Prepares pupils for Primary. J unior, Intermedgnte examination at Toronto UnnsvrvaLm-y and Cull-’ge of Music. Special cmu'se in "Myer-’3" Kinder. garten Method, particularly helpful to beginm-rs. 424v License Auctioneat for thscounty of York rm 1 met-fully solicits your patronage and friendly hflueuca sales attn'uied on the shortest. notice mud at ansonahemtes P 0 address King Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. [deems-i \uctiuueerg for the County of Yurk Ru..- It»-..,|-:‘ . M, --.. u- w. 8 Hon LbbeurrlE-ir 1..) (;n mot-tea s-lus‘ne rate: Patronage : A? SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET. “an Results count. DURING THE QEASON 1903-1909, THIRTEEN PUPILS OF MR. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY DEPART- MENTS OF THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OF MUSIC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Piannfnrte, Thenry and Cnmpusi- (inn, Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano-Ensemble, Piano~Pedagugy. Lie-man Luuoueor [or the County of Y0 1.: Go 115 s )H (l‘l wusiganunt Genera) nulgs sma eta uroapbly “bended £0 at ransongolt’ ntas Residence Uniuuville Newton School of Music “ROCK HAVEN"’ RICHMOND HILL. “nun, v uluuvl d R (muhuug, Xewmon EDUVO AT THE LIBERAL PRMTMG a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL:,ONT. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, It, expmnm mu many superim- ad- vantages “Rm-ed by this college. Getting a high-salariui position is not a matte-x- of luckâ€"it is a matter of mains, proper training and busi- ness alilil y. (Jolie-1:." “pen the entire year. ' Enter any time. Con. YoNGE AND ALEXANDER 375. W. J. ELLIOTT. Princlpd. VOL. XXXII. Is a matter of gro-nt impm-mnce \Vrit 9 tn-duy for a catalogue to the EGLIN'rnNâ€"Mnndny, Tlmrsday. Friday and Saturday mornings; Monday, \Vcdlwsduy and Friday evenings. TORONTO OFFICE, 129 Sherhnunw St. G13 and ()ncaine fur extractions. THORNHILLâ€"Tuesdatys. 4.30 p. m. '1‘. F. Me. DR. E. J. WOODS Dentist, RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 AM To 5 RM MISS MILLIE TRENCH T Sagerm, Mlpie Satlgt DHURSDAY MORNING $1 per annum, in advance. (4 J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhill. TORONTO. 081'. DEPARTMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS SELECTING A SCHOOL RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Piano 391:2 yam: IS PU'BIJISHEI EVERY I). G. BLOUGH, ELLIOTT 1, J K McE Well I i e Weston genial & McEweu. En man I: q H Pl entice. wettrizmgy manor-tea noticemid a tea.- mtronage sulicited mum. Paommroa. MAHON, Brook. agent lot the a. m. to Lax-ets 5 E JAS. N EWTON ‘HKGH COURT OF JUSTICE,&¢. Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE . AL (Indian-takers & Embalmo‘rs, RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL M. 'rEEFY, NOTA RY PUBLIC Riehmoï¬dmï¬ï¬‚l [SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES Money Go loan on land auncnatnel mung. gels lowest rates ' Aux-onoflioeâ€"Bumoved no the old post omea one door wees o! the autumn: to the Outuno Bank Newmuket onceâ€"Three doors south of the past (mice 1‘ Bannnnrnnnnox‘ e sq-v Mmmm Barristers , Solicitors. Notaries, ace. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide 8; Victoria. Sta“ I‘nruntu. A. F. G. Lawrence 1“. J. Dunbar Barristers, Snlictox‘s. &c. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada FRANK DExmn. K. C. \V. MULOCK BOULTREF' W. H. McGr'mE LENNOX 6 in Slmrthnnd or Business will bring you hvsb n-snlbs if takvn at mu- old established and thoroughly reliable school. \Vintor Term begins Jan. J:th. ()utalugue Flee. Central Y.M.O.A. Bldg Danton, Dunn COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. British American BARRISTER, Sounn‘on, NOTARY, ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St]. West, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lihm'al’ 0mm), every Thursday fol-(moon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voudhriduu, Saturday fUH‘nOUH. Money to [mm at. Five Per Cent (5%). ‘ THORNHILL Organs Repaired and Expert. W0 RICHMOND HILL PIANO TUNING CIJGIN 31114} ,S Large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept; at both places. THORN HILL Cummissiunez, Cunveynncer, 0 Insurance, and Real Estate Issum- ut‘ Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar '. EDWARD FRANCIS Barristers nan Solicitors. E. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC WRIGHT BROS .7051: WILLIAM COOK voncme AND. . _ , ACTION REGULATING OOIHISSIONEB IN THE NOTARY PUBLIC YOUR COURSE ESTATE, ETC. Bï¬Ã©i'ness “College (‘1 A “1.3,, and Expert. Work Guamuleee l urnru mm. “In Essentials, Unity; £71 @avidson & Boultbee STV MORGAN New Va near, etc. Tux-mun? Phone Main 298 v. ETC. I There will ho n dvmund for years to 5come for the heautiful picture “The Soul’s Awakening.†issued by The Family Herald and Weakly Star of MontreaL There wiil also be many snreiy disappointed when very soon ; they are told that not another copy I can he had. It is :l. wonder-fully charm- ing picture. It touches the heart of I nmnkind. If placed in a slimy window v nun. n 'nlmnst every passer-by will stop at i ï¬rst sight of it. study it: and gn away I feeling better for havng seen it. But i there is no reusnn fur being without, a - copy in your own home. The publish- ers positively guarantee that for some wet-ks yet, thy will mail a. cnpv to e-very pal-sum whu remits a dollar for a year’s subscriptinn la The Family Herald and VVvt-kly Star. Those Who have already suhsri ihed are sure- uf it. Those who have nut, should do so nuw. and he sure. fur they will certainly want a copy if they ever see it. Fur- thei purpose of reducing our stock nf men’s sailings. we are selling them at a reduction of 20%. These are all splendid values. Atkinson & Switzer. .. ., r n- .-â€" ---., and Vaughan levmen's Association. which you have so long and faitllquy served. Signed on behalf of the Association, JAMES M CLEAN, I’residmnt, S. JAMIESON. Vice-President, GEO. LAWSON, T x-vasurer. \Ve ask you (hm-fore to accept this Guld Watch Chain and Locket, and we unite in the fervent hnpv that ynu may long be spared to assist in mam-g- ing and guiding the affairs of King and Vaughan Pluwnlen's Agenm'nï¬nn ,,- r___<\vu 1" l‘ll\l‘V 'Vlï¬ nlc hme this evening, not. uttering n requiem over departed merit: we are not recalling one. whose Work, however well done, 18 ï¬nished. \Ve are en- gaged in :L happier tank. ‘Ve are engnged in giving in your lifetime 3. small token of appreciation for faithful work performed, while you are still full of energy and vigor. and give promise of nnmy years of usefulness. :‘y , d .- m. "My. It therefore affords us uh? greutvst pleasure to give expression in :1 slight degree to the osfemn in which you are held. remembering your long and self- sucriflcing labors in our behalf. You have :iccopted other positions of re~ sponsihility and honor. but in spite of your onerous business duties, you have filled your position as secretary with a punctuality and regularity rarely ex- celled. and With n devotion of interest which. since the day of yournppoint- meut, knows no abntmnenb or decay. A “A ._- H | ‘I - ‘ About five years ago King and Vaughan Associations wisely effected an amalgamalion. and you continued to art as secretary for the entire Association. V The greatest- harmony has always existed atour meetings, and we have generally accepted your suggestions. feeling that they were re asonable and just. \Ve know full well that, you have appreciated the. assistance of worthy colleaguesâ€"some of \yhom have passed to the heyon lâ€"â€"hnt We feel We owe to you an inestimable debt of gratitude for the exerlions you have made on behalf of the men of the plow, for your unvarying courtesy, your invaluable aSSislanL-e, and your‘able support]. I’L 4L,__A£ r z u. \4\ . uuu pcuuuua to 08 861’“? L0 me Legislature. g The, Treasurer was instructed to send ; the Sick Children’s Hospital the sum ‘ of $5.00, also to subscribe for the | Municipal \Vorld for the year 1910 for ‘ each member of the Council. I The. Clerk was instructed to forward ‘ the. petition referred to in the letter from the Single Tax Association to the Legislature. the petition having been . signed by the Reeve. ' By-law No. 229 to appoint ofï¬cials for the year 1910 was introduced by Mr. Trench. and after receivm its several readings was passed with b anks ï¬lled as follows 2â€"â€" Assessorâ€"Mr. T. A. Lamon. ~High School Trusteeâ€"Mr. F. Mc- vanty-une years ngn \fnu were up- pninted Secretary of what was then known as King Plnwnwn’s Assuciutiun. n positinn you have held without inter- ruption up to the press-m. time. with credit, to yuurself. and with advantage to the cummunity. ' r A pleasant, feature of the evening was the prvsontntion Ufa gnld watch chain and locket tn the secretary, Mr. J. '1‘. Saigeun. accnlupaniPd by an ad- dress. The- addl'l-‘ss was read by Mr. ’1‘. F. McMahon, arm-r which Mr. Anson Carley nde the present-Minn, giving a short history of the Assnciatiun In its early days. Mr. Suigmn ac- knowledged the wvll merite-d tribute in an a propriate speech. The fulluw- ing is l e address :â€"- J. T. SAIGEUN. Esq. Secmtary King 85 Vaughan Plow- mon’s Associatinn : Dear Sir.