When the Liberals were in Opposil tion in thismuntry they had little use for the Senate, but since they .as- sumed the reins of power their feel- ings seem to havelsoftened toward the second chamber. Tlie Conserve. tives on the other hand are not saying much in condemnation of the senat- ors, no doubt being hopeful thatsome day they will again hold ofï¬ce, and control the“ patronage at the disposal of the party. ' p ‘h: Britain, the Lords invariably support the T’ory party, and in Canada the Senators assiét _their ow‘n ’ political friendsâ€"either Grit; or Tory. Mr. Asauith,,the British Ifreuiier, is “receiving sympathy from ,some quarters on the ground that he has not a. working majority outside of the Irish National party. We are not quite sure that Mr. Asquith and the Liberal party are deserving of much sympathy from that source. - The Liberals appear to be in favor of a measure of Home Rule for Ireland, but they seem not to have the courage to put it through. N early. everv man admits that Ireland should have a system of selfgovernment as regards purely Irish afl’airs, yet in many cases the admission is qualiï¬ed by a but or an “Ireland should control her own local affairs, but Home Rule might lead to Rome Rule.†“Ireland "would get fair play, if we were sure that Home Rule would not mean separation from/England. These are poor excuses. The only way to solve the Irish problem is to give, Irishman a chance to ï¬oxern thwmselvesâ€"sthe sai11;:,‘cl'sanrte 1121' 1; {Men it:- Can adiavs an} 1w. arm Wm we We submit thatthis is a most imâ€" portant matter, and one which should l be discussed and dealt with on its/ merits. To those who have examâ€" in‘ed the wells it would seem that I millions of gallons of water as clear as crystal are, running to waste, 1 which would be a luxury to those in ‘ need of pure water. The Govern- ment have a right to see that the people in the immediate neighbor- hoods are protected, but if it can bet shotvn that the water can be taken to neighboring municipalities without injury to falmers or mill owners, the bill shoulgl be allowed to pass. The House of Lords in England, like our own Canadian Senate, has few genuine defenders. The most thet can be said for either institution is that it is tolerated by the people. During the recent campaign in .-Brit- ain the speakers in either party were free to admit that the House of Lords would be reformed, whichever side should win. We believe it is safe to say that, excluding those who are di- rectly interested, nine out of every ten men, both in Britain and Canada wouldlike to see the venerable old institution abolished for ever. In f‘ï¬u‘other tussle" before the Legisla- fliré at the présent session re the ‘Ar- tesian ' Well Compan‘y‘s bill. As pointed out by The Economist a com- pany will ask the Legislature to al- low them to supply water from the armian Wells near'Lemon‘ville to the town of North Toronto, Richmond Hill ant} other plaCes along the line. The Economist calls upon the muniâ€" cipalities to block the passage of the measure. - ' AN UNPQPULAR INSTITUTION. Ricnuomi HILL. 0mm GTVE' IRELAND A CHANCE. GIVE THE BILL FAIR'PI L1H iiiégmfgfl. FEB. 10; 1.910 )AY. Ihuve for sale a number of choice fax-ms close to town, part. cash and balance on easy terms. Alsu n Pump Factory and Planing mill. large ter- ritbry, no opposition. A snap in southern Manitoba. Apply to W. W. MOORBY BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT A Flue Gospel Text Calendar for 19w. The Calendar contains thirteen large sheets, beautifully printed in three colors. Each sheet contains a. desig n of an open Bible with a Bible next for each day of the month, and a culendax in large ï¬gures for-the mouth at the lower end of the sheet. Price 23c. sent to any Address Postage Paid. Special prices in lots of one dozen or more. Agents are making money sull- ing them. Big reduction to agents. Send for terms at once. BEAUTIFUL WALL MOTTOS, “he have an' excellent, assortment; of Scripture Wall Motto Cards at ‘4 5. lo, )5. 20. '25, 4o aucl 5(‘c. 64211. We will mail any of these or a num- ber to any address at the above prices postage paid. 33-t f A comfortable dwelling on Xrnold street, seven rooms, with a quarter of an acre of land. on which are a. number of fruit trees. Good well and cistern. Apply to AGENTS. WANTED. We want] an honest nmn or boy in each town and city to act as agent for us. \Ve pay a Evlwral cmumis::icm. Age‘ncs makegm d Wach selling: theSre w 06.»; Sand for :319Hq m‘fcvs to If the wi‘iter feels justiï¬ed in making the (:umplaint we do not: see why he does not. write ‘JVCX‘ his own signature. 1 Bay horse. 1 Bay mare. 1 Cult ris- ing 1 year old, 1 Cow. part Jersey, due Feb. 28; 2 Stem-s, rising 1 year old; 1 Heifer. rising 1 year old; also 150 bush. seed. peas. HENRY FISHER, 33-3 Concord. A longer, over the nom de plume, “Observer,†mun}. through Elle mail for insertion in THE LIBERAL. The writer complains thamne ofour busi- ness men is not living up to the agreement, to close his shop illmclay and Wednesday of each week at. 6 o’Clock. I: is to be hoped that. our merchants will Observe the. agree. went as closely as possible, although no casbimn rule was made to ac- commodate no customer under any circumstances. As the writer did not; give his name we decline to in- sert his communlpatiom Therefore, if he will send his name to us we shall return him the '26 cent. stamps. presumably enclosed to pay for the space. ' ' Vth Wouldn’t; give 25 cents to ship a pain 20 times? Just «me little- “Pink Pain TRUMPâ€"1):? Shonp’sâ€"will smp any pain in 20 minutes; sum! Read the formula on the box. Ductan say it can’t be bettered. Checks womanly pains, head pmns, any pnin. 20 tablets 250. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Every farmer shouid know that tho prios oï¬ered by the dealers for cast-Xe, hogs, etc, is a fair one. How qsn he know this if he does not t ks a farm business paper? What doctor or luv- yer or busmess man would be without his business paper? There is but one farmers’ business sud market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. oTHERE IS BUT ONE"?- For Sale For Sam For Sale Wanted Suuuuerhill Ave. Toronto. M OUS ‘ S. "HUM MN. 23 Q}: A: St. Norm, Berna. Ont. JAS. MCVVILLIAM or MRS. F. LYNETT. 23-“ The Richmond Hill Skating Rink will be open every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING from 7.30 tqu. Band in attendance Saturday evenings TICKETSâ€"100.; 3 for 25s.; 7 for 50c.. or 15 for $1. Tickets may be had at Sims’ Grocery Show, nr from Caretaker at, the Rink Door. 1 CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS. 5c. 'W. H. PUGSLEY, Reeve. Money ta loan on ï¬rst mortgage ï¬u-m propertyz ‘ Yes, in joy we all should sing, For (Hill’s Bread is just the thing; Good for the haughty and the mild, ’ ‘ I Good for man hand better for child. - Lax-as 5 E and you will need to brighten up those soiled rooms you imendedto do last year. Your house/ will look bright, cheerful and cozy if you I - SPRING is drawing near, Fresh G‘rt‘oceries V 1 Fruits {‘ioixfectioknery 'I‘obac (209m Cigars Fresh Fish ï¬ifl’s flameéMada - Bread ' , ()ysters _- Livery in Connection , . come in for a piecgé, mother giveS" them a slice of Money to Loan WALL PAPER The boys are ,_Very happy “ ‘and ‘ to themselves hum: -» ; Buy Your â€"â€" Orders promptly attended to When those hungry school boys PRICES RIGHT SKATING 'Apply at V THE LIBERAL OFFICE. a n d CSw etto ' Awgmlgï¬ 29 TAKE NOTICE that an application will he made to the Legislature of Lhr P1 ovince of Ontario at its next sesmnn - me)!» for an act, to incorporate: a Company ' stark to be known as “The Artesinn ‘Vairfr 77‘ Company, Limited.†with power to dam/z: survey lands in any part or parts of the County of Yorkâ€"to dig trenchu»: 'in or through private or public pit-gr erty, to lay or sink pipes or mainsâ€"4.: conier water from artdsizm wells “('0' flowing upon lots Numbers Six auri» Sevrn in the Sixth Concession of tho ‘u Towuship of Whitchurch and known as the Hamilton Cook property, in" and through such pipes in the County 'of York â€"â€" to examine and repair such trenches and pipcs. to emu buildings, machinery; stand-pipas reservoirs and any plant- necessm-y to carry out:- the business of thv Company. to sell such watrr to individuals, ï¬rms, c01 pomtions. public or privatmto lease, purchase or otherwise acquire lmmis rrquirr‘d for the/foregoing purposvs: to enter into contracts for the supply of wntrr to the Municipal Corporation of tho Village of Richmond Hill, the Town of North Toronto, and (he‘Tou'zz. ships of \Vhitchurch, Markhnn Vaughan and York respectively 1“. * domestic use and ï¬re service fork. period of twenty years or upwm and for such further and othcnrig and powers as may he nucesszu‘y thr.‘ rronrrcarI-yiug out of the busiuv (with: ï¬nnpuny. Dntrd :it- Torontn. Janus ‘3; 11th, 1911}. T. A. GlBSONâ€. 43 Adz-innit:- St. 'Ensb. \ Toronto, i533 H W}, 1 Ti on i: o W “:13- {if Applicatiun ' to- Parliament Mill Phone 42 CLEAN, FRESH, USE “WHITE £30m made from the whole wheat berry, steam-cooked, shredded and baked. Nothing added, nothing taken away. It con« tains all the material for" building brain, bone. and muscular tissue. Its very crispness promotes mastication, which means sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable and nutritious food that insures sturdy, robust health. Two biscuits (heated in oven) eaten with hot milk every morning for breakfast will enable a boy or girl to, reach the top-notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will fortify them against the dangers of Cold and exposure. All the Meat of the Golden Wheat. Made in Canada. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO†LIMIT NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO r . \‘I‘mm Ofï¬u, 40 Shoot Em , “ no†Which do you value the mostâ€"your cattle or your children? You know that the health and development of your live stock depends on the quality of the food you give themâ€"that they must have good, strong, nourishing food. Are you as par- ticular about your-children? Do you insist on their diet consisting of food that will, build up the little muscles, that will develop the brain and keep thehstomac'h sweet and cleanâ€"5:0 essential to growing Children? Give them the best and most natural food for growing childrenâ€"â€" -_ 1â€" o _I o m o r' / ) ' CATTLE 0R CHILDREN Solicitor for the Appiics-z ERY POUND MU H. V. DEN , AH orders. N 3E :13; Q Aid} EEK E. 7'96 ONTA (“If ‘ BISCUIT H st wk. W csmr; 1w 1:. A: ".‘E gm. 4.1%.“ “a £2 rm Mia or; A pm: Apply jg! inf #147 U Al if": _ x 53am ' hmiso and Numb an snie in Um viiiugevi V I1) war. 13MB :71. (of V mm wide. phsEOythG 1s smnn’s "his, was 1 {NV days: 9.x“. The 'jdui iiy Ivau‘g the has. H. KHBY. , . Maple; NICHégi lmï¬Ã©sz a,» _ drdhill ots 28 . n ea 1‘ ‘iearly 136