Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1910, p. 5

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The High and Public school rooms are being renovated by a, coat uf calcimine. the floors scrubbed and other improvements. to hu readv for the Ire-opening the 6th of September. ~y ‘7‘" N0 PAPER NEXT WE- x. Fnl‘low‘mg fiae'custo'm of most tawn and village newwan (offices there wil: be no is§ue (if The Liberal next Week. The next pubiisafion will be on the 25th inst. Cow'espnildents and others wiEl kindiy beat this in mind. 5‘1 Miss Carlip Rm!) 'spvnh over Sunder Han-is. Mr. and Mrs. Ellpn \Vilev and baby daughter spout Saturday uftommm at Mr. C. P. Wiley’s. Master John Sliney of Elgin Mills is spending part of his holidixys With his grand parents and other relatives in Tuttenhztm and Allismn. Drs. Rolph and Lilian Langstafi who are, spending a month at Gordon Bay, Lake Joseph, expect, to return home on the 4.20 p. m. train on Saturday of this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Milton Ongh who were married in Toronto on \Ved- nasduy of last week came up and spent the first, two or three days of their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blanchard. The following short, paragraph, which, doubtless is not far from the truth, appeared in one of yesterday’s dailleszâ€"“V’Vumen who smoke cigar- ettes might do worse, and they generally do.” Miss me Hdhnmhi is friends in the cxty. ' III-VA. E. Glass is spending a (ample. of weeks on Llw Tx’Iuskt-kn L:th Missvs Anna a nd Mabel Slinvy s wnL lush week with Miss; 31. Quinlan, . ing City. Mr. Lloyd Hi” of the Smndmd Bank staff Swuffville spent 0'. er Sunday at his hmue here. Mr. and Mrs. SIIimh-mantel of East Aurora. N. Y. spent Sunday wth the latter’s Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grant. Mrs. Alex Sims and Mrs. Best. of Weston, Mrs. Hoxmt of ’, uuesville and Miss (Junk of Hamilton‘ are guests of Mrs. Geo. S. Sims. RAQHMUND HX'LL, Ox": Mrs. Fmvh-r nf Tm mto Spfi‘ht “Tod- nvsdny at Mrs. 1). {EH '5. b. A Elbe Eiéimafi. Miss Hr‘lun “mama (‘d fur 'rL Wer mm 3mg Hill. Mr; F. W. Hamisun [ohm-nod tn the \Vest, this Week accompanied ‘uy Miss M. E. Ham-ism). Miss Marjm-ie Tumor Irene Brent are vmiting aunt, Mrs. C. P. \Viluy. Mr. Cook. Barrister. is taking his vacation and will not attend his office at Richmond Hill and Maple until September. Mr. Edward Barker left Tuesday fur a two months” trip in the nnrth west. He trmk his ticket for Arcolu, and will visit in “they parts. Mrs. F. E. Hopper and daughter; Margaret of Toronto are spending a week with the fm-mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien, Maple. Mrs. G. \V. Cnoper of Simmer has returned home after visiting a month with her muther, Mrs. J. L. Ham-is. Mr. Coupe:- was also haw nver‘ Sunday and accompanied his wife home the beginning of the Week. 16v. Dr. Jnhn M :Nnir ni' Pom-01in wiH preach in the Prusbyva-iun Church next Sunday. Mr. Joseph EIiiott uf Benunsville spent over Sunday with his gnu-cuts, Rev. F. and Mrs. Ellintt. Mrs. DRHil! and two mus Carl and Albert left yesterday In spend a month with relatives at l’utm burn. Reeve W'. H. Pugsluy left. Tuesday for his farm nom' Indian Head, and will be gone durng the bala'nce of the harvest. Monday’s dailies contained 4 the Junior Matriculation results. The fol- lowing arc the successful candidates from the Richmond Hill High School: â€"J. L. Scott, M. E. Risehl-ough, F. F. Hicks and N. R. Brydon. The Canadian Northern Railway is asking for6,0UO farm labni‘els for The West, and will run excursions from Ontario on the 12th and 16th of August. Farefrom all stations to W'innipog $10.00. Free distribution west of \Vinuipeg up to Regina, Saskatoon. “Human and Swan River. 