THE JANUARY ROD AND GUN. With the advent of another year, Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock. Ont., is to the front with a ï¬ne issue for January. Running through all the stories â€"-and there are many of themâ€"is that pleas- ant outdoor tone which always proves a healthful tonic, the plentiful supply of which, in stories and pictures. has given the magazine. an assured posi- tion. Fishing and hunting experiences re interspersed with camping stories, Endian legends, prospecting tales of the urQueen Charlotte Islands and strange happenings in the backwoods, all up- peuling in some of their’uman- ness to sportsmen of varied tastes nd inclinations. In reading such delight- ful stories, every one redolent of the actual, one lives over again some of one's own pleasures, thus obtaining a double measure from the outing which yielded so much enjoyment at lhe time. To begin the New Year well and continue throughout in the same good way, the cmnpnniouship of Rod and Gun should be secured. If he. adopts this course the spontsmnn will have continual reminders throughout the year of his own outings. and addi- tions to the bright untieiputions with Which he. looks forward to future joys. 0f thesa reminiscences and anticipa- tions no one can rob him. but Rod and Gun adds to both, and makes the. year One continual pleasure, no part of which the sportsman will lose if he secures its companionship for the en- suing twelve months. There is no Quinine, nothing what- ever harsh or sickening m Preventics. These lit-{1e Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic. A few bnurs-nnd your threatening cold is broken.- Can- dy-like in taste. Preventics please the childrenâ€"and they break the feverish- ness. always. And least of all is the econmuy. A large boxâ€"48 Px-eventics -â€"25 cents. Ask your druggist. He knows! Sold by W. A. Sanderson. flying the flag over the schools on the 12th of July, than he does in matters affecting the welfare of the school childeen. Surely in a city like To- ronto, where the population is over- whelmingly Protestant, the people can afford to be generous to those who think diï¬'erently in minor matters. The new Board also did well in electing as their chairman Mr. James Simpson, a gentleman who well merits the tribute paid him by his colleagues. It is true‘the coveted position was won only by the casting vote of the chairman, but when it is remembered the solid "Plotestant ticket" was against him he did re- markably well. His opponent for the position of chairmanâ€"Mr. Levee -â€"is an active member of the Board, but it is generally thought he takes more interest in questions, such as MCCORQUODALEâ€"In Toronto. Thurs- day. Jan. 6. 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. A. McCorquodale, a. son. CROSS-Abhis brother’s residence. Am- ber, on Thursdav. January 6. 1910. William Cross. eldest son of Michael and Mary Cross. aged 67 years. Funeral on Saturday to Trinity Church. Thornhill. NICHOLLsâ€"~At her residence, Rich- mond Hill. on Friday, January 7. 1910. Lucy Vailes. relict of the late Richard Nicholls. and mother of H. A. Nicholls, Riclnnond Hill. and Mrs. J. Morgan, VVillowdale, in her 83:11 year. Interment at. Richmnnd Hill, on Mon- day, Jan. 1'4). GRICE- 0“; 51w. in)" Jun. 10‘ 1910, at Edge}: 2v Wu. ‘l-xviue. HQ -,l '72 friars, Funeral I my] “12: rmidr-nc: of ,"2. M. WBhi-v .‘L: "Y muddy, J13 32, t0 Malpl!‘ i ‘1 uvto - the flag every day would mean as much as displaying it on Empire Day, Dominion Day, the King's birthday; or other special occasions. Canadians are, as they should be, loyal to the core, but loyalty and patriotism should always be tempered with that sanity which distinguishes a moderate and broad-minded people. Education has done itself credit in votes recently taken. At the last meeting of the old Board a resolu- tion was carried repealing a former resolution to the efl‘ect that flags should fly over every public school in the city every day in the year. The hoisting of the Union Jack is a sign of loyalty, but it is doubtful if flying We believe the Toronto Board of Education has done itself credit: in votes recently taken. At the last Rxbnmonn HILL. OWL. JAN. 13. 