Rxcnmmn HILL. ONT" JAN. 13. 191†Mr. and Mrs. \V. Eyer. nf Rirhmnnd Iii“. visin Mr. and M rs. \V. Sliuey uf Elgin Mills on Sunday. Mr. J. Reed. Ivcentlyt-f vammkvt. is “I: present acting ns agent it (In: Metaopulitan Shaun“ here. Announcement was made Satmduy that {he Uan-iu Lugislumre will meet, on Tuesday, the 25th uf January. Calendar tubs. diffewnt sizes, at, THE LIBERAL Olï¬ce. Mrs. Currie was ['Pfldl'l‘ at, the King and Vaughan Agticulmral Associa- tiun‘s cancer!) in Aux-um nn \Vednes- day evening. (Tyke Mr. G. P. \Vilvy. tx-avv‘iiur fm Micklelmruugh, Mnhh-ew & (24L: 19ft. Monday nn a business trip to lhr' Paciï¬c Coast. The annual HH’PHIIg of the \Vund- bridge Agricultural Society will take plmwat the Inkermnn Hnuse nu Fri- day. Jmuuuy 21. at 1 o’clock. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Levvr and Sun, \Vilfrid, uf \Vesmn, spvnb va Year‘s with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hnmwr, and returned Monday. The latest hnnk4 plmwd in the Public Lilnury {we The Fore-igne-r. by Ralph (‘umru-r. and Histmv of the. Rt-fm-mil- tion. by Wm. Gobbitt. Mr. and Mrs. James \Vright. of Rvgiua. are with relath‘os here. The fnrnwr will return next week. but Mls. \Vx-ight will renmin for a longer time. 1-4;“;La‘ihuthurch un Mnndny, Jan. 24. Banquet from 6 to 7.30. meert at, 8. Admission 25 cean. Don’t forget. the date of the Shredded mint, B-ftqufb tn_ he ï¬ivel‘x in it he We have still on hand one man’s overcoat. with black ustl-achun lining and good fur collar; extra quality. ('thiub cloth shell. reg. $27.50 fur $22.00. Atkinson S: Swiizev. The hntvl sheds and church sheds were crowded Satin day evening. many pimple driving in frnm surrounding neighborhoods to enjoy an hour’s skating in the rink and our new band music. Rev. Mr. Tove and Mrs. Tnye. of Gondwoud, have been here this week waiting on their son. Rev. E. H. Tuye, whn we regret. to learn is suffering from typhoid at the home of Mr. E. Barker. ‘Mr. Frank Stiver was: accidPntnlly killed in Stiver Bros." elevator. Smutf- ville, Friday aftermmn. \Vhile ad- justing some art, of the machinery his clothing caug t. in a shaft with fatal results. His Honour. the Lieutenant-Gover- nor. hasrap ointed Mr. Edward Dixon of Headfox-(intn the ofï¬ce of Bailiff of the ThirdDivision Court of the Coun- ty of York, in the room and stead of Mr. Walter Eyer. resigned. The annual nweting of the East York Conservative Association wa held in the town hall, Mmkham. nn Tuesday afternoon. In the unavoidable absence of President H. A. Nichnlls of Rich- mond Hill, T. W. Underwood ofï¬ciated in that en acit. . These ofï¬cers were elected: resi ent. H. A. Nicholls (re- elected); ï¬rst; vice-president, David Beldam. and Isaac Crosby of Rich- mond Hill as secmtary. Aspecial meeting of the Fire Brigade will be held this (Thursday) evening. for the purpose of pa ying the ï¬remen’s galaxies for the past year, and also to l'eceiVe the repoxt from the committee on the concert and curuivul. Chiefâ€"T. H. Trench. Lieutenantâ€"J. H. Bx-ydon. Foreman of Hoseâ€"B. Newton. Foreman of Hook and LadderAUi: Lynetb Treasurerâ€"P. Gr. Savage. .1 gig Secretaryâ€"F. Hopper. r, “"' Stewardâ€"~11. Patterson. ' " Auditorsâ€"Geo. Sims, J. Wigï¬o g9 , The election of oflicex's of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade touk place at theirlnst regular meeting, Jan. 10th. and were as follows :â€" ‘ RIOH MOND HILL W'ON. Thomhill came up Friday evening for a friendly match. two rinks. The home team won by 24 points. The {allowing are. the scores:â€" - RICH. HILL. C. P. Wiley, sk. 17 G. Gowie. “ 28 Four-~wnr-Md Margaret, was asked thedifl' ' nit question, which she loved best. In (DEE. or papa. Shq hesitated, looking V am one to the 4 then. all her tender '. m H hr 3:; my eyes. Finany Che an a. "" don‘t- wa-n to trh. I’m afraid ' min-'2; hurtpapa's feei’ngs.