prvdv- C(‘SSUIS. Aman the new hunks on sule- at- THE LIBERAL 0!?qu is The Fureigm-r. a tale, (if Suskntchmvzm, by Ralph Connor. This latest work by the well- known Canadian writer is huvmg a large Sale. In reply to "Fnrmm-†we may say that The Toronto Daily Star will he sent to fax-mus and others 'vhnse post ofï¬ce address is Richmond Hi†at $150 per year, if they reside outside of the \illage. In the territory CUVPI'H‘ each evening by the news buys the yearly rate is $2.50. Messm. P. \V. Buynton & Sum got ï¬rst prize for \Vild Gnuse \Vheatr at, the \Vintm‘ Fair held at Guelph last, week. The second prize was awarded to MI. Gen. B. Little, Brown’s Co'rm-rs, and tha third prize to Mr. James A. Rennie, Millikan. 5W flihemu Go to THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce- fox-Christ.- mas hooks. Christmas cards. booklets. souvenir post cards, tuy hooks, post.- card albums, pencil boxes, mouth organs. fountain pr-ns. pupetcrios. &c., §:c. New stuck of Bibles, new English Church Hymn and Prayer Buuks, Methodist, Hymn Books, and Presby- terian Books of Praise. Bills are out again giving notice that a. meeting of the electors of Richmond Hill and the Union School Section will he held in the Council Chamber on Monday awning Decvmbéi- 27. at 7.30 o’clock, fox the nomination of Reeve. Councillors and Public School Trustees. As them has hem: considerable grum- bling :ilxoub “high taxes†in this muni- cipalityâ€"us well as in all municipalities On Monduv of last week, Mr. W'm. Clubino, wlm liws on Church Street, Toronto. suffered a, very serious acci- dent. He. was taking down a veranda in front uf one of his houses when :l heavy piece of timber descended, striking Mr. Cluhine on the hack of the head. felling him to the sidewalk. His skull was crushed, and he~was rendered unconscious. He was taken t0 St. Michael's Hospital. where he still lies in it dangerous condition. -â€"we may hl‘pe that some of our citi- zens will lw present to tell the mem- hm-s of the Council where money might have been saved to advantage. Must uf us want all the modern improve- mentsâ€"and low taxes. ' A friend has handed us for insertion in THE LIBERAL the announcement of the FifLieLh Anniversary of the wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Conger, fm-mmly of Patterson, so that their friends might. see it and recall pleasant, memories of old times and friend“ who have. been absent from Richmond Hill for a. good many years. The happy event was hr'ld un VVednL-‘sday evening, Decmnlwx-8. at, the lesirlence of Miss Ella qu-nhain, Akron. Inn'a. Hm u ~, ‘; ,» ,. mi ’l‘muntu. Thu on 'n." 1- L: .y zu-s will sup- :ply ‘zhu -:: :L ham L‘ x-Vizzes. The 'USUdl F1: v 12: 05:41:12; will be taken. On Christmas: Eve, Dec. 24. an Xmas tree and entertainment will be held in the. Methodist, Church. Hope, under the auspices of the Sunday School, commencing at 8 u’clnck. A Cantata. entitled “Santa’s gut tho Gxip,†will be rendered. Admission, adults, 250. ; chili"'(en, 15c. (1.1 Hrs fu‘ilnwing Sun~ any. Me With ..11.iv:;surv sermons will 1‘- l‘ v LL“. 7nd 7 p. m. lly Rm u ‘ ‘l-m», 7; ,» ,. mi Tmuntu. Thu on 'n." 1- :2 .)5 zu-s will sup- lmm - The :ply ‘zhn 1.x." 14<)CA14 NOMINATION MEETING. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. 1859â€"1909. Hope. nut-ls Thu Mnsnnic Hall was pmzkvd tn lhe ilmnat lensb.é\'oil‘ihg when the High Subunlcgm'e their annual enu-rtuin- mt-m. 