Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1910, p. 5

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The Exw-utive' of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Such-{y will nqu in thp (‘mnm'il ('hillllht'l‘ on Saturday the . 19th at 2.30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hewis uf Barrie ' made a visit with Mr. N.- Lylwtt and family and returned Tuesday. Mr. Charh-s \V'rlliams. Olive dairy. 'l‘nrnntn. \‘isilvd at his hume at, Elgin Mills on \Vr‘dnoszlzly last. Mr. and Mrs. Grm‘v. Markham Val. «g». visitul aLlhe humm- (11' Mrs. Al- lM-l-t Williams on Tlmrsdn y. Bream-ND HILL. 0m, FEB. 17, I910 va. B. Midfurd will preach in $110 Mullmdis! rhnrch lth Sunday under the auspicvsnf [he \V.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Koch uf Markham vil- lage visitml the luth-r‘s sister. Mrs. Albert \Villimus last Thursday. Th0 :mditom‘ I-(‘pnrts of (h? village xxx-counts {m- 1909 are in tlw hands nf lhl' Clerk and 'l‘rvusurer. [mewsted ciiizeus will call ma him fur a cupy. Best Pearl Tupiucn. 4 lbs. fur 25v. Ra.anle Rice. 6 “us. for 250. Pulishvd Rangoon Rice. 5 “N. fur 250. Finvst‘ Jan'u Rice, 3 “IS. fur 256. A-tkinsun & Switzer. Mr. E. R. Fairoy, nf thr- Standard Bank staff at. Maplv. made u Visit hens (m his way In his home at. Markham whvre he has gunc m u [WU WI-cks’ hulida y. Mr. '1‘. A. Lumun will lw the essayist at, the Pl‘k’sl)yL9l'lilll Guild this Friday utgulng. subjgct.‘ _l_1nngfell0’\1"s jun-uh Miss Ethel Switzor mu-mnpzmivd the Mendelssuhn Uhnir tn Bulfalu and Cleveland this week, in which cities they gave concerts.- The remains nf Mrs. John Mullhnl- laud, furmmly of Elgiu Mills. Worr- brought here last: Munday and interred hesidr a number of her children who died (If diphtheria many years ingu. “Rt-sififint-iun'." Miss Jenn Bnyl‘e wili be leader. Another hrnken axle caused at cm to lvnvv the track a few (Wt-Hing: ago in the uelghbul'huud (If Jufl’m‘sun. Fur- mnatnâ€"ly the cur headed for the centre of Yuugt-St. and no person was injured. Mr. Neil \Villialn Manny nf Testnn has lecentlv pm-rhasm frmn Mr. JeSse Murray Hf Saskatuun. Sash. his falm (rnnsisling of 100 acres uf Int 25. Gun. 6. Vaughan. Mr. Murray intends guing to the “795:. sunn'. The Ness farm on the 3rd mm. of King nem- EVo-rsle-y has [won suld tn Thus. J. Ferguson. an :Idjnining fur- ther. The dvul was put thmugh by Mr. H. A. Nicholls, Real Estate Agent. Richmond Hill. ' Rev. E. H. 'l‘nvo. who suffered from an attack nf typhoid at [he hnme uf Mr. But-km“, 'lvft, on Monday with his faflwr and “author for their home in Gtmdwnnd. His many friends will he pleusud to learn uf his steady improve- ment.. Twu rinks uf the Office Spi-cinlty “lumpuny. Newmm-kvl. H19 Pxpected here this ('l‘lmrsduy) m’vning fur a friendly game with uur rinks. The visirms am; clmmpinns of the ann Lengnv. therefore it gnnd game may hv expected. The reva and members nf the Gunn- cll will tundm-n Bent-fit. Carnian tn the Village Band. tn he llPld Monday evening. 