Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1910, p. 8

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Don’t drug the Stomach. 01' stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is wrong. It is the nerves that, are crying out for help. Vitalize these weak inside con- trolling nerves with Dr. Shunp?s Re- storative, and see how quickly good health will come to you again. Test it and see!» Sold by W. A. Sanderson. The Canadian National can put on the Best Per- formance on the Continent. Why can the Canadian National put on a finer grand stand performance than any other exhibition on earth? One reason is that it can accommodate a bigger grand stand crowd than any other. One night last year there Wei-e 28,000 people in the grand stand and on the lawn in front of it. Just imagineâ€"â€" as many people as then: are men, women and children in Galt and Guelph combined. 13111 Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &C. y! i°++'3'+-§'+'§"§'++++§~§++°§°++++d~+Â¥ School Books. Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls,‘ "W < Etc., Etc. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Printing Stationery School Books '1"?++++++¢$Â¥++M++fi~++++++++ Dr. Wesley Robinson of Markham Village was found lying dead on a sofa in his house by a nephew Thurs- day morning. About, two or three weeks ago DI. Robinson suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, since which time he had experienced a good deal of difficulty in talking and could walk only with the aid of a, cane. Mrs. Robinson and his daughter were absent from lmme, having- left: only the day before for a short tiip in the Georgian Bay district. Mayor Gaynor of New York was shot by a would-be assassin on Tues- day while standing on the deck of a steamship just, as he was leaving for a month’s vacation in Europe. The man ‘fit'ed four shots, the last, one taking effect in the neck. He was instantly overpowered and arrested. He gave his name as Gallagher, and said he shot the Mayor because he had been recently discharged as an employe in the City. The wounded man may recover. It was stated in The World of Tues- day that; a report, was current that the Speighb Waggon Wot-ks which were established over 50 years ago, were likely to leave Markham and become consolidated with the Port: Arthur Waggon Co. of Port Arthur. The removal of that comptu from Mark- ham would mean a loss to the village of between 40 and 50 families. The farmers in the southern part of the County are not pleased with the action of the Toronto Board of Control 'in agreeing to grant the use of the St. Lawrence market to the Ontario Horticultural Society for two weeks. The farmers naturally feel that it is a. hardship to be closed out, of the market for that, length of time. DIED IN HIS 76TH YEAR. ’ Mr. Thomas F. Boynton, who had resided in this village for the past few ears, passed away Monday evening. eceased leaves 'a Widow, three sons and one daughter. Mrs. Charles Sander- son. He was in his 76th year. He was a member of the Methodist Church and a life-long Conservative. The funeral took place to the Victoria Square Cemetery yesterday afternoon. revious to which a. short service was eld at the residence, prayer being offered by Rev. F. Elliott. At Vic- toria Square Church the service was conducted by the pastors, Rev. Dr. Smith and Rev. W. L. Trench. Go to The Liberal Office for GOOD STOCK OF ONE REASON WHY News Notes. Aopoomo monthly medicine for ladies to restore and regulate the manner producing tree, healthy and minim dischargu N0 ache: or palm: on sup gran-eh Nov: used by ovor 50,000 lumea neon-0d wmuaeagnin. Invigomm mean organs. Buy or your arugula! only those with our signature acres! {aworlnbeL Avoid tuimuuhl. Sealed particulars hum! 2e smgfiflggje! Li; 71.1mm ' 5min? 0031mm: ' m +¢4~§€~++¢ Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of Well-knnwn Eople of current events. of things eauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be se‘en bu be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The Pic- tminl Publishing (10.. 142 St. Peter St. Montreal. ‘ 214$ THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” I am clearing out all my stock of PAPERS and FUR- NITURE. You Will be able to getnlhis at a price far below the cost. Large stock and many designs, with bordering and ceilings to match. Will make it Profitable to you for next 2 weeks. MARCH. 17TH, 1910. FURNITURE ‘ g WALLMPEB -7 Vs, ‘v vvum â€" \r-ntnu ‘MIIII EV lll Make and ave Money for You. Ever bod should Join the Mutual Literary Mn- sio cm?) of motion. There is nothin else l to it anywhere. It costs slmostnothin no 0111 and the benefits it gives are wondertul. ! enables you to urchase books and periodicals must: and musisal nstruments at special out prices. It secure: re- duced rates at many hotels. It answers quenions tree or charge. It otters scholarships and value- ble cash prises to Members. It maintains club rooms in many cities to: its members. In addition. oyery member receives the official in nine enu- ued " Ev’rY Month” 3 nblloadon some by itselfJuolud n3 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and m- strumontal muslcflull size) each month wishouc ext-m char 3' fliieoes in one euinsll. YOU cm om- L‘L o z'xmsn us son AL- MOST NOTHING. The tun yearly membership fee is One Dollar for which you get all above, and you may with- draw any time within three months it you want to do so and e: your dollar bank. It you don’t care tospen 31.00. send 25 come :01- three months membership. Nobody can allow! to us this oflei- by. You will at ur money him in value man times over. ul particulars will be .senc tree 0 chin-go. but if you are wise you will 'sond in your requeat for membership wish the groper fee at once. The25ms. three months mem- ership offer will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your letter and enclosing 31.00 for tall year’s membetahip or swenfiy-nve cents for IhraeJ months to I" LITERARY MUSIC CLUB HUT-0‘ No. 150 Nassau St» N. Y. Cay. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmanfi Hill P. G. SAVAGE All kinds of Grinding Axes, Siokles, Knives, Scissors and G-umming Saws on WEDNESDAY and j BUILDERS’ SHELF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS 6’69 PAINTS <90 OILS SATURDAY of each week < .. .. EEG": to Join n_(_?lub T3nt_§an u:-‘... ; 0,7- JACOB EYER & SON Slaughtei" gale Having purchased a Gasoline Engine, we are prepared to do ‘ RICHMOND HILL V» HORSE GWDS THE BEST Goons AT RIGHT PRICES. and the strongest; and best harness mgde anywhereâ€"that’s ours. n that lnnk well. Wear Well‘ and keep those who use them comfortable. fiYrbrur fivecd nothing for the comfort of your horse which we cannot supply. Lax-ets 5 mm! II'R E â€""A Test in Pronunciation." tn- struct ve and entertaining 9 for the whole tamil . Also illustrated pamphle . m Ripans Tax)qu cure bad M Emma Tabqu our. u"! bonus. A supplement to the new edition has brought it fully uE to date. I have been looking through t e latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness. an ltilte()?‘x;nvzxixxxt or labor that has been .put 11 . .m ., (the highest award) was given to tho In- ternational at the Workl‘s Fair. St. Louis. must Win upon“ their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its «merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kindin the fist :;~ 5 English language; A. H. Sayoe, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford University, En land, has recently Bald of it: It. is indee a marvelous work; 11:18 difficult to conceive of a fictional-gimme exhaustive and complete. Everyt 11315 in ltâ€"not only what we might expect to find In such a Wnrk. but also what few of usyvould e_ver hove} thought of logglng tor. G. & G. MERRIAM 00.. pususnsns. SPRINGFIELD. MASS. THE GRAND PRIZE ALL eianmmas‘ FULL OF STYLE Igap Bobcs Tn Winnipeg â€" FREE DISTRIBU- TION west of VVinmpeg up to Rpgma. Saskatoon; Warman and Swan River_ August 12 and :6 For Fare. . . He will be pleased to hear from any person who needs any fencing done. lBâ€"my] The undersigned is pleased to let. the public knmv' that he has been given the agency far the Ideal Wire Fence. made by th? Mucgregnr, Banwell Fence (,0. (If \Valkerville. He has Want 6,000 RICE‘EWHQNE HfiLL Iron Posts,Lawn Gates, Small Gates, Lawn Fences. ~â€"ALSOâ€" Ideal Flower Bed Guards A. J. HUME HNE HELENE ““rimffiasmmnuewv 09300. 625 3' 8L. WWW. Du , ' Tam: MARK: . Dzsmns i COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone lending a sketch and decor! tion my mum! ascertain our opmlon tree w other an Invent on is probably atentable om uniea. flan: smotl confident ml. HANDBOO on Manta sent tree. Ides: ency for securing patents. Patents taken 1. ton )1 Mann Cal-each») Wynn, without a urge, in a . Av 117126561? E‘fifmfidQEBify.‘ M656 Su- amon of any scientific journal. Terms for (13.7 gm‘bruiyearmostase prepaid. Sold by Excursions from Ontario From all stations. Kingston, Ren- fx-ew and ‘Vesb . . . E. M. Byrzae, Managar BRANCHES ALSO A]? MxipLE. MA‘RIKHAM. STO‘L‘E’FVILLE $1871) GEORFFZLEY. CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO idea! Ma Ma Farm LabOrerS British 'Sfiéfi!i§i§_IEitE§iM&3 Canadian Northern Railway AND The hpsgflcI-st are “along the Ua‘nadiun Northern lines Tickets and full information apply Nearest Grand Trunk Agent. NOTARY PUBL IO Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, E Special attenLinn given to Established l873 \ For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent ’at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Calble Transfer. Pressing Cleaning: Repairing- Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. RICHMQND HELL BRANCE? W M. MARTIN, $10.00 ms OF CANADA c TRANSMITTENG MONEY RICHMOND HILL. Ten per cant cheaper. ten per cont better for Bulinm. Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklfl Ewe, P. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prinz Cor. Yonga & 81601153., Term of 1909. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA W. HEWISON . TICKETS fur the Canadian VVost procured at i‘+*+i‘++%++'§0++++++++4°+++1°++ +~§++~§°+€*§‘~%§'+-§‘++-§"§"§‘++'§'M++++ RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HI]. L MUNN a; 00.. of ma Scmm‘nxc AMERICA! eon- Nnno to act, M Solicitors tar Patents. Caveats 'Pnnaa Marks. Co nights, for the United Scams. Canada. England. mnoa. Germany. etc. Hand Book about Panama sent tree: “Thirty-g yenâ€"3’ cxperlqpeq In-uuw mu. .u . Au”. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" m. um. v- .v , mum...” Patents obtained through MUNK CO. are 11me in me chunnc Manama. the meet best. and most wide} clrcumhxi Marinas pap“. £120.! year Weekly. lendld eamvinga and “swung m- mauon. pacimen copy of the Scientific Amor- n sent. tree; Ag rm ugrmxg 3Q, Spllx'uno The undemiguod. rutmxtly employed WiLh tho Mnsw-ylflrris 00.. has taken the Blacksmithng business vacated by Clifb 131-05., and is prepm'vd to attend tu an branches uf the trade. PNEENTS HOUSE PAINTER, Elazier, Grainer and Paperâ€" Hanger. 5?. l. FéfififiMfiE Slut Haul. Its-e. Auuruw mun n a A)? on]. WAX omoo. ml‘Broudway. New on. THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. Ox'ders taken atâ€" PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFAC”'10N GUARANTEED Calls from a distance promptly attended to. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, lv'IILL \Ve have a chnice selection of Perfume. and no nicer 01‘ more acceptahlna gift {or your friend than a, bottle of Perfume. W. A. Sanderson Meal / Perfume IEORSES‘EIOEING A S?BGIALTY SS ODO. E CAS BARE IN FIN Call and see our display (If ideal Present Drugaist WUUDWARD. RICHMOND HILL _0F__. 80 Branches

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