â€"~“’e, the ni’ï¬cm's and di- rectors of King and Vaughan Pimv- IIIPIIZS Association. desire this evanng tn vxpress to you our uppre-ci-itinn of ynur untiring and succpssful anrts, and Hip interest yuu have taken in the Work uf mir Assuciatiun. It would be difï¬cult, to exaggvmte the enthusiasm that prevailed at, the annual banquet and enterminnu-nt of the King and Vaughan Pluwmeh's As- satiation lust evening. le oyster supper was given at the Royal Hun-l. Aurora. and Llw vnIm-lainnwnt. which was a great success in all vssentiul ro- spects. was held In the Town Hall; Mr. T. H. Lennnx. M.P;P.. made an udmimhlv chairman, and Mr. J. ankie \Vilsun, Supt. of Agl-icultnrnlSocietles. and Mr. Simpson Ronni? gave interest- ing addresses. vaitatinns \vvre give-n by Mrs. E. U. ()m-riv. MiSS Campbell. Mr. \Voodwnxd, and Mr. \Vilsun, and songs by Mr. Andrews, Mr. Slrusler. Mr. Ashley, and Mr. Hun-y Br'mzett. the last named being enclmred after every sr-lectinn. ‘ u. “nun ’- And we are pleased to know We are POSITIVE GUARANTEE. PLOWMEN'S BANQUET. ., THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1.910 Non-Essmts'ais, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.†r "" ' After smne discussion as to m-cessary repairs to the roads in the village. it was moved by Councillor Sanderson. and seconded by Councillor Sims. that lthe Council advertise for tenders for ' supplying gm vvl.â€"C&u'ried. Council ildjuul‘llPd. l Every farmer should know that the price ofl‘ered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is 1. fair one. How con he know this if he daes not take a. farm businesl paper? What doctor or law- yar or business man would be without his business paper! There is but one farmeu’ business and market paper, that in Thu Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by tub-cribing. The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healling mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remde its marvelous curative proper-tips. Tight, tickling. m- distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of this aplen- did prescriptionâ€"Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy. And it is safe and good for children as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs. mothers should in safety always de- mand Dr. Slmop’s. If other rmnedies are offers-d. tell them No! Be your own judge. Sold by ‘V. A. Sanderson. A resulutmn, moved by Mr. Sunder son, seconded by Mr. Trench, was passed. granting the use of the rink to the Senior Hockey Club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for hockey pur- puses only and no skating to be allowed either before or after any match or practice. for the fee of $1.50 per night. the Club to be responsible for all breakages. and to pay the fees every two weeks to the village Treasurer. The resolution also granted the use of the rink tn the Junior Hockey Club on Friday evenings for $1.25 per night. the fee to be paid to the caretaker of the rink each night. _ E Frdin the Single Tax Association. ; asking for the signatures of the Reeve ; to certain petitions to be sent to the ngisiziyn-e. r . -_-.‘... u... ".3 \IKvk/I- signed by the Reeve. By-law No. 229 to appoint. ofï¬cials furth year 1910 was introduced by Mr. Trench. and after receivm its se-wml readings was passed with bï¬mks ï¬llvd as follows 2â€"â€" Assessnrâ€"Mr. T. A. Lamon. High School Trusteeâ€"Mr. F. Mc- Cunnghy. anhcr of Board of Healthâ€"Mr. W. A. \Vright. Medical Health Ofï¬cerâ€"Dr. Wilkin- SOD. Mpmher Public Librmy Boardâ€"Mr. T. F. McMahnn. Villa e Inspector zmd Constableâ€"â€" Mr. F. opce. Fence, Viewersâ€"Messrs. J. Besmrd, R. Dixon and D. Steele. Bell Ringerâ€"Mr. M. Ransom. Clerk and Treasurerâ€"â€"- Mr. A. J. Hume. Inspector of Roads and Sidewalksâ€"â€" Mr. H. Blanchard. Lethal-s werg- also read from the Municipal \Vnrld and the Canadian Municipal Journal askingsubscriptions tn the sanw. ' Frum tht- Siak Children’s HospitalL asking foi- a dunntinn. ' Mr. Brydon addressed the Council with reference to a proposed carnival, fur the benefit, of the Fire Brigade. A Mr. "\Vgslyv Ifulï¬wp Vaddressed the Cnmmunications were read from