28(1) inst. It» is cunfidt-nlly expwch-‘(l lll:l.i,()lll' citizens Will assist in Innkng lhis carnival a success. Par- Liculnrs by hills in a few days. Thu culmmninn has Iweu made. he- twezm the. Bell Tole-phan Cumpnny and th Stoufl’ville & Bethesda Indu- pendvnt Telvphun? Gunmany. Sn that, now the citizens of this place are able to t:ka in a huge circle without extra chargv. Ueuu'ul office- :It Sundersun‘s drug store. Next Friday m'vning is Christian Eu- denvnr M'ening at the Epwm't‘h Lvugue‘ and the tnpic will hé. "'th Christian's (Ionsmlntinn. m- Hmv (ind Talks with Men.” Mrs. Batty will sing. and tho evening! promises Lu he- zm inLvrt-sting and prufimhle one, A large attend- ;mce is rvqnested. Thv next regular wanmtmicntinn of Richmond Lodge A. F. {‘33 A. M. will he held next Mimgny ‘9_\'e‘niy}g1'. R. \_V. Bun. Powers D.D.G.M., of "L‘uz'untn. East. Dfst No. 11:» will pay an Official' visitnn thatnccusinn. An initiatiun and the fr-lluw (waft; (iv-gave: wili he wurkvd. Thu lnethrvn expect a full lodge and :L gum] Limo. The Victoria Square branch of the \‘Vnmen’s Institute will hold their rug,- ularmonthly meeting at the hnme of Mrs. C. Read on \Vednesday. Feb. 23, :1t,2 p.m.. when the fullowing program will be given: Vocal duvt, Mrs. A. lmeknm‘. Miss ll. Bl‘Ule; Paper on “’l‘lmnghm (m the Opening Year." by Miss-H. Iiop'pvr; Music. wolzal. by Miss Rena thkex; report, of Guelph Cnnven Lion by M re. 1}. Stoutenhm'gh: Instru- mentals by Miss Topper and Mrs. Al“ A H are welcnmea Aids- V icboria. Square. ggihnrni. . The almuulSI. Valentine's social un- der the uuapices pf llle VVunmn's aux- iliary of Trinity ()hurrh. Thin-"hill, was held in V iclurin Hull un'Tnesday exening. Fell. 8. Ten was served frmn 6 to 8 after .which an excellent mu- sicnl prngrm'mne. was rendered by the Allliun Musical C-luhnf 'l'm'uutn- un- der the. direclimi (If Mr. Gemge Sharpe. and Mr. W. J. Stitt. organist (1 St. John's chum-h. Portland St. To- mntn. lt cnnsisteil of snlns. duets. quartettesnnd chm-uses by the club. The pieces chusen were. nf in character tudeumnd inusical ability and train- ing of it high degree nf excellence. and these qualities Were nhunduntly dis- played in the rendering of the. Sevm'nl numhers. Miss Piedhuln presided at the. piano, and prnved herself am ex- cellent accompanist. The, piano was kindly llmned fur the occasion by Mr. Herbert Humper, and the, auxiliary de- sire to express their thanks for this favnr. Messrs. Jennings and (Jumper gave a cnmedy sketch which was much appreciated. After the. programme. “‘nseumpleted. prizes were (lisl rihuled frum St. Valentine‘s tree. This was it enurce nf much amusement, and much lnughter \vus eruked when a yuuug man of courtly mnlntinn was present- ed with a hack cmnh. 01- am elderlv spinsterwilhnmg do". The ladies‘ wurk table and the. candy stall were generuusly putrnui'l. d and were the means (if adding a very considerable item In the [)l‘UlfPl'dS. The attendance was large. filling the hull tn its utnmst capacity. Mr. Gihsnn. in n few words thanked thuse present fur their kind assistance. and the Alhinn Club for the excellent plum-:mune. The net pruceeds. ull expena‘es puid. aunounted in one. hundred and fire dullurs. This money is u- be applied to the fund for re-senting the church. and decorating the intcl‘iul'. a work which is nuw he- ing dune. R E-OPENING SERVICE. Trinity Ghuxch. 