The Anniversary services of the Methodist church. Buttonville, will be held on Sunday, September 25. Rev. '1‘. \V. Leggntb of Streetsville will Krench at 10.30 a.m. and ’7 p.m. The. Iethndist choir, Thornhill, will sing at: both services. On Monday night, Sept. 26. tea. will be served in the base- ment of the church fromv5.30 to 7.30 after which a programme will be given consisting of music in charge of Mr. John Davidson, and speeches by Revs. Geo. Waugh. G. Smith, and T. W. Leggott. Admission to tea. and enter- tainment 30 cents. Men’s extra. quality Khaki Shirt, with White stripe, reversible collar. stitched and rPiufm'ced throughnut. Sizes. 14% to 165. Each, 950. Men’s Heavy Wprk Shirt. attached collar, reinforced thrm‘zghuut; all Sim-s. Each, 600. Atkinson 6i, SWiLZPr. Rev. H. Steizerwuld and wife, missionaries from Mitoppa Mission. Rhodesia. South Africa, are spending a year’s furlough visiting thechurches in Canada. and the States. On Sunday. Sept. 4. in the Brethren (Tunker) Church at Gormley (of which de- nomination he is a minister) he gave in‘ the morning sex-vice a, vivid des- cription of the conditions met with in their Work. They have spent nine years of continous work with the most satisfactory results. They are natives of Ohio. Davies’ Sweet Pickle Relish. 15c bottle; Sweet Mixed Pickles, per bot- tle 15c; Cabot: Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow, per bottle 200; Crest Brand Selected Manzanilla. Olives, large bottle 23c; small size 12c. At- kinson & Switzer. STECKLEYâ€"On Saturday, Sept: 10, 1910, of paralysis of the throat, Sarah, helnvezd daughter of Rev. Peter Stockley of Bethesda, 0!th '“Mr. H. A. Nicholls, Real Estate Agent. has sold during the weak Mr. Matthew Patton’s two acres on Miil street to Mr. John Blanchard. This, in addition to the six acres Int,er Rurchased by John from Mr. Matthew IcNair, will give him a block of eight; acres which will be cultivated for gardening purposes. ‘ Everybody knows that; some men in business do not make much money becausethey do notadvertisv. Those men can sell more goods by advertising in THE LIBERAL. If you are not sure that we are right the best, way to test the truth of this statement is to send us the copy fur your ad. right; away. The’ expenment Would nut be an ox- pensive (me. and satisfactory results are assured. , The warm weather is about over and people are just entering the reading season; Consult, THE LIBERAL’S club- bing rates on another page. J ust think, you can get some of the best papers in the city to January 1 for 15 cents. At these low rates every family should be well supplied. _ THE LIBERAL and the Family Herald ‘and \Veekly Smrmviil be sent. for the balance of the year, both papers for 40 cents. These whu are. not taking those papers should take udvautane of this special offer. The Rev. Juhn L. Simpson nf ths‘kuy will occupy the pulpit, of the Presby- terian Ohm-ch wal; Sunday in the absence of Rev. E. O. Currie. who is to (‘mxduct the annive’rsary services at. the nbuve mentioned place“ PEBKINSâ€"LUNAUâ€"At the Methodist ‘ Parsonage. Richmond Hill, on Wed. mayday, Sept. 7, 1910, by Rev. G. / Sydney Smith M.A.. Ph. D. Mr. Ralph E. Perkins of Victoria Square to ’Mi'ss Olive Ethel M. Lunuu of the the same place. Mr. Wm. Innes is in Toronto acting 0.31: the Qua-mu me. The [foreman uf the Grand Jury 15 Mr. H. Wilson of Markham. , ' . - Mr. T. A. annn will discuss the poetic svlvction under studv at the lih’l‘ul'y meeting of the Guild in the Presbyterian Church Friday evening, While Mr. Reginald Cooper will preside. \Vill the owner CH“ fur e‘ighfom min pule rings pickvd up on Yungv street and left at THE LIBERAL Oflicv. Rev. Edward Bakm-nf Newton Brook will preach at Hoadfm'd at, 10.30 next- Sunday murning, at Pattvrsan at 2.30, and in {he Methodist church, Ribb- mnnd Hill. at 7 p.111. , The new school bnuks fnr Public and High Schools for sale as THE LIBERAL While the Library room is being remwnwd the library will he opened in the {run-t hall. It may lie for 2 weeks 01 longer. RICHMOND HILL, 153;)10 Rev. Edward Baku, of Newtnn- hunk wiil prwu-h in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening. "739' Lain: Egéimmfl; L00 ALS WHY NOT ADVERTISE. Buttonville. MARRIAG ES DEATHS A warm welcome will be extended to everybody who attends the Old Boys’ Re-union and Basket) Picnic in' the Hawthorn Mineral.