Mr. T. A. Luan and Mr. A. G. Savage, asking for the pos:_linn of Assassor. ..._. ‘ vv‘“ v-lv Council with a view of obtaining terms for the uso of the rink for the Senior Hocku Club. The Council assurvd Mr. Palmer that they would give the mailer their consideration. By-luw No. 228 to grant certain sums to the Fire Bligade wns‘given its sev- eral readings and passed. The By-law provides fur an annual grant. not. to exceed $75.00. T. F. McMahon, printing. Stiver & Rumer, coal .. . . L. Innes & Sons, lumber“ {THERE IS BUT ONE J The fullnwing accounts Were and the Treasurer was instruct pay the same : Pursuant to adjourn-manta the Coun- cil met in the Council Chamber. Present: the Reeve and Councillors Sandersnn, Trench and Sims. The last named gentlemen made and subscribed their declarations of qualiï¬cation and of nfflcv. January 10th, 1910. The inaugural meeting of the Village )mmcil Was heid at eleven u‘clock :mu. on the. above date, in the Cmmcil Chamber. Reeve Pugsley and meus cillnr Sanderson took their respective declamtinns nfnflice and qualifications. and the meeting was adjourned until Tuosdny, Jan. 11:5“; 8 p.m. VILLAGE COUNCIL. ;s were read, instructed to etc. . . £24 50 298 Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS 8;» COM PANY Cassel’s Magazine, per annum The Story Teller . The Quiver . . Musical Home Journal . The Gil-ls’ Realm . Little Folks . Chums . . . every variety of -ihte{est, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary to send to foreign countries for maga~ zines. Read the following:â€" C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b - lishing Company The monthly magazines of the above company cover All kinds of grain bought and highest possibleprices paid at; the Elevator. Bran and Victor Feed fog cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton c’oal. Also file. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinityâ€"â€" STEAM COAL No.1 0n Dyspepsia. No. 2 0n the Heart No. 3 0n the Kidnm So let me send you an order It ones. like the message to some Si(‘k friend. A postal will brim: the opportunity. I will have an honest and trustworthy drug- xist to whom you can conveniently go for the 30 day test. But ï¬rst. Lek me for the order. (or all drug- m are not authorized to give the 80 day test. 80 wrma me now and save all delays. Ro- llanbor that tomorrow never comes. Addresl Dr. Show. Box 12. Rncine. Wis. “kl Iâ€! In“ I loll You? I also have a Rï¬Ã©umatic Remedy-1nd that remedy ls covered by the same identical “No help. no pay" protective plan. Besides. ion are (reé to consult me Just all you would your home physician. My advice and the book below are yoursâ€"and without cost. Perhaps a. word or two from me will dear up some serious ailment. I have helped thousands upon thousands by my privule prescription or personal advice plan. My be“ efl‘on h sunly worth your simple request. Then whyshrmld the sick ‘take any chance on any other medicine, whose maker dare not back itjust as I do by this rcmm‘kable offer? When these nerves gm again made we“ and strong. then thatis the certain end of all such sickness. To meitis a gran ntlsfuction thlt I am the only physician able to say to the suffering sick, “'l‘qke my prescription for full 30 days. and if_it falls to help you. the entire expense is name-:not yours." 7 v I do not doEe the Stomach. nor “haul-ta ï¬le Heart or Kidneysâ€"for that is all wrong. Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative goes direct to the cause of these ailmentsâ€"the failing. ï¬ltering, inside or controlling nerves. And herein lies the keynote to my sucoess. And you. no doubt, already’ know of Dr. Shoop's Restorative and in popularity. For 20 years it has been the standard rom- edy for Stomach. Kidney and Heart ailments everywhere in America. When the "inside" or control}!!! nerves of these vital organs begin to fail. it is r. Shoop‘u Restorative that lmsquickly vitalizui. and strong. thened. and brought these nerves and organ! back to health again. Will you do an act of Humanity! Will you tell some sick friend of this. my nmarkable ofl'er! Tell him or her. nut you have learned of. medici no so certain that in; maker dare say to the sick. "It is absolutely nnd unconditionally rm if it tails." Tell Some Sick One . H. RAMER 42 Adel-mdevb‘t. W. Toronto GOA L.‘ It Is Free If It Fails. [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 4 Fm- Women No. 6 For Men No. 6 On Rhegzmutlm. No.29 in the $1.50 1.50