'l‘hurnhill. will he re- opened with a service nf evening prayer 239d aging!) unLl‘hursdiny evfuiug. Feb. 2-1. The Rev. Cum-n Puwvll, rrctur of St. (‘lvnhâ€"nt’s Uhnrrh. Egliuum, will preach the sermon. and the choir (If leL church will furnish the music. 'l‘lwrr will he a cullectiun to which all the fricudsuf the church are invited tn contribute. The proceeds will be apâ€" pliud lo the. fund for re-svnting uud drum-at,ng ~the church. The service will lwgin MS u’cluck. All are cordially luvlu-d. Children‘s wool sxventm- coats. reg. $1.35 for $l.()0. Ludivs’ wunl skirts. regular $1.45 fur $1.20. Atkinson dz Switzvr. 'l‘wn rinks of our curling club went tn Bem‘ertun last Friday eveningund played a fliendlv match with the Bravel'tun players. Thu play was uâ€"ry clnsv. the visitors winning by nne shut. Uur players were nt’tvlwm'ds ruyally entertained and trvuted tn un nysLel' supper. The fullnwing are the Richumud Hill piayvl's:â€" J. H. Brydun A. (3%. Savage M. Buyle H. A. Nichnlls. skip 12â€"14 T. Newton '1‘. Trench ' T. annu Gr. Cuwie. skip 13â€"10 A (:unference was held at the City Hall Tuesday between representativrs of the cin and county relative £0 a re- adjustment, of the cost of the adminis- tiun of justice. For n numlwr of years the Cullnty uf York paid 22 per cent}. uf the cost. but as large pm Linus uf the county have, since the former agree- uwm. bet-n taken mm Tut-unto, the «:nuutly now claims they shuuld only [my 14 per cr-nt. A sub-committee has lwen uppuinted to hmk intu the matter. The committee is (:mnpused of Mayor Gbnry. (Julnluifiinuor Harris and City Sulicitm Juhnslun {m- the city. and CuuuciHnr “7. H. Pugsley, Solicitul' T. H. Lunnox, M.L.A.. and Ouunty Clerk J. H. ansde-n for [he cnunty. Mrs. Sliney and daughters Annie and Muhel of Elgin Mills made :1 lwu \vevks’ visit with friends and ielatives in Tuttenhum and Allistun. Oppuse imprm‘rments. Vote against. the establishment of imlustrivs. ' Mislrust public men. Run the town down to strangers. Um to some other town Lu trade. ernse to advertise in yuur paper. l)0 nut. ixn‘vst a ernt; lay out. your lucney smnewhele else. Be particular to discrvdit. the mo- tive, of public-spirited men. Lenqtlwn your face when a stranger speaks (2f locating in ynul' tuwn. If a man waan lo lmy your proper- tv ask him two pricps for it. If he wants other pruperty interfere and (lisumlmge him.‘ Refuse lu scheme that yn_ 1}. Liberal and “Weekly Globe . . . . . . . $1 Liberal and \Veekly Mail . . . . . . . . 1 Liberal and Canadian Fax-u) . . . . . . 1 Liberal and Toronto Saturday ' Run down your officers. Run dawn evmything and every- body but Number Ono. Night . .. .. Libmn) and Faunlv Herald .. .. Liberal and The Evvning News Lilwml and Dain Glnhu (York Cuunty). Q. . . LEM:sz and Duiiy Mail (York Sunni); . . . . . . . 1.1 . . . . . . Li herul .( 1 111A WAYS TO HURT YOUR T0\VN. DIVISION OF LA \V COSTS. ST. VALENTINE'S SOCIAL. CLUBBING RATES FOR 1910. TRIP TO BEAVERTUN. an'd’ Farmer's Sun. . . . .. and Fm'marr’s Advocate and Farm 8; Dairy . . . . . 4le (m e :h p-mm- f.’ 511‘ upstage. Isoe the merit. in any docs not, exactly benefit 1.90 ‘1 3.50 7:3 75 50 Uncle-r tlw ducisinu issued recvntly hy the Divisiun Cum-tat. Osgoode Hall. the $240 (lul‘nuges awarded Muses Vumlerhurg in his actirm against, the townships uf Markham and Vaughan. 