Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1910, p. 5

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Th9 High School reg-opened Tuesday with :m attmxdunce of 52, and several studentshuve since bet-n enrolled. Miss BessieRnbinsnnofBuffaln, N.Y., spent the week and with Miss Anna Rel-swell at Elgin Mills. Mrs. Richmond of VVnndstock made a visit Inst week with Mrs. Tunnel] and other relatives. Mrs. Semle and Miss Pulio’nk of Hnsednle visited with Mrs. J. H. San- dex'snn Mondav uftm-nuun. Mr. Jnhn Hill. Muster (J‘rm'dnn VPP- mm and Stewart Henry (If Pvtn-hm-u visited last week at Mr. D. Hill’s. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnfl’y and three child- ren. Toronto, made a visit With their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Gould. Misses EHznbeth and Helvn Benson spent a cmnple of day’s last, week with reintivvs in anontu. Mls. S. M. Brown is spending a few days at. Swansea. with her daughtvr Mrs. (Dr.) Spalding. V The Villuge Bafid after practice Saturday evening serenaded Mr. and Mrs. \Vyclitfe Trench at, the old hmlle. Mrs. G. A. McDonald and daughter Jenn had a. pleasant trime the Georgi- an Bay and returned home Saturday evening. Mr. Clarkson McDonald of the Stand- :u-d Bank staff at Penetung came home and stayed over Sunday and the buli- day. Miss: Era Hm Event, a cmz‘plp nf’ days wit h friends in E’enetaug and Elm- \ulv. Sprllt the week mid with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill. The new sulmul hunks fm- PuMic and High Schools for sale as ’IHE LIBERAL Uflicv. Misses Lizzie. Mamie and Lexie Gould of Toronto spent. It few days with thvir uncle, Mr. \Vm. Gould. Dr. F. E. Grant, of Kalamnzun, Michigan, made a brief visit: last, wwk with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grant. . Mrs. Morris, Tmontn. and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mann-use of Camden, N. 1., spent Tuesday with Mr. uners. Geo. McDonald. Golden Sling Flu-{Cane Syrup. per tin 120.; Goldenette Pure Cane Table Syrup, in 5 1h. pails, per pail, 400. At- kinson & walzer. Vaughan Council will meet; Tm’sday, Sept. 13, at l p.111. The Markham Economist, is having itsannual holiday, and (mnsequelnly the-re will he nu publicaLion of that paper this \vvek. Miss Gertrude Grant 19ft VVednes- day morning for Fort Erie where she will spend a, few days visiting friends, previous to returning to New Jersey to resume her duties there. Rxcmmzm HILL, Own, SEPT. 8, 1910 Visitors at Mr. Teefy’s this week have been Mrs. Mulcaby, Mr. and Mrs. John Mulcahy and little mm of Orillia. and Mr. and Mrs. l’obvin and little daughter Elizabeth of Midland. Dr. A. H. R. Fairchild, Professor in English at, Columbia University, Mis- souri, spent two weeks with Mr. I. H. Sanderson here, and ten days in Muskoka. . ' Elie ggiim'sfi. The first meeting of Richmond Lodge. A.F. and A.M., after recess, will be held on Monday evening, the 12th and a full attendance of the mem- bers is requested. A depositor’s Ba-nk Bonk on the Canadian Bank of Commerce was picked u and left at THE LIBERAL Oflice. he- owner may have the same by proving property. Mrs. J. Lovell. accompanied by her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Teasdale, London, and two sons Arthur and Rupert. spent; Thursday of last week with her friend Mrs. Wm‘ Pahnem THE LIBERAL and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be sent for the balance nfi‘ the year. both papers for 40 cents. Those who are not taking those papers should take advantage of this special. offer. Miss Teefy left, Saturday evening for Montreal for a. week. She was ac- companied by a nephew, Mr. Teefy Mulcahy of Orilliu, and will be a. guest of Mrs. Rolland. Miss Teefy will at,- tend the Eucharistic Congress now in session in Mental-en}. Pupils of Miss Millie Trench will please take notice that the class re- opens Friday, September the 9th. Any wishing to arrange for piano tuition may consult with Miss Trench by mail, pex'sonally m- by ‘phone and gain full particulars. l‘vlr.:1nfl}'lrs‘. Vim. Hill nf Buffalo 1.; f) (3 A1493 next Those wlm attend the. National Ex- hilzitiuu Friday or Snturdavof this week should see the exhibit, of Bentty Bl‘()S.. Fergus, Ont" under