‘ Spring; Grounds on Saturday of this week. Sports: and games will be features of the afternoon. Everybody is invited to come and welcome’t'he Old Boys. There will he a. band in attendance. and fun will he provided for old and young. Many of the business places and‘family residences will be suitably decorated on the occasion, and a. good time is being looked forward to. Posters a1~e»out ,unnouncing the Annual Fall Fair to be held at New- market on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of September. There will be speeding in the horse ring and many new and novel attractiuns. Grand Entertain- ment, in the Exhibition Hall on Wed- nesday evening and a high class enn- cert in the Town Hall on Thursday evening. Can he had by ambitious young men and ladies in the ï¬eld of “Wire'- less†or Railway telegraphy. Since 'the 8-hour law became effective, and since the \Vireless campanies are establishing stations throughout the country there is a, great shortage of telegx-aphers. Positions pay beginner's from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of advancement. The National Telegraph Institute operates six ofï¬cial institutes in America, under supervisâ€" ion of R. R. and Wireless Ofï¬cials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write. them for full de- Eitils at. Cincinnati, 0., or Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Crosby eu'riwd home lVIunday aftera ï¬ve weeks’ trip through IVIwnitnba and other places. They spent four days in Winnipeg. and spent; several weeks in Grand View. Mr. Crosby found the craps very heavy in that. section of country. and in Grand VieW there aré ï¬ve large elevators. Mr. and Mrs. \Villinm Wilson 'of| Uticz-z, Illinois, who attended the To- ronto Industrial Exhibition made 7a“ visit. with their niece, Mrs. Ashfotd Wright and with relatives at Victoria. Square. daughter Elsie of Regina. Susku also Mr. and Mrs. Percy March of Putter- son, New Jersey, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Innes on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs.'Jessie Gingrich and Miss Janet, McGrt-n uf Annabel town- ship, Bruce enmity, visited exhibition Week. with Mr. and Mrs. Wide-mun and Mr. and Mrs. Bussingwaite. Mrs. J. W. 7Y‘H‘1‘Hn of Son St. Marie. Ont. who has been spending the last month at the home of- her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pratt. left to-duy for the Soo. accompanied by Miss Pratt. Mrs. D. G. VViley,and her little granddaughter Malian Putrullo of Brooklyn, N.Y., who spent, the past twu months at Ym-ktnn, Sask., are making a Vlsit. with Mrs. T. F. Mc- Mahon and other relatives. Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"â€"Dr. Shoop’sâ€" stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula nn 25c.- hox. Ask your drug‘- gist, m- dnctnr about this formulaâ€"413’s ï¬ne. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. Mr. J. H. N. Morgan, accountant in the Standard Bank at Kingston, who spent two weeks holidays at, his home Ht: \Villuwdule, visited friends here an Saturday. Hï¬â€˜r'vest Hnme services will be~ held, at; Zion Methndisb Church, Thornbill circuit, on Sunday, 18th inst.