23- gdbds. "Ra ham 'Chtholié Churchâ€"Services on alter- naï¬g “Sunfiayg at 9 _a. n3. anfi 10.3q Augm. And take further notice that after the said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will pmceed to distribute the assets of the Estate nmnng th parties entitled Lhoretn, having regard only to the Claims of which they shall have then recein notice. Dated December mm, 1909. Methodist Churchâ€"Services ut10.30 a. m., and 'l p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M'â€"-Meets Mon- av on -or before full moon GourbRichmond A 0 F â€"â€" Meets fourth Fri- aE'Y . ... 1 ,.,,, IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Arthur George I§Pff€l“, Deceased. Pur- suant to R. S. 0. chapter 129 and Amending Acts, Notice is hereby given, that all’ parties having claims against, the estate nf Arthur George Kefl’m', late of the township (vf Vaughan in the County (vf York. Farmer. de- ceased, who died on m- ahuut {he 231d day of October. A.D.. 1909, are n-qnirvd on or before the 15th day of January next, to send to Jesse Keffur, Edguley P. 0., Administrator of the estate, a full statement (:f their claims, with names and addresses, and the nature of the‘security, if any, hold hy them. The Calendar contains thirtpeu large sheets, beautifully printh in three culm‘s. Each sheet Cuntnins a design of an open Bible with a Bible Laxt fur each day of the mnntvh. and :L calendar in large ï¬gures for the month at; the lower end of the sheet. Price 230. Sent to any Address Postage Paid. Specier prices in lots of one'dnzeu or more. Agents are making money sell- ing thmn. Big reduction to agents. Send for tin-ms at once. BEAUTIFUL WALL MOTTOS. \Ve have an excellent assortment of Scripture Wall Motto Cards at, 5, 10. 15, 20. 25, 40 and 50:. each \Ve will mail any of these m a num- bs-r to zmy address at the above prices postage paid. at the Elevator; Zi-tf 22-tf AGENTS WANTED. We want an honest. mun or boy in (ï¬nch town and city to zu't, as agent, for us. \Ve pay 2L lihvml (:nmmisï¬on. Agents make good wages soiling these ‘1’iesbyï¬en‘ian Chu'rchâ€"Services 2112â€"11 a. m.,and 7 p. m. Sunday School at: 2.30: Prayer meet-lug Tglzrsdav‘evenipg. M Chopping ALSO Done Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"«Meets third Wednesday of each month‘ ‘ Camp E12111, S 0 S -â€"Meets second and fourth Wgflnegduy H111 Crest Lodgs. I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- duv and third Friday of each mouth. R T of'l‘emperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public berary and Reading Room~0pen Tuesday. and Saturdav evenings. Envoth Leug11e~Meets everv Friday. . Junior Epworth League meets every Fn‘ day afternoon at 4. Notice to creditors. FRIDAY. Dec. 24â€"Fm'm stock, imple- ments. furniture, etc., on lot} 33, can. 1.‘Markhum, the propel-Ly of A. Lower-y. S:an at 1 o’clock. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 29â€"Fm-m stock, implvments and vehiole‘s, at, Llnyd’s Hotel. King )ity. Sale at 1 n’cluck. Terms 10 months. I). G. Blough, Auct. SATURDAY. Jun. Iiiâ€"Farm stock, im- lenwnts. &c., on lot 13. con. 10, hitchuruh. the pmpelty of Ralph )nnne'r. Sale at, 1 o’clock. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Aunt. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 8p. m. lab, in} and 4m Surlgiay. ‘ Thjrd $unda_y_9.t 11 a. m: Z'Z-tf PROP. “’ï¬Ã©Xï¬Ti’Fâ€"b’i’ 'VCA’AAS‘}AAASâ€15AE§ENAv A FINE GOSPEL TEXT CALENDAR FOR 1910 Hours fnr issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING ........ . . EVENING .......... . ....6.00 N. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed in gt least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Blchmoud Bill Post Office as follows :â€" 7 Mail Closes for the South 7 A ca blond of good corn just arrived qud house. to rent. Appl_y_y_)_ Rush your apples in and got, your At Boyle’s Mill 33 Richmond St. VV., Ton-unto, Solicitnr fur the Administrator. POST DFFHZE NOTICE CHEER MADE Corn! Corn! EVENING .. . .. MORNING... EVENING Village Directory. Spud '1'01‘ :Igerl‘t's prims {n H S. HALL‘IANN. 23 Quota 'prth, Berlin, Ont \VILLIAM COOK. Auction Sales. Morning Mail arrives 8.15 Evening Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS at the same‘ place. To Rent Mail Closes for Aurora,â€" at Boyle’s Mill. JOHN BARBER; H “gr? \‘H‘IIIIIK LIIL‘GU gents prions tn S. HALL‘IANN. x North, Berlin, Ont. C: SKEELE 25-1 In ROCKERS, ARM CHAIRS, CENTRE TABLES, and many other articles suitable for Christmas Presents. at lowest possible prices. The undersigned will visit RICH- NWND HILL every WEDNESDAY and SAT U RDAY The Next, Sitting of Divxsion Court to! N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, MAPLE BAKERY afternoon. 20- If Usual Stock of Furniture Always on Hand. P.G.SAVA:E BWISWN - BBURT. Xmas Fumam PENNYROYAL WAFERS. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmonï¬ mu MAPLE BREAD at Hall’s and Gl'ainger's Grocery Stores. Saturday, Jan. 22, 1910, CHAS. NORMAN RICHMOND HILL ()nmmencmg at 10 u. m.. ’I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK PROPRIETOR x Aspecmc monthly mefliclne [or Indiel to restore and regulate the mgnses; producing free, healthy um pamleu *diachugu, N0 aches ux‘ palms on up ‘ roach Now us . l by over $1,000 ladies. mm: used wxunséugnin. lnvigomte. muse mgans. buy of "our‘dw'ggisl V only hinge. with vur signature wrp‘se I ,crnrl cl. Avoi1~uh<utulge l‘flgmcd man. . :mvp. .w per ' {mg C} Zh‘IACAL i Mi P332 i The full color card shows 48 handsome shades. S..‘W. P. is I put up full measure, always. It Eosts less by the job than any other paint made. It forms a. tough, durable ï¬lm that wears and looks well for the longest time. It’s colors are clear, bright and lasting. It’s 'macfe frofn pure white lead, pure zinc white, and pure linseed oil. r It does not powder, flake off or crack. HAD! TO RAIN? IUILIING. \lllf“ OUT-lot AND INSIDE ASK FOR THE SHERMN-WILLIAMS PAINT JACOB EYER :S’c SON \ ../A"' yBLANKETS Going to Pain-t? COMPLETE STOCK 0F m E‘ï¬k’iix‘dï¬. Dn’muu‘. an SOLD BY Notice is here-11y given that Vera, Ethel Kearney, hf the CiLV of Toronto. in the County «If York and Province of Ontariu. nun-rim} \Vnmun, will apply [0 the Pan-lidnwnt, of Canada at, the nvxt Sessinn thereof fur a, hill of divmcv from hur husband, “'illiam J. K931"- noy, of the Said City (If Turhntn. in the County nf York, Street Railway Em- ployv. on the ground of adulLery and (loser-Linn. ‘ The excplhmce 0f mn- Harness is not entwer tlw result of using the ln-sl. material, although that has its inâ€" fluence. combine to give you the host. “'9 have solid cnmfm't, in this way of Blankets. Rulws, Mitts, and, in fuel, 6\ erthing in ('111' line. Notice of Applica- tion for Divorce. RELIABLE Goons at, REASONABLE PRICES. Dated atTm-ontn, in the County of York, and Pl'tz'vince of Ontario, thls [\Vent‘y-ï¬fth day of September, A.D., 1909. CURRY. O’CONNOR. WALLACE AND MACDONALD, 14-3m Notice of Applica- tion for Divmce. HOW WE DO IT Notice is hereby given that Edward MchKny Creighton, of the City of Tut'- nntn, in the Cnunty of York, and Pro- vince of Ontzu-iu, Comm-sitar, will Hp- ply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a hill ofdivnree from his wife, Smnh E. Creighton, of the said City of Tux-ohm, in the said County of York, on the ground of adulter and desertiun. Dated at Tm-ontn, in the County of York. and Province of Ontario, this Equntvy-ï¬ftlx day of September. A.D., 14-3m 1909. ' , ‘ . CURRY, O’CONNOR. \VALLACE AND MACDONALD, Our Experience and Judgment ad 1. em: 0. an lwent hnme,(hu will [my -hcm from $5 to $3 per day. Some luvs cam w‘ m m S -" >5: dny Either «m yuunxqtold _Gapiml marl. Yum wv wane-i flee Thaw who Martini mm nun r ' u: mum-Jun; sum of may Huh fortunes. A1111 new. mm: are «same. hut thou mm write Samson .lz Co..Portmnd, Mainemm receive Free; full inform-tic!) about wurk which (I. can do. and lIvent hnmeJhM will [my -hcm from $5 to $5 per day. 80mg lulu: Solicitors fm the Applicant. Solicitors for the Applicant. gunï¬re-w .