Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1910, p. 5

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5 lbs. of good 30:: tea, green. black m: mixed. fur $1.25, fur one week only. Atkinson & Switm-r. ’ ‘ ‘ - Th9 Grant MiSsitm Bum! win hie-(5t on Friday aftenmnn at LL11- usual limi- mul pluck. ‘ m!» I fiibeml, Rev. P.’ 1315169 tmk [nu-t in‘fthe llmisfii 5.8. [Institute held at .vamy (m Muuduy. . Miss Ellau‘N’Ium-hy nf Summerhill Ave., Tun-nu». Is a guest. of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. W'right. Mr. and Mrs. E. Britnell and chil- dren (If Tornntu spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. .GJasa.. . . - Mrs. Hoover; of Almira‘, a, former residan of this village, Spent from Tuesday-till Sutux-day‘yisitiug old :ch- quaintiulces. r u .' . this week attending the annual meet- ing uf/Gnmd Lodge, A. 0. U. W., as a, delegate from Ivy Lodge. ‘ , 2' Mrs. (Dr.) Spuiding and children of Swansea are visiting Mr. mid Mrs. S. M. Brown this week. Miss Genevieve Harris spent, part of last week With Mrs. A. F. Leek, Hend-. fol-d, wheré‘ ' she met, a. number of friends. On Sunday. 27th inst., being Easter- Suudn‘y; ‘special music will he given in the Methodist Ohm-ch at each service. A carefully arranged song service will be given in the evening. Rxcnmmb H1fi'.’6§£3ii§é§fif1’9io A mx‘eting ‘0f the. di1;ectors of 'the Richmmad Hill Agricultural Snlciety' will be held in the Luz-m; Hall on Sat,- urday. Mm ch 19. at 2.30 p.m. " The last number of The Canadian Farm contains at good photograveur of Ree‘v'e W. H. Pugslev, President of Ontariu Good Roads‘Associatinn. M r. Pugsféy was rc-elected President at the reuent meeting of the Good Road Association held in Toronto. .. The ladies of Thornhill and vicinity are invited to call and see Mrs. Shuter’s display of Easter Millinery on V’Ved- nesdny, March 23, and following days._ See udvt. on another page. ‘ i -‘ Next Sunday morning at, the Memo; dist church Rem-A. P. Brace will take the closing topic in his Battle Series: "The Secret of Victory.” In the evening Rev. Fred Graham will preach. Last. Sunday morning before. the average citizen’was out of bed Cock Robin and his mate could be heard attuning their pipes beneath the bed- room windows, as if spring were to be ushered in at once. Before evening, however. the redbreasts disappeared from our midst, but were again among as yesterday morning. The death of Mr. Alexander Marsh which took place at, his home last Saturday removes from our midst another pioneer who was long and highly respected in this section of the (mantry. Deceased had been ill for several months, and gradually grew weaker until he passed away on Satur- day surrounded by his wife, his son and his grand children. Interment took place in the family plot in the Richmond Hill cemeter on Monday. previous to which a, funeral service was conducted at the residence by the pastor. Rev. E. (J. Currie. Deceased was in his Slst year. Mrs. Randolph of Seattle. who, has“ been spending the winter months with her mother. Mrs. (Dz-.)»McL(-ll:m.’fl"($§s mum. visited with hex; cousin, Mun, T. F." McMahon, on Tueéd'ay. The dog muzzling order has been pretty »well obeyed in this village. Only one canine, so far as we have heard. slipped away from home. and his master was forced to pay $2 im- his release. The dogs are getting sollie- what reconciled to their wire decom- tions, but that they will ever really enjoy wearing the new headgear is very doubtful. ‘ Many old friends here will he pained to learn of the sad death of Mr. James Hatfey. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Huffcy, 2nd Can. of Vaughan. Deceased. who was 38 years of age anl married, had been an employe in an automobile factory in Philadelphia. and in 3passing through the shop be- tween, and 4 o’clock on Saturday, the 12th of March, some part of the machinery broke. striking Mr. Haffey in the head, and causing almost instant death. The remains were figught here, accompanied by his w ,-» and were interred in the Thornhill R. C. Cemetery yesterday. The deepest ympathy is felt for the wife. the father and mother and other relatives. Mr; T. F. McMahon, is in Toronto MR. MARSH’S DEATH. ACCIDENTAL DEATH. The case-of Mus. Emma. Gamble of Jefferson against the townships of Vaughan and Markham was concluded V lustfl‘liul'sday. The case: wusiljied m ft-heiNonst‘ Ass‘ize 0mm. presided uver by Mr. ustice Gluu’. The action was for damages, the plaintiff claiming :‘chab‘ she I'g-ceived a nervous shock. lfiWihg to a; dynamite charge being exploded near hvr house, withnut due warning. 1 The dynamitewas exploded in a‘ gravd‘_pit, several windqu in Mrs. Gamble’s house w‘ere broken, and she testified she was still sulfa-ring gzwith nermgsness as the 1-951le of the Vshock. Aftei- hearing the evidence of several doctors and Other witnesses judgment, was given plaintiff $570 and costs, 'As the particular Charge was exploded by employes of Vaughan goungil his Lurdshig suggestf-d that STORY OF MENARGHIE. ‘ Mil/s. Ahb’y, Snell Btu nell in the chat." actgv of, and impersonating a: high; figaglgevflindu woman. will give :1 graphic and realistic portrayal of life in India,- in the Methodist Church Friday evenJ ling; March 18. Mrs. Burnell comes from “a good old New England stock." heingn descendant, of John Alden and Priscilla and a cousin only mice re: moved to William Cullen Bryant. Her; platform ~ ability is acknowledged by? ,[vhousa nds of people. and her Imperso‘m 'ntion of Menarchie has been repeattd more than 1,400 times. She speaks Friday evening under the auspices of 3 the Epworth League. Do not fail in What; Admission 10vcents. _. ' V. W. Bun. Thns. Newton, 31.0. ' \VfiB‘i-m'rGem-ge Hedi, S. .8. " \V..Bl'u_'.'1?. G._Sm‘age, I. S. W. Bro. 'W. H. Legge, I. G. W. Bro. G. B. Newbery, Tyler. All im-ulfiliatje'd Masons residing"in the village are cordially invited to at- tend this or «my other meeting of Richmond Ludge. Always remember that no formal invitation is required among Masons. and'rwhcre a. Lodge TR‘muu is there Mason are always \vel. come. - The next regulm'meat‘ing drama};- mend Lodge”A.F;&A.M. will he héld on Monday evieuingr March 21, and g; this will he the Hi ht 'fnr-‘the-‘Annuzil Re-uninn of Past. glasters, the chain will bepfl-lled’ By‘ the following Past Maste‘m'kg ‘L , R. W. 3m" H. A. Niclmlls. W. M. I \V. Brh. T. A. Lumun, S. -\V. ' I Wuu..B¢m T: H. Ti-efi’ch, J. W. \V. Bun'A. P. Brace. Chaplain. ' V. W. Bro. 1‘. F. McMahon, Sec.’y. \V. Bro. D. Bill, S. D. ’ unusually bright. and attractive ' m‘ was given at the Ep‘wnrth \ i‘é’ last‘ Friday ,evening. After the, usual innlng‘ exercises were mm- ducted hy the President, Mr. A. J. Hume, Rev. A. P. Brace took the chair for the balance of the ev_ening.-»The programme Was of a musical and liter- ary character, and was givgn as am upimced in THE LIBERAL last‘week. Vocal solos weregiveu by Mr. W. A. Wright, Miss 0. 3witzer. Mr. Hume, ,MiSS M. Trench, and Miss E. Switzel'; u sath‘n solo by Mr. Hume, a violin solo by Mr; H. Sanderson; a recitation byZMr. J. H. Ormistnn; a, reudin’ by Miss Winch. and two readings by rs. (Rev.) Currie. The organ accompaniâ€" ments were plade by “Mrs: 'H'ume. Miss M. Trench. Miss IN. McMahon ,and Miss O. Mortson. ‘ “EWORTH LEAGUE PROGRABL Vaughan townsfilfi Ehé'lvxrlnd" Markham township for their share in the ngpensesyof _the judgment. 01d friends around Richmond Hill will_b9 pleglseditn learn lhat. Mr. W. Clifford. now of Toronto, is making a name for himself as a crack shot. A letter to a‘ friend states that he is selected to go to England this coming summer to shoot with the Canadian team at Bisley Camp. Last year he won first place in the Compemy match, and gained prizes in nearly all the 0‘. R. A. matches. He was second in the Grand Aggregate match at Otm’wa. gained, several individual prizes. and won 4th place in the Bisley Aggroguté. thus making him 4th choice in this yeluj’s team gning to England. “Billy” uses-a new sight. on his rifle, invented by himself, for which pat'entshgye been applied in Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain. ' PATRON IZE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. = " Many residents of Vaughan and Markham townships in the vicinity of Richmond Hill take advantage of the pxivileges of our Public Lihmry and Reading Room. We understand;hnw- ever, there are a few families who never get a book from the shelves. As Vaughan and Markham councils each give a. grant to the Public Li- brary, every citizen is emitled to full Privileges \vilhoub any cost. It. is to re hoped that, in future every family within a. reasonable distance Will call at the Library for banks. The Library is open every Tuesday and-Saturday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. ‘ The Presbyterian Guild has an inter- esting program for Friday evening. The chief feature. will he a debate. “Resolved. that, the mind gains more knowledge from observation than from reading.” The affirmative will be sup- orted by Mr. N. R. Brydon, Miss aI-jorie E. Boyle. and Mr. J. H. Ormiston. while the, negative will he ably sustained by Mr. Geo. Tuppor. Miss Alice Manir and Mr. Gen. Al~ lison, Jr. Besides the debate there will be special music and readings to add interest to the program. Every. body is invited, and instead olen ad, mission fee there will be a” silver 601‘» lection taken”. ' M RS. GAMBLE UOMPENSATED. PAST MASTER’S MEETING. INTERESTING DEBATE. GOING TO BISLEY. The pustp 3 (id cafni li'given 1b the .Yillugé Céufic‘ildu- Md‘ifif fihe‘ Ban Wm: 'helegMlmflngEVening of this Week. There was «y larg‘e‘crowdfuf skaters and spectatgxgs .gnz'ytwithqmudlng , thy; fact. thah’thé-fl .1th lac-322% very windy andsstm'my - The ‘lmngi-iansxay'e twelve hands, am} it, is~ nei‘~ less to say even y’b‘cmd' was th’omughly enjoyed by the skatersw The followin‘g'ar‘v some of the characters reprwfngged in pus- tumo: An Old Létdy.“ B yrfle Smiglg; Gypsy Girl, Mmgm-9fig00wie’; Topsy. H. J udgea: English Sufiragettfi'Sndte Smith; Rose Bud, Byrle Gould; Typlé cal'Irishtyan,‘ HarnlglflMg‘yphy: Laugh: lug Water“. Maire!” ‘Smnt‘b: Night; Kathleen Riley; Unipn Jack. Turner Wiley; 'Suhflésfic’fik Nellie cOoimghy: Night. Louie Harding; Gir firm!) the Emgrn‘l‘dflsle: Stella. Mgr-ply} -' w w ._ Hulley‘s Comet. promises to be a: "great attraction during the month of May. The luminous body may now be seen, when-conditions are‘favnmhle, with the aid of a field glass, but its greatest. bI-illia-ncy will ,be attained about the 18th of May. "About that ‘time. if *rlouds do not obscuraitfi't will :he'a dazzling sight, About a third of the heavens Will be ‘biolored with 3 tier }gnld.j rIts great flashes of light wil ‘playefrom pnepattpf the heavens to another. find the scenes will be remembered for generations. Halleny - mind. has Tween “m5th :‘fhr‘its’li‘f-illiant displays. There is absolutely no danger to the earth from the; chine}; The gearth'is going to shth mm; its mil ’ like a cannon ball through * fir atmos- phere. The idea‘that any harm will come ~from the ‘polsohous gases is ridiculous. When the comet is nearest the earth we shall be 14,000,000 miles away." ' ‘ t. . ‘ L; ,5; » a The followifigi'ax-‘é the firiifiwinn'grs: Representative Cbstui‘nesâ€"i‘éls't. ‘Ind‘iain Girl; M. Smith: 2nd, Topsy. H. Judges; arggngngnsh Su'ffg-hgett?’ ‘Smit‘br ‘- Gifié nfihfiei“ Mist. the Mn.y,_ K. Murphy; 2nd. Base Bud, .B. Gould: Hrd._ Snnfln‘wer,»N.‘A§Ic(}()nughy; ' .- ' v V51: ; Gent. H. Mm-phw‘- . . Buys-under l'â€"lst, T. Wiley; 2nd, F. Breedin. I Race. Buys under Midst, F. Breedin; 2nd. H. McOnnn. Boy‘s Raceâ€"151;, C. Palmer; 2nd, 1“. Mg‘Cnnfaghyt' 1; "$1 ? Zé ‘ ' I: Although Mundgw misqcold and stormy t Vere Was *a large delivéx-y 6t Massey-Harris mnéhims- njh'd' other farm-in] lements ht’éUnionviHe on that dayfuvn er‘the management bf Mr. J. H.;Prentice, the "company’s a‘gént, "in? a spirited contéisb' of the 'énm" x-m’y’s sew‘entyfive agents during 1 . the prize; a. beautiful gqldr watch; suitably engraved, far the best 'and largest number of saless-Jyas W()rg";.’ary~Mx-.* Prentice; Dimiér was served' at the Queen's HotelVafter whichsthe presen- tation was made by Mr. Geo.» V‘Vfiite of the Massey-Harris Go; My. Pren- ttce responded” in ah‘ rappropri‘ate §peecb. and was followed bng'r.‘ Van- zant. a salesman for the Company. A, hearty vote of thei'nks was tendered to Mr. npdflMgs. Hemingway "for the, e‘Xcelleht dihpgfiWhighfiheY'héd {was vided fqg- all present. A most enjoy- able time‘wiisspé‘ht.‘ " ‘ r ‘ Fetcbuafid Garryâ€"let, Galley: 2nd. G. Harding; ,lst, CaPalmer; 2nd. 0. Hardmg. One test'aluné will surely prove this truth. Nu vomiting. no distress. A safe and pleasing syrupâ€"50c. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. Have‘yng a paint-41f any kind. amy- where? Stop jns‘tm Inifiutelh‘nd'thinkt It matters not whethegj ithv womani'y pains, head pains, orimy kind of a gun. nne uf Du;.3h¢mpis;utbtle._£ai'k nin Tablets will asux 91y stop ibinym minutes. Fox-main plamly‘printed on the25c. bu‘x; Sold by W.‘A. Sander- son. " - 'r ‘ ' BOYNTONâ€"GLOVEnâ€"~On ’ Wednegdaly, (iMux‘ch 16. 1910, at the Parsonage. by Rev. A. P. Brace;- B;D., HerbertC. B0 ntnn to Alice, daughter of Mr. 553 M_rs.'~vJ._Thos. Glover, both of RIDDELLâ€"In Richmond Hill. Thurs-- day, March 10. 1910. Thomas W. Riddell,‘ in his 54th year. V; 7 Interment in Richmond Hill Cemétery, Saturday. March 12. ' MARSHâ€"At Elms Lea, Richmond Hill. ' On Saturday, March 12, 1910, Alexâ€"‘ under Marsh, in his 81st yéar. Funeral from his him residence, Mnn- day. Min-ch 14. to the Richmond Hill Cemetery. / ‘ HAFFEYâ€"Accidentully killed in Phila- delphia. on Saturday, Mill'Ch 12. 1910, Jas; Haffeym sqn of Jas. Haifey, in his 38th Year; a Interment, in Thm-nhill Cemetery on :VVednesday, March 16. ' Gmup gosifivély stbppeti in 20 min utes. wit .Dr.‘ Shggp’s .anup Rexrquy m+m++++w+~mww++++++ 4*~303-++%+é-§*+~S~M¢+'fi°++~bé+°§o%fl Victoria Sduéfi-é. MR. PRENT‘IQE ,WATGHED; WATCH FOR THE COMET. From March 29th merges into our Summer Session from July 4 and aflords continuous opuurtunity (or bright. ynung people to qualify for good business positions (In: school, The Central Business College of Toronto. invites your consideration. Cnmlmua mai‘e'l onyequesh. W. H. SHAW. Principal. huge and Gerrard Sts , Toronto. ‘ SPRING TERM Balsam mam MARRIAGES. DEATHS. :594'Mf-W , 7 *+W°§°fi”¥w*+4°wM+Wfifi+ޤ++++++¢¢¢+ 4"!" ,3“ f+++é+flé++++é++++4 $40944 4-H -9fl-4E%+MN++4°W+'P**M%H** $M§++W+M+++mm+m *w m+++4+mw++m~r¢+q AtkinSon & Switzerj j ‘ “CONCRETE HOUSE *' - 2 RICHMOND HILL : “ 4 ““Values {Are V This Store’s Stronghold Phone 16 74‘in. Unbleached Linen Damask Tabling, flour de- - sign, per Yd. , . , . ‘ . ' soc 66-in. Bleached Mercerized Damask Tabling, per ydo: o r u ‘ u L o 74-in. Bleached‘ Extra \ljamask' Tabling, 'pure linen, H dot design, per'yd; ‘ V . I, M _ .} $I.oo I41ng}! 9/4 Bleathed Twilled Sheeting, per yd. 3 58: 50c EXtra" Heavy 8/4 Bleached Twilled Sheekipggmer yd. ‘4oc Circular Pillbw Cloth, 40, 42 and 44 in. wide, per yd. . ; . ‘ . 22¢ and 25c Hemétitched Pillow Cases, 33x44flin., finest quality, “pr... . Fang ,White Linen Towels; hefmstitched, all white, _ . ‘ . ,3 . . ‘ 35c Fanfiy‘White Huckaback Towels, with hemmed or v .Afringe'd’hnds, per pr. 3°C GENT S’VFURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES, N orman-J . Glass RUBBERS, CLOTHING INSURANCE AGENT ‘ Richmond Hill Ha'rdwareflo. IT- IS NOT a. good .time' to build Wit-é Fences. NEITHER is it the season for lising-Bindér TWine. BUT‘IT IS a godd time to leave:your order for either. . See THE KNOT. Don’t buy any other until you do. _ v ‘ The Anthony Wire Fence is, withoutAdbubt, the best in the market to-‘duy. Also, see our Samples of Binder Twine. There are none better. and some not quite as good. and you will find our prices right. If notâ€"DON’T BUY. Agents for Mellotte Ore‘am Seéanito'rs. Amatite and Paroid Rooflngs, Ezwtlake Metal Shingles and Sidings. . , ‘ ‘ “Always welcome in our store whether you buy or not.” THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE co. ' NORMAN BATTY Manager ram-bum C‘Q‘W-l-Wfl‘wm: «umwafismwww’ THE ¢¢¢o¢+§ OOOMO Richmond Hill PHONE 17 op

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