Calls by telephone from~Richmond Hill charged to me. Licensed Auctioneel tor the County of York. re» speahfully solicle your patronage and friendly lnfln once sales attwuded on the shortest notice mad at ten. Ionable rates P 0 address King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Halos mbteuded to on shortest notice and at tea.- aorlble rates Psgronage solicited Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Goodsaold on consignment. General sales. of stock. etc. promptly attended :o'at reasonablt rages_ Besidence Uniumille The Newton School of Music G R (ioulrliié; ï¬ewtan Brook. agent to: the above - JOHN R. CAMPBELL, UBERAL PRINTING (2 PUBLESHENG HUUS£ RICHMOND HILL , ONT. '1‘ 3011371111.; ~â€".â€"Tuesd ays, T Saigeon. Maple EAL; TERM OPENS ï¬EPT. {3, 191.0. '1‘. F. McMAHON. ‘7, ,V., ,V. ,"V V 4.30 p. m. _ EGMNTONâ€" Mrmday,"l'hursday. Friday and Saturday mornings; Munday, \Vvduesduy and Friday evenings. I‘pmmTOOFFwE, 129 Shefhnurne St. Gas and Cucaine for extractions. A. S. THOMPSON. M.D ,CvM. DR. E. J. WOODS Iï¬entist, RICHMONB HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A ‘M T0 5 RM. IS PUBLISHEDEVEE 2 EB URSDA Y MORNING- BR. R._PENTLAND ' ’ RICHMOND HILL Flrst house noth of Atkinson It Switzer’s storv. ' ~ VOL. XXXIII. Phone number will be No. 2403. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR $1 per annum, in advance. u Richmond Hill, Ont. RICHMOND. HILL. Saigeon dc fllcEwen. bUSINESS CARDS. 8TH SEASONâ€"1310411 & s.. EDIN. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCUUCHEUR. 23m gm“; OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: J. ll Pren" ue. E01203 :3: Paomxnron. wamum RESIDENCE wettital. BLOUGXI flzutal'. AT THE J K ‘ M cEiven Wes can ». m. ’9 Prepares pupils for the graded PX- aminabions held at Tt'nontn Conserva- Lux-y of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0- l-(nnto; ‘ Special‘cnnrse in “Myer’s†Kinder- ï¬al't'ï¬n Method, particularly helpful (.0 egumms. Class recitals are' given throughnut the year, ' 42â€"h A large [stock undertakers & Embalmcrs. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Richmono. H111 NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO, Canada FRANK DENTON. K. C. W. M ULOCK BOULTBEF W. H. MCGVJRE Banmsmu. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. 'Tnmntn Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. West, V’Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-a1" Oflice). every Thursday forenoun. - Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVoudhridzze, Satin-day forenmm. Money to luan ab Five Per Cent (5%) Danton, bunn Harristers and sollcllors. Money to loan on land abdominal mortgageth » ’ lowest rates Auroruniï¬oefâ€"Rumnved to the old post omoa one docr west or the entrluca to the Ontario Bank Newmaer ofï¬ce-Three doors south of the postamce Hznanm-Lsxnox G Brv Mom“ ELLIOT% ‘ Tnnnwm, (mm A. F. G. Lawrence 1“. J. Dunbar Know that our facilities are absolutely ï¬rst.- clmss and that those who attend are saute to be highly satisï¬ed. They alsb know nut; graduaoes Busin get positions because they are “thoroughly competent." Write for catalogue. Enter any time. Con. YONG: AND ALEXANDER S‘rs. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Barrxsters,Solicitoi-5. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building ‘Cor. Adelaide & Victoria. Sta. for-onto. NQX & MORGAN is to decide to get a. business educath the next is where to get 11:. Those w acquainted with the Work done in nm Or J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. (Inderlï¬kers a MISS MIL LIE TRNCH PIANO TUNING Commissioner, Conveyancer; etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. I'HORNHILL Lawrmce 35 Dunbar: (ms Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed The First Important Step L‘A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC TORONTO. ONT. voxcmc AND . . . , ACTION REGULATING 50511 3. 