'l‘hi- prugr-nnnw as advertised was curl-ind nnL (H the lettvr. and prm-rd \‘t-ry intmvsting m the huge :nudienur. The stage- and plntfnrm \\'t‘l‘(' \‘M‘y m-euly drenrntml with flags, e\ ergrvons. curtains. easy chairs. uouchvs, and cushinns, and every thing lm-ked easy. Mr. D. Hill made an I‘X- cvllvnt chaii mun. nnd thn (Il‘(ll'l' was all (hutcuuld hedn-sirvd. Mr. \Vithvl'il, Principal. explained the. clnss uf Wurk that was lwing lflkt'l] at. the High b‘cluuul. and n-tvx-wd to the numbers n-coiving u-rLificaLl-s. and Lhnse pm- umted fxmn mm fnnn l0 :nnnther. 531mb nml :npprupiiate uddn-ssvs wm-e uflx-nwrds guru by Rev. A. P. Bmce and RH. E. G. Uurrie. ouch speaking uf the gmul wm'k dune in thuschunl. Mr. Ulnulvs Enm-y uppwuH-d here fur the ï¬rst; linw us a hnuml-isr. He kvpl’ llw audience in the lust of hunmr by his L'uluic songs and mono- lugm-s, and gnw :I numln-r uf Int-re- tlll'lhlla‘ prudllctlulls as rvciluliuns, in. eluding “The Bridge uf sighs." and "Fur Hm Sake." Mr. Hnmlxl Rich as "(:cmnpzmist. whn un funnel- nae-minus, lu-fuu- a Richmond Hill audience. had made a lasting reputa- Linn, gn-ally assisted in making the Lennard-L a sitcom»: Bi-fm'o closing. Mr. \Vixheril in n \‘nte of thanks, srcmnled by Rev. Mr. (Jun-iv, iU’kaWlt-‘(lgtd the intlvlrlvdn‘hs In thi- artists for the pm~ gramme pluse-nlml. and Mr. D. Hill thanked the illlLlll‘ll(T(" fur Lht-irgenemus support. and fur the guml mule-r. 'l‘hv entvrtuinlnent cloned with the national itillllt'lll. Last Friday an accidme \Vhfl'h might have been fnlul nccurrml in the hum of Mi. A. McMillan. 2nd concession of Vaughan. TinA lill'k'sill'l‘s were at work. and Mr. H. C. Bailey of Maple was the-re 10 huv the newly-thrvslwd :Ilsike. After making the purchase Mr. Bailey sat ml the side of a hin nimuL-thn-c feet, high. 0119 nf the threshch pusssing hy made swim,» guod natured rmnnrk and gave Mr. Buiiey n Lap nu the breast. He nverhulnuced and fell backwards iutu the hjn, st1~ik~ ing his head hwu‘iiy nn the flour.‘ The. curds (If the [106k wet-Pf hndly sti-ainvd, and the victim of tho :ICLiiLiPllt was thoroughly unconscinus for SP\'('1'HI hours. Hc was I-mmvcd home in the aftm'mmn, but he could nut muve a. limb. and was mmhlc- to speak a weird. The next day. hnwmcr, the fee-ling begun to return. and every day ï¬nds him stronger. He- is imw able to talk. and there is every hvpe of his ultimate recovery. A meeting in lhe interests hf the Bible Shcivty will he held in the Breth- ren (Tnnknrd) Church. on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2]. at, half-past, seven n’clnck. Rev. Mr. Haï¬sard uf ’l‘m'mltn will address the meeting on the work and needs (bf the Sucivty. As this “'Ol‘k is lundenominutiunul it is expect,â€" (‘d that all surrounding churches will be Well “presented. All are welcome. AFTER SPRING \VATER. Th0 reew and memhers of the Vil- lage Cuuncil have been gi\ en an option by Mr. Isaac Crosby on a piece (If land near the G.N.O. station, on which are a number of ï¬ne springs, which it is hoped will give an ample supply of water for all village purpuses. The Council will get, the water analyzed, and hupe to have n waterwm-ks en- gineer here in a few days and get. his advice as to the best means of collect- ing the water and pumping it into a reservoir. If the water proves to he ï¬rst-class this will be u. safer process than bm-iug. Selected Valencia Raisins. 3 lbs. for 25c. 411m. gnud Raisins for 25¢. 