‘ 31hr?!" " 16-Lf Ho will he plcvusod tn hear from any pt mom who needs any fencmg dour. Netice of Applica- tion for Divorce. Nutice is hereby given that, I, Ehnure \ankerScntt, of the City of Toronto, in lb? County of York and Provinceuf Ontario, Telegrapher. will apply to Um Pallimnent of Canada at, the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from my wife. Mary Tanner Scott], on the grnunds nf adultery and deseltion. -D-:t;ed nt Tmmltu, in'the Province of Ontario. Lhis 25m day or October, 1909. E LM 0 RE \VA LKER SCOTT. Tho lll)dl‘lԤi§1h(‘d is pleased to IN the public know that h(- has hmn givvn the agency for Hw It‘u-‘nl \Vim- mev, mth by tho Blncgrvgnh Bumvell Fence ()0. (1f \ankeniliv. Ht.- has Iron Posts, Lawn Gates, Small Gates, Lawn l’emeg. ‘ â€"~ALSU~# Ideal Flower Bed Guards 19-311) Getting into Glow Gunda this winter will be made easier, as the limudian Northern Ontario Ry. wlll in it few days have SL091 laid to Guw Gandzi Jctu. which is 31 miles north of Sellwond Jet. (54 miles north of Sudburyr, and 320 from Toronto. ‘ The Grow Gandn Transpm t Com pany are building a. gnnd teem) mad fmm Gow Gunda Jot! that wiil be much shorter and a great improvement, over the road used last year. ' For information write \VM. PHIL- LIPS, Genet-:11 Freight and Passenger Agent, Canadian Northern Building, ~Ll‘mr'ontn. Maps of the rouge. also fr'elght, pas, senger and express tariffs, a 1-9 in course of preparation. and an annuuneenwnt- will be made palm! tly cf the service and all arrangements regarding the hand- ling of the trafï¬c. The Short Route éaeaé m Fm CANADIAN BUSINESS QOLLEQQ TORONTO British I? ichrn on d If} i! l A. J. HUME Established 1873 is a great conVem'ence in handiing the famin funds. It is opened in the names of two members of the family, and both may make deposit! or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly conveniem for those who live some distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do so at once 1’ '71 E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARKHAM AND TAILOR W M. MARTIN , RICHMOND HILL BRANCH R [CH MOND H ILL. Ten per (701% clwnpor. ton per cont better for Business. Shgrthand, and MutI-ic. Booklet Fu-e 'OF CANADA ‘ 77 ; Eoilï¬ Account R. A, E‘arquharscg, A, ,Prigï¬ Cor. Yea-€684 Bloof'stï¬, ' STOUFFVILLE. Term of 1909. IF. J. mam ++++$+§++++ +¢++é++$+ inhi'é'é"? EQUSE PAINTER. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. ' mfls from a distance promptly attended to. I RESIDENE. R: I 0ND HILL aâ€? _ v“: Thoroughbred b11511 :ma hog kegt, {Q}: sax-V329; 0n the prmnisns, D. G. QUODEBHAMK +++++++é+++é+++++¢%¢++++¢¢ The prnprivtor nf Pleasant View Her-d Holstein Cattle and Breeder 0i? Improvvd OhPSH‘l‘ “’hine Hogs. Log. 29, 1st, (Jon, Vaughan('1‘ho1-lexiknbasz for sale some quugf gmmg smclgm TICKETS for the Canadi procured at THE BANNER OFFICE, AURORA “mam fur ma West PLEASANT VIEW FARM The undersigned. wcentiy (‘mplwy‘ d with tho Musseylim ris (30.. has tukt-l) tlw Bluvksmithing l-usinvss vamth hy ()lift Bros†and is prepared to :th‘lzd to u“ hymn-hes of the- trade. GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ELGIN MILL THE LIBERAL O FFICEV RICHMOND HILL. Ozdvrs taken atâ€" PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC“H)N GUARANTEED We have a choice selection (of Perfume, and no nicer or more: acceptable gift for your friend than a bottle of Perfume. W. a. Sandersnn ideal Xmas Present F. J. WUUDWARD. Eéeï¬i Mme ‘ HORSE-SEWING A $PEQI;.L'£Y RARE ODORS IN FINE CASES Call and see our display of Druggist RICHMOND HILL 77 Branch†Pxonrimm at “70st