27am'dson THORNHILL {HCHMOND HILL. ONT; THURSDAY, SEPT. H WRIGHT BROS RICHMOND HIL_L Teacher of Plano WILLIAM COOK stock of Funeral Fu rnishing kept at: both places lurristers. Snliclurs. 1&0. ,u gun a. nusmess education and rhere to get It. Thqse who at 'im the work done 111 popular Ann-ta; £12m? “In Essentials, Unity; in Non Phone Main 293 Distribution of material for experi- ments‘in 191»0.â€"â€"As long as the supply lasts, material will-be distributed free of charge in the under in which the ap- plications are received from Ontario farmers Wishing tuexperiment and to ’report the results of any one of the kfnllowiug tests: 1, three varieties of Winter Wheat; 2, two varieties of lWinter Rye; 3, ï¬ve Fertilizers with ‘ \Vinter Wheat ; 4, Autumn and Spring {Applications of Nitrate of Soda and ' Common Salt with Winter Wheat; 5, Winter Emmer and Winter Barley; 6, Hairy Vetches and Winter Rye as i Fodder Crops. The size of each plot is f to be one'rod wide by tWO rods long. i Material for numbers 3 and 4 will be I sent by express. A W, in “my,†--.m.......vw is frnmptly helping Stomach, Hem-t an Kidney ailments. The Restorative reaches out. for the actual cause of these ailment‘sâ€"the failing "inside nerves". Anyway test the Restorative 48 hours. It won’t cure so soon as that, but, you will surely know that help is coming. Snld by W. A. San- dersnn. . , In advertising always say what yuu believe, if you wish people to believe What you say. ‘ It’s a'pity when' ’sxck nnes‘drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart, and Kidneys. That. is all wrong! A weak Stomach, means weak Stomach nerves, always. And this is Hlsn true of the Heart and Kidneys._ ‘ The weak nerves are instéad crying out, for. help. This yxplains w‘lhy‘ D_rl_Shogp’s Realm-nun O.A.C., Guelph, Ont. “Uâ€... r“ l‘vn‘tl Fodder Cropsâ€"In each 01’ seven years, the seed of Hairy Vetches and of Winter Rye has been distributed throughout Ontalio for co-opemtive ex eminent/s in testing these crops for £0 der purpose-s. In the average of seven years’ experiments, the Hairy Vetches produced slightly the largest yield of green fodder per acre. l‘he difference in 1910, however. was about; 2.3 of atom per acre in favor of the ‘Winter Ry'e. ' ' ‘ gave an average yield of 27 bus. per acre, and the land which received neither fertilizers not manure gave an average of 20 bus. per acre. The Super- phosphnte was applied at. the rate of 320 pounds and‘the Mariette 0f Potash and the NibrateofSuda each 160 pounds per acre. The Mixed Fertilizer con-. sisted of one-third of the quantity of each uf the other three fertilizers here mentioned. The usual cost of the fer- tilizers. as used in this experiment, is between four and ï¬ve dollars per acre. ‘4‘“ .1 .1 W _. I‘ -r . _ “‘0‘. -u. vâ€: \uuo 3'er as ftuï¬tnxv§:rMixed Fertilizer. 24.9 11:15.“; Nitgute‘ngSpdn, 24.1 bus. ; Muriate - “v. , ~..,- “‘4‘ - .. \)\a\lrl, “2.1 Hun. 5 n1 uruuc of Potash. 23.1 bus.; and Superphns- phate. 22.6 bus. On similar land, an Manure at the rate (sz 21) tons per acre, _V .V. n..- v "UN." . ’ILI (“ac nu LUUU- Fertilizers with Winter \Vheatâ€"In the co-opex-zttive experiments with different feitrilizers applied in the autumn to winter wheat, the average yields of grain psr acre for six 59mg ...... .i- 1-,", H, Winter Ryeâ€"Three varieties of winter rye “ere distributed in the winter of 1909. The results show that the Mammoth ‘White variety came at the head of the list, in yield per acre in sixty-six er Cunt. of the experiments. The Was ingnm came second,,slighl;ly surpassing the Cmnmun varieQn-l In the experiments throughout Ontario. the BInmlnuth \Vhit.e surpassvd the Common rye by an average of 5 bushels per acm in 1907, 5.4 bushels per acre 11] 199?. aqgi 6 husth per acre in 1909. qua-my. 1ne unpenal Amber is H. bearded. red chuffed, red grained wheat of fair strength of straw and of good .avernge quality for bread production. The Crimean Red is a bearded, white chafl’ed.