Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jan 1910, p. 5

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:c'l‘he stores closed Monday evening at flivn‘clock. and again Wednesday even- véing'. We have xeason to believe that. all-will fall into line, and endeavor to ‘mukeg‘the change of closing hum-'3. ,rsuccess. Fewrpeople will say that shop- ,ikeepers nremut, entitled tu two eve-n- ..iings a week to themselves. ,.Miss Jmnieson. aureuune-J missionâ€" .mryirmu India. whafima for the push ,; ear been touring Canada as far as the v. nciflc in the inrerestphhe VV.F.M.S.. “win-address n meetiugdn. the Presby- titeriun-Ghm-ch. Thmâ€"‘ the even- antiwarâ€"invitation is .rcxmndciig‘tu the ludiuxwd’ Richmond szflill-tmbwpwwnt. M i-us, Julnieson is n. alIIQSt cumpehmtvspumr, and her ad- dressesare ofimgnptiumnl interest. ' .The annual sumquet and entertain- vuneut x " I‘M-<- H. v . and Vaughan I‘lnw- "men’s 4-,» (3'3 \ "1H he .‘wld a“ .mimm.» \nd: MU y :~'.!â€" 4*. th: athhinsl, "Z‘h: ‘n- .qmu ' ' ' '~ minus.- (Pay 1‘ ’11 91', 117w Mitertainuwm .‘s‘ n. z. '-’ w . met: v' 7‘ starved “L 65 uuonln THE LIBERAL nsws boy who present- ‘ed his patrons in the village with a .calendar New Year’s mmuing wishes though this 'medium to, return his thanks for their liberality, and will endeavor to serve them faithfully .through the present, year 1910. The Golden Text Book. containing a, ~Bynopsis uf the Sunday School lessons for 1910. fol-sale at, THE LIBERAL ntfice. PI ice 3 cents. ‘ Every child should have «B. cqpy. ~Mr. Eli Shim-k, who Went to Cobalt in Decemln-r, came hnme Christmas week. \Ve understand Mr. Shierk pin-- gases returning to Cobalt; at an early ' ate. ‘ Tuesday was the coldest day vsolfnr this seasun. In Torontu we ther- tlnometer registered 7 degrees below zero, in Richmond Hill the. tempera- ture was 12 below. and in Winnipeg vibe thermometer fell to 86 below, the coldest, reported anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Savage and Master K‘eith, of Aylmer, who lmd visited ab‘Mal-khmu village. s ent. a. ~«few days here: with Mr. and D1 rs. I’. G. Savage. _»Skatels and spectators were delight- 1‘8 with the band music furnished by (our hand in the rink Saturday ove‘ning. The selections seemed tn have the right swing «hunt them, which made the ,pnstime a real pleasure. The set-vices in the Pl'eshytmian Church last. Sunday were largely at- 1euded, which makes a gmul hr-ginuin of the new yeul. May it. be u. gnu «omen. V Mr. A. R. Innes, mathematical mus- rtt‘r in the Nurth Bay High Schnul, 'fpent over Sunday with his parents lex'e. Mr. G. H. Read, M.A.. for many ' ear-s Head Master of the Markham - igh School, has been appointed Prin~ cipal of the New Continuation Schonl about to he established in the Town filall,.North Toronto. mhe January mee‘finguf the \Vomen's -Missiunary Society will be held tn-dny at three u’cluck at the home of Mrs. Hume. ' -' Next Sunday, morning and evening. Mrs. Owen Hitchcncks. in connection Manx,“wa Reform. will take the ser- vicesintthe Methodist Church. The inaugural