Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. License Auoc‘onoex for bheCmmty of York te- ioactfully whats your patronage and friendly Influence sales mbtpuded on blue shortest notice sud M easouabembea P 0 address King [doomed xuutiunssra (or the Countyot York. 8 zlos mandadno on .ihortas noticetmd a tea- waemle rues Patronage solicited Licauaed l 11:;ionem- [or me County of Y0 k 60-) U 91-10) “33:41 11.91"; Heusra: sales acne etc prJ-upbly amended so at. reasonnulx rates {issuance Unionvixle Special cn'm-sé /in ‘V‘Mg'élr‘r’g’T-Rgig'ier‘ garten Method, particularly helpful to begi n nors. 424v VJL. XXXII LIBERAL PRINTIHG dz PUBLISHH-EG HWSE RICHMOND HILL.ONT. Newton School of Music “ROCK HAVEN? RICHMOND HILL. Results count. DURING THE SEASON 1908~1909, THIRTEEN PUPXLS 0F MR. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OF MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. W SEND 1’03 DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. G 1: GAMES; Ewan Brook KUQVS Piannfurte. Theory and Composi- Hnn, Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano-Ensemble, Pianoâ€"Pedagogy. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Prepares pupils for Primary. Junior, Intelmedgute examination at Toronto leser_\';§tm~y and (Jollnge of Music. T . F . Mo mum. Mâ€"_â€"Aâ€"»_ ..__, DR. FULTON RiSDGN, I Dentist, (SUCCESSQI; TO DR. H. \V. ANDERSON) Um Yong? and Bloor Stan, '.I.‘u|'0utn. “'ill be in Richmond Hill ‘Vednesduy afternoon’s only Oiflce, next dom‘ north of Stand- “ ard Bank. IS PUBLISHEII EVERY L'HURSDAY MORNING Is a_ matter of great importance Write- to-duy fur a catalogue tn the 'lb t‘xpmnm‘ uu- mun, Mllwrinr ad- vanlzlw‘s (ri‘furud by this college. Getting » high-salarird pnsitiun is not a matter of ll](‘k~ it is a matter of brains, proper training and busi- "98$ Maw. (JV-11w?! open the entire year. Enter any time: Can. YONGE AND A :xmrsn st. W J. ELLIOTT. Principal. '9 Suit; MISS MILLIE TRENCH $I per annum, in advance. ‘5 VETEFHNARY SURGEON, ’1‘3:or~nhill. ' J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR BUSINE TOWTO. 0W. DEPARTMENTS. $.15;an é: NlcEwc goon kinks SELECTING A SCHOOL RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano .3. El 9: entice. n. G. mmvau, Eamon '1' ELLIOTT ctcriazam AT THE SS CARDS. MAHON. BOPRIETOR J K McEwsn Weston . agent to: the HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE ‘ JAS. NEWTON Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at, both places. 'I‘EEF‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL Richmoï¬q Elï¬n NATIONAL TRUST 'CHA M BERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO. Canada FRANK BENTON. K. C. W. MULUCK BOULTBEF \V. H. MCGVIRE LENNOX & MORGAN ".1... Outunu Bum; Newman-ks! cameâ€"1| [mstnllice 1‘ Emma!†Laxxox A. F. G. huwwmce P. J. Dunbu; Barristersï¬alicitors. Notaries, &c. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victox‘éa Sts.. I‘oronto. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Toronto OfliCQ, 33 Richmond St. \Vost, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libm-al’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday formnmn. Muplp, Thursday afternunn. VVann-iduw, Saturday forenan Money to loan at, Five Per Cent (57/0). Danton, Dunn & Boult'bee Organs Repaired and Export, Work Guaranteed ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E14(}IN D1114] ,S PIANO TUNING COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANC ER. ETC‘ (Inch-rink I'I‘S k E m In: Em ers, Central Y.M.C.A. Bldg†'rumnm‘.‘ in SlxnI-thnnd m- Busines< win hring you lwst. rvsulLs if mks-n at our old estuhlishod and thin-nugth reliable school. “’intcr Term hvgim; Jan. 4th. Untalngue F199. British American Busmessmcaullege (Vomtknl 17' 3: r\ A n RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1.910 REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Commissinnex, Conveyancen Insurance, and Real Estm Issuar of Marriage Licenm Lawrence & Dunbar, . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC [. A NI'CHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC VOICFNG AND . . . . ACT‘ON REGULATING 30E?! 3. 9am’dson THORNHILL WRIGHT BRO acts 5 Barristers, Suliclur WILLIAM COOK OOHIHSSIONEB IN THE YOUR COURSE ux G {urora 2mm. “In Essmtiaiv, Unity,- in and Real Estate :u'riage Licenses. Three doors south of She C Sweet to Eat STV MORGAN hew Phone Main 298 ly etc. Prmkvt: Diru-ivs‘ fnl' swle at, THE LIFE ERAL Oï¬'ive. The tender loavos of a harmless lungâ€" healing mountainnus shvuh, give tn Dr. Shrmp’s Cough Remedy its umrvolrms curative properties. 'l‘ight. tickling. 0r diatressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing. Slihthing artinn (lf this splen- did prescription~~I)r. Shunp’s Unugh Remedy. And it is safe and gnud for childwn as well. )mituining m) opium. Chlm'OfOI'm, m‘ ntlwr harmful drugs. mothers should in safety always de- mand Dr. Shonp’s. If other rs-medies are offered. tell thm Nu! Ba ymu- own judge. Sold by \VV A. Sande-15m). May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Famers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer’s Business Paper. Good farmers rely on it. For price see out clubbing oï¬et. Payments for the trees are to be disâ€" tributed over several years. but the ï¬rst payment to he made is in itself a fair (market. price for the value nf the trees. The customer accepts his trees on delivery. makes the ï¬rst pavmvnt, and this is the. last that he ever hears of the cnncvru. Such frandulnnt methods shnuld not be tolerated. Our fruit owners will act in their own interests if they refuse to have any- Ihing Lu do with such concerns." “We desire tn warn our fruit-grow- x-‘rs against. purchasing nursery stock from ï¬rms whose standingand reputa- tion they do not know. At prpsent. certain nursery concerns 01" the United States have agents in Bruce County. Ontario, and probably elsewhere in Canada, working an old game that has been exposed more than once in these columns. and by (hr Agricultural press of the United States. These concerns sell nursery stock and give a nnntract to the effect that they will agree to trim the trees for the ï¬rst ï¬ve years, that they will ruplucp free. The ï¬rst crop of fruit that the trees produce they will pay lair market, prlces for same. If your Stnnmch. Heart. 01- Kidneys EII'P weak. try at, least, a few duses only 0f Dr. Shm-p's Restorative. In ï¬ve {)I' tvn days only the result. will surprise you. A fvw tents will cover the cost. And here is why hnlp (-mm-s sn quivkly. Dr. Shuup‘s (luvsn’t. drug the Stumach, nm- stinmlnte the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shnnp’s Roslnrative ï¬nes dirvctly to the wank and failing nerves. Each organ has its own (:nuti-nlling [um-v9. \Vhen these nerves fail. the dupending organs must of nm-vssity fuller. This plain. yet vital truth clvm'ly tells why Dr. Shnop's Restrvmtiw is so univer- sally succvssful. Its success is lmding drnggisls evm-ywlmre to give it, nnivvr- sul profm-oncv. A tnst. will surely tr-ll. Sold by \V. A. Sunderson. The fullmving nnte of warning is taken from a recent, copy of the Can- udinn Horticultulist :â€" Mr. J. Bc-nhnm. of Dalston, Ont" is visiting with his uncle, Mr. J. Nixon, “Frog Vallpy†fun-m. Mr. Albert Thomas and fritnd. (If anuntu. spent Christmas utlmmv with his pal-(mix Mr, und Mrs; H. Thnmns, “Lover’s Lane.†Mr. Ellis Bun-y. nf Strangv, accom- pnnie-d hv his lyrnthvr Arthur uf Tur- mum visited with friends in this vicin- ity lust Sundnv. my last Sundnv. Mr. \V. Dt‘adnmn and friend of Rich- mnnd Hill, spent Sunday with friends at "Gvntlp Brm-ze†home. Mr. and Mrs. O. Swm-Lmnu and fum» ilv. 0f Tuumm. spent, Christmas with bligfatlufr. Mr. \Vm. Kirby. The Chi-i, mas ll‘Pé‘ ovum-rt hwld in the (\IPHJUdISL church here on Christ- nmï¬ Eu), was :1 great, success. The amount, takun in was souwthingm’cr $30.00. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. \Vnnd, accom- panied by her sister, Mrs. Thus. Couk. nf Unrrvillv, spent, over Sunday will) their ln'ulhorvin-lmv, Mr. J. Nixon, “Frog Vullev†farm. Miss Harriet; Judges. of Richmond Hill, spent over Uhristums with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Judges, “GPHUP Breeze†hmne. Anuivrrsnry services \vme hvld in the Mï¬thndifl church here. last Sunday, (-nndneted by RAW. A. E. Dunn, B.A., of Ten-ant». Mr. Dunn gave two very r .. Illpl'PSSiY? std-mums. lnvthe afternoon he prwuthed a Christmas sen-mm). and in the evening a wry nppx-npliate scr- nmn was delivprod, taking as his text, Philippians 3rd chapter, 13th yors‘j: which- was greatly alppx‘éciaiéil hryiï¬Vli “‘Im “'31:?- [)Ifsent. REED THIS WARNING FARM PROFITS (Too late fnx- last, “jg-ck.) Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Hope. “\V-“wll.†went on the salesman, “b-hatfs your p-pncnlim-ity. ant. pm- ple "so a- t-teaspoun.â€â€"â€"[From “Success Magazine."] “D-du you stir y-ynnr cnï¬ep with your r-r-ighr hand?†askvd the sule-smnn’ "Why. yes. of course,†replied the mun-ham. There is no Quinine, nothing what-' ever harsh 0r sickening 1n Preventics. ' These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic. A few hoursâ€"and your threatening culd is broken. Can- dy-like in taste. Preventics please the ‘ childrenâ€"a nd they break the feverish: I mess, always. And least of all is the! economy. A large boxâ€"48 Breventics { -25 cents. Ask your drug-gist. He: knows! Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Local't‘jptinn carried bv a majority of 226. but, that number was 11 below the necessary 60 per cent. Reeveâ€"Legge 445. McMnrchy 745. Deputy-Beeveâ€"Buxns 414,. Phillips 624. Councillorsâ€"Carlvy 348, Duggzm 456, Ke-hne 99. Lemon 576, Marshall 137, Wells 465, White 199. Local Optionâ€"For. 741; Against. 5l5. The Council for 1910 will he as ful- lows:â€" Reevoâ€"«Mr. M cMm-rzhy. DepuLy-Reeveâ€"Mr. Phillips. Gnuncillm~s~Messrs. Lemon. “falls any Duggnq. Men’s single-breasted fly-fmnt Over- cnats, made of good heavy black wonl chevim, velvet collar. goo.) Mack serge lining. one inside and three outside pockets, each $8.00. Atkinson & Switzer. On New Year’s, Mr. R. Brooks. our general stun-keeper, had a large gath- ering. and an enjnyable time was spent by all present. Mr. Charles Gnhn and family are down from Saskatchewan. and will nka a good visit with relatives and friends l)t‘fl)l‘(’ their return to the \Vest. We are sorry tn learn that, Mr. Fred Vunhnrn’s little daughter had an acci- dent. fz'neturing hvr leg. We hope to hour of he? speedy recovery. nu . The members and friends of Zion Church nwt at th home of Mr. \Valter Bronks last, Friday evening. and pre- svntwl Mrs. Brooks with a handsome chair in recognition of appreciation for her sm-vicvs as church organist. Mr. Brooks was also the recipient; of a. beautiful hymn hook. Among thnsF pliesent, “'t‘l‘f‘3â€"Rev. Mr. and Mrs. VVulkeI'. King; Mr. and Mrs. Bassingthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. G. Reumun, M 1-. E. Reamnn. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. anper, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. J. Reaman, Mr. ahd Mrs. \Vm. Ness, Buttonville; Mr. and Mrs. 1. Re-mnm, Thnrnhill; Mr. and Miss Rr-nman, Concord: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rumble, Patterson; M r. and the Misses Snider. E134; Mr. and Mrs. A. Downey, Castlederg: Mr. and Mrs. Colin Camp- hell. New Ontario; Miss May nglpp- In." In, , , , a .. .v- A Family gatherings were the order of the day Hitting the holiday seasnn. On Christnms Day many relatives vis- itpd the hmué- of Mr. and M15; John Nags, and all spent: a happy time to- gvthef‘: fl __. v»...r hell. 