5 is SllStninf‘d. Vanderhurg owns prop- , erty (m the harder lim- nf hoth ann- ships, abutting nn Ynnge St. A I hlmrkud culvert. he claimed, caused an (werflnw of “'Htt‘l‘ which considvmhly dmuugvd his land. mud as a result, he omen-d uctiun. Under Mr. Justice Lumhfm'd he was awarded danmgfls, and n umndatury injunution was also issued in prewnt the humble occurng again. The injum-t-inn is also upheld, in dismissing the appeal. thvir Lm'd- ships pointed out that it is plainly the- lduty of thee tmvuships to keep tlwir lculverts in rvair.--Markh;un Econo- mist. The largefit crowd uf skaters and specmtm-s that has assembled in the rink fur in lung» time Was present at the Valentilm Carnival Monday eve- ning. 'Mamy of the costumes were Very pvt-Hy. mud the various racing mmtests were exciting and interesting. The committee in chargeâ€"Reeve Pug- sley. and Cnunciilurs Sanderson and Simsâ€"managed everything to erfec- tiun. and the 'udgiug was per 01 med ivy yl'lIeLMq Might-(m, and Mr. '1‘. A. Launnn. The band gave an chelienl programme. every selection having a skating swing. Thnse- in ms- tume represented witches. Dutchmen, Uhinalnen. Japanese. Indian girls 6m. and the motley cmwd made an attrac- tive spectacle. Mr. F. E. Sims fur- nished light refreshments in the cur- ler’s mum. and B. Ransom took change of the check room where par- cels were taken charge of for a nickel. The fulluwing wun prizes:â€"- ' Prettiest. Lindy Vulvntineâ€"lst O. Bredin. Queen uf hmrls; 2nd. E. Mur- Ehv: 3rd J. Appletun, Queen of carts. Grecian cosbiaiwm P. Gibson. Dutch “ â€"E. Gamble. Chinese " â€"O. E. Palmer. Representative costumeâ€"lst OliVe Mun-gun. Japanese girl; 2nd Muriel Brydun. Indian Princess; 3111 Jennie GmnhIe. D_ulch_ Lady. Girls under 12 yearsâ€"1st Kathleen Murphy. Night: 2nd Irene McMahon. Valentine girl; 3rd Nellie McCunaghy. Gigsy Infiid. d'Open raceâ€"l, A. Gunper, 2. F. Bree- m. 06m raceâ€"l. J. Namghto‘n. 2. 0. Smith. ' Driving race, dnnMeâ€"l, B. Newton. 8. Churlvs.â€"~R. ’Wilsmn. driver: 2.” E. gripsun, A. Davidsonâ€"H. Palmer. uver. [inch-girls under 12 yearsâ€"13$ K. Riley. 2nd I. McMi‘hqr). Rake. lmva under 12 yearsâ€"42¢ M. Palmer, 2nd 0. Palmer. ’ Driving race. singleâ€"l. B. Bnucmtk. BtFlnnk: 2. 8. Newton. S. Charles. \th wouldn’t give 25 cents to stop a. pain 20 times? Just. (me. little “Pink Pain 'l‘ahh-l.”-â€"DI'. Shuup’sâ€"will swp nny [min in 20 minutes. sun-l Read the formula nn the box. 'Ductm-s say it can’t he buttered. Checks wonmnly pains. lwnd pums, :my pain. mmblebs Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Fetch and carryâ€"l. F. Rilvy; 2, F. Bredin. ' Thofnlinwing res-nlubit'm passed by the Otflnial Board nf the Methndist chm-chat its nun-Hug nn thv 7th of Ft‘lu-uul}Y has lwvn fI-_I_-w:u~ded by BIO. A.J. Hume. Rncm-ding StP\V:;ld, to Rev. E. H. Tove. assistant pastor of the (hum-h:â€" Moved by Bro. McMahon. seconded by Bro. Gee that whereas in the. dire-c. llnn of Divine Providence our dear Bro. and pastor. Rev. E. H. Toye. has been afflicted with severe illness. and whereas he is. by God's grace. in a- fair wnynf renown-y. thPl'efme be. it re- solved that. this