Mr. Robe-rt Thompson was honored at, the last annual mwting of the Masonic Grand Lodge held» at Belle- rille, by hemg appointed Assistant Dix-Pctm- of Cermnonies. A number of stalwarts frnln this section attended the burn raising of Mr. James Heaslip at Lansing last, Saturday. The new bank burn is 102 x32 feet and will have all modern conveniences. More than 200 people “‘Pre present, including many ladies. During the contest Mr. John McKenzie of \Villowdnle WHS struck by. :1 raftor leseiving painful injuries, though it is hoppd are not serious. A good time is being looked forward to at, the Lawn Social to he held on the grounds of Mr. Allison \Vednes~ day evening, August 10, under the auspices of the choir of the Methodist Church. A good musical programme is being pl'epnrnd for the occasion. Everybody will receive a warm Welâ€" come. Tho admission will be 15 cents, and this includes ice cream and cnkv. As. the company could not accept the above, they set to work to engage new men to carry on their service asking n0 favors except that the Government would protect their property. They lost _ money it is true, but that is their own business if they were willing to see their trade going to the C. P. R. and other lines. However, if the strike is now per- manently settled it will be a good thing for the business of the country. Judging by the newspaper com- ments in various parts of the country it is safe to say that the greater symA pathy is on theside of the striking railway men. It is quite possible, however, that in many cases the situation was judged from motives of policy, rather than as a matter of right or wrong. Had the merchants and other businessmen and the 'pub- lie generally not been inconvenienced by the poor passenger service, and the much poorer freight service, the G. T; R. 'e'ould have won easily. And we believe it might have been better in the end had the company been allowed ie‘ win, as the G. T. R. in this partimiar ease seemed more} reasonable than the union employes. When the trouble could not be. ad- justed by the opposing parties it was laid before the Government Concilia- tion Board. That body recommended that the men’s wages be raised 18 per cent. The company agreed to accept this rate, but would not agree to pay the standard wagesâ€"the same as the C. P. Râ€"â€"till January 1, 1913. When the trainmen refused to accept that date the company offered to have the matter settled by arbitration. That matter was also rejected, but the strikers afterwards agreed to arbitrate provided they were allowed to name the arbitrators. The shï¬ke 0n the Grand TWunk Railway appears to be settled, and doubfless everybody is glad.. The result is a compromise, neither the company nor the strikers having acâ€" complished just what they claimed was right and proper. The 18 per eent.increase in vvages,pronï¬sed at the beginning of the strike, will be given the men, and the standard rates will go into eï¬â€˜ect on the lst of January,1912,instead of.Ianuary 1, 1913, as ï¬rst proposed by the com pany. RICHMOND HILL, Om. AUG. 4, 1910 There are many way. of ï¬Xing them. No two cases are alike. Come and let us tell you “How†and "Why" and “If.†We advise free. Health and appearance deï¬ant! upon your: teeth. Give the matter careful thought? THE STRIKE SETTLED. In: ‘flihemi. Thornhifl. PENN-YRQYAL . WAFERS. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 6, 1910. NmVspnpm's will not he paid for this advertisement, if they insert it With- gut. authority from the Department. Each tender HHISL be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the under of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works. equal to ten pe-I‘ cent (10 p.c.) 0f the amount 0f the tender, which will he fm‘fdted if the person tendering d‘é-cline to enter into a contract, whvn called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work cun- truclod for. If the tender be not acceptvd the cheque W111 be retllyned. Tth Department does not bind itself to nccrApt the lowest or any tender. By order, ‘ R. C. DESROCHERS. Unmhined spemï¬cation and form of tender can he obtained on application at this ofï¬ce. Persuns tendering are notiï¬ed that tenders will not he considered unless made on the printed forms supplied. and signed with theirapbual signatures. "EALED TENDERS addressed to b the undersigned, and endm'sead “Tender for Supplying Coal for the Dnmininn Buildings,†will he réceived until 4.00 P.M., on Tuesday, August 16‘, 1910, for the supply of Unul fur the Public Buildings throughuut the Dominion. TUESDAY, AUGUST 9.1910 Vaughan Council The next meeting nf the Council of the Muni- cxpalitv 0: ‘vflwuhp‘n will be held in the Town Hulk Vellore on HANGING FROM†$800 T0 $5.000. 166 acre farm north of \‘illugv. Buildings A1. Land in gond state of cultivation ' Alsu 100 acres on the 2nd 0f Mark ham. ‘ J. H. SANDERSON. V.S. SIX VERY DESIRABLE IIouses and lgots FOR SALE REAL ESTATE â€"NOW ON HAND-- YORKTON Excellent Opportunity for the Investor or Intending Puchaser For full information address G. H. Bradbrook, Sec. Bnard of Trade. RICHMOND. HILL -â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€"â€"- A speciï¬c monbhly medicine for ladle! to restore and regulate the meme: producing free, healthy and pajnlen disobmrgu. No when at pains on up. {yr-back Now use?! by over_30,900 Indigo. )nce used wmnaeagain. Invigorue. these organs. Buy of your (111135351 only those with our sign-mun a. El face orlabel. Avoid subs itute Seded {mucumm mailed 2c stamp. 