RICHMOND HILL, Oman. SEPT. 22. 1910 Maple. At the meeting Institute last Week Mrs. D. Watan gave an interesting account of her trip to the “fest. Bun Contest, prizes were awarded to. Mrs. Hiram Keller, for bread, Mrs. W. Thomas for rolls, and"Miss Gert< rude Nixon for buns. The choir of St. Andrew’s church furnished the music at anniversary servicesat Strange on Sunday. The monthly meeting: of the W. M. S. of St. Andrew’s church was-held last week at the home of Mrs. D. . Watson. A box was packed with clothing to be sent to the needy. Rev. J. \V. Gordon Went to Rivers- dale last week, Bruce Co, to attend the marriage of his friend Rev. A. C. Stewart, of Grafton, to Miss Marga ret McDonald. Rev. J. W. Stewart of Toronto preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning. A good sized schoolroom is being built at the rear of the Presbyterian church. . The work is being done by L. lanes 6; Sons of Richmond Hill. Mrs. W. Knight of Toronto visited over Sunday at Mr. L. Richardson’s. Mr. W. Street, Sr., W. Street, Jr., Miss Minnie Street, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smiley of Chicago, came. up from the city .in an auto- mobile one day last week to visit at Mr. J. McNaughton’s. The position of tax collector for the .rast of Vaughan for 1910 has been given to Mr. W. O. McDonald. Mr. H. Bailey has his store well lighted with Rice~Knight gasoline lights. _ Harvest Rome services will be held at St. Stephï¬Ã©'s church, Maple, on Sun- day Sept. 23th. The service at 11 a.m. will be‘conducted by the rector, Rev. E. J. McKitti-ick, and in the evening at 7, by Rev. Mr. McGonigle. of 1511115;- ton. <0. Pink Pain Tabletsâ€"Dr. Shoop’sâ€" :stop Headache, womanly pains, any main, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on 25c. box, Ask your drug- lst or doctor about this formulaâ€"it’s ne. Sold by W. A. Sanderson. 0&â€" LAND PRICES IN EDMONTON. A clipping from the Edmonton Jour- nal shows that land in that city sells at, high ï¬gures. The Journal says that Adams Bros. purchased 50 feet on Front street at $600 a foot, or $30,000 for the lot. The land was purchased from Mr. Edgar Richardson, a nephew of Mr. L. Richardson of Maple, who owned a third interest. Adams Bros, who are. harness manufacturersâ€"«To- rout/0, \Vinnipeg and Edmonton-Aw“! erect on the lot an $80,000 building, ï¬ve stories high, the material to be brick and stone. hANGEROU§ DANiJRUFE WILL MAKE CANADA A BALDHEADED NATION IF NOT CHECKED. ' ‘ M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- sician of Paris, once said: “I believe we shall one day rid the world of all ‘ diseases caused by germs.†Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. Dandrqu is the. root of all hair evils. If it were not- for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germs and remove dandruff in two weeks or money back. ' W. A. Sanderson guarantees it. It .Will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair grow rich and abund- ant. It puts life. and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray. ' It is the hair dressing par excellence, daintily perfumed and free. from grease stickiness It is the favorite with women oftaste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair. A large bottle costs only 50 cents at~ leading druggists everywhere, and in Richmond Hill by \V. A. Sanderson. The girl with the auburn hair is on every package. * Willawlale Sleek Farm HOLSTEiNs Tamwon'ras _..__0_..__ Four young Rails,i four months and over. Tamworihs, " all ages. sstf- MCKEN ZIE . {kids are Irnrc‘i l those who write Stimson .‘z Co Pa» ‘ .i, Mains-,will receive , ‘ :_ ‘, \‘ about work which I l ' . homeJlIutv. cur-la: ' ’ ‘ a: or old. who Matt at one! All a new. CAI-null or N S'vi nm ll'qlli'rli. Y'. 1 n of the \Vomen’s: In the Bread and ' Y i i A leading grain growing ' Western Canada. struction, costing $37 0,000. Distributing and Land Saskatchewan. ‘7' ‘xcellent Opportunity for the ",, L. 4 Chartered Banks, 7 Churches, 25 . i Collegiate Institute under con« I Mercantile Houses, General Hospital. 2 Newspapers. 3 E I and stock-raising centre in The Judicial, Educational, Ofï¬ce centre of Eastern , Wmtmm‘ï¬m Every family Should have both their local paper and a. Investor or Intending Puchascr TEiEiiiiETï¬BExiLL '7 REAL: E STATE “AGENCY MANAGER . s 8â€"NOW ON “HANDâ€"~53 SIX VERY DESIRABLE Iiouses and Lots-s FOR SALE .RANGING FROM $800 TO $5,000. 106 acre farm Buildings A1. cultivation h Also 100 acres on the 2nd of Mark- am. north of v illage. FALL 1910, Millinery {lpening Pattern lists â€"-ANDâ€" Millinery Novelties WEDNESDAY September 28 Mrs. S. Shuter THORNHILL 11:? _ ‘-_ . Notice is: re lass. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or THOMAS F. BOYNTON. LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF RICH- MOND HILL, RETIRED FARMER, DECEASED. Pursuant to R. S. 0., Chapter 129 and Amending Acts, Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of the said Thomas F. Boynton are required on or before the 20th day of October, 1910, to send to Samuel M. Brown, Richmond Hill. one of the executors, a, statement of their claims, with their names and addresses. ' And take further notice that after the said last mentioned date the. execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have then received notice. WILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St. West», Toronto, Executors’ Solicitor. 11-4 Leaveâ€" your cash at home and Boost your own town. Richmond Hill must grow. Remember that. side In,“ You buy to suit ‘ your taste, j and We sell to suit your purse. l l l l J ems l i 1 (J. H. SANDERSOll, v.3, Land in good state of1 city paper M M $8,000 on ï¬rst mortgage on farm miliéï¬Ã©ï¬o Loan 3 V at $1 a. year at the following raies:-- For sale Weekly Globe, balance of E V - year . Weekly Mail and Empire, balance of year Possibly the best farm in the Town- ship of Markham, consisting of a block I hundred acres on the. 3rdVCon. \Vell g watered; good house: fair outbuildings; well fenced; close to school and church. The very best crop producing land. Good orchard. and altogether a very desirable property. For further par- ticulars apply to ‘ " H. A. NICHOLLS Real Estate Agent Richmond Hill. Barn for Sale Barn, 36x63 feet. in good repair, on west half of lot 30. con. 5, Vaughan. Apply to R. PHILLIPS. Laskay. i ihc. year Family Herald and VVeekl . 1 Star, 1 year _ y , 969. 3-tf. ' N Weekly Globe to Jan. 1, '12 l 50‘- Weekly Mail and Empire i? 5 C to Jan. 1, ’12 1.40 900. 2.50 2.50 of 150 1.50 1.75 ll-2m For Sale * Valuable House and Lot, situated about 600 yards west of Yonge on Centre street, Village of Thornhill. Large frame house on 1 acre of land, having good well and small orchard. For terms address JAMES CLARY. .Th‘ornhill. "i337 Between Richmond Hill and Maple, or on the 4th con. of Vaughan, Mon- day forenoon, Sept, 19, a Lady’s Black Shawl. The ï¬nder will please leave at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. 11-1