the Grand Stand. Those in churre think it, no tmuhlv to show their I ay Tonls, Cow Sbunchions, Feed and Litter Carriers, etc. ANNIVERSARY AT CARRVILLE. Anniversary Services will he held at, Currvillr‘. Methodist. Church on Sunday Svptmnher 18. Sermons will b9 preach- ed at; 2 and 7 p.111. by Rev. J. W. Stewart uf Yonge street chm-ch, To- ronto. Music will be furnished finer- nnnn and evening by the Edgley choir. A free-will nfl’ex-iug will be taken at each service in aid of the church funds. DIED AT FORT WILLIAM. Rev. Renth W. Millynrd. President of the Ltmdnn Unnformlce of H"- Methndist Church, died At the hwpibal at Fax-t; \Villiam on Tuesday, having sufferrd an m‘cident to his ankle. fol- lnwred by blood poisoning. when on his \vuy hnme from the Conference at: Victm-in. B. O. The body was taken to \Vnndstnck fur burial, and the funeral wiil take place Friday after- noon. Deceased was pastor of the Methudist. Church at Fm‘vst. He was Good Heavy Stride Flannellette, 34in. wide, in dark gxey and pink stripes, per yd. 11c. Atkinson& Swit- zer. The selections frum the new Ontm-in Fourth Header fur mmuu-izutiun by (‘anadidntes an the High School En- tl‘nUCt‘ Examinmjcm, 1911 armâ€"The ("hildr-pn’s Sung. page 1; Uauada. page 37: Am-ie-nt Mariner. page 61, Aftun Vv’uu-r, page 109; Ye Mminnrs of England, page 154; The Bells ut‘ Shan- dun, page 158; The Spacinlls Firm- :Iment. page 205: Ocean, page 216: The Skylark, page 372; To a Water Fowl. page 377: anpuda, page 385. This is jih‘t (ho right size town to El‘tllr’ llmvn in and t-njny life. Every- thing fur tho uumfnl't nf life can he bought here and $10 will g0 as far as $20 will in the large cities. When you want, to leave the farm, come to mu- tnwn and build a nice comfortable hmne and be among the best people in the world. a nvphew of Mr. Fran \Viley of this 'villugv and Mr. Gerrard Wiley of ,VVoudlawn Ave., Toronto. ungl J 1'. III.â€"â€"Stewm-t Charlton. Willie Olapham. Martha Clapham.‘May Camp- bell. Aggie Horan. Gem-gs- Watt, Stella H ughes. Agnes Muldnon,Vex'mm Gibbs, Hilda Gibbs. Sr. ILâ€"Ohmles Eckhzu-t. Mabel Ch_a.pg1_an, filial-vie}! Gibbs. Pb. II.â€"Juhn Rl'rmkin, Marjorie Farr, Lela Buwes and Fredie Bowes (equal), Nelson Forbes. \Vilfred Dean, Marjorie Ball and Francis Hughes (equal), Mar- guerite Ralfiiin. Sr: III.â€"â€"~Kathleen Rankin, Mzu'ie M uldmm, Vet-nan Forbes. Frank Chall- ton. y Sr. I.~â€"â€"Kathleen Hughes. Lillian Francis, Hazel Riddle. Stewart Camp- bell, Muriel Dean.~Domthy Stewart. Castile Snap, 3 cakes for 5c.; Fail-V Toilet; Soup. 6 cakes for 250.; P.D.Q. Pumice- Smtp. per cake 100.; large bar Castxle Soap, per bar 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. . ' ’31-. 1t:i;(:,;g;i;;5.‘3n-aig Gibiis'ffiva Horan. LiHian Parkinson. Firstâ€"Carmen Douglas, \Villie Tay- lor. W. “1. Jacobs has said that; it is only their snrpr-isvs that, make the stories take. To illustrate What he means, he told a story of a. lawyer defending a, man accused of house-breaking who spulfg. like'this: "Your honor, I submit that my client did' not break into the house at all. He found the parlor window open and merely inserted his right arm. and removed a few articles. Now, gentlemen, mv client’s arm is not. himself, and I fail to see how you can punish the whole individual for an offence committed only by one of his limbs.” “Tth argument,” said the judge. “is very well put. Following in logical- ly, I sentence the. defendant’s arm to one year’s imprisonent. He can ac- colypanyjt o_t- not, as‘hg chopsegfi’ Tkie defendant émiled and with his lawyer’s assistance unscrewed his cork arm. leaving it in the dock, walked out. A clever, popular Candy Cold Cure Tabletâ€"called Preventics~is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. In a few hours, Preventics are said to break any coldâ€"completelv. And Preventics, being so safe and tooth some, are very fine for children. No Quinine,’ no laxative. nothing harsh nor sickening. Box of 48â€"250. Sold by W'. A. Sanderson. The Ontario Department of Agriâ€" culture' has issued a. list of the Fairs and. Exhibitions to be heldthis Fall, but, the list is not yet complete. The fol- lowing are some of these Fairs to be held at an easy distance from Rich- mond Hill:â€"- ' London . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 9-17. Brampton . . . . . . . . . ,. . . Sept. 20 and 21. Newmut-ket . , . . . . . . . Svpt. 20, 21. Ban-iv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26. 27, Weston . . . . . , . . V . . .Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.. Bulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. aund 4. Conkstuwn . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 4 and 5. Markham . . .Oet. 5,16, 7. Schumberz. . . . . . . . . . . . 0015513 and 14.? Simcoe-.,. . . . . ._.. . . ..0.ct.,18. m 20.. Thornhfll Public School. Sr. _IV.-â€"St:mley Pearson, Turrance AS. EXHI BITION NOTICE. REPORT IN ARITHMETIC. POINT IN STORIES. DATES OF FAIRS‘ Good congregations attended the church rte-opening services here last Sunday afternoon and evening. Rev. G. S. Smith prear'herl in the afternoon. and Rev. W. L. Trench in the evening. In the afternoon the music was furnish- ed by the choir of the Richmond Hill Methodist Church. Mr. Albert, Glass and Miss Ida Glass sang a. duet, in the afternonn. and at the evening service solos were given by Mr. Donald Atkin- son and Miss Mary Trench. Mr. J. E. Newton also contributed two or three organ selections in the evening. The interior of the little church has recent- ly been calcimined nnd painled and everything looks clean and neat. Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when usmg Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy and it is so thoroughly harm'- less, that Dr. Shoop tells mothels to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The Wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung healing mountainous shrub give the curative propel ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem- branes; No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or sup- press. Demand Dr. Shoop’s. Accept no other. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. A meeting was held in Thornbill Saturday evening to further assist in making arrangements for the 01d Bnys’ Reunion in Thm'nhill on Sutur- dny. the 17th inst. Mr. J. E. Francis was mpninted lncal chairman, and Mr. . Riddell. local secretary. Aumng those present from a. distance were Mr. F. Kendall and Mr. C. H. Ellslnn, chairman and secretary re- spectively of the Thm-nhill Old Boys’ Assuciution. Tux-unto. Cnmmittecs were flppniutvd and arrangenwnts made fur a good programme of games and sports at The Mineral Springs Park. The grounds will b9 free to all. and everybody interested is invited to attend. bring their basket and have a good time. A good band will be one of the features of the afternoon. Because of the inclement weather last Monday-Labor DayuMaynr Gem-y of Toronto has proclaimed Saturday aftei-mmn of.this week to be a half? holiday for the City. This will give a‘ and chance fur citizens to visit the §atinnal Exhibition. Children will be admitted to the grounds fnr five cents, and another nickel will take them into the grand stand for the afternoon performance. 'Mlnutes 01’ last moeting read and confirmed. Wells~Duggan~Thut the Reeve is hereby instructed to consult a solicitor re communication from G. T. Railway respecting roadway rendered unneces- sary by reason of the deviation on 2ng con. for-vibe overhead bxidge. Dugganâ€"Lemonâ€"That theOfnlloWâ€" ing snow-fence bonus he paid, the same havin been inspected by the Ins ectnrzâ€" ohn A. Lynn, $3.20; J0- sep Jennings. $6.40; Robert. Armour, m1 1. A number of hills wme ordered to heipaid. Duganâ€"Wellsâ€"That the following shepp claims he paid. heir: two-thirds value of samezâ€"Jnhn . ; Arming, $53.33; Chfs. Hunt, $22. Gnuncil met at Temperancé Hal], Kvttlehy, on Saturday, Augugt '27. Members all present, exceptR: Phil- $1.. 