1910 Wm ï¬ihcmi. A GOOD SELECTION . DEATHS. BlRTHS. TAKE NOTICE that an application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next sessmu for an act to incorporate n Company to be known as “The Artesian \Vnter Company, Limitel." with power to survey lands in any part or parts of the County of Yorkâ€"to dig trenches in or through private or public prop- erty, to lay or sink pipes or mainsâ€"to convey water from :u-tesiun Wells now flowing upon lots Numbers Six and Seven In the Sixth Concession of the Township of Whitchurch and known as the Hamilton Cook property, in and through such pipes in the County of York â€" to examine and repair such trenches and pipes, to erect buildings, machinery. stand-pipes, reservoirs and any plant necessary to carryout the business of the Company. to sell such water to individuals. ï¬rms, corporations, public or private. to leese, purchase or otherwise acquire lands required for the. foregoing purposes; to enter into contracts for the supply of water to the Municipal Corporation of the. Village of Richmond Hill, the Town of North Toronto, and the Town- ships of \Vhitchurch, Markham, Vaughan and York respectively for domestic use and ï¬re sen vice for a, period of twenty years or upwards, and for such further and other rights and powers as may be necessary for the proper carrying out of the husiness of the Company. Dated at Toronto, J an nary l1 th, 1910. A v.‘,. n“ FRIDAY, J an. l4â€"â€"-Credib sale of stand- ing timber- on lot 6, con. 8, Markham. property of Thomas Stacey. Sale at, 1 o‘clock. Terms 9 monts. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. MONDAY. Jan. 24â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot; 24. war of 5th com, Markham, property of Mrs. Emeline Rainey. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY. Jan. 25â€"Credlt. sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. etc.. on lot 6. con. 3. Markham, r0- perty'of the late William Cox. HIP “1:12 o’cluck. Lunch provided. 9 months‘ credit. J. H. Prentice. auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Jan. Illâ€"Auction sale of household furniture, etc.. on lot 35, con. 1. Markham, Laugstaï¬. the pro- perty of Mrs. A. Darling. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 2â€"Auction sale of fnrm st: ck, innplnmeum, em. on lot. 27, Per-1- 2nd cm.. Markham, the prop- ert; v'.‘ Ja‘v- HE'kScnn Sale at 1 ..’cl wk. “"17!†8 mouths. J. H. I‘rrntx‘ce. *ucik . cm . ' Application to Parliament Some of thefirmmg folks from this place jnurlwyed tn Maple un Saturday ' evening last, and spout, the owning skating in the bracing air. All rc-, port, having a must enjnynhle (into. I All 0111' winter goods are marked down for fast selling. Call and see them. They are all extm bargains. Atkinson 8: Switzer. Rev. Mr. Clydesdale, of Turnntn, nc- cnpied the pulpit in the Methodist. church here last Sunday and delivered an excellan sermon. Mr. Gen. High. nf Toronto, has sold his farm on Int 33. can. 4. tn Mr. J. Nixon. Mr. Nixnn whn has len a tenant of the place for thu past eight yqqrs willpcgmpy it, himsflf. Mm. Nelson and arm Alfred, nf Tur- nntn, spent over Sunday at, "Grqu Vimv" farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin. of Maple, spent Sunday with her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Levee. Mr. Gen. High. nf annntn. renewed old acquaintance-s around this vicinity lust wvek. Mr. Ed. Bmvom. of Tc-stnn, and Mr. R. U. GiHir-s of King, we‘re gm-sts of friends at, "Frog Valley" furm last. Sunday. Mr. Lv-uis Hunt. uf Cnn ville. was a guest at "Gentle Breeze" home iast Sunday. There are many wayu of ï¬xing them. No two cases are alike. Dome and let us tell you " How" and “Why†and "If." We ndvls; free. Health and npnsnrance depend upon your tooth. on. the matter careful thought ‘1 T. A. GIBSON. 