‘ red grained wheat, rather weak in the straw but, excellent for bread prodlrctiun. ' tn test. some of the lending varieties on their own farms. The average yields yer acre of straw and of grain are as allows: American Wonder, 2.3 tons, 31.0 bus.; Tasmania Red, 2.4 tons, 28.3 hus.; Impexial Amber, 2.4 tons, 26.4 bus.; Crimean Red. 2.3 tons. 26.4 bus. The American Wonder resembles very cluser the Duwsun’sGolden Gin-ff, both in appearance of the gmwmg crop and in the quality and the appear- ance of the grain. The Tasmania. Red is a. bearded red chaï¬â€™ed, 'red grained wheat. The straw is somewhat weak but the grain is of excellent milling Eluulijty; Tlie‘ Imgerial Amber is a. v -_.-...,.... “WWW. the carefully Conducted co-nperatlve experiments with autumn sown crops are he'x'e presented in a very cuncise fnrm. W'inter VVheatâ€"Fout- varieties of winter wheat, were distributed last aux-unin b0 thqse‘ fairmers who wisth Four hundred and thirty-eight fann- ors throughout, Ontmiu, conducted ex- gerimvnts with autumn sown crops living the past year. Re m-ts have hec-n recexved from thirtyâ€" ve of the counties of the Province. The PX< pet-inlenters deserve much credit for the gem! work which thvy have done, nut only fnr themselves but for the farmers EPyeralLy._ Avqmge results of ‘L_,. Experiments with Autumn Sown Crops. -Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." C. A. ZAVITZ. Good English Wmsted Autn Cups. silk-lined, each 25c.; Bay’s-Varsity Caps, all sizes, each 25c.; Men’s and Bay’s Bull Dog’s Caps. silk-lined. sizes 63 Lo 75. each 500. Atkinsun&Switzel-. The Mad to success is paved with good advertisvments. ‘ You don’t; have to go to war to be patrioticy Improve your locality, up; hold your town. enlarge its interests. and lend a hand to progress, and you, are a patx-iotwâ€"n lovér of your cmmfry ...I,, , .\ .n - I ' J ‘ “' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ..' â€"as truly as the soidler whu shoulst his musket. Diive Rheumatism out of the blood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy and see. how quickly pain will depart. Rubs-(ms never did reach the real disease.» Rht uumtism isn't in the skin. It’s deep downâ€"its constitutional. Getting rid' of the pain, is after all. what counts. That is, why Dr. Shuop’s Rheumatic Remedy goes. by word of mouth fmm one to another. And herein lies the popularity .nf this Remedy. It iS' winning defenders everywhere. Tablets or Liquid: Sold by W. A. .Sandersun. gGarterâ€"a long memorandum is ad- dressed to him by his parents. Every a sentence is full of loving counsel: “Al new sphere of life will open for you, in ; which you will have to be taught‘ ‘what to do and what not to do, a ’ subject requiring study more import- ant than any in which you have hitherto been engaged. For it is a. subject of study and the most diflicult ’ one of your life, how to become a good man and a thorough entleman. To the servants and those elow you. you 5 will always he courteous and kind. i remembering that by having engaged to serve you in return for certain money cpayments they have not sur- renders theirdlgnity, which belongs ! to them as» brother men and brother Christians. You will try to emancipate yourself as much as possible from the i from the thruldom of abject de end-’ I ence for your daily wants of H e oni 1 your servants. The more you can do for yourself and the less you need their ' help the greater will be your indeï¬ ! pendence and real comfort.