14(FCALEAE of Petvrhnrn vi 1 hEi‘ uuu hf Humlwr Buy wnh My. .5'. L. , AUG. 1'1, 1910 and Miss will: their Visiting Mr. and Mrs; Baker ofGnrufluy, Mr. and hit-3., Abram Baker of ’Ammud. Mr. and Mrs. John' Schafl'er und Mr. Jnhn Schm‘fer nf' Shayne-1‘ left Inst. Tuesday ’fm an extended visit among friends and relatives in Saskatchewan. vap'h Bzuinw Page. B.A.. 'meemiur of History in Ruing University, New Bxunswicx, Nva Jersey, died vex-V suddenly :H’, the huuw. of his mother- in~iu\v. Euciid Ave.,annntn, nfquinsy. \sliilxt spending his kaitntinu there Px'nf. Page, 01in 36 yvnm «if age, had n. hriiiiunc Career. was u hard wurkvr and :L pmminmit li‘Lmax'y writer. graduating at, 'l‘m'm'xtu University. and latvr Leaching the West, Tomutn High Suhnnl. lle wiii he rememhemd here as :L fin-mm- nupil (if our High 3911001. He Was raised in the vaushig (If Vaughan, and Lewis and John age (If'COlN‘OI'd nixe- hmthers‘ The Misses Page uf this V' illngc are cuusins. After thirty-eight years, Chm-lea HOBO“) and his sistvr returned to Uirllmund Hilliust Mundnyand spent Hw‘dav Vie-wing nld land-max ks and re- newing :u:qu.1inmn(w With their friends nf .fm mer daYs. The McBot-hfnmily (:Wllt'd the property nuw occupied bv MT. Ashfoml \Vrlghh and carried on thew :L carriage and wuggnn manu- fnmuing husinnss. Mr. Chm-193 Mc- Beth is now a residenL of Chicago. ’ 'I‘hv x-vlutivvs uf Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ix’Ie'MuElvn, fm-mer.‘y Miss Mun-£5011, who died in Tau-um (m the 2nd of Augmt, wish through THE LIBERAL to Hmnk the friends fur the many m-ts Hf kindness shmvn ‘the family during the illness and af’our the duath nf dvcmsvd. Only thnse who- have passed through zlfiiiclinn know the real lrmnniug Ufa kind word or a. lumen of flowers in u sick mom. A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL. The Elléott BusinPss College. Toron- t‘n, is taking :1 fox-ward stvpthis your. The attendance has hévn the greatest in {he hismlv of the Syhuul and hundreds of students have accepted gnnd positions durmg the year. The Ooiloge issues a wry handsome- pros- pt‘ctns‘. \Vrite tn‘ Mr. W. J. Eiliutt, Um Principal, Mr Ullk‘. The Weekly British Whig of Kings- ton of August :Lcrmtnins the follow- ingzâ€"“The managenwnb committee of the Board of Education met last even- ing and appointed 8. Henry, M. A., Toronto, formerly of Mox'i-islmrg. as assistant, science master. The salary from both collegiate and faculty of educatiun sources will he $1400. Mr. Henry is a recent; Queen’s University graduate and is highly regarded.” No fmmer can make the broad state- ment, that (me crop pays better than another. The amount; of theretum depends lm-gelv upon the character of the land on which the. crop is grown. One kind of land brings the greatest return from a. certain crop: another piece of land of different qlmliw wuuld perhaps yield a vex-v small return if .suwed tn the same crop. Finding out the particular class of crops the kind is best suited to growing is therefore a very important, matter for the wideâ€" awake farmer. A splendid example of What can be gained by the intelligent adaptation of crops to soil conditions is to he found in the. county of Noxfolk. Ontario. In certain parts of that county there are considerable areas of sandy land that cannot hope to compete with heavier richer soils in the growing of wheat and other staple grains. Thus, farmers who attempted to grow these crops found that their profits were not as satistactory as might have. been desir- ed. Some years ago. however. a few men noted that the climate and soil of the county were Well suited to growing fruit. especially apples. The Norfolk Fruit Growers’ Association was formed and forthwith started on a reputation making campaign. Allmembersngreed to cure for and spray their orchards as stipulated by the rules of the Associa- llon. Incidentally, too, all fruit was to be nuu'koted through the central agency. The results huve'heen little short of phenomenul. The orchard mreage has been largely increased. Norfolk apples are now held as second to none in the