43 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Solicitor for the Applicants. Auction Sales. Hope. There’s a. Reason. The Richmond Hill Skating Rink will be open every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING from 7.30 to 10. Band in attendance Saturday evenings TlCKETS~â€"100.; 3 for 25s.; 7 for 50s.. or 15 for SI. Tickets may be had at Sims’ Grocery Store, or frmn Caretaker at the Rink Door. CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS. 5c. \V. H. PUGSLEY, Reeve. You may try this bread and that bread, but'sooner or later, generally sooner, you will go back to Hill’s Bread. Uni-pot Weaving done in the best. possible style. All orders executed with neatness and despnlch. Give me a trial. I will give you unqualiï¬e satisfaction. . JOSH 1:13.131 «LAN, D.Hill&00' U HILL’S Rag Carpet Weaving. means all that good bread should mean. A FIRST-CLASS GROCERY and everything to be found in A Prosperous New Year to All A Prosperous New Year to All UUUUUUOUOOUUUU UUUUUUOUUU ()1 Mn“ )1 )UI JUI I ()l IUUUOI )0UUUUU U] “FRESH AND CLEAN" You will ï¬nd a full and cum- plete stock of F. E. SIMS Wi'gï¬- Blass £73011 .‘Bons Confech'onery .‘Nm’s and Fruits Eve: ything np-to-da to in People appreciate quality and cleanliness. SKATING Cigars .7’1'pes and Foï¬accos CANNED GOODS Fresh Oysters GROCERIES fur Presents. OUR MO'I'TO : BREAD Gown 3!. Out. '82-“ 'lx Just to let you know I am still in business, I have a good farm for sale in the township of King. 60 acres for $3.500. about. 1; miles from either Temperanceville, King or Eversley. Apply to 27-tf H. A. NICHOLLS. 23-tf 130 acres, all clear. parts of lots 28 and 29. in 4th con. of Vaughan. near Testun. Bunk barn; house nearly new. Money tn loan on ï¬rst mortgage fax-m property: 234,! 244i Chopping ALSO Done Mill Phone 42 ENNE’S MILL (390d house to rent. Agpllng Rush your apples in and get your At Boyle’s Mill Money to Loan Farm for Sale- ClDER MADE and give better satisfaction all round. The quality of the wheels is all right â€"only the best materials used and only sk’illed mechanics employed in construction. The equipmcm is right up-to-date and the maChines throughout are such as we can thoroughly recommend. We sell automo- Farm for Sale CLFAN, FRESH, AND ALL MADE FROM ONTARIO WHEAT USE “WHITE CROWN†FLOUR FOR PASTRY Bran and. Shorts EVERY POUND GUARANTEED PURE at the same place. To Rent Apply at THE LIBERAL OFFICE. at Boyle's Mill. H. V. DENNE 86 CO. HYSLOP 31:05., Limited High-Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT. J AS. JOHN BARBER; may. $50 Wheels for $25 Chop Feeds All orders shipped promptly NEWMARKET rXIJL Ii’INI)S H. KIRBY. C: SKEELE Maple. plan is to make wheels serve as a good :55. San! for illustrated folder. The Calendar contains thirteen large sheets, beautifully printed in three colors. Each sheet contains a design of an open Bible with a Bible next for each day of the month, and a. calendar in large ï¬gures for the month at the lower end of the sheet. , Price 230. Sent to any Address Postage Paid. Special prices in lots of one dozen or more. Agents are making money sell- ing them. Big reduction to agents. Send for terms at once. BEAUTIFUL WALL MOTTOS. . We have an excellent; assortment of Scripture Vanl Motto Cards at 5, 10. Is. 20, 25. 40 and 50¢. each. \Ve will [nail any of these or a. num- ber to any address at the above prices postage paid. We want an honest; man or boy in each town and city to act as agent, fnl‘ us. We pay a. liberal commission. Agents make good wages selling these goods. Send for agents prices to H. S. HALLMANN. 23 Queen St. North, Berlin. Ont. THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “ CANADIAN PICTURIAL“ Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known people. of current events, of things euuti, fill and curious About one thousand. square inches of ictures in each issue. Appeals to Guns inns as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely ,to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cent: a copy. One dollar a year. The Pin. toxial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. 2L“ Lax-ets 5 fuimfï¬ BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT A FINE GOSPEL TEXT CALENDAR FOR 1910 AGENTS WANTED. Besid ance 136