†Then; [there is a conï¬dential letter of in- . stluctions for the guidance of the' 1 gentlemen appointed to attend on the ‘ ‘ Prince of \Vales. who by their example ‘ are to train him to be the ï¬rst gentie~ man in the country. On dress and manners this memorandum has much ‘ advice to give these young men. “A gentleman does not indulge ill careless, self-indulgent, lounging ways, such as lolling in armchails, or on sofas. slouching in his gait. . . In dress he will never ive in to the’ unfortun- ately loose an slang style which pre- dominates at the present day. He dwill borrow nothing from the fashions of the groom or the gamekeeper. . . A gentleman having gained the prestige in society of good dress and' appearance, and courteous manners, must maintain the good opinion of his companions by showing intelligence 'in his conwrsation, and some know- ledge of those studies and pursuits which adorn society and make it ill-l teresting. Mere 'games of cards and.! billiards, and idle gossipin talk, will 1 never teach this, and to a rince, who has usually to take the lead in con- versation. the habit of ï¬nding some- thing to saw beyond mere questiollsas to health and remarks upon the weather is most desirable." ' .On his sevtheenth birthdayâ€"an im- portant. occasion, for the Prince had been appointed colonel-in the army. ind had rgceived the Order 01 the In a close and intimate analysis of the character of King Edward VIL, which appears in the latest, number of The Quarterly Review, an interesting liglgytais sh_ed upon the1 manner in which flow a Prince ls taught to conduct himselt.â€"Iuterest- ing Artlcie In Quarterly Review Show: How King Edward VII. Was Prepared for HI: Dutiesâ€"What Constitutes a dentin-1a. I ll.‘ TRAINING OF A KI'NG. . 1910 , Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or maybe sent to . . ‘ cAssELLs & COMES'ANV. 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto Oassel’s Magazine, per annum' . $ , The, Story Teller » . . ’ - ThuQuiver . ~ ; g. Musical Home Jnurual . . The G'Ms’ Reulm . . . . Little Folks . . , . Chums . . . . ' . . _~..v_. REV???“ It is not necessary to send to foreign'cou.1trie: in magau zines. Read the following:â€" The monthly magaziiï¬es of, the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. CASSELLSQ Canadian P 11 low ï¬shing Company. All‘ kinds of grain bought} andihighest possible priced; paid Ext-the" Elevatdr. ‘ Purity Flour always on" hand. ' NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE 1 Best Scranton coal; " ' Also Tile. Bran, Shor’tsya'nd Americati Com for cattle and hogs. For sale at the. C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM, COAL wueamnmtuurm' No. 1 0n Dyspepsla No. 4 For Women No. 2 0n the Heart 0. 5 For Men No.3 01: the Kidney. V ‘.60n8hemt‘1fll md‘rebuflds . v n,“ ~ 5, noneng pow ca sure help you-H it i within the powenof med I todo so. My be: eflortlssurely worthy »« now. while it is trash mind oh mono! pave: comes. Dr. 81100;). Box 12. their». “I; Besides. you on tree to consult me by letm axon would your home human. Do I0 nn fullyâ€"~11 you desire. I advice And the below are youthâ€"and with , t cost. Perk-pl 0 Word or two from me will up Iome serial ailment. I hue helped thoussnds upon thousands by my prince prescription or m1 m ,ï¬- ,H..." ,V.‘V__,._-.. .. ,__v.-_. my“.- film. . . .p Besidesme books wm open up new ‘M he! in] ideas to you. They tell of my an sensor ends at the home: is muon- Eu. All nha and Ermine tall at here. They t "Inside m‘ no larger th an ‘ than “I Heart “51m 11 sediow the Swmaehnnd I! nes- oach have t ir inside or ‘ we: nerve. How these ogzggaisqgelz funga- ‘wn __t.heu_eorgt_1~olh_| But write me ï¬rst Ion-an ordar. ’ I have m went In uncut ever! commun- gagâ€"33331! drunks an no: mated a: (mu e y m. . So drop me I “no. pleaseâ€"and am: love u: disapgoiqgnents And cpl-n. _7 . '_ “mun-nu; v- Irr- uuuuy I Mmfll} Milieu!- n h an mace mm flip}; man? me‘ém, whoa makerdaremtbackt juctacldo by this “gum-Icabe of"! ‘ '> W?“ H†33,». ‘“ r ‘t ' .mafl' . , i; I" . I _ For twenty years blast-cg? medlelneshnc becompflnghllmdpglg In oven; Amado. ‘No om need M 5611 one'linkl'e B531. "a! Junmlnk whntthhmeam to the bulletin] Not-11k. 1: nothing wmwvai u M‘BPI'IE‘. “ _ _. - A -193“! 5"†"id “4;??sz W32} 32135313? ain’t risk even one single penny! _ Andlwlwnyouvhylmthfl. __..3§‘}2°ï¬â€˜1'.°..1"19;!. 25mm J; H. RAMER If Sick For threshing engines. [Single copies, 3 cts. in the