Nation-.11 costume. gents, Spanish, G‘reecian, Chinese, Turkish. Representative costume, lady’s. Girls under 12 years. There will he buys’ races, girls’ races, Open race, Driving race, double; Driv- ing race, single; Fetch and Carry race. Doors 0an from 7.30 to 10.30. Admission, spectators and skaters in costume 109., other skaters 15 cents. Miss Gertrude Nixnn has returned to her homv. “Shndv Bunk†farm, after spending some time VibiLing with re- latives in Toronto. A valentine carnival will be held in the Richmond H111 Skating Rink on Mnnday evening, February 14. The Richmond Hill Band will be in attend- ance. Good prizes will be given as follow'szï¬Pi-ettivsb dressed lady valen- ti‘ng with {escort in fancy costume; r Mr. Ritcl‘mrd Orr has returned to the Northwest. after spending about two months visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roth Orr of this place. Mr. Alex. Gihhons had :1, Me on Monday last, getting in his ice for the sumumr’s use. Some If the young fulks from this place 00k in the car-11‘vnl held on the Kin g‘ï¬t; ' )ink m: 1595). 1:11,. All report hayi‘m 1"} an ngcllvnttime‘. Mr. 2: fen-mT A cur-1mg game was played last even- ing between Mr. J. H. Sandal-sun's rink and Mr. A. G. Snvnge‘s, the latter winning by 6 points. Had Mr. Sander- son won he would have tied Mr. Barker for the Slater trophy. The victurious four who have won the trophy are, D. Riddell, A. Boyle, M. Boyle, E. Barker, skip. The Equalization Committee of the York County Council reportc-d an in- crease of $80,000 in Vaughan assess- ment. $80,000 in King. $100,000 in Markham, and a decrease of $50,000 in North Gwiilimhm'y. After adopting (he committee’s report, York County Council adjourned on Saturday after- noon to meet again on June 6th. Mr. H. E. Irwin, K11. of Turnntn. will speak on the wnrk of the Dmuininn Temperance Alliance- iu the Proshy. terinn Church next Sunday morning, and in the. Prvsbyterizm ()hurvh 1‘11an- hill, in the afternoon. He 1‘9 a most competent 1mm to represent the work, and you should hear him. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Cur-Viv, will prpach in the evening, subject, “An Advantaged Man.†Om hockey team is still keeping up its reputation by winning some more matches. Last, Saturday they went to \Vuodhridge and defeated the home team by 5 gnals to O. and alsu defeated Kleinburg the same day by 5 to 2. Mr. Lz‘vi Elliott. and Mr. Louis Elliott nttendvd the short, course in Stuck and Seed Judging at the Ontario Agricul- tural Cullege, Guelph, Levi rmnuining for the Horticultural short. course, and returning home last; Saturday. They report a. pleasant and profitable Lime. A Fancy Dress Carnival \vi‘d 1w held at the Skating Rink, Mn p19, on Friday evening of this week. Good cash priz- es will be given for Best, Lady’s cost- umc: Best Gents costume; Best. Boys costume; East Girls custume. The rinknpens at 7.30. Admissionâ€"ska- tel-$15, masquurmlm-s and specm ms 10 cents. Probably the. large-st temperature cunwnliun ever held in Outnrixa will he that in Toronto npxt ww-kâ€"JVed- m-sday, Thursday and Fridny~mndvr the auspices of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance. The Preshyu‘l-inn Young I’m Guild meets on Friday evening u’ckock. Subject, “Stndivs in Testuu'wnt, Uharncté-rs; John the lid.†qudmu Mr. Gm. Allimm. Our hockey tmm easily defvnti-d a team fqu Nm'th Tuhmln «m Tuesday evening. Th? match was refereed by Mr. W. Nunghl-‘nn. Miss Agatha. Albumin-ac spent. u few days in the city lust Week, and attend- m’l the sigmi-ï¬â€˜tyujrdvlmteâ€"’J‘1inity Onl- lPSHlllH‘HL Uhamcté-rs; lix.†LNIdHl'. Mr. Gm essayist, Mr. Gen. Sims. At. the n-rmut sessinn York County Cunncil \‘vry gvnvruusly dmml.