Eli‘s; of Stoufl’ville is spendgng a few weeks at the home of gar uncle Mr. Ed. Prentice “Hillside†'arm. Mis Maud Gardner of Woodstock is visiting her friend Miss Nita Baker “Moot-wood" Fur-m. Mrs. T1105. Cook 51'. and her s1ster Mrs. Geo. Wood of “Hill Crest Cottage†spent Thursday with Mrs. Alb. HamiltonRichmond H11]. _ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Boothby of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Remnan and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grainger on Friday Last. of Unionville visited his uncle Mr. Alex. Prentice on, Thursday last; __- ... Am Miss Lillian Small the new public school teacher here. arrived Saturday evening. ready to commence her dntles on the following Mpnday. ltlltlers. Thug. Cook 'jr. and little son spent Sunday at the home of their uncle M r. John Nixopï¬of Hope. ï¬Noah Hoover-A and daughter Vern of Mongol’ia spent Sun- dav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ki_r_by. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Bone and family spent, Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Pleasan uf_Langs_tafE. , Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Williams and little daughter Grace visited Mr. and Mrs. \V. Barnett Patterson. , (Last week) Miss Mercie Cook spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. Frank Graham Richmond Hill. 7 Mr. "Urshel Nixon of Hope spent Sunday with his cousin Mr. Stanley Wood “Hill Crest gottag§._’_’__ Mr. Harvey Blake of Toronto spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Blake. Misses Laura and Gussie Prentice and Miss VVhitty spent Tuesday at the hume of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ggqper, Iiead'fnrd.‘ 71 n A- ,,,,1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prentice and three children of Unionville spent, Sunday last, at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Baker, “Moorwond†farm. iRuwtrh ‘Vingm‘ of Edgely is spending a few weeks at her Grand- parenbs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winger. Printing Stationery School Books ++°¥++¢++++++++++++++++++++ Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. School Books, Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Robber Balls, Etc., Etc. ,g. Go to The Liberal Office for {new departâ€" ment has to Eda with the 5C 0 u n t r y gHome and its ï¬surroundin s. 1 Terms: %4 w a year, $2 for lsix months. Sport ‘ â€" pericnces of angiers shoc ers and campers, or’yach mg; Adventure with 2 for and lar‘ 0a STREAM," or send us twenty-ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural his- tory and yachting. A We send I free on re- ' quest 0 u r tataiogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. GOOD STOCK OF '§"§'+-§«%--§â€Â§0§' Carrville If you 9 like to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- terested in count?! life, ask your newsdea er for “FOREST AND ing; or 1f you are m- All kinds of Grinding Axes, Sickles, Knives, Scissors and G-umming Saws on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of each week .. .. .. BUILDERS’ , SHELF HARDWARE 0]? ALL KINDS 99$ PAINTS & OIL GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond. Hill Slaughter Sale } __.__â€"OF-â€"â€"-- FURNITURE AND WALL ?APEB I am clearing out all my stock of PAPERS and FUR- NITURE. You Will be able to get this at a price far below the cost. Large stock and many designs, with bordering and ceilings to match. Will make it Proï¬fable to you for next 2 weeks. Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of well-known pimple of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About. one thousand, square inches of picturvs in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great i1- lustrmted papers of London appeal to the' English people. Non pnlitical. AbsoluLt-ly no axe to grind. Its aim snlely to please and to inform. Must, {be seen m) be appreciated. Ten cents [a copy. Ons- dollar a year. The Pie- | toxial Publishing 00., 142 Sb. Peter Sb. Montreal“ ' Zl-tf MARCH 17TH, 1910. Ever?) X 11111,} he Mutual Liter Mu- sic Cm of merlca. There Is rothin else 1 its it anywhere. It costs almost nothing to 0111 and the beneï¬ts it gives are wonderful. Icenahlee you $0 ‘ umnase hawksand periodicals, musioand musical nstruments at special cut prices. It secures re- duced rates am many hotels. I: answers questions tree of charge. It otters sebolarahfps and value- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club room In many cities to: its members. In addition. every member receives the ofï¬cial magazine enu- tled " Ev‘ Month" 9. ublieatlou In a class by itselfJnclud up: 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- strumental musiou’ull size) each month without manta phersga 9.919999% 9!“! ye!"