meeting uf Vaughan Cuuncil, in ucc‘ordauce with statute, will be held in the Town Hall, Vellum. next Monday. cummencing M3 11 o’clock. M-M‘r. C. F‘. Ulll'l'if". of‘TInt-ntn, visited ‘h‘is brother at, the Métuse on New Year’s DH y. Mr. Clarksmi McDumdd hf Lhe Standard Bank staff, Bradford, is hume «fm‘ three wevks’ holidays. ggsimd with their cmh‘h‘a. Miss Eva ill. Mrs. D. H“! and sun A‘.hm-t are :smfifling a muple of weeks with relax Elves in Peta-hum. ’Miss G. E. McGrPgm' returned to 'l‘m'nnm on Tuesday. Miss Jessie Muodie has gone to St. Mary‘s to spend a few xuunths with her brother, Mr. Rum-rt. A. Moodie. v Mr. Pprcv‘flm m; Satmdny night tn aLLend the Autumnhile Shaw in Grand Central Palace, New York. The» High mud Public Schools re- opened 'i’msduv afLur the‘hnlidays. 7n]0ndm- tabs. diffeleutfiiizes, at. THE LIBERAL Office. , - Mr. Alli-n win Luke tho tnpin nt, the Rpwm-M) League Friday H‘vning of this week. Roll call. WNW HILL. Om, JAN. 6, 1910 @ng gailamfl. “KING & VAUGHAN PLO EVMEN. Miss Keith Hill ‘mfil Misq Edwards L.()CA1“'6. Lamas AND GENTLEMEN,-â€" Kindly pvrmib me u» extend in yml and all my friends who worked and :_ vuti-d fur me in the election last. Mim- duy, guy sincere thanks fur the {Minor “you again C(ml’vl'rvd upnn me try-“elect.- ! ing me tn ruprvsent you as Reeve of this Municipalityn and Councilinr for .the County of York. As Eitzipm-tant g umttms between the Ou’hnt/y of York ; and the- Oily of Tun-(mu) Will cmne up for set-(lament. this year. I believe I !czin_give you hetté-r service than any int-w member, wlm has not mnde'a studypt‘ those qumtious. I can truth» -tu|ly say I have given you faithful sin-rice during the years I['lmvu been 'ynul‘ representativv, and in all my .husiness tnmsacl'itms in the County 1and in the Prm'ince I hnve always endeavored to keep the gum! name (if Richmt-nd Hill well in the front. I . have much faith in nur lawn, and with '(mr rpreswii. il‘flilway facilities. good lschonls. fmomhlv lucn‘iun,‘ &(-.. our fuguru pros eats «m bright. .Nighl. .. hum HI and Famle Herald .. . . hibernl and The Evening News Libr’i'ki :md Davy Ginhv (York ‘muutyy. . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . Linorn 5" M I“ \York Quaker wheat berries and puffed rice, 3 pkgs. fm- 250; shredded. wheat biscuits, Zpkgs. fm~2:3c; Apitezo grains. 3 pkgs. fay 25c; Saxon mus. large pkg. 25¢: each. Atkinson & Switzer. N0. is 1â€"Thnx-nhill.. . 2â€"â€"Pntterson. . 3â€"Edgeley . . . . 4â€"Maple . . . . . 5â€"Pine Grove. 6'â€"-Pm-pleville. 7â€"«Elders Mills 8â€"K1ein burg. . - 359 287 329 '281 255 kCounciI for 1910 will be as follows:â€" D. Q. Lnnghnuse, Rt‘eve(uccl.); Jas. A. Camera". Deputy-Reeve. (uch): Messrs Hem? Ellis. Juhn T. Saigetm and J. Scott McNair, Couricillnrs. ‘ J. B. MCLEAN. Returning Officer. MR. PUGSLEY REEVE. . Returning'Officer Mr. A. J. Hume. assisted by Mr. A. G. Savage as pall- cltjrk, were kept. pretty busy Monday handing out the ballnts fax a vote on the reeveship. \Vhen theiballots were counted it was found that Mr. PugsIe-y had 99. Mr. Nichnlls '87, ,giving the former a? nmjm-ity -of .12. “When the result. was kno‘wn bath candidale thanked the voters for the -su port they had given them. The 1910 oun~ cil will he as follows:â€" ' \V. H. Pugsley. r-eeve. ’ John Palmer,T.' H. Trench. J.