¢~d $75 in lhe Richmond Hill Agricultural Society. Rev. J. J. RI-ddit. uf annutn will 1mm}: mluculinnu! sermons in the h-thodist chm-ch here next. Sunday, nun-hing nnd evening. lugv \ s. Knnxifluiléés-Iin't‘,Trim;s: (311111ch on Tuesday evening. Mr. Thomas Bm-hPr who hm} hren in St. Michael’s Huspitnl I‘m- the pust qu wveks returned hume u fvyv days ago. Mr. H. A. Nit‘hnlls is the Fairs Assucintliun in l-nntu \Vt-dm-sdny and this week. Mrs. A. E. Mnnns. of Tm'unto, sprut last Sunday at, the Munsv. Eh» Eigibrrai. RICHMOND HILL. 10, 15:10 VALENTINE CARNIVAL. COUNTY ASSESSMENTS. ]A(Z)C A1196. “'1 M R. BARKER WINS. TIIORNH ILL. Hope. Young IVs-“plus gel). 5, 1910, to ", “Highland†u de-le‘gutp at. svssinn in T0- Thursduy of Allison, Jxl iltv 8 New Byp- Headforol Publlc School for January. Sr. IV.â€"â€"â€" Hattie Brodie 588. Mary Cnhper 573. Gladys Helmkay 415. - Jr. IV.â€" Elias Elliott 173, Tomy Smith 151. Sr. 111.-â€" Roy Smith 593, Hector Paterson 552. Tumy Fountain 5-15, EI- \sie Hal-t, 496, Willig VVeILman 465, Jr. III.-â€" Rhoda Barker 382. Amn Smith 336, Mullav Wellman 182 (ex- mqs ulissedi.) 7 - Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Gillie; (anter- tained the Mississippi Club to an oyster supper on Tuesday evening. ’IH‘,‘ (\7 n M o ".3" , i . .u u Two sleigh loads of our young people attended a Euchre Party at Mrs. S} Tawse’s, Eversley, last Friday evming. A most enjoyable evening was spent. The prizes were won by MISS Beatrice Rulherfm-d and Mr. Jns. Mt-Oallum, Miss Margaret McGullum and Mr. Luu Kim" I. Preston Elsa): 446. Percy E17361; Beckie Fuuntain 379, “Walter Heslup DDI 361. Jr. II.-â€" Rosie Hem-irks 447.‘ Vinla Caldwell 369, Kathleen Ellis 181 (exam missed.) Maude Hart 36 (exams missed) Charlie Richard 24, (exams missed.) Part IIâ€"Fx-eddie Henricks. B Classâ€" Pelcy Caldwell. Average. attendance 21. The VV.F.M.S. glill meet,le the [lame of Mrs. Duncan MucMm-chy, King Oily, on_ Bil-Edgy :3fteynoon. A number frum here attended the dancing lurty held at Mr. .I. Unll’s lasts Wain; .Yféveuing'. M‘ss '1‘. 1.7:(Jnllum is npcnding a. (lays in A311un this week. Miss Rosa. Egan is spending a fe *eeks visiï¬ng Torgn{,(rfriends. Jr. III.â€"â€"Ellu. Nicholls 68%, \Viuni- fred Nichuls 53%. Grace Reynan‘ 45%. Sr. ILâ€"Leslie Hobbs 72%. Arthur Hobbs 67%, Johnny Frisby 35%. Sr. Pb. II.â€"My1-tle Jpnnings 82%. Kathleen Dennis 80%. Evelyn Neill 72%, Charlie Johnson 56%. May Sund- e1 son 53% Joe Glover 40%. In order of merit:â€" Pt. IIâ€"Hazel Boynton. Sr. Pb. I.â€"Uecil Sanderson, May Mgek. and Harold Mortson. Sr. IV.â€" Margaret; Jennings 50%, Clï¬renrw Gln_\_'er}33%. ~ 7 » Jr. Po. 1. ~ Wiiï¬Ã©â€˜Ni‘éï¬BHa, Albert Hobbs, and Florence Glover. Prm‘ontius contain no quiniHP. nothing harsh m' sickening. They are indc’vd “the stitch in Lime.†Cill"l'i(‘d in pocket 01- pursv, Px-eventics are a. genuine;1.inst colds. 25c. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Threatening fvvmishness with child- ren is quickly and safely calmed by Preventich These little Candy Cnld Cure Tablets slmuld always be at; hand â€"â€"fm- pmmptness is «ll-important. n Sr. III.â€"Mm-jmii“e Johnson EI- mel- anntm] 2572.“\?_\ 13f_=ynzt_x;_23%. 11v r. Mr. Jonathan Baker of Lemouvllle met with what, might have been a serious accident a week ago at Stnulf- ville. He was just Sealing himself in his cutter to return home, when his hnrse took fl ighc at some clothes flap- ping on a line. The hm-se lmlted. throwing Mr. Baker with great- force agniusta telephone pole, his shoulder struck. his heml barely escaping. The horse dashed rm, and three girls in a. cutter ahead jumped out. Mr. Bakex’s horse plunged into the vacated cutter, smashing things generally. and run- ning the end of the, shaft into the other lmrse’s side. Ml. Baker’s shoulder is very painful and sore. but is doing very Well. Report SS. No. 6.1VIarkham for January. The auction sale nf farm stark. im- plemvuls. Mm, .of Mr. Abraham Heiew, last Saturday. Was ix r-ll attended. and guud pricvs I'Pnlizvd. Stock was in ï¬n? condition. and with Mr. Juhn Prenticouml his suhstnnliul assistant wie-lding ihe hnnmu-r Mr. Heise was well plvasod with the results. Mr. He-ise hnsn-ntvd his farm tn Mr. vai Schell, whnse farm mljuins it. on the west, and is moving intu Old Gm‘mley. Mr. Si-hell is muving (m the Heise farm. as the burns and stabling "rte nun-e suited to the milk business in which he is extensively engaged. Mr. 0. Side! of Perry Station visited friwxds in New Gm-mley m‘m- Sundav. Mr. Jacnh Coher 0f Tin-unto visith 11191105 1" new Urm'mley nvm- Sundav. Mr. .lacnh Cob?!