1.00 mi. Address. BURMA 08 ll noulam mailed 2c stamp. $1. >ox. Address, sum; 08 Kim .OOMPAKI- ' Juan. mo: A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada.‘ Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and Land Ofï¬ce centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks, 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. MANAGER at J. a. m AAsst‘ Secretary. J. B. MOLE AN Char} WEDNESDAY, Aug. 10â€"â€"Auction sale. of hOX'SHS, cattle and pigs, at the Palmer House yards, the property of M. Patton. Salem; 2 p.111. Terms : 3 months. Sa.i;z‘eon,& MQEwegn, twat..- TUESDAY. Aug. Qâ€"Auctinn Sale of >‘Eresh milch cows, springers, beef "f‘ingeris'f'lmrses, pigs, vehicles &c. at Cosgx‘m‘e's Hotel, Elgin Mills the property 0f Tnggart and Hopper. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms 4 months. 1).. Blough, auctioneen, Liberal and Daily Mail (York County) . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . . . Liberal and Farmer’s S'un . . . . . . Liberal and Farmer’s Advocate .ibeml and Farm & Dairy . . . . . .iheml and Farm oz Dairy . . . . . . . 1.75 50c. extm on each paper: to United States for postage. SIR MERGIDES JOHANNA (4339). His five nearest dams have records of over 14 lbs. at two years old, Both Sile_ and dam are now at O. A. 0., Guelph. MANTEL KORNDYKE, grandson of Sara Jewel Hengweld the Third. She was sold by Brown Bros. one year ago for $2000. Ofï¬cial record, 6401hs. milk in 7 days. 2613 lbs. in 30 days 30.39 lhs. butter in 7 days, 121.37 lbs. in 30 days. 38¢: Liberal and VVeeklv Globe. . . . Liberal and Weekly Mail . . .. . Liberal and Canadian Farm. . . Liberï¬l and Toronto Safuxday 1 Night; .. Liberal and Famle Herald . . . . Liberal and The Evening News Libsxfal and Daily Globe (York OFFERING BULL CALVES Wiiiswdaie D, Hill & C0. Leave youI' cash at home The Next Sitting uf Divxsion Com'ttm N0. 3, County of York, will beheld in the Court Room. DIVESIQN - BGURT. Remember that. Boost your own toWn. ' We sell to suit your purse. You buy to suit your taste, anmty).._. Richmond Hill CLUBBING RATES FOR 1910. HOLSTEINS Am TAMWORTHS Saturday, Oct. '1, IgIOL )nmmencmg at 10 a. m. T.*F. MCMAHON CLERK sxred by the followmg bulls: RICHMOND HILL must†grow. Auction Sales. Stock Farm and and J. MCKEN ZIE SAS K. AND 3.50 1.15, A comfnrtable dwellmg on Smold street,‘ seven rooms, with a quarter of an acre of land, on which are a number 0f fruit, trees. Good well and ciste m. Apply to . , J-AS. MCVVILLIAM 3341: or MRS. F. LYNNETT Brick Residence, furnace, verandahs, beautiful lawn set with trees and hedges, stable, and 1 acre of land. orchard and small fruit; choicest location in Richmond Hill; suitable for retired farmer or as country resin den‘ce. Apply to DAVID GRAY 20 good beef ringer-s price right 3-tf. Possibly the best faum in the Town- ship of Markham, consisting of a block hundred acres on the 3rd Con. Well Watered; good house; fair outbuildings; well fenced; close to schnnl and church. The very best crop producing land. Guod orchard. and altogether a. very desirable property. For further par- ticulars apply_ to. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO Toronto Ofï¬ce, 49 Wéllingbon Street East ~ 1099 made from the whole Wheat berry,Steam-cooked,rshredded and baked. Nothing added, nothing taken away. It con- tains all the. material for building brain, bone and muscular tissue. Its very crispness promotes mastication, which means sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable and nutritious food that insures sturdy, robust health. Two biscuits (heated in oven) eaten with hot milk every morning for breakfast will enable a boy or girl to reach the topâ€"notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will fortify them against the dangers of cold and exposure. All the Meat of the Golden Wheat. Made in Canada. Which do you value the mostâ€"your cattle or your children? You know that the health and development of. your live stock depends on the quality of the food you give themâ€"that they must have good, strong, nourishing food. Are you as par- ticular about your children? Do you insist on their diet consisting of food that will build up the little muscles, that will develop the brain and keep the stomach sweet and cleanâ€"~50 essential to growing children? Give them, the best and most natural food for growing childrenâ€"- CATTLE OR CHILDREN For Sale For Sale For Safe" For Sale Hyslap Ecycie‘s $25 H. A. NIGHOLLS Real Estate Agent, Richmond Hill. ringer-s; quality and GEO. FOREST-ER, Richmond Hill. Gormléy. BISCUIT. ~ Big brown mare, stiff in fore legs. Left on the night, of the 2nd Aug.; was tied to Waggon in front of Week’s shed, at; Victoria Square. Reward. Finder please xetum tn MORRIS BARNRM', 5-1 55 Widmer Sn. Tm-nntn. Every farmer should know‘ that th griee ofl'é‘red by the dealers for cattle, o‘ , etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm, business 'paper? What doctor or law- yer or businessman would be without his business paper? There is but one farmers’ business 9nd market paper, that i; The Weekly Sun. ,Start 1910 right by, 53meâ€. _r V." . ;_ ' _ 'i 100 acres of [and with good buildings from April 1, 1911. Apply to 4-4 LIBERAL OFFICE. House for rent on Yonge St. Apply 5â€"27 A. J. WRIGHT. 41-Lf $8,000 on ï¬rst mortgage on farm property. _V 2'rma‘nua 13 gm ONEQ Wanted to Rent Money to Loan For Rent Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent. Richmond Hill. v Awuuu 1.1LLLUL‘ 144v.“ 55 Widmer 8b., Toronto. Lost