‘H. Sandor-sun, Gen. Sims. councillux-s. ‘Mv. Ray, who lectured in the School mom of the Methodist, Church-R short, time agn. will give anotherbihis lees Lures on Scum America, with kterflip- ticon views next. Mnnday evening, the 19th i!l§tni Admission 25 cents. Mi“. A few evenings ngu a number of the‘ hockey enthusiasts mssembled in the Ummcil Chamber and organized for the coming season. Mr. .I. Naughtnu acted in the capacity of chairman. The following officers were. elected:â€" Presideut~Mn N. J. Glass. Vice-Presideutâ€"Rev. E. H. Tuye. Secretm~y~Mn H. O. Aljm. T:easurer-~Mr. J. VVesleyePaImer. Managing C()uunittee~â€"Mossrs. N. J. Glass, A.’ Synge and A. Bnyle. __ A captain will be elected latex. The membership fee. which “Ht-USE he paid lye-foregoing on theice, was fixed at, one dollar. A deputatinn was ap-_ puinted to Wait, un the Council rela- tive tu getting the rink. Retmnsâ€"â€"Towuship Vaughan Ray will also lecuu-éjinfihéVéHfi-rclriii’ Victoria. Square the following evening. the lth of January, ' >- In Cnlnclulsiun. let me Ely that, I shall (‘lldt‘HVUl' tn serve you [n the W151? my ability during my tumn‘uf uflice, and. as in the past, shall always be ready to assist any worthy citizen whether he ‘hus been a supporter of me- ur nthvrwise. Jun. 4, 1910. Lihm‘nl and \Neeklv Globe. . . . Libel-“Land W’eekly Mail .. . . Liberal and Canadian Fan-11L. . Libe‘gzjl guxd Torimw Satmday Wiehing yuu all .a bright and pros- perous New‘Xgmz‘. Every farmer should know that the . ' offered by the dealers for calla, * 033, etc” is a fair one. wHow can he know this if he does not take is {up business paper! What doctor or luv; yer or business mun would be without his business psperr There is but one farmeu’ business and msrkot pupa, M in The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right bl -uknn-i Lt-.. TO THE -EL«ECT‘9RS“18F RICHMONQ HILL VILLAGE. ' CLUBBING RATES FOR 1910. THERE IS BUT ONE STEREOPTICON VIE‘VS. Fu’ithrfurljy ypm-gai Laub HOOKE Y. \V. H. PUGSLE‘Y. “5 Sun . . 79 78 15 42 ' ‘ " "j' u.‘ . "R"! 1"" \'V C nave a“ angstuu ' ‘ l [Hat *WC are sewn at 165 ‘ Busth-iss prum‘sés’ big fmi“ 1“ Ppp y . r g - our schoolâ€"The Central _ “ Business 0011ng hf'EIInrâ€" ' ' "butch-and 'Qiggepri and: 3 batten-still in 'resuitsluig ‘ ‘ ’ mn- students. ln-cnnwfigf our new equipment, img [r5 proved comses. and betâ€" tex'plnns thaueverfm'se- ' . rurng situations M, good v . salzuieafurmu' gmtiuntes. . ()Lu'."'c‘amh‘:gm: iv Mailed free on requwsl. ft-J. wdents u are “rimmed 3'1}. imP. \Vrilv XVLH. alumnftin- cipai. 4‘ ' ' Wawwa-w-zow “ iii-jMen’s OverS‘hoesgfir'stf 5,. :3iMen’skewy'Rubbérs, need or buckle,i'first quallty, . ‘ ' "‘ ' ' ‘ $2.60 to $2 50; Buy now gigdgét the advantage ofour early buying. s 1!- E‘Vft‘han present ,whalesa‘le page; I r v ’ ’ it ‘- 1 { ~ "gm: ' ‘ ‘ ' ~. '-.v»:-~m-z-.e‘:».