- nf Tin-unto visited friends at Victoria Square and Gm'm- luv last Friday and Saturday. Mr. J. Hirksun had a very successful sale: on Feb. 22nd. Fm-m stuck and im- plvments sold well. That horse-:4 are in de-nmnd was shown by the prices oh- tuinvd,‘une mare hving knocked down to Mr. G00. Hurt for $225. while :umlher hm-sc snld fur $200. The-[e was a. room“! m-nwd. Mr. J. H. Prom licv was nuctinnvvr. Mr. Jucnl) Brumwoll. of Highland Uri-vk. is visiting his sun. Mr. \Vilnmt Brmuwell. Cmpvntc-r, B.S.A., Fluitlzmd, will he the spr-akels. In the rveuing at 8 a juint. met-ling will he held in the hall whvn the three spvnkers will give ud- (lI-esse-s. and there will be other enter- tahnmgnt. Allure “'elcnnw. Enst Yul-k Farmer’s und VVnnwn'n Instituu-s will hold their lllt't‘ï¬ï¬‚gs here on Saturday. {IR-h. 12. Thi- \me-u’s Institute will nun-l «L. Mrs. Thu». Fris- lvv’x at 2 rum. \thl'e‘ there will he a dvmnnsumion (‘f nuke-making by E. Frmu-h. and an address by Mrs. J. E. Bn-Lhuur uf Burful'd. At 2 p.11). thPl-e will :clxn lw n Inc-Ming of the Farmer’s Institute in the Temperance Hull. Mr. \V. G. Shem-w of Bright and Mr. G. H. Victoria Square; S (mange. G ormley Miss Emily Line. who until a few years ago. was a resident of this vill- age, passed away in Toronto on Satur- day. The funeral took place here on Tuesday morning upon the arrival of the train from Toronto. The late Miss Line was an active worker in the Ep- wnrth League, and :1, member of the choir, and her friends here will regret to learn of her death. The sympathy of all is extended to the sci-rowing mother, sisters and brothers in their bereavement. Pickled walnut-s. 400. bottle. Pickled white unions, 3Uu. bottle. Mixed Pickles. large sizvd bottles, 250. each. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. \Valker, relict of the late Jos- eph \Valkex', passed away at the home uf her son at Testnn on Saturday at; the advanced age of 80 years. The inâ€" terment took place here on Monday afternoon. A good time is expected at the tea and entertainment, under the auspices of the XVnmen’s Auxiliary on Mondn evvning the 14Lh inst. Rev. 8. V . Dea'n a. former pastor will deliver a lecture, and there will be solos, chorus- es 860. Tea. will be served from 5.30 to 7.30. Admission 25c. The Epwnrth League purposes hold- inga skating party on the rink on Friday evening Feb. 18th. Skating frnm 7 till 9.30 p.m. after which a hot luncheon will be SPl'ved in the school- ronm of the Methodist, church. Tick. ets 15 cents. Our 100le hockey team \ve’nt, to King City last week and defeated the team of that; place by 5 tn 1. A Fancy Dress Carnival will be held on the rink bore on Friday evening of this week. See bills for particulurg. A 11:»- nu , Miss Florence Cainbzl‘r-ar'; "Izlldui'th Gondwin of Toronto. visiLed at. the [game of Mr. “’1â€. Robinson over Sun- The yuumg men of the town held a Skating Pmuy in the rink on Muudny evening. Thk~ Band gave a splx-ndid program of music. and the twu huurs spent. on the il'e were thoroughly en- joyed. After leaving the rink the guests} a_ll proceeded to the Masonic If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home try Dr. Shoop’sâ€"at least once. It is 1 borough. ly unlike any other Cough prepara- tion. Its taste will be entirely new to youâ€"unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloro- form, or :my other stupefying 'in- gradients are used. The tender leaves ()f a harmless lung~heuling mountain- ous shrub, give to Dr. Slxrmp’s Cough Remedy its marvelous curative prop- ertivs†It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Councillor