44. Dugganâ€"Wellsâ€"That the Clerk is hereby authorized to notify R. Nur- man and M. Mitchell, executms of the estate of the late Thos. Riddle, to meet the Council on the above estate on Sept. 17 at 2 pm). to consider the question of securing a gravel pit. ~ 1' AAA H, n ‘ Lemon â€" Duggan â€"â€" That the Clerk get printed 50 copies of by-law for ditrihution ranting a bonus of $5.00 to parties estroying dog or dogs fognd WOI-rxing sheep. Lelncxnâ€"Weiis;€I{1i-zit this Council grant; $5 to improve what is known as Mill Road on cnn. 3. By-law No. 224, to grant a bounty of $5 for killing dogs found worrying or killing sheep or lambs; By-law No. 225, to appoint collectors of rates with the names of R. Rutherford and A. Hambleton ascollectm-s; By-law No. 236. to raise certain sums for county. township, specxal and general school purposes, and By-law No. 237, to raise certain sums for special purposes known as trustees rates, received their several tea-dings 51ml pasng. On motionvof Ciiltfiéifibr Lemon Council adjourned t-n meet. at Wright’s Hotel, Nobletun, on Saturday, Sept, 24. Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"Dr. Shoop’sâ€" top Headache, wamanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on 25c. box. Ask your drug- ist or duct-nz- about this formulaâ€"it’s ne. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. SATURDAY HALF HOLIDAY. Located in.Tox-0nto oflers best inducements for young men and women who wish to qualify pmmptly for assured positions in Business offices at fair salaries. Write For new catalogue. W. H. Shaw. grincipal, Yonge 85 Gerrard LS. Central Business College KING COUNCIL. Thornhill. Patterson. *-Â¥4~+++4+44+++Mfl+%*4~+%+4‘4’2 $Â¥M+Mé~+$+$éé$¢+++~fi+®fi+++ 32mm '5- nson & Switzer RICHMOND HILL “int”! '1' v PM :3: August 25, 1910 ‘- ++¢+¢++++~9+ flint-i"!- +++3$++°§++4°4 +++§°++4fl0M+¢i°$M+W§ fié+§M~§~i~+é++é~é~++$§+++’§'+!"§“¥ +é+$+++++++~§+é~éé~++4 $$++++$4 bWfi*W$§*MÂ¥%M-§ 'M'fi'i'ir $+Â¥MtMH$$++$$$P~I~+fi+ (e Men’s Khaki Shirts, with quality. Each. 95c. Men’s Heavy Black Denim Overalls, with bib open at front, hip and rule pockets; copper reveted; patent. reveted sizes. Pu, $1.10. Men’s Heavy Overalls. same as above, without bib. Pm Men’s Heavy Blue Striped Overalls. with bib. Prn $l.l¢ \Ve have a. few odd sizes and broken lines of Men’s Tweed Suits that we are selling at a, mere fraction of the cost. Call and see these Suits. They are all big bargains. Men’s Suspendersâ€"a. large assortment to chose from. Pr., 250. Men’s Fancy and Black Cotton Hose. Pr., 25c. AMen‘s and Boy’s Belts in the new narrow widths. Each, 17, 25. 50 and 75c. men's ueavy blue Striped Overalls. with bib. Pia, $1.10. Men’s Extra Heavy, Black Denim Carharrt Overalls, with bib; extra. roomy, reinforced throughout; double stitching, large bib open both sides, with patent fastener, two hip. rule and two slashed pockets; safety, watch and pencil pockets; patented riveted brass buttons; braces have elastic back and adjustable buckles. Pia, $1.45; Men’s Dark Striped Tweed Suits, well made and fashionably tailor- ed throughout. Sale price, $8.50. Men’s Dark Striped Tweed Suits. singlebreasted and well tailored throughtout. Sale price, $7.50. Boy's 3-piece Tweed Suits, good dark patterné. Per suit, $4.50. Men’s Black and Navy Serge Pants. Pm, $2.75. Men’s Ties, Tack and Derby stylesâ€"a. good assortment of pat- terns, 25, 45 and 500 each. Men’s Black and White Striped Drill Working Shirts, all sizes. Each, 85c. , ' Men’s Twee $3.00 and $3.90. Ready-to-Wear Clothing suitable to wear all thei year around. , Ranging in price from $7.50 to $13.00. E All good, new stock. Come and see what we can do 3 for you. RIGHMUND HILL EEN'TS’ FURNISHER NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Men’s and Boys’ ' Clothing at * Reduced Prices Wringersâ€"Gunranteed from 1 to 5 years. With one of these machines and wringers it is “Fun to Wash.” Let us show them to you. Melotte and Standard Cream Separators are the most perfect machines made. Call and see them. Pan-ind and Amatite roofing. Anthomy Wire Fence. Get our prices. Your axe always welcome in our store whether you buy or not. Richmond, Hill Hardware 80. gxmed Pants, assorted .shades and patterns. ‘Pr., $1.45, $1.65, Bell Telephone 18 Richmond Hill Hardware ca. Connor Ball-Bearing Washing Machines. anlmar “ “ 1900 Gravity " ‘- FOR THE MEN ++++++++M§fi€~+ww++++ A Few Specials *woowwifiénnwnu I§6§+§§¢Q§§m -â€"-AT THE THE white stripes, reversible collar, extra eralls, with bib open at both sides; reveted; patent. reveted buttons; all NORMAN BATTY Manager Pm, $1.00. ,, 17, 25, 50 PHONE 17

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