-«:n‘a ;4>~:».zs-ii;£2«:i wfw-vr} - «w. o 4.1:. .2. .s.m++4++4-m++w ‘ 3:4 if f +~v+++wly+ é~yg+++w++¢+ .4 1. _‘ ‘.,M‘g.,;} FM)”; ;V«+++¢--zǤzgs§-§.:Aém g, Sundelson. The annual meeting (of the Woman’s Guild uf St. Mary’s Church, was held’ an \Vednesduy. theirbtb‘fnsn.’ abl'the home of Mrs. Chas. Palmer. The annual rgpurt. was read by the,S§§re- lax-y, Miss E. N. Brown. The eleétkm ‘mf nflicers-resulted as follows; Hon. PressaM‘rs. Gilliam, _. President-31”. ()lms. Paliner. Vice-Pres.-â€"Miss Ker-swill. L Sec’y-Treus.-â€"Miss E. N. Brown. Dan-cu} Seg'yf-Miss Elsie Palmer. womanly pains, head pains, in fact. any pain anywhere qan be completely stopped in 20 minutes with one ofDr. Shuup's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist about the formula. It, is printed an the bul-und it, can't he battered. ‘Try one dose and be con; vinced. Box 250. ’ Sold by ‘V: A}! Q“...!--...._ 'Crnup goéleh-é‘lystop ed in 2) min- utes. wit Dr. Sbo'qfisv roqp Remedy. Une test'nlone wfinssurely prove this truth. No ramming. no distress” A safe 9nd pleasing syrupâ€"500.- ‘ Sold-by W; A. Signdel‘S‘On. ‘ ’ ' The new skating rink is the latest and must popular attraction in this place. The rink is open .mukutm every Tuesday, mhuwdwy:md Satur- day eve-ninfiannd fihere will he hockey practice Wednesday and Saturday ufternnons. Come along and enjoy yourselves in the bracing air. Monday was a busy day here in con- necliun with the municipal elections. There are alwwys disaggointments at thesc Limes,'unii some dy has got. to be léft. The first game in the series for the Slater trophy was glayed in the rink Tuesdnyev'ening. he skips-'Wew A. G. Savage and T. A. Lanmn. The scme at, the close was 14 to 8, Mr. Savnge‘s rink winning by 6 paints. Last even- ing Mr. Barker’s rink defeated Mr,- Guwie’s by 21 to 10. ' ' ' The following figures were gimmoht after the voting fnx' l-evve and coun- cillors for Markham Township on Mnndny:â€"Fm- reeve: Nigh 686. Lumru 116; for deputyweeve: Padget, 422, Morrison 328; "fin" ;cuuncillms: Kirk 461., R'eesm- 482. xSumméx-feldt 408. Mey91->289.v0rmer_.od 251. .-The Guano” for 1910 will be: ' ‘ .7 v ' Rem eeltwl):lthan‘Nigha Depu>ty-Reex'eâ€"Ged. B; Pudget. I Gnunu ln'rsTâ€"Messrs; ‘Reesnr, r'Sur‘n- :,n In 1» u ‘..w,; We are giving 10% disenunt on all our flvocu- invd and wool Vundepwear. and owl-cunts are also selling away below the usle lmice. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Sweet; mixed“ pmkles, l,5cwbott.le; chow chow,” '25c"l)0t}t;lé': \4-‘thfibQ-tflé' Queen olivas', 55c. finest, quality. At- kinson &Switzer. ‘ ' ‘ ' Crown Attorney Baird has ordered ‘ an inquest to be conducted by Dni Scott into the deathpf J. Partridge. who was found dead in‘ the,,cellar of his home at Newmarket. It appemsl‘ that Partridge went down to the cellar ‘ some time in the night” and ..,_\y_hil_e~‘ groping around in the darkness put his‘etl hand on the exposed part (if an electric 1 Wire. He was unable to remdve‘ in; and was eleaet-ncuted. The body was 1 discovered ’in the morning with the. hand still on the wire. and the wet-1 had to he turned off at the plant efore ‘ the body could he l-emuved, so sur-i changed was it with electricity. The Power is supplied by. the town; The 1 Inquest will {:0 nn-atiNewmwket on 1 M onday vnight. 