J. H. Sanderson, J. P., on the report of J. G. Rutherford. Veter- inary Director General. gives notice that inhivs being known to exist in the western part of Ontario. all dogs within the said area must, either be securely chained in an outhouse or other build- ing, or kept under lock and key. or kept constantly mnzzled with a. pro er muzzle. In view of the fact; 1 at rubies is readily ll unsmissihle to human beings. the attention of all provincial and municipal ofï¬cers is specially di- n-cted to this order and their co-opem- tion in its enforcement is earnestly requested. Hull, ' whelfe vl-efrési;rï¬Ã©ntâ€"é-‘WJEVER; vided by the ynung ladies. At the after meeting Mr. H. A. Nicholls occupied the chair. Mr. Kliuck gave an instructive address on the subjezt "Oats." Shan addresses were also giVen by Mr. Keith. Mr. W. H. Olubine. and Mr. J. McLean. A vute of thanks was «Rot-wards tender- ed the speakers on mntian of Mr; J. H. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. M. Boyle. The follnwing are the prize-winners: Spring \Vhentâ€"P. \V. Boy-mm), J. B-rillingpr. Oats (White) -'.I‘. \V. Stephens. Oats (Black)â€"-â€"T. W. Stephens. G. H. Rumble. Pause (Ln rge)â€"Ed. Dickson. Pause (Snmll)~'l‘. W. Stephens. d (13'10\'er(Red)â€"J. Bl-illinger, J. Tyn- u'l ‘ ()lnm-r (Alsike)â€"-T. W. Ste hens. Potatoes (Eux'ly)-â€"Alhert ones. T. ‘V: Stephens: Potratkws (Lnte)-â€"T. ‘V. Stephens. Albert. Jones. The annual Seed Fair under the anus- pitws of the Agricultural Society was held in the Lorne Hall Tuesday of this week. There was a. large attendance, many of the pmmment farmers in the surrounding neighborhoods being pres- mt. The judging of the various ex- hibits of grain. seeds. etc.. was done h Mr. Keith of 'l‘munto. and Mr. 0. V . Klinck of the Ontario Agricultural College: . ,ay. such as you may obtain under the vorv best conditions at Tha Central BuF'iues‘: (91,5510 of 'l‘m‘n'w, is a rumpaaspm't -o Suture . lnnusanda have proved 3‘3. \"n’l‘ynot invesui we f0" :“nnren? (:u' ï¬cc cannot» ‘ Meg" _\I,'r. ‘ f 1' i;. W. 11. Eh.._W. a OFFICIAL NOTICE. SKATING PARTY. SEED FAIR. Maple. f%+++%+++++é-§'+++%+4 +~§+Mé~§u§~ 'ï¬-i‘id'i'wflinï¬++4+++~P$+°ï¬+++$+$+ "hi-4"?+$¢+ééi$++¢+$$$+ééé$éé® 44" Golden Eagle Coffee . 450 1b. Maple Leaf Coffee, extra choice, 4501b. Souvenir Coffee, in 1 1b. hand- some oannisters . 45o tin Wood’s Vienna Coffee . 400 lb. Wood’s BB Brand Vienna Coffee . . . 8501b. *é‘EQ'Il'H-hlfl'i'itï¬-i-‘l-Md-MW “I'd-M NQRMAN J. GLASS Q FUTR“I'T(HTER ' ¢a*+@+++a¢¢%é%é¢ b+%"¢¢+i++é+Â¥i?*é%*¢#+*$é$§$*+®*+éi ééééééi Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE \ RICHMOND HILL Feb. 10, 1910. Good Resolves come thick and fast, and as the new year’s ushered in, lea‘ve not temper- ance for the last, but as a. starter begin to At away less than cost price right; here at. home. Men’s Suits, regular $ 9.00 for $ 5.50 " †“ 11.00 for 7.50 “ " “ “ 13.00 fur 8.50 Men’s Overcoats, regular 11.50 for 7.50 “ “ “ 14.00 for 10.60 These must be snld to make room for Spring Stock. THE R. H. FURNISHER Highest Prices Allowed for Butter and Eggs IT IS NOT a. good time to build Wire Fences. NEITHER is it the season for using Binder Twine. BUT IT IS a. good time to leave your order for either. The Anthony Wire Fence is, without doubt, the best; in the market today. See THE KNOT. Don’t’ buy any other until you do. Also, see our samples of Binder Twine. There are none better, and some not quite as good. and you will ï¬nd our prices right. If notâ€"DON’T BUY. Agents for Mellotte Cream Separators, Amatite and Paroid Rooï¬ngs, Eastlake Metal Shingles and Sidings. , Richmond Hill Hardware 80. “Always welcome in our store 'whether you buy or not.†THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0 Suit 0r Overcnat NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A $+++~MWW+¢++M~+$ DRINK OUR Health-Promoting Coffees THE 0006090 §¢¢§N§ NORMAN BATTY, Manager Mowwwwwwwwwwa‘;