‘Sernmns will be preached at 2.30 and 7. p.m. by Rev. Marmaduke L. Pearson of T0- rnnm. Headi'ord chair will furnish music at both services. The congre- gutinm :er dr‘cumting the church for the occasion. Mr. Fred Man-ch (If Bethesda, Mrs. 1:1. Bgmhm-J and Mrs. D. Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Thus. A. Pmbï¬ bf En-leth, Minn. span-p two days. 1-?!31'; Wavk with Mr. and Mrs; \Vm. Pratt; The brothers had not. met for fourteen Veal-s. * Sabin {if Peturhm-Q spent Satuil'trirécryr anal-noun ‘with Miss Eva Hm. Mr. Cox. ' Pnstmnstï¬r at Btu-ford} Brant Ummby. whu atlvudrâ€"d the Tn- mum Exhibitix‘m. calm,- up indny and spout the day with Dr; P; n' hum. Mr. Andrew Braid and sun, W’indsor; Mrs. Grover nnd daughter, Meafnrd; and Mr. Duncan McKenziv,‘Dundalk, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mnodie. Mr. ‘ankvr Hun, (if the Mr-ntrad Bank stuff. Biontj‘mtl, spent-u day with his pun-ms here {Vast Week. ' Miss Redditt, :mdeiss H. Redditt left, Ln-dny to spend a month with the-ir- hx-nthéxyMr. T. H. Redditb in Bnrlie. Mr. John Hamilton of Tnmnto. and Mr. Gm. Hamilton nf Tillson'hm'y spent the wm-k end with their mother Mrs. John Hamilton at the Elgin. ‘ Mrgmmnaflm pr Ewrvtt and Miss Keith Hill, Elmvale, visited with Mr. 1).Hill.'fl ,1, .‘ .. .v Miss Agnes Sflï¬n of Féterbom‘ visit- ed over Sunday with her friend Miss EVa Hill. - ~ ' MissMcConaghy. and Miss Margaret Mnndie left, Tuesday on a holidny to VVesLem Ontario. H,- Miss L.>\Vhitcmft and Miss Julia. NEWMARKET FAIR. A GOOD POSITION. Pamso MAL 3 ~ Thornhill. Dollar. The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court for Na 3, County of York, will be held ' in the Court; Room. Cats leaving Toronto at. 8.30 a.m.. 3.30 and 8.30 p.111. daily for- Sutton. will, after Saturday; Sept. 24th. operate to Newmm-ket only. itâ€... n 1n|n Sept. 7, 1910. 9.2 (Jars leaving Sutton at 5.45, 4.45 and 8.45 p.m., dhily for Toronto, will be discontinued after Saturday, Sept). 24th. Cancelling Spécml Summér ‘ -r Service SATURDAY SERVICE _ Oars leaving Toronto for Sutton-at 12.30. 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Oars leaving Sutton for Toronto at 12.45, 2.45 and 7.45 p.111. \Vill be Discontinued after Saturday. Sept. 10th. . SPECIAL MONDAY SERVICE . Limited cm' leaving Easthourne at 6.45 3.111., will be discontinued after Monday. Sept. 12th. » Diive Rheumatism nut bf the blood wit-h DI. Shonp’s Rheumatic Remedy and see how quickly pain will depart. Rubs-(ms never did reach the real disease. Rhc umaLism isn't in the skin. It’s deep downâ€"its constitutional. Getting rid of the pain, is after all, what counts. That is why Dr. Shoop’s Rheumatic Remedy goes. by word of mouth fxom one to another. And herein lies the popularity of this- Remedy. It is winning defenders evmywhere. Tablets or Liquid. Sold by \V. A. Sanderson. " DIVISION GGIIIIT. Mr. F. A. Legge. BondLnke Farm, Jefferson, was most successful at the Canadian National Exhibition this ear, capturingtnine ribbons with his erd of seven Holstein cattle. For 3 year old hull and over he got ï¬rst prize. senior championship silver medal, and rand champion and sWeepstnkes go d medal with Schniling Sir Posch. For bull under 1 year, in which class there were 13 entries, he got, 2nd prize for Coral Canary Posch. Heifer. 2 years old. in a ï¬eld of 12. 4th and 6th respectively for Fanny Gon- cordin Dekol and Rosalind Posch. Heifer, 1 year, 13 entries. 5th prize for Blue Queen Concordia. Dekol. Third for herd of 1 hull and 4 females, over- 1 year old, owned by exhibitor; and 4th for young herd consisting of 1 bull and 4 females. In each of the last‘two classes there were 7 entries. Toronto &‘York Radial Railway Company, HARVEST HOME «The friends of the Zinn Methodist Church, East, York, will huld their Anniversary Services nu September 18 and 20. On Sunday Sept. 18 Special Services will be held at 3.00 p.m. when Rev. Dr. G. Sydney Smith will preach. On Tuesday Evening Sept. 20 Supper will he served from 6 to 8 o’clock, after which Rev. U. 0. Johnston Will give (me of his popular lectures. Ad- mission 25 and 15 cts. 