Church 01 England--Services at 3p. m. In, 11d and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at; 11 a. m. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services an n a. 111., and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.80. Prayer meeting ijrsdavquuiug. M Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on ï¬lter- nate Suninys M9 :1. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Cu luauâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m.,and p. 111. Sunday» School at 2.30. General prayer mggting Thpgsdgy. eveginga GOLDEN CONQUEROR-â€"()lyd(-sdale stall- iun. the property of J. E. Teeson, Timrnhil]. \Vill stand at his own stable, Samuel Francis’ Sunnyside Farm, lot 32, con. 1' Markham. Tut-ms $10. - THE PROVOST -â€"Clydesdale stallion. the property of '1‘. H. Legge, Tempe!"- anceville. Will travel through King City. Maple. Elgin Mills, \Vhilchm-ch. Aumm, Oak Ridges, etc. Terms $13. ' MARQUIS ()F COWALâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the property of D. 0. Steele, Richmond Hill. will travel through Oak Ridges. \Vhitchurch, Mark- ln-nu tp., Vaughan, etc. Terms $l4. - ' “fly Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"Meets mm Wednesda of each month, LEGAL Dr'jn‘CT â€"Tr0t.ting stnllinn. the prm erty nf \V. G. Ellis. Bedfm-d Pa. k.‘ W ll stand at his nwn3 stable :lnmng (m- seneun uf 1910._ Terms $12. Fur fm then“ particulars apply to Mr. Birch. Bedfm'd Park. MINTO CHIMESâ€"Amorimm bred logis- Im-wl trotting stallion, the pmp- (-('t.\' of Wm. Gould, Richmond ‘ Hill. \Villgo to 'l‘hm'nhill. Alum-a. King City and intervening places. Terms $10. ï¬ï¬iGhlï¬Ond’LOdg‘O, A F aid A M â€"-Meets Mon- uv on or before full moon Court Richmond A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri- dgy GREFFIERâ€"Ill'Ip. Percherin, the pru- pu'ty of W. Glass. Vaughan, will travel .‘thmngh Maple. Tvstnu, King tp., \Vhitchurch, etc. Terms $14. Camp Elgln, S 0 S -â€"Meets second and tomth W’ednesday Hill Crest. Lod e, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- dav and third Fr day of each month. R T o! Temperance-Meets ï¬rst Wednesday each month ‘Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every munch Public lerary and Realing Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Sahurdav eveninga‘ Enworth Lasagna-Meets evorv Friday. Junior Epworbh League meets 'every Fri- av afternoon at 4. Pressbyherian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday at 9 pm. in the Church. Strangers wxll be given a. cordial welcome. ' ROYAL HATTON â€"Imp. Clydesdale, the property of D. (:‘r.'Blongh, King City, will travel through King, Testq'n, ~Maple. Elgin Mills,, Oak Ridges. Aurm-n,‘etc Terms $12 LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"-Clydesdnle,stnllinn, the property of W. J. Wells, Tem- peranceville. will travel through Aurora. King township. Puttage- ville, Vellox-e. etc. Terms $10. PROUD BARONâ€"Imp. Clydesdale, the rnperby of W. Pallet, Davisville. ill u‘avelvthrnugh Elia,“ Edgely. Maple, Thnrnhill, etc. Terms $12. If your Stomach. Heart, or Kidneys are Weak, try at least. a few doses only of Dr. Shoop’s Restorative. In ï¬ve or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A fewcents will cover the. cost. And here is why help comes sq quick- ly.. Dr.’ Sthp doesn’t drug the Stomach, not" stimulate the Heart or Kidneys: Dr. Shoop’s Restorative goes directly to the wer and failing nerves. Each organ has its own con- trolling nerve. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must of nec- essity falter. -This plain. yet vital truth. clearly tells why Dr. Shnup’s Restorative is so universally success- ful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to give universal prefer- ence. A test, will surely t-ell. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. v . May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market, and by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has no equal as a Farmer’s Business Paper.’ Good farmers .rely on it For price see out clubbing oï¬er. ' The Farm Improvement Number sells for 10 cents per- copy. It can be had flee if include in a year’s sub- scription which is only $1.00. Sub- scriptions will be taken through this ofï¬cer Start your subscription with this Special Farm Improvement Num~ er. The leading article deals with a Can- adian farm boy who has made an inter-national reputation for himself in connection with agricultural college and ex erimental work in various states 0 the American Union. Farm sewage‘disposnl is dealt with at length and is fully illustrated by Prof. Edwards of the Ontario .Agncultuml College. Subjects upon which a far- mer needs specile information at the present time such as silos, wells, tree planting and special crops, and many other subjects equally important, are dealt with in this Farm Improvement Number. An illustrated article on water systems in country homes, by Geor e F. Snyder, Ridgewny, Ontaiio, is a. eature of the Household Depart» ment.. Practical articles by rize winning farmers, and many articles touching upon farm improvements, are features 0 the latest issue of that agricultural weekly published in Peterboro, Farm and Dairy. The issue which is dated May 5th. is the second annual Farm Improvement Number. It; is well up to the unusually high standard that has been set for these special magazine numbers. PRACTICAL FARM IMPROVEMENT. Village Directory Stallion Register. FARM PROFITS , Exqvisitely printed or. ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-knnwn people nf current events. of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of ictures in each issue. Appe'als to Can- inn‘s its the great il~ lustmt’od papers of London appeal to the English people. Nun pulitical. Ahsnlntvly no axe to grind. Its aim suler tn please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. Ono dullnr a year. The Pic- toiial Puhlishing 00., 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. Zl-lf THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE "CANADIAN PICTORIAL†extra char air 72§iecea in one year in all. YOU CAN GET L4 0 THESE BENEFITS FOB AI.- MOBT NOTHING. - The tull yearly membership fee is One Dollar for which you get all. above, and you may with- draw any time within three month. it you want to do so Budget your dollar back. It you don'tcare tospen $1.00. send 2: cents tor three months membership. Nobody can aflord to thll enter by. You will $11; {our money bee in value man times Over. 1 particulars will be sent tzee 0 charge, but it you are’wise you will send in éyour request for membership with the [ roper r e atonce. Thezs cts. three months mem- ex-ehlp one: will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your letter and enclosing $1.00 for full year's membership or twenty-ï¬ve cents to: three months to I. L ERA‘RY MUSIC CLUB anUA Nthrï¬o Nan-nu St†N. Y. Ctly. MARCH 17TH. 1910. ‘ __v- -- vv-u - v-uu gnu-o "In ‘ Make and Save Money for You. Everï¬bod should join the Mutual Liter Mu- slo Olu o! men-Ice. There is nolhlng else 1 o It anywhere. It costs almost nothm to join and the beneï¬ts It elves are wonderful. 1 enables you to Purchase books and period icals music and musical nstruments at speclal cut; prfces. In secures ro- duoed rates at many hotels. It answers questions flee otphsrge. It offers scholarshlns and vnlum .0..-†.- uuu" v1.3 gunpuuun tree of chsrg It Enters scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in many cities for Its members. In addition. every member receives the ofï¬cial magazine enti- tled “ Ev’r Month" 3. ublication in a class by; itaeifJuclud us 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and his strumeutal music (full size) each month without! extra chm-5?; '12 pieces in egg _y_e§g _ii_1 all:_ $0311 AA“ (lam mï¬wnn _ _ I am clearing out all my stock of PAPERS and FUR- NITURE." You Will be able to get this at arprice far below the cost. Large stock and many designs,,with bordering and ceilings to match._ ' Will make it Proï¬table to you for next 2 weeks. AND FURNITURE. - ‘ . WALL PAPER GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond 'Hill P. G .* SAVAG E ' 'BUILDERS’ v " SHELF‘HARDWARE j v OF ALL KINDS ' ass - PAINTS &~OILS A11 kindsof Grinding Axes, Siokles, Knives, Scissors, Skates and Grum- ming Saws 93:1 WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of each weék .. .. 63“:“_‘3,'£°!EP.9!F§ 71‘1"!th Slaughter Sale JACOB EYER» & SON Having purchased a Gasoline Engine, we are prepared to do ‘ RICHMOND HILL The excellence of mm- Harne-ss ls unt entlrely thP're-sult- of using the best I'uateriuJ, althuugh that. has its in- fluence. combine to give- yuu the host. ‘Ve have solid comfort, in this _way of Blankets. Robes. Mitts;r and, in fact, everything in our line ' HOW "WE DO IT RELIABLE Gm at REASONABLE PRICES. meson THINGS†Rinans Ta bulns cure bad breath. , Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles. F R E: â€""A Test in Pronunciation," in. struck-Ive uml mum-taming for the whole family. Also 6') illustrated pamphlet. Wins“. 