â€â€" The 13:: ‘. eat .7 for Februal 7. [4(V)C Al‘s-i. FIRE BRIGADE OFFICERS. SO I'I‘ MIGHT. Qihcral. THORNHILL. H. Hooper. sk. 13 A. Pearson, “ 8 The ï¬rst carnivul of the smsmn was lwld in the rink last evening. Them “Ms A large attendance and n gum] Limo. Mrs. A. Dan-ling has Suld bar-house and Int. tn Mr. Buyle, and will renmvsé tn the Nurth \Vest, where. it sun and du_ughu-r resid». The Illusna'u-d Globe nf the ï¬rst iusl’. hruught nur han village inm prumiuvnce by uxhihiling tin-0e par. [Jails frnm the hand uf Miss Edith Steu'llsnn. The sketch. which is by Kallwrim- Huln, shows Miss Stun-“sun (a he in the flnsl rank nf Canadian :u-t- ists. Tht‘ pol-units me Ulnsv of MI. [run 'Wrigllt. Miss \Vnrmmk and "Jessi". ’ There is'nlsu a Child Study. u. Very pretty dx-mxiug. R. Fisher: recorder. J. E. Fm'ncis; (Nancie-13.]. C. Sloele: guide, W. J. BuruvsleV†H. \Vnrd; 0.\V.. N. BHWe-s‘ 1‘59 local ludge 21.0.1]. “7. have 9190!;- 9d the {hiiuwiug uf‘ï¬cw-s:â€"-\V.M.. H. Fislwx-; fun-unan. \V. Base; (IVEISBI‘I'. [u Thnrnhill Gnuncil C.O.U.F.. the (“flowing will prrside: 0.0.. D. M. Buylv: V.C.. J. E. Johnstqu rocnrdel, J. E. merisz (mourn. \V‘ H‘ Ulubine: prelfltv, Mus. J. E. Juhnstxm; marshal. Mrs. J. Fishvr; “nude-n, Mrs. Gm. Pearsqu sentry. T. Clark. As it, \Vuuld he "hm-st, impumible tn thunk pm-snnnlly the many kind friends \vhu hr‘kwd us tn lwnr up under um- rucvnt, skunk-n bereavement by their sympathy and kindness. We take the oppurtunity thrnugh the rulumns nf THE LIBERAL to do so, and when such an uï¬ï¬‚icbiuu (:uuws to any of them, may the sympathy extended Ln us he thvirs. and thus lighten the heaviest of burdens. The annual met-ting of the- \V. F. M. Socivty was held in the’ Marisa nn Tuesday evening. with a gnnd repre- Sn-ntatiml of members. The nt‘ï¬lzers for the ensuing your are. as fulluws:â€" Presidentâ€"Mrs. Grant. Fitst Vice-Presidentâ€"Mrs. Currie. Second Vice-Presidentâ€"MI-S. John Innes. Secrfluryâ€"Mrs. (Hark. ' Treasurerâ€"Mrs. Atkinsun. Organistâ€"Mrs. Thus. Newton. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Rich- mnnd Hill Agricultural Society will he held in the Council Chamber on Thurs- day next. the 20th inst". at; 1 o’clock. Electinn of ofï¬cers and other importan t. business. The meeting is nme tn the public. and as our annual rxhihitinn (Ill Victoria Day is an important event. it, it hoped that manv of our citizens and thusu in surrunnaing sections will Show [hair inn-rest by being present. at the annual meeting. Men! Here is ymu- chance to secure a good overcoat, at a. very low price. One (mly lung overcoat, extra lamb cullar. flueat quality. svulette lining, rubber intexiinrd. with splendid beaver cloth shell. 111g. 3. 7.50 for $32.00. At. kinson & Switzer. The will of the late Patrick Muylnn has been ï¬led for probate. The- prop- erty couswts of No. 1 Bell street, Tur- onto. valued at $800. and 5;, acres of land in Richmond Hill. valued at, $600. The Toronto property passes to a. sun. John H. Mu'ylan, while a. daughter. Mrs. Catherine Good. receives the Richmond Hill ploperty. From the latter is to be deducted the sum of $100. “to he paid to the parish riest of St. Paul’s R. 0. Church. omnto, for masses for the repose of my soul." The resid ue of the estate also passes to the daughter.-â€"Daily Star. VVomanIy pains, head pains, in fact any pain anywhere can be completely stopped in 24) minutes with one of Dr. Shoup’s Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your doctor or druggist about the fm-mula. It) is printed on the boxâ€"and it can’t be beLtered. Try (me duse and be con- vinced. Box 254:. Sold by W. A. Sandezson. The ice on the new rink was in splendid conditinn last week, and lame crowds took advantage of the good Skitiugz- Mr. M. Rowe, of Bloomï¬eld. has been engaged as principal of the public school. and began his duties on \Ved- ne_sda‘y of last. weekL Mr. ’1‘. Frame. of Bradford, has been a pointed to the position of junior c park in the Standard Bank here. Mr. Clarence Monkmzm, formefly :eiwher at Hope. and now ‘of Castle- derg, visited friends