Quarteer Official Board in session assembled. do place on record its heartfelt sympathy with (ml-Brother in his severe trial. and al‘ so its deep lhnnkfulness to Almighty God for the good hope of returning health that he now enjoys. Also we desire to assure our Int-other that he linsheen and still is much upon our hem-ls. and that he has our earnest prayers and heat wishes for a speedy return to his \vnnted health and strength. and that he may he long spared to a life. of usefulness and hap- piness. 7mle positivply stnpppd in 20 min. utes, with Dr. Shnup‘s Cmnp Remedy. Uno test alone will surer prove this truth. Nu vnm'ting. no distress. A safe and pit-using syrupâ€"500. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. ’ Genuonwn. now is the time to got your new spring suit. while the stuck is new. and secure. host choice. A splvndid assm-tnwnt. of patterns tn choose from; moi-y suit, IS guaranteed to he pol-feet. in fit and workmanship. $15, $20 and $25. Atkinson & Switzer. TO WNS HI PS LOSE APPEAL. RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY. such as you may obtain tuner the verv best conditions at Thu Central .Businesa College of Toronto. is 9. mm passport to success. Thousands have proved it. Why not investigate for yourself? Our free catalogue explnms. Write for in. W. H, SHAW. Principal. VALENTINE CARNIVAL. BUSlfiESS EUBRHN MH'I'WMM Atkinson 8c Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL Golden Eagle Coffee . 450 lb. Maple Leaf Coffee, extra choice, ‘ 450 lb. Souvenir Coffee, in 1 lb. handâ€" ’ some cannisters . 400 tin a ood’s Vienna Coffee . 4001b. 3 W Wood’s BB Brand Vie n n a i Coffee . . , . 350 lb. ' rwwm+me++mm 1'4"!" *WW‘P “Hi-“mi- WW ~+++++§+++H P+++++£~+++WW ++++M++fi$+++-P++HH+*+'I; é44-4"?++++++€~$++$++4++é~+é++4~ +++%+H++++++++++*+++++‘10%"? Good ResolVes come thick and fast, and as the new year’s ushered in, leave not; temper- ance for the last, but as a. starter begin to ' Feb. 10, 1910. MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, regular 75c. and $1.00, for this week 350. each, or 3 for $1.00. MEN’S HEAVY RUBBERS,b%k1e or lace, reg- ular $2.00 to $2.60, for $1.70 to $210. MEN'S PATENT LEATHER BOOTS, Iregular $4.00 and $4.50, for from $2.00 to $2.75. vammmr 1'7. 10’ “ A FEW BARGAENS Highest Prices Allowed for Butter and Eggs. Richmond Hill Hardware 60. 11‘ XS NOT a good time to build \Vire Fences. NEITHER is it the svason for using-Binder Twine. BUT IT IS a good time th leave your order for either. The Anthony Wi're Fence is. without. doubt. the best in the market to-duy. Sme THE KNOT. Don’t buy any other until you do. Alsn. see our samples of Binder Twine. There are mme better. and some not quitvns gnnd. and you will find our prices right. If nutâ€"DON’T BUY. Agent») for Mollntte Cream Separators. Amatite and Pat'uid Roofings, Eastlake Metal Shingles and Sidings. “Always welcome in 0111‘ stat-v whether you buy or not." NQWv’EAN J. GLA8S FOR ONE WEEK ONLY THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. NORMAN BATTY, Manager fl ) UTFFETETFER DRINK OUR Health-Promoting Coffees THE 6060060 0000900 ay. .snw-zn»? soak+~sc+e§~~z~+4e~ww+4~vze¢mw§~

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