2% lbs. ï¬nPst blue VnstizuOun'nnts fun-25c. 3 lbs. ï¬nest, cleaned cnrrants for 250. Atkinson & Switzer. The parties who broke into Shield’s stm-e have not been captured, although a sharp look out is kept; up by our county constable, \Vm. lâ€"Inndlev. We are paying taxes for the protection of our propnrly, a policeman should he placed hex-e by the government, or allow a salary to bepaid our county cullstnhle, so that, he could act as n watchman during the silent hours of the night, While we recruit our lmdlefs‘. Mr. J. D. The-x1011 has rented his farm and will move into his residence in the village about Cl-H'istums. Dur- ing the summer he made considerable improvements on his proper-Ly here, and will retire frum active life. Mr. A. P. McLean and Maurice Rus- enhury of Peterhm-ough. wm-e Vlsitm-s at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean. who zu‘edulighted to have their child- run or grandchildren visit [hem in thvir glecliniug years. Visitors from; Dakota are at the Shields home here, to escape the bail storms and cyclone-S leb are so cum- nmn in that. frozen region this side of the North Pole. The service at the ‘PwshytPI-ian dun-ch is held at. 3 p.m. instead (If 7 13.11]. as horctnfnre. This will continue during the wintm- months, so as to allow the Rev. D. Currie to return home before night. May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Famners’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. it has no equal as a Farmer’s Business Paper. load farmers rely on it For price ace our clubbing offer. BIBLE SOCIETY ME ETING. men†,SC'HOOL.,C0NCIERT{ DANG EROUS F A L L. Mount Pleasant. FARM PROFITS «45:» “.5. |'!A\-(,'4 1, "If'flQA'f 2' l The "we-Ling held at, the residence of .Mr. D. James under the auspices uf gthe \anen‘s Institute- on Dec. 1st for | the purpose of organizing a Sncivty fur ' winter evenings Hitm-millmenb was :ltlvcided. slum-ass. A gnud m-ugmnnne i was rvndrrod, consisting of music by ‘ Miss L. \Vulirn. Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. J. ; Peursnn. Messrs. Thompson and Clubâ€" ; ink: and l-rmlings hy Mrs. A. Hull and . Mr. Ivan \Vriglit, and an address by Mr. J. \V. Moyle. A Committee cun- sisling Hf Mrs. A. Hall, Mrs. J. Martin. er. J. \V. Muyle, Mr. D. James, and Mr. A. ’l‘hmnpgnm. secretary. was up- pninied m takv charge of meetings for one month. The Hume of the Sucivty will h1- (lrnidrd «pun {it the m-xt, invet- ing. which will lll‘. held at the same place on Monday evening. Dec. 20th. Music and Readings will lie rendered, a pupvrun the “Advantages of Flowers in our Humps," will be given by Rev. J. Gihsuu, and a sucinl time spent toâ€" gethm'. All interested are cordially invited to be present. This slmuld he :‘I pnpulai-suciety. no fee being qhurqu The Presbyterian Sunday School will give. a ten ll-fld entertaimnenb with Xmas tree in Victoria Hall on the evening of \Vvdnesday. the 22nd inst. ln nddilinn to thv pmgrnm furnislud by the Sunday .Schnnl children, music will be furnished hy the Thm’uhill Qum-tk-tte. the Choir of the church and “the-rs. and readings will he give-n by Mrs. E. C. Currie. late grnduate of Alma College. Supper {mm 5 tn 7.30 and Concvrt at 8. Prevent ics, the new Candy Gold Cu: 8 Tablets, are said by d'ruggists to have four special speciï¬c advantages over all uthex- remedies for". cold. First-â€" they contain no Quinine, nuthing harsh m‘ sickening. Secondâ€"They give al~ most. instant relief. Thirdelvasnnt to the tastv, like candy. Fnurthâ€"A large boxâ€"48 Preventionâ€"at 25 cents. Also ï¬ne for feverish children. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. The Methodist Sal,th Schnnl are preparing for their nnmml Christmas Entmtainment. to be held nn Friday evening. Dec. 24, at, 8 u‘clnck. An interesting programme by the children of the schn-ul Will be rendered. consist- ing uf dialongs, mcitatinns. choruses, &(:. The chair will he taken by 'Rev. A. l." Bmcv. Admission, adults. 25 cents. All children free. Everybody Welcome. in}- ninembvrship: fouug and n'l‘d'miï¬gle tngvthur, and many Will take part. The Victm-ia Square Branch of the \Vumen’s Institute will hold their monthly muotinp; at, the home nf’Ml-s. O. P. Read on Dec. 22nd at, 2.30 p.m., when (he fnllmving prngmunnp will he iven :â€"â€"Mus'i(:, lITStl'IH‘n('lltrfll,~â€"l\llSS G.