here on Saturday an}! Sunday. _ . wMr. Nifï¬lx'yd. of Regina. was in ihe village last week calling on some of his boyhuod friends. Mr. Edgar Richardson, of Edmon- ton. is visiting his uncle, Mr. Leeds Richardson. The pulpit in the Methodist Church was occupied my Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Clydesdale of Victoria Uni- veï¬itsz The. funeralfnf the twelve-year-old son of Mr. szuh Graham, of Ant-uni. took place to the cemetery here last Thursday afternoon. . It will be seen by can! on a e 1 that Dr. E. J. W'nodu, Dentist; in; pur- chwsed the practice and good will of Dr. Riaduu. and will come to Rich- mund Hill every Wednesday. Ofï¬ce in Stands l-ri Llqu building.‘ Dr. \Vouds has visiui 'izhrornhill Aproiasainmtlly, cue day a weak, for thepast ï¬ve ytfm's and has hum eminently successtul. PA TRICK MOYLAN’S WILL. THE ‘V. F. ~M. SOCIETY. DR. WOODS DENTIST. CARD OF THANKS. Thorn hill. Yours in surmw, Maple. H. A. NICHOLLS. JESSIE J. MORGAN. Another name is stricken from the evrr lessaning mll uf uur' nld settlers. and n snlitnry home is left. to attest huw sadly she will be missed. In the death of a pvt-sun who has gone to r‘r-at. there may he nu- cause fur grief. yeL thse {Hyde-r human ties canuut. be MRS. NICHOLLS’ SUDDEN DEATH. évw-red without in pang. Although in hl'l' 831d your. the sudden death of Mls. Llu-y Nit'hOHB. lie-loved mother of M r. H. A.,Nichulls of this village. am! Mm. J: Myrgan of \Viflmydaletcume Mrs. Nichulls was for many 91mm u prominentl member of the Church of England. doing excellent work in the Ladies' Aid. but has been a regular a’ttender of the. Presbyterian Church for the past twenty-ï¬ve years. She ulwnys took a. deep interest in the affairs of the village, watched the im- provemeuls, and could“ tell many in- teresting reminiscences of the days of the old stage. couches. But her heart was in her children and grandchildren. whom s_he lured with u mnther‘s love. as a shock to many friends and mela- Lives a few dnys ago. Deceased had been enjnying relnarkablyglmd health for smut: Lime pI-st. was in her 11-8!!!“ place in church on Sunday, the 2nd inst“ and was nut, again nn Monday apparently in the hast, of heuth and spirits. But, \Vulnesdny morning about 3 u’clnck her sun hemd n pe- (:ulinr sound, and going to her mom fmmd his mother in great distress. He at unve- called in nearby friends. and the fmnily doctor was smumuned, but, in spite of all that cullld be done she gradually sunk and passed mVay uhflnt llfclucï¬f FI-idny afternmm. Mrs. Nichulls was horn in England. and lmfum coming to Canada with hel- l’auwl- und mother had lived the great- ur part, nf her life in Lundnn. zThe family resided in Newmm-ket.†and ufterwmds in Holland Landing for a short timé, hut removed to Richmond Hill in the early ï¬fties. The. husband, the lute Richmd Nichullt, died in England in 1863 und was buried near Hull, having taken a trip for his health with the late Robert, Marsh. In company with her son. Mrs. Nicholls madv a. trip to England in 1898 and vl§i_ted hgr phi 9e sisters. since deceased. The funeral on Monday was very larger 'attended. and every res ect was shown to the departed andt nse who ware left to mourn the loss. That- §he 13nd many frienfls was evidenced h the number of flux-n1 tributes laid uï¬m the casket, beautiful amung them being a wreath frum her two children, a wreath fwm her grandchildren. and a. wreath frch Mrs. E. S. Piper, Mrs. D. Bnyle. Mus. J. Bell and Miss Mor- gunâ€"«sisters-in-law of her daughter-- and a spray from MiSS Pollock and Mr. Seal-1e. At; the house nu impres- sive service was conducted by the ustm‘. Rev. E. 0. Currie, assisted by flew. A. P. Bruce. The pull-bearers who conveyed the remains to [he village cemetery were T. A. Newton. '1‘. H. Trench. T. A. Lumon. T. F. McMahon. \V. H. Legge, G. B. Newbery, J. H. Sanderson, J. Hall. H. H. Hupper, D. Boyle, M. qule, end W_._Eyeg‘. May the Editor he allowvd to join with hosts of friends who would be pleased to snv a word that Would serve as a balm to wounded hearts‘ The follmvin are the (vflicers fm' Court Richmon . Nu. 7046, elected last Friday evening :â€" C.R.