3 ILOWEnYâ€"Onlnnumr‘y. ._.1910,.wb~Dav-' 'isvfllm A'iexnndm- Lowery.‘ , . Funeral' “Wednesday. Jfimumyyfi,‘ to (Thornhill ()amet'e‘ryt . 9 . v '. 0n Sunda'y last “the rector «congratu- lated the iladies of the Guild on the exte’llent work they had done, and the improvements they had made in the churchduring the past ear. Recent~ ly a beautiful Fleur- e-lis “Blussels carpet has been plgtcvd in thé‘chancel and new matting iii the aisle. at a cost. of nearly $100. “ .MARRIAGES. . _ GRAHAMâ€"RUMBLEâ€"In ;. Tor-HMO." on Wednesday, Dec. 22,. 1909. bv-- the ‘ ‘Eev‘.’ W. Dean. ;Mr. \Villinm" flour}: *+W++++H§Mfl%+H+-Iv mgljfeldt, Ki: k. Graham, secund .sun uan JDSeph' Graham of Gang-villmz to' Elizabeth Ann,: yqnnggg: .duughcer‘hf the late; James Rumble of Patterson; ' Won'lauly pains, head_puihs, fa 'MARKHAM TOWNSHIP; CURLING MATCHES. ST." MARY’S GUILD. ELECTRQGWTED. “ DEATH-5.. Maple. . ,..A. ,, n..r._..,__‘.», .,..,, L . .. ++fi++*++§«+fiv$§$34 §+++++w The‘Cafefuii- 3 Woman 'l' 9'5?++§°+30++*NÂ¥++W%$Â¥-§%%¢MW*+%%++NM¢+#*MM¢HW€~F im++++++++mwwwwmwmm+w+ew+ v 1 K No,w__ls the tune to- buy your} g 1" will do her purchasing judicious- g 1y. A woman can’t be fooled; on 2; prices and bargains. She ’ i F 1111' 40-inch Circula'r' Pillow Cotton, good "weigh-t, 22c yd. 1 Full 42-inch Circfiiif Pillwi Cotton, extra weight, 25c yd. gamed Blea'ghéd sheeting; 9/4; ‘ ,I ' 35c ,yd‘. 1 Heavy Bleaghgd Sheeting, 8K4 ' . .4oc yd. I Finest Quality. Bleached Sg'eéfihg; 974, a . Sec-i8. Tiger Damask Tahié'Li‘nen’,’ semi-bleached,»60iin. 3‘ wide‘5.“WL .A '1' fflVien’smheagzy Rubbers, need or buckle, We have a5l'z'utg'ez'auppp'ly' that We are selling at less §:V,’Ithan present ,whalesa‘le page; I ' v , ’ {Ci-‘Men’s Overs’hoes, first; uality ............ L....;'. ................. $.75 {first quality, $2.60 tb $2 50. t+W+H~*M++4-M++°bé'** d‘i-iflhb'l-W-b-l- ewwwwa-ww wme . . . . . éo-inch-Séfni-‘Bleaqhed Table Linenfiora‘l pattern, 7o-inchVSuperi0r Satin Damask Table Lin en, full bleached ' ' .300 5rd! 40c yd. ' WEB I111 w-I-«H-fi-l-H Atkinson 85 Switzer the bestWhen the price is right Wil‘lffBuyr' Hec. 30, 1909. Richmond Hill» Hardware 60. Hand ISLCigh’SIfif‘Qm I . ‘ V. 2°C to $1.09 Skates-from" .~. Soé'tb $2530 Hockey Sticks ’fror'n . 15p to$o.75 Hockey Pucks ffox‘n' v g.‘ ' _ me to $0.29 Sleigh-“B15115, . I. . 3 at loWes;.§rices Axes and Handlesjrom . 50c to $1.00 Cross-Gut Saws . ‘k ‘ .at loWest pric’e‘s Leather 1VIuitt‘sgan‘d Gloyes,_ we to $1.245 . ; : «ow» :rnaqucnmonnzwu‘kaHARDW‘ARE'CO- ' . r . 2 ‘ ImoguAN‘BATTY, Manager Specials THE MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATOR ANTHONY WIRE FENCE '. . ' Always welcome ih‘nur sttfr‘e whether you buy or not; . . . I. : n n o Aflé++wm¥§§++m++w 9999». “332mm”. ' AGENTS FOR 0690906 ipecials 75C yd!

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