5 A supplement, (0 the nqw;euin0n has brnuglxt i1. fl‘ï¬lytiP tn date: "I *ha‘ve'been, Inn};ng thmughiAle‘IM-tet‘ with a fenllng‘ of n31 onis’nmcnt at iis compieteness. an ihe amount of labor that has been put nto it. . (ihe highest award) was given to the Tn- wmaticuul at the \Vor’d’s Fair, St. Louis. G. & C. MERRIAM CO A. II. Sayce, LLJL, D.D., of Oxford university, England, has recem 1y said or n : n iudcm a marvelous work; itis am ult in : mxceh'e 01’ a L‘uictionary more (2‘ mustivcpnd cmnplcfe. Everything“ in 3t-not odly whahvrrz might. expect to ï¬nd in 511in :l. we “‘ mfi‘also wlmt few of usyould qv’c’r l u} 117:) gm (3! lagging fpr. must Win upon their} merits. The International Dictionary has won a. greater distinction [upon its merits: and is in more generaluee than any other work of its kind in the English language. Our Experience and Judgment . PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. THE GRAND PRIZE :-ets 5 C Sweet to Eat Li 4 Candy Bowd m ".;"T\h‘exbest uppoihiéd steamers plying bbtween Canada, and the British Isles. From Bristol From Montreal May 12 ...Rnyal Edward....May 26 May 213 ...Ruyal George. ....June 9 June 9 ...Rnyu1 Edwul-d....June 23 June 23 ...Ruyal George . . . . . July 7 For rates and reservations apply to Agents, or to Mr. H. O. Buurlier. Gen- eral Agent, Canadian Northern Build- ing. 001-. King and Toronto Streets, Toronto. Sailing‘between the ports of Mnntreal, ngbvc and Bristol. †16-my1 He. will be plt-used to hear fi-mn any person who nevds any fencing done. ‘ ~ ‘ Iron Posts, Lawn Gates, Small-Gates, Lawn Fences. ‘ â€"ALSOâ€"- Ideal Flower Bed Guards The undersigugd 71% pimlsod to lvt the public‘know that h(' has been give-n the agency for the Ideal W'ilge Fem-o, made by the Maurgx-egm‘, Bnnwell Fence Co. of Vanken‘ille. He has RICHMOND ' HILL A. J. HUME $131765? 'Ahy'si‘iiiixï¬ 5651-751. ‘i‘é‘i-EE 13:- adn. .335 a. you. postage prepaid. Sold by all mundane“. éflgtseimm. Newlgrk M 3‘ SL- Washington. FINE 'TMLBRWGF. J. WUBBWAR fiv‘éi‘do'ï¬'ii' 'Fé'ia‘ï¬i“ """Ei‘bi’" " Efï¬ï¬ï¬iie: clam strlotly gonndexzytm "03960325 Patents gent. mo. Oldest n aucy r securing aunts. Patents taken t mu 1: mm a receive mglal Liana. @119“ o. Inthg B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Canadian Northern . Sleamships LIMITED THE ROYAL LINE E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE. MARIlflAM: STOUFFVILLE ‘ ARE) GQRHLEY. ’ '§¢iéï¬tiï¬Â§ ï¬ihTeTï¬can. * Ideal Wire Penna ' BANK "ROYAL EDWARD" AND "ROYAL GEORGE†Trigle Screw Turbine Steamers AND SAIIJINGS NOTABY PUB LIC .‘Coxweyancing, Leases. Wills, Etc. Special .alteminu given to is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is aHOWed, and money may be withdrawn at any time Without delay. Sa‘vingstank Department at Every Branch. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Established 1873 Pressing Cleaning Repairing 55.1mm†803m A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR WM. MARTIN, RICHMOND HILL. Ten pm" Cent cheaper, ten per cont better Shorthand, and Mattie. Buoklet F1 ee. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor, Yonge 6‘: Elect Sts. Term of 1909. 39-8 The undersigned is now prepared to make contracts for STUMPING and BLASTING. d~++Ԥ"§"§°+++~§"Â¥'§'++°¥++++++M+$+ STUMPING ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA ’§'++Ԥ"§"§"§“§‘M{“i'4"§"§â€Â§â€œ}+'Â¥fդҤҤâ€Â§â€˜+'§“’ T10KETS fur the Canadian West pmcured at '- ’ v Tickets far the West The undersigned, recently mnplnyvd \viLh the Massey-Harris 00., has fake-n the Blacksmithing business vacated by Clift 81-05.. and is prepared to attend to all [mum-hes of the trade. GENERAL BLACKsM‘ITH,‘ I ELG-IN MILLS THE LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND HILL. * " Ord'ers tn ken ntâ€" W'e- have a. choice selection of Perfume. and no nicer or [DUI'H acceptable gift for your friend than a battle of Perfume. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC"‘ION GUARANTEED W. A. Sandersuni Ideal Perfume F. J. 'WUUDWARD; WALTER, BOVVEN; HORSE-SEWING A SPECIALTY RARE ’ODORS IN FINE CASES Call and see um- display of Ideal Present Druga'ist 4 RICHMOND HILL BLASTING Address, AND Richmond Hill P.O. for Business, 80 Branch“,