'l‘nl'untn; Mr. and A rs. W. Snider, Nnblemm Mr. and Mrs. G. Teasdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. Unnmhell, Mr. and Mrs. J. Camphell, and Misa Campbell, Lraskuy; Mr. and Mrs. \V. Mathewson, King Creek; Mr. A. L. Campbell, E’ï¬smn, and Mr. Chas. Dew, Forest 1 . M r. Archibald Campbell of Vaughan. and his wife, Milcah Atkinson of Markham, who were mmri‘e-d sixty years ago, celebrated their diamond wedding at the home of their young- est daughter and son-in-htw. Fred Duw. King Crevk, on Monday of last. week. Both were in good health and received with much pleasure the con- gratulatinns of their friendsand relaâ€" tives. Their descendants at present, surviving are their family uf six sons and daughters, twenty-eight; grand- children and seven great-grandchil- dren, nearly all of whom were as- semble-d on the happy necusion. King Township Municipal Election Returns for 1910. HOW HE GOT EVEN. DIAMOND WEDDING. Dollar. P") Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to ' CASSELLS &; COMPANY Cnssel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.50 The Story Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Musical'Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls' Realm . . . . 1.50 Little Folks . . . . 1.50 Chums The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subsbription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign couatnes for maga- zines. Read the follow1ng1â€" Canadian P u b - ï¬shing Company All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices. paid at the Elevator. CASSELLS’ Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). For sale at the C. N. ‘ Station, or delivered in t village and vicinity-.2â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton cgal. ‘ Also file, that test a full 30 day treatment is freely KNan- But write me first for M1 order. This will save delay and disappointment... All dmggists sell Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative-and Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy, but all are, not, au- thorized to give the 30 (lay best. 80 drop me a line pleaseâ€"for I have uppomted an honest and uh éponsible drugâ€" gist in rlmos't every co'mmpn- icy. everywhere. missue my 'no a help. no, my." medicines tothe sick. Tell me alao which book you need. The boom below will surely open up new and helpful ideas to those who are not well. Besides you are pom-ct- ly free to consult me just as you would your home physician. My advice and the book below are yoursâ€"my! without cost. Perhaps». word or two from me will clear up some serious ailment. I hove helped thomands upon thousands by my privam prescription or personal advice plan. My best 91- tort is surely worthyoursimple request. Sc writ», now, while you have it fresh in mind. for tomorrow never comes. Dr. Show. Box 12. Racine. Wis, No. 1 0n Dyspepsia No. 2 0n the Heart No. 3. 0n the Kidneys ' Don’t risk even'a perms/«until health ï¬rst returns. And I mean inst exactly that._ I am. the one physicmu who says to the sick "l wi11.out of my own pocket, pay for your medi- cine if it falls to bring you help !†And for 20 years Dr. Shoop’s medicines have been used and recommended in every clty and hamlet in America. ’_‘hey are positively mud: ard in every commumtyâ€"wnd everywhere. Then why pay the cash. and at your risk. [on other nnwan’enued and uncertain medicines? Thousands upon thousands have in the past successfully used Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative. When the Stomach nerves. or the Heart or Kid. ney nerves fuil.t,hese sick ones know how qm’ukly Dr. Shoop's Restorative w_ill brmg them beck no health again. But best of all, they posztwea lg take no money risk whateverqmw know that wliseu geath fails to return, r. mop will himself gladly e n pay the drug- gist for that > A gest,‘ .And ‘10.: Get Well First J. H. RAME‘R Dr. Sheep’s Restorative GOA Ln 42 AdelaidevSt. Toronto which Book sun I Send You? [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 4 For \Vom can No. 5 For Men No. 6 0n Rheumatism. No. 28 in the