markets of the world and the profits have been most gratifyâ€" ing. As a consequence, land values, in the lastrsix years, imvedoubled. Ash, is expected that many of the momle of Court Richmond pin-pose attending the A. O. F. Dmnnnstmtinn and Picnic at Island Park next Wed- nvsday, the 17Ll1 (If Anguet, a meeting (if the memhers'will he lwld in Mc- Donald’s shup Friday evening of this walk. Those who purpose attending the Demonstration and cannnt he at, the meeting Friday evening will kindly lvave- their names with the secretary, Ml. Gen. McDonald, as the Toronto members wish to know by Saturday so that. certain zu-rangvments may be made. / For one more week we will SP“ our prints, ginghams and mushns at reduced prices. Atkinson & Switzer. And this has [wen accomplished mainly by selecting the crop bestndapt- ed to the soil. Thu work that. the Cummissizm oi‘UnnservuLirm has undel- takpn, uf classifying lands according to the character of the soil to determine what ,crupq can mast, profitably he. grmvn, is there-fare a task of no small impurtamrw. If the Ounmiissiou points out the crops that: pav the. bust (in different soils, but!) the farmer and the nation will be the richer for it. A COLLEGIATE APPOINTMENT. THE CROP THAT PAYS. CARD 0 F THANKS. N OTICE‘ Mr. John McKenzio. Pl‘oprie-tor«‘of '\Villowd;lle Stock Farm. breeder of Holstein cattle and Tamworth Hogs, has recently Suld a number of valuable animals. The following sales have bee‘n made to surrounding farmers: 11‘. GOOD TIME. The ‘Wplhmd Tnhune uf’ the 4th inst gives a good account llf the recent celvhmtiou in that, town, pointing out, that music was furnished by 11 bands. and that 26 fire cnmpanies competed in the contests. When it is consider- odehut the best fire brigades in the While Mr. G. McNeil was wom'kmg with (me of his horses on Monday it struck him with its front fuot inflict- ing severe wounds on the left eye and “(IN'P. The monthly meeting of the VVnmen’s Institute was held at; the home of Mrs. H. C. Bailey on \Vednes- day afternoon. The subject; discussgd was "The Hurry VVm-ry. and Waste In Modern HotlSrkepping” and was led by Mrs. J. B. McLean. A feature of the programme was the roll call, responded to. with quotations from Loogfellow. Province were present, we must admit that uur brigade made a. remark- ably gund showing. The made a gnud run in the Hook and Lac der race, and Mr. Chas. Hnsp ,vns unloading a new traction engine at, the station last‘ Saturday when it upset off the plat- fnrm. breaking several parts. It took considerable tune to put, it L0 rights. Il‘Vv -. u .. ‘v . Mr. and Mrs. P. Kaiser and Mr. Erlin Kaiser of Toronto visited over Slmday at. Mr: J. Kaiser’s. The fune‘jral of the late Mrs.' P. Lippey, of Teston took place here on Supp-day ufteynoon. After :1 short illness Margaret Puterbaugh, widow of the late John McDonald passed away Wednesday morning. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Pain anywhere stopped in 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Sboqp’s Pii_11{ mu, Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 2542mm box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about, this formula! Stops wonmnly pains, headache, pains any- where. ‘eriLe Dr. Shuop, Racine, Wis. for free trial to prove value. of his Hmtflache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Holsteinsâ€"l bull to A. anes. Con- cord; 1 bull calf to B. Grady, Elgin Mills; 1 hull calf to Matthew Boyle, Richmond Hill; '2 cows to W. A. Sanlaco, \Villowdzile; 1 cow to G. H. McKenzie, Tlmrnhill; 3 hvifers to George Harding, Richmond Hill: 1 heifer to YWilliam Elliott, Culpman: 2 cows to O. D. Bales, L-msing; 1 hPler‘ to James McLean, Richmond Hill; 1 [mil calf to P. Robinson,.Thm-nhill. TamwothSâ€"l sow to VVillinm Elliott, Coleman; 1 sow to Robert, Hill, Lansing; 1 smv to, G. Chadwick, York Mills; 1 saw to George- Elliott. Newton Bmuk; 1 hog to Herbert German, St. George. came in 4th in the Hose Reel cux'ltest. Thv first half dozen teams in the hose rex-l “we are as “follows: Erafnpton . . . . . . . . . . 