â€"Da5vid Hill. S. 0. R.-â€"Russoll Wilson. Treasurerâ€"H. A. Nicholls. Secretm- â€"Geo. A. McDonald. S. VV.â€" arvey Patterson. J. W.â€"-Pe,rcy Hill. S. B.â€"Thos. Newton. J. B.â€"J. W. Starkey. Trusteesâ€"T. F. McMahon, T. New- ton, W. A. Wright. ' If your Stomach, Hen-rt. or Kidneys are weak. try at least. a few doses only of Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. Inflve or ten days only the nesult will surprise vuu. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quick] . Dr. Shnnp’s doesn’t drug the Stnmuc . nox- stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoup’s Restorative goes directl to the weak and failing nerves. Eat: organ has its own chum-oiling nerve. \Vhen these nerves fail. the depending organs must of necessity falter. This lain. yet vital truth clearly tells why 1‘. Shuop’s Restorative is so univer- sally successful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to give it univer- sul reference. A test will surely tell. Sol by W. A. Sanderson. Auditmsâ€"T. (HI‘TL‘ench. T. F. Mc- Mahon. J. H. Innes. Medical Oflicerâ€"Dr. Langstatf. Group positively stmgwd in 20 min- utes. with Dr. Shoop‘s ‘rnup Remedy. (me test alone will surely prove this truth. Nu vomiting. no distress. A safe and pleasing syrupâ€"500. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. i-+++WW+MM*M+++ Business promises big for ._ (iiir‘schonlâ€"The Central Business College of Tur- onto,â€"â€"und bigger and better still in results for our students, because (lf our new equipment. im~ proved (3 201888, and bet- ter plans than ever fur sec curing situations at good salaries formir graduates. Our catalogue is mailed free (-n reqnesla. Students 1,8111. udlnittvd any time. “Vrile W. H. Shaw, Prin- bipi‘dr At away less than cost price right. here at home. Men’s Suits, regular 8 9.00 for$5.50 " †“ 11.00 for 7.50 H u " 13.00 for 8.50 i '5 § *+¢+++++++ Men‘s Oval-coats, regular 11.50 for 7.50 ~“ “ “ 14.00 for 10.00 These must be sold to‘ make room for Spring Stock. y+++++++++++4++++++ NQRMAN J. GLASS (’hKT’ET'FI'I‘TIWR. +++++¢++$§+éi++ï¬v+B+++wwzï¬Ã©Â§+liéï¬.¢¢*§0+.§0¢§909§.Â¥0 '1‘":- ++$+¢++++++++++4+d1+++ a! ++++++dflb Mi"? NEW YEAR A.0. F. OFFICERS. tWWWM-HW Mi-l'ifl-Miï¬' ï¬++mm++i++ï¬ EJanï¬ary Clearing Sale - V v . . v v . v v v W - v o v ¢ ' 0' . 'r’r iAtkinson &" Switzer -+++W4'W F+++-l-4-HH+M+H'$+$+++MW$+MWQ$ “WM-ï¬dï¬'éul-M++3W$+%WWW+MW++§ Gloves and Mitts. 15%. £33332“; 100‘O DISCOUNT on Men’s A Fleece-Lined and Wool DISCOUNT .013 Men Si 15°10 This is your last chance to secure a good Robe away below cost. One only good Saskatchewan Robe, $8.75tor . . r. . 72-in. Flannel Sheéting, reg. 750 yd. for J 1m. 13, 1910. At away less than cost price right. here at home. Men’s Suits, regular 8 9.00 for$ 5.50 " †“ 11.00 for 7.50 “ “ " 13.00 for 8.50 Men‘s Oval-coats, regular 11.50 for 7.50 ~“ “ “ 14.00 for 10.00 These must be sold to‘ make room for Spring Stock. ,. CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL THE R. H. FURNISHER DURING JANUARY WE WILL GIVE Richmond Hill Hardware 80. Hand Sleighs from . " . zoc to $1.00 Skates from . . 5°C to $2. 50 Hockey Sticks from . 150 to $0.75 Hockey Pucks from . Ioc to $0.20 Sleigh Bells .; . . at lowest prices Axes and Handles from . 50c to $1.00 Cross-Cut Saws . at lowest prices Leather Mitts and Gloves, me to $1.25 6990“. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. ’ NOMN BATTY, Manager Suit or Overcoat Specialsâ€"~Specials THE MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATOR ANTHONY WIRE FENCE . . . . . Overcoats. DISCOUNT on Suits 86 Overcoats. H 1'“th NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A m++++++~t¥¥£+++ww++ «owuwï¬â€™ï¬ommwo Always welcome in our store whether you buy or not . . . AGENTS FOR THE 0069966 $575 65c