‘ Yelsun. Exchange of fm'urite recipes in response to roll call. The repnrt of the Annual Convention held :1t-GuPlph given luy thedt-h-g‘nte, Mrs. L. Stnnten- Inn-g. Recitation. Master George Read. Vocal dnvts, Mrs. A. Lock and Miss Bludll’. A pupPrml “Thunghts on the Opening Year,†Miss anpvr. To Stnp any pain in 20 minutes, take. nne Of Dr. Shuup’s Pink Pain Tablets. See fin-u:qu on the box. Ask your Doctm‘ m- Druggist Mmut this furmnlu. It; can’t) he hotter-ed. \Vnnnmly pains, head pains, any pain gvts instant, re- lief. Box uf-twenty Pink Pain Tablets, 25c. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. For some time past, the need of an organization of some kind where the young people of the Presbyterian con- gregation might proï¬tably spend their time and lend their talent, has been felt, and-on Thursday. December 2nd, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Currie. called a meeting of the. young people interested in organization. It was unanimously decided that a young peo le’s society, guild, or debating club smuld he or- ganized, and on Thursday evening last another meeting was held, at which a good representation of the young people. of the church was present. A few explanations Were made by Rev. Mr. Currie, and brief discussions on the. subject followed, after which an organ- ization, to he callod the Presbyterian Guild, was formed, and ofï¬cers were elected. It was decided that, Friday night he the meeting night of the Guild, and the ï¬rst meeting will be held shortly after the. New Year. The ofï¬cers of the Guild hope that the members and adherents of the congre- gation will take an active interest in the work, and that all those wishing to become members will make a special effort to be present at the ï¬rst meet- ing. so that their names can he enrolled with the. Secretary. The ofï¬cers will form an executive committee, and will meet shortly to draught out the plan of Work for the winter. \\"e have a nice assortment of Mnfflm's, (ï¬lm-es, Sczxrfs, Cufflinks, vlc.. suitable for Christmas presents. Atkinsnu 65 Switzer. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PRESBYTERIAN GUILD. Victoria Square. Th‘oinhm. ,J‘.‘ ++W+H +++++++$++++++ *‘++*®§~W+‘}+ $W+¢M$++M+ 3; Dec. 16, 1909. ~++44"?+++++4Â¥++++++$$++++¢+$1+$+++¢++M+~£¢$+++++é+%+%+ fé++~$+¢§®+~§~++~§~§+++4 +$+++~§~++'i‘i‘+%++++4‘++4~+%4~++$+$M%+++ a+*++++++*¢*++y§-.+ Rattles Teddy Bears Esquimaux Dolls Floor Chimes Christmas Pi‘egentg ‘i fresenls for 3a5y Very Appropriate Santa Claus’ Headquarters The R. H. Gents' Furnisher SPECIAL BlSBQUNT SALE AT A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 0F 10 PER CENT. OFF OUR REGULAR PRICES. Richmnd mu Hardware 69. NQRMAM 93., LASï¬ Dolls Pastry Sets Doll Carriages Doll Beds Doll Cradles Toy Stoves Dishes Etc., Etc. A FE\V OF OUR LINES \VHICH MAKE .‘i’resenfs for girls RECHMOND HILL No‘. ' is your opportunity to buy a gond sum 9 at a cheap price. Don’t-miss it. From NOW Until Jan. lst We Will Offer All Our ~:-«:~+++++++~s§;§§~§-+++++-:«M «nwowï¬Ã©owowwoo RANGES STOVES Tool Sets Guns Swords Drums Wagons Whips Horns Pistol Banks Mechanical Toys & Games .‘I’resenls for 3301/8 THE €~+¢~X+i+4~~f~é+++é++¢¢ ~2~+-:~:2«9+m7 Home Shoes, Ladies and Gem‘s’ Tics, Shirts, Caps, Neck Scarfs, Hand/eerchie s, Gloves, Suspendei/s, Arm Bands, Umbrellas, Etc. Cheese Dishes Lamps Salad Dishes Vases ' NORMAN BATTY, Manager fl’reseufs for gueryb’ody ‘ancy Papetries Toilet'Sets Linens Jardineres, Eta, Etc.