'Everybody welcome. ‘ A NOTABLE ADDITION TO THE} ‘ FACULTY. ’ v The Director of. the Newton School of Music wishes m announce that; he has secured Miss .XVinnifred Parker of Toronto to take charge of the Violin and Literature _and Exprrssion De- 'nrtmeut,s. In violin playing -Miss arker is n pupil of Miss Marguerite Wnstp, who herself is a pupil of Max Bendix and Sol Marnosson. so that the rinciples which Miss Parker uses in .iier teaching are derived from the highest authorities. Misa Parker has been instructor of Elocuï¬on at the Mod?! School of Music, The Balmy Beach College of Musxé and Art and other Toronto educational institutions, and numhem among her pupils several who have received silver and gold medals ubriuculiunary contests. one capturing the Diamond Modal at: the Templnrs’ competition. Saturday, Oct. I, 1910, METROPOLITAN DIVISION Located in Toronto (fliers best; inducements for young men and Women who wish to qualify promptly far assured positions in Business ofï¬ces at, fair salaries. Write For new catalogue. ‘W. H. Shaw, gx-in0ipz‘tl,_ Yonge & Gerrard Ls. PRIZES FOR HOLSTEINS‘ 7_ Central Business College RICHMOND HILL Commencan at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK NOTICE i‘~Hé~+ԤMW***¢*++¢+-§+ï¬ Â§"§"§"§w$' %%+.°k+%Â¥+és+‘%é-%+*§ï¬'*€"!°+€‘-§'n§'4‘~§'Â¥; iii iAtkinson& Switzerg $+¢$éé¢~§¢¢++$¢é~~§~+$+¢é¢éékk-P ##ï¬'é-{réé‘ï¬â€˜Ã©â€™Ã©â€˜ ' '1' +~b++$+++$+§ H+H+++Â¥++$+++§ *+%%+++%W++¢$M+WH - "LEADING (LINES IN, V Women’s Fall ~ and. , Winter Underwear ‘ _Ready~to-W’ear Clothing suitable to wear: all the year around. . Ranging in price from $7.50 to $53.00. All good, new stock. Come and'see what we can do for you. %+'PM++$+4 Ladies’ Vests and Drawers. ï¬ne quality; all wool; ’ Vests are high neck.‘~button front and long sleeves; drawers are ankle length; per garment . 750 Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, ï¬ne. quality, all wool; Vests are high neck,‘ bhttonfront and long sleeves; drawers are ankle length; color, white; extra good value; per garment . . . $1.00 Ladies’ Vests and Drawers. superï¬ne quality, natural wool; Vests are button front and long sleeves; drawers ankle length; per garment . $1.25 Ladies’ Wool Combinations, ï¬ne quality; each $1.70 Infants’ and Children’s ï¬ne quality Wool Underwear, all sizes, at moderate prlces. Ladies’ Vests and‘Drawers, Heavy’ribbed cotton; the Vests are high neck, button front and long sleeves; drawers are ankle length; color, white; per garment . . ._ , . 25c Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, ï¬ne wool, sizes 3 and '4; Vests are high neck, button front and long sleeves; drawers are ankle length; extra value; per garment . t . . . 5oc September 15, 1910 â€"-â€"AT T H E~â€" K RIGHMBNB HILL GENTS’ Wï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ NO R MAN "J. G LAg PROPRIETOR ' Phone orders will receive prompt and ,Wringersâ€"Guaraliteecl from 1 to 5 years. With one of these machines and “(ringers it; is “Fun to Wash.†Let us show them to you. Melotte and‘ Standard Cream Separators are the most perfect machines made. Call and see them. Period and Amatite rooï¬ng,‘ Anthomy Wire Fence. r ‘ Get our prices. You; ate'always welcome in our sture whether you buy or not. ’ CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND "HELL Richmond Hill Hardware 00. Bell Telephone 18 Richmond Hill Harflwam 6. Connor Ball-Bearing Washing Machines Vollmar “. ' “ 1900 Gravity “ “ FOR THE MEN A Few Specials wwwwï¬ï¬ï¬‚wwww +9¢6m49£§$ww¢+¢uo 1§§¢+§§¢§+¢§§§ THE NORMAN BATTY Manager careful attention. ++°§~é~+~k+~§® PHONE 17 i"! §"§â€Â§"§"§"§“§-~!