48 2/5 590. Th9 citizens have decidvd tn kpep next Monday as civic holiday and will hold a picnic picnic at Bond’s Lake. Conveyances will he on hand to take the pimple to Richmond Hill, when they will go by the cars to the lake. ME. and Mrs. 0. Norman have re- moved tn their new home at the West of'_t‘,_he v_illnge._ OUGHâ€"VVILTON~-On VVednesdny, Ahg. 3rd, 1910, by Rev. '1‘. VVaXluce Stewart. of Yonge Street, Methodist; chm-ch, Toronto, Effie May \Vilton, tn Ernest; Milton Ough, both of Toronto. ' - LUESBYâ€"On Thursday, August 4, 1910, at his residence, Thornhill, Thomas Lueshy. aged 50 years. BOYNTONâ€"At his late residence, Rich- mond Hill,.on Monday. August 8th, 1910. Thomas F. Boynton, in his 76th year. * Interment on Wednesday August the 10th at 1 o’clock at, Victoria. Square Cemetery. HINCHLEYâ€"On Friday. August 5, at Rosedale Heights, Summer-hill ave” \Vatts S. Hinchley, in his fortieth year. V Funeral Monday. August 8th, at; 2.30 p.m. to Mount; Pleasant Cemetery. KIRKLANT)â€"â€"Ab Richmond Hill, on Saturday, August 6, 1910, Uhailes Kirkland, in his Slsb year. Interment. in Richmond Hill Cemetery Mnnduv, August. 8. Fan-is Djilt4lnuv . . .. .. Richmond Hill Mex-ritun . . . . ‘ North Toronto in Eight? hours received by our Employment Department on \Vednesduv, July 6m, in- dicate the chances we have for placing competent young peo- ple in good office pusltions. We cannot supply half the calls we receive for lack of malaria]. If you want a. gond truimng and a good salary when ready, nttmxd on 1‘ school. Central Business College, T0- runtn. \V. H. Shaw, Prin- cipal. Free Catalogue mailed on request. Fwfieen Balls Willowdale. MARRIAGES DEATHS 48 2/5 590. 50 “ 51 3/4 " 51 4/5 “ 51 4/5 “‘ &W+H+M+W+MH* *4'°&+'§*++~§"§°++ fié+W¢tfi$°fi°§° vs?‘i-«2«§°~3~'§~+~§‘++é++$+¢+++4~§v§n§4++w #*P%%+%%+éé+%%é%+*§%+ MM+++w~§~~z~+~y¢+++4§~4w+w +4»; Mad'~§~M~oi.>9~M~d~++++i~r++++++++¢ + . " , ‘ 'x ‘ 3:; â€"â€"â€"AT 1 H hâ€"~ i‘*€*4‘+~§++‘l‘++$$$++++++{ ~3- i'*F*.+-§"§'~i°++գҤ++++++$$§4~Â¥+4+€ W'fié'?!‘ Atkinson & Switzeré ' CONCRETE HOUSE i RICHMOND HELL fl; Midsummer Sale News Oxford Shirting, checked pattern Cream Cotton Poplin, 28 in. wide. Per yd. Ladies’ White Tailor-made V‘ fronts. Sale price Ladies’ Blouses, same as Each . . Ladies’ Blue and White and Grey and White Striped Gingham Blouses. Each $1.00 Ladies’ Black and White and Blue and White Striped Print Blouses. Each . 75c Heavy Canadian Striped and Checked Shirting, dark patterns. Sale price . . 16¢ Iyd. Dongola Strap Pumps . $1.35, $.50 and Patent Ankle Strap Pumps Dongola Oxfords, medium and low heel Tan Box Calf zind Chocolate Oxfords, $1.75 to Aug. 4, 1910. REGWDE HILL 83%ng F§R§€§§§€ER in. Wool Delaine, floral pattern. Sale price in. Light Grey Tweed Dress Goods NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR A Few Liggsfiriatrfleduced Prices for Laai‘es conceded by all to he the best yet produced. Simple in Construction. Safe and reliable. Easy to operate. Bakes perfectly. No Smoke. No smell. Call and let us show it to you. Sterling Ready-Mixed Paints, Melotte Cream Separ- ators, Paroid and Anmtite Roofing, Anthony \Vire Fence. Eavetroughing and Tinsmithing in all‘its branches promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. The New Perfeciia-n ‘ Blue Flame Stave Richmond Hili Hardware E9. Bell Telephone 18 Screen Doors from 850 to $2.00 Screen Windows from 18c to 300 '.S.â€"Ask about WONDER SHINE. *+++++¢+%$§§§»M®+$é+éu+ «Mownfiéwwwww _ §§§§++¢¢¢§§¢¢ above only dotted patterns. 500 NORMAN BA’I‘TY Manager esting Blouses, tucked . . 2% 1.15 $1.35, $1.50 21111133175 352-75 10w heel . $185 Sale price, gc, IIC and méâ€"oy 75 to $2.25 PHONE 17 20c yd E‘%%°§~'§"§"§"§~41 200 on

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