- In 311:4 YOU “CANADIAN PICTORIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE cx’t’i-K’ohar '6'" 2 'iécée ln'ona’ fail-7min. "YOU CAN GET L‘Lo rmn BENymu-s HOB. AL- mgsi‘ 301mm. ‘ > _ _ __ A yearly membership fee I a One Donar for which you get all above, and you may with- draw any time within three months If you ‘wanno do so and at your dollar bunk. If you‘ 1dou'tcm-e to span 31.00. send 25 cents for three ‘months membership. Nobody can afford to nas‘ ‘this often- by. You will at our money baa In lvalue man times over. ul particulam will be sent tree 0 charge, but It you are wise you will -scnd in your request fnr membership with the groper fee at once. The 350%. three months mem- ersbip offer will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your Inter and endosing $1.00 for full yeargmfmbersmn or twenty-ï¬ve cents tor three mon 5 0 MUTUAL LITERARY MUSIC CLUB No. 150 Nan-an sc†Y. Cay. Chance to John a Club That Wm Make and Save Monryflfgn; you: JACOB EYER & SON Having purchased a Gasoline Engine, we are prepared to do RICHMOND 'HIL-L . SAVAGE and the strongest, and host harness made anywhereâ€"that’s ours. You nerd nothing for the comfort of your horse which We cannot supply. that look well. wear Well and those who use them comfortable. THE BEST GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. HORSE GOODS must win uponwe their merits. The Internationali Dictionary has won a: greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind? in the "4 1:1,; . English language. A. II. Snyoe, LL.D., D.D., 0! Oxford University, En land, has recently said of it: It is indec a marvelous work; His difï¬cult to conceive of 'a dicuomr‘imore exhaustive and complete. Every lug is in itâ€"not only what- we might expect to ï¬nd in such a work. but also what few of us would QVBX‘ have thgught of logging got. A supplement to the new edition has brought it fullï¬ 11E to date. I have been looking throng 1 t e latter with a feeling of astonishment at its complebeneas, an the amount. of labor that. has been put into it. (the highest award) was given to tho In- ternational at. the World 5 Fair. St. Louis. F REE â€""A Test In Pronunciation." in- structive and entertaining for the whole family. Also @ illustrated pamphlet. m a. 8:. c. MERhIAM co., Ripana Tabuiegyun M breath. Rlpans 'I‘abulu em liva- mm FULL OF STYLE Au. aunnimnas‘ 1U Iv. â€""‘""_ THE GRAND PRIZE PUBL|SHERBn SPRINGFIELD. MASS. ,Jap Robes wear well and keep A. J. HUME RICHMGNB HELL FINE TMNWN; L mmaaa The undersigned is plmxsod to let the. public know that he has hes-n given the agency for me Ideal \Vire Fence. made by the Mncgrvgm; Banwell Fence (.0. of VValkex-ville. He has He will be pleased to hear from any pen-son who needs any fencmg done. 16-my1 Iron Posts, Lawn Gates, Small Crates, Lawn Fences. -â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"- THE STANDARD BANK Want 6,00% Aug. 39 and Sept. Fare. . . Tn Winnipeg~FREE DISTRIBU- TION west of Winmpeg up to Regmn, Saskatoon. VVar-mzln and Swan River. E. M. Byrne, Manage:- BRANCHES ALSO AT MAPLE; MARRIâ€"RAPI. STOUFFVILLE » A2833) GQRMLEY. ‘ For Tickets and full information apply to Nearest Grand Trunk Agent. TBADI: MARKS DESIGNS ; Cowman-rs &c. Anyone sending a. sketch and descrlgtlon may quickly ascertain our oplnlon free w ether an Invention is probably Patentabl% fommunlcaâ€" uonn strictly conï¬dent 211. HANDB 0 on Patents sent. flee. Oldest agency for securinwmnts. Pqtgntq _ta.k99_ 3. rough Mul‘m‘éi mom "I'Siféï¬ï¬‚i taken tï¬rou' 1: Mann an my! game. without £39. man; ..A.. AYnJaKnISI‘y'tï¬uâ€"st'mï¬d'ï¬Ã©ify.’ urgent at. ï¬ssion of any scientiï¬c journal. Terms for ads. $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by all newsd era. mum Suï¬smmflew ,1 {K mmmvmwmxmwn. Meal Wire Fem Ideal Flower Bed Guards Excursions from Ontario From all stations. Kingston, Ren- frew and \Vesb . . . Wéï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚fliï¬iéï¬saflg AND Farm Laborers Canadian Northern Railway B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Establixhed 1873 NOTARY PUBLIC Leases. Wills, Etc. The best, crops are along the Uanadinn Nurthlï¬i) lines Special attention given to Available for Manufacturing and Commercial li-Iouses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, larmers and private individuals. so Savings Bank Department at every Branch. RICHMQNEZ‘: mm. BRANCH Pressing Cleanmg r Repairing Conveyancing, W M. MARTIN, ma OFCï¬NADA ‘ A Compieï¬Ã© Banking Service $10.00 RICHMOND HILL. Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cent bptter for Businees. Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklet Free R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Car. Yenge & Bloor Sts. The undersigned, recently employed with tho Massey-I'larris 00., has taken the Blacksmithng business \ Heated by Ciift, 8105.. and is prepared to attend to all branches of the trade. mm Iar Hi3 West TICKETS fur the Canadian West procured ab ‘ THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA §‘+Jr+'§‘+‘?'§"¥’§°é鑧‘+++é++Ԥ"§“§'+++4‘ Term of [909. '8' Quin?'k++%+++.Â¥++%++++++§~+~§°i~é+ RESIDENCE. RICHMOND 1111 V. PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEE n HUN)! 5; CO‘, or me SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN con- tinue to not as Solicitors {or lr‘gntams. Caveats ‘l‘mc's Marks. Co yï¬ahts for the United sum-s. dmada. England, ï¬ance. Germany. ole. Hzmd Bonk about. Pnteum sent free. Thin «omen yenrs’oxperionce Patents obtained throng M [INN 5.: CO. um untit‘ed lnIahe Scmu’rmc AMERICAN. the largest beat. and most widely circulated scientiï¬c paper. 8120;: yea: Weekly. 6 I'endid engravings urjd lntemwlnu lu- Ionnauon. pecimen copy of the flclontiï¬c Amer- t free. Address MUNN h 30.. SCInx'mno I _. In..-" on unwindâ€"u.“ w..â€" Vnpi GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN EEILLS Orders taken zitâ€"- THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. HOUSE PA INTER, 31azier,Grainer and Paper» Hanger. F. J. WDUDWARD. \Ve have a choice selection of Perfume, and no nicer or more acceptable gift for your friend than a bottle of Perfume. n rum. 1.“. .. um v... s- .- V. ___ 1mm“ Gm» 261 Broadwuy. New York. Edéall Perfume w. A. Sandersï¬né Calls from a distance promptly attended’to. HORSE-SEWING A SPECIALTY EKRE ODORS IN FINE CASES Call and see our display . HEWISON {deal Present Drugaist RICHMOND HILL 80 Branchcl ()f