LIBERAL PRiNTMG & PUBLISHIRG HGUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Calls by uelophone from Richmond Hill charged to me. {S PUBLISHEDEVERY HHURSDAY NEOqu ING 1‘. F.«-MbMAHON, Licansau A:ubwueer . the County of Yo I: Go.) 14 sold 0-21 songigament General ‘mles 8300 (are promptly 'Lttendedbu at ransonnolt rates Residence Unionville G R Gan‘lmg, Newton Brook. agent for the hove Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salos-nbseudedho on shortea noticeund a. r98.- aonable rates Patronage solicit-ed License Auctioneer for the County of York re- spectfully Silllclts your patronage and friendly influence sales :Ltflnvzdeti on the shortest notice and at; easonabcmtea P 0 address King TfoENlilLIâ€"rrueéflzLys, 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p.111. EGLINTONâ€" Mnndny, Thursday. Friday and Saturday mornings; Monday, NVQdm-sdny and Friday evenings. [‘ORONTO 0ch 3, 129 Sherlmume St. Gas and Cocaine for extractions. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, DR. E. J. WOODS 13entisst, RiCHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS‘9.30 AM TO 5 PM. “ROCK IIAVEN,†RICHMOND HILL.- Pimmfm-te, Theury and Compost (ion, Voice Culture, Sight-Singing, Piano-Ensemble, Piano-Pedagogy. Prepares pupils fur Primary. Junior, Intelmedgnte examination etL Toronto Cnnsermmry and (Juliog‘e of Iviusic. Special (amuse in “Myer‘s†Kinder- garten Mmhod, pun-Liculzu-Iy helpful to beginners. 42-1y Results count. DURING TIIE SEASON 1908-1909, THIRTEEN PUPILS 0F MR. NEWTON PASSED EXAMINATIONS IN THE PIANO AND THEORY I)EfARTâ€" MENTS 01; THE TORONTO CONSERVA- TORY OF IVIITb‘IC AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. W SEND FOP. DESCREPTIVE BOOKLET. m HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hangen w. WWESON RESIDENCE, RICH MOND HILL .51 per annum, in advance.] ideon, T 88‘ 3513.))19 U VOL. XXXII. Newton School of Music MISS MILLIE TRENCH Calls from distance prompt-1y attended to. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘ laornhill. BUSINESS CARDS. '. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR igeon, J K Mel-Ewen Mayle Weston Saigeon a: NlcEwen. DEPARTMENTS. We iiihmi Emma d; Pnormmon. RIGIIMOND HILL Teacher of Piano J. El Plen' ï¬e. D. G. BLOUGH. ï¬tterimxry AT THE ï¬nial. 9’ PIANO TUNING Organs Repaired :md Expert Work Guaranteed BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. .Toronm Ofl’ice, Richmond St. VVest, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheml’ Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fm'enoon. Maple, Th ursdny afternpnn. VVm-dbridsze, Saturday furenoon. - Danton, Dunn & Boultbee NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING. 5’!" E., TORONTO, Cemada. FRANK DENTON, K. O. \V. MULOCK BOULTBEF W. H. NICGI’JRE Money to loan at Five Pet- Cent (5%) LENNOX ($5 MORGAN Bari-humus and Snaichors. Monov to loan on 1 and announce! mortgages†lowest rates Auroraoflico~Rcmoved to the old post omen one door west of the ennrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket uEiceâ€"Three doors south of the * posnovï¬oe T HERBEBTLENNOX G BTV Mona/m Aurora New A. F. G. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Richmonc. Hill Barristers,301§citors, Notaries, Sac. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victoria‘Sts" I‘m-onto. A large stock of Funeral Fu rnishï¬ng kept at both places RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL THE - LIBERAL J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CC MMJSSI ()NER, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Undertakers «Q Embalmers, Is a gond time tn enter the ELLIOTT ' MW mn‘pnumn nun-fl . H. A NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC This cullegu is nuLed far and near! for superim- work and enjuys u gl'euti attendance. VVP assist our studenbs' tn semu'e choice pusitjnns. Take one! step towards success [0-day by writ-‘ ing fm- our fret- catalogue. College upon entire your. Enter any time.‘ COR. YONG: AND ALEXANDER STs. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Lawrence & Dunbar, REAL ESEL' RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1.910 Com missinner, Cunveyancer, etc‘ Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHII VOICING AND . . ACTION REGULATING Soï¬a 5. 9avz'dson THORNHILL Subscribe for Barristers, Sulictors. 8m. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT B ROS. TORONTO. ONT. AFTER EASTER “In Essentials, Unity; in Nan-Essentials, Liberty,- t'n allthings, Charity.†$24131. Phone Main 298 Members prusem: Mr. D. (J. Long- hnuse. reeve; Mr. James A. Game-run, deputy-flew, and Messrs. Henry \V. Ellis, J. T. Suigenn and J. S. McNair, councillors. 'J The abeve council met in the Town Hglj, V_ellnre, on TuesflnyLMag'cES. Minutes 701’ last meeting read and HQRX'OVHLU ' counts [or the your 1909. Communications were received from T. H. Lennox. Esq.. re Vanderbm-gh cusp, stating Vuughun’s share of the plaintiffs’ snliciLm-s’ costs, and judg- ment; in the matter. l Nothing in the way (if a Cough is i quite so annoying as a tickling, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough. The quickest ! relief comes pexhzips from a prescrip- 1 tion known in Druggists everywhere ' as Dr. Shonp’s Cmigh Remedy. And besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safe-by even to the youngest babes. The tender lpaves of a. simple moun- tain shrnh give to Dr. Shnop’s Cough Remedy its i'eumrkahle curative effect. A few days’ test will tell. Sold by W. A. Sandm’Sun. "fhe nuditm's presented their report to the council of the troasm-er’s aur- mgnts for the your 1909. From Jaust McLPan, Richmond Hill. stating that. his land is flooded on Int 41, mm. 1. and asking council to visit said property at pnce. Frum the Reeve and Councillor Ellis, stating that they had interviewed Messrs. Knake and Holden of Noble- tun in regard tn the accidentab Wond- hridgv, also the place of accident, and Would recommend council to pay the clzï¬ms as presented at, last, Ineeting.__ Camerohâ€"McNair-éThat the Audit- ors’ Repm't of the Treasurer’s Ac- counts uf the Township of Vaughan for the year 1909 he received and adapted by this council as cm-xecb and satisfactory, and the clerk be and is hereby instructed to have 200 copies rinth in the usual manner for dlstl'i- {ugun among the c0uncillurs.â€"Gar- r19 . MuNaitwâ€"Czunm-(mâ€"Thut the treas- urer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Messrs. Lennox. Lennux & O‘Connor the sum of $458.52, lwing‘ half cost of plaintiffs†solicitor, judg- ment and interest on judgment, ie Vandvrhurgh vs. Vaughan and Mark- ham, as follows:â€" Plaintiffs’ solic costs Judgment. . .... . Int. on judgment Ellis â€" Saigemrâ€" That the wove, deputy-reme and Councillor MrNair he a cummith to mth Markham Cmumil at Toronto on Thursday, the 10th inst., to arrange a meeting :1!) Int 41, can. 1, to consider the complaint of James McLean, Esq., in regard L0 the flooding uf water un said premises.â€" Carried. Vaughan’s half cost McNairâ€"Saigennâ€"Tbat the trons- urer he and is hereby authorized to pay to Mr. Ed. Kaake 0f Nobletun the sum of $49. and to Mr. Charles Hulden the sum of $12. said amounts being in full for dnnmges sustained in accident, south of \Voude-idge (m Gravel Road. -â€"â€"-Gm ried. To Ed. W’. Brown. prmting 500 letter heads, &0 . . . . , . . . . . . $2 45 ~Uarx'ied. A large number nf road accounts were ordered to he paid. Ellisâ€"Camemnâ€"That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following necouuL:â€"~ Council udjourneldwéa meet at the Town Hall. Vellme, on Tuesday, April 12, at 10 a.m. A failing tiny nerveâ€"no larger than the ï¬nest silken threadâ€"takes from the heart its impulse, its power, its regularity. The. Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shmip who ï¬rst told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescriptionâ€"â€" Dr. Shoop’s Restorativeâ€"is directed straight. for the cause of these ail- mentsnthese weak and faltering in- side nerves. This no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even fur a. few days soon become fully convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway, don’t drug the nrgan. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Under the above heading}; an ex- change sayszâ€"“It’sr mighty mean to patronize a merchant or grocer who will trust you until you get so far in debt to him than you are ashamed to see him. and then go and spend your cash smnewhvre else, where you could not, get credit; but there are people who do it.†THE HEIGHT OF MEANNESS. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. solicitm's’ ..$ 668 54 240001 .â€"â€"'$ 917 14 $ 458 52 â€"â€"G:u-ried. 1 Mr. T. (Jhatburn and family have I moved into the house lately ï¬xed up a by Mr. W. McDonald. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Mylks and Miss Hewitt ‘ of Arthur. are visiting at the home of I My: \V:_1VI3,'11{5.‘ A special service will he held in the Methodist church next. Sunday even- ing under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary, when an address will be given by Miss Brooks, a, returned mis- sionary from China. The offering will be taken up by the ladies, and twu of the members will act as ushers. Mr. mud Mrs. W. Brown who came from England recently, and have heen staying at Mr. H. G. Bailey’s, have moved to Richmond Hill. Mr. Brown has secured a position as blacksmith in Trench’s carriage works: The, monthly meeting of the W0- men’s Auxiliary was held on WPdnes- (1any l_as_lg weelg at; the home. of Mrs. H. O. Bailey. Luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. A pleasant feature of the rogramme was the reading 91’ an ad. resspnd the presen- Mr. Rny' Jackson left last; week for Saltcoats, where he intends to remain for the summer. tatiun of a hand satchel with‘mono- gram to Mrs. J. Martin. who is about to leave for Alberta. The address was read by Mrs. J. T. Saigeon. and the resentation was made by Mrs. Bailey. be following is the address :â€" Mgs. J. MARTIN, Dear Friend,â€"We, the. member of the Maple Methodist Woman’s Auxil- izu-y and Ladies’ Aid, take this oppor- tunity of expressing our deep apprecia- tion of the very valuable services you have rendered to our society during the past number of years. Your ser- vices have been cheerfully and faith- fully given in every undertaking that has promoted the success of our society. In all our meetings your kindly Christ- inn spirit has been a stimulus and a. blessing tn_us. We deeply regret: the fact that your connection as an active member of our society is ahuut to be broken by your removal to the far west. We are sure though absent from us in that far off country you shall not éuon be forgotten hy_us. We must; earnestly pray that the presence of our Heavenly- father, to whom spflce makes no difference, will go with you and yum-family and make you fruitful in every good work, and that, when the journey in this short life is over, We may all meet in the. “Home- land,†when the Master will say “Well done.†We beg of you to accept this small memth of our esteem. VVhe'n you look upon it may you be reminded that you have a place In our conï¬dence and esteem. An excellent pen picture of the Duke of the, Abruzzi, a modern prince with an amazingly romantic career, has the leading position in the. April number of McClure’s Magazine. OLher articles of no less interest are: “Some Modern Ideas on Fund,†by Burton J. Hendrick. showing the haneful effects of meat diet: “Preventable 0f Blindness.†by Marion Hmnilton Carter, who takes up the cause of the needlessly blind, and shows that one-fourth Qf Lhe chil- dren in the blind asylums are unneces- sarily blind; "Follies in Criminal Pro- cedure.†by Charles B. Brewer. and “What, Whiskey Is,†by H. Parke] Willis. Among the short, stories aae “The, Purple Stockings.†by Edwin Salisbury Field; “Fur the. Sake of Her Children.†by Octavia Roberts: “At Brady’s," by Mary Hentnn Vurse; “The Curse of the Heretic,†by Seumas McMzmus: and “The Kite.†another war story by the author of “The Joint in the. Harness.†There are drawings by Andre Unstaigne, Frederick Dorr Steele, Thomas Fogartv, Rollin Gr. Kirby, and Robert Edwards. MRS. J. T. SAIGEON. President), MRS. J. W. MORGAN, Secretary, MRS. H. C. BAILEY, Treasurer. Mrs. Martin was completely taken by surprise. and replied in a few well chosen words, thanking the members for the gift and the kind Words. Liberal and “76ka Globe. . . . Liberal and Weekly Mail . . ‘ . . Liberal and Canadian Farm . . . Libelal and Toronto Saturday Liberal and Daily Mail (York Onunty) . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Liberal and Farmer’s, Sun . . . . . . Liberal :L’nd Farmer’s Advocate Liberal and Farm 85 Dairy . . . . l Economy is wealth, and pure fond means health. Insure both by dealing at; Atkinson & Swinzur's. ' Libel a7 Libel-a Libem 500. extra on each paper to States for postage. CLUBBING RATES FOR Night; \VHAT’S IN MCOLURE’S. l and Famle Herald . . . . l and The Evening News L and Daily Globe (York unty‘).._. . . ._._. .‘t . . x . . . Maple. 1910. United 0)0 5M5 3L2. 3.50 2.40 3.50 { Cassel’s Magazine, per mmum . $ , The Story Teller The Quiver . . Musical Home Journal The Girls’ Realm . l Little Folks Chums I-lv-Hâ€"lt-If-llâ€"Uâ€"t 0101010" 'QJ‘ OO’WOE‘C‘ Tell Some Sick One It Is Free If It Fails. Will you do an act of Humanity? Will you tell some sick friend of this, my remarkable offer! Tell him or her. that you have learned of a. medicine so certain that; its maker dare say to the sick. "It is absoluwly and unconditionally free if it. fails.†And you. no doubt. already know of Dr. Shoop's Restorative and its popularity. _ For 20yem-s it has been the standard rem- edy for Stomach. Kidney and Heart ailments everywhere in America. When the "inside" or controlling nerves of these vital organs begin to fail. it is Dr. Shoop‘u Restorative that has quickly vitaliu-d, and streng. themed, and bryught those nerves and organs back to health again. I do not dose the Stomach; not stimulate the Heart 01' Kidneysâ€"(6r that; is all wrong. Dr. Shoop‘s Restorative goes direct to the cause of these ailmentsâ€"the mlllng. faltering. inside or controlling nerves. And herein lies the keynote to my success. Tomeitis a great satisfaction that I am the only physician able to say to the suffering sick, “Take my prescription for full 30 days, and if it fails to help you. the entire expense is mineâ€"nos yours." ..u_, u“- w ..._, VVVVVVVV When these nerves are again made well and sprpng. then that is the certaln end of all such sicknéss. Then why should the sick 'take any chance on any other medicine, whose maker dare not back itjust as I do by this Temarkable ofl'er? I also have a Rh'éumatic Remedyâ€"and that remedy 15 covered by the same identical "No help. no pay†protectiye plan. Bemdes. §bi1£ré freé go. consult me just as you would your home physncmn. My advxce and the book below are yoursâ€"and without 09:91:. _ Perhaps a. word or two from me will clem- up some serious ailment. I havehelped thousands upon thousands by my private prescription or personal advice plan. My best eï¬ort is surely worth your simple request. For sale at the 'C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL Bran and Victor Feed for cattle and hogs. Also shorts and good American corn (old). G A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b - ï¬shing Company NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. ' All kinds of grain bought and highest possible pricez': paid at the Elevator. mats The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessaz'y‘t ;) send to foreign countrlez. 1 3r maga» zines. Read the following:â€" Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSEL’LS &'COMPANV 42 Adelaide St. W. Toronto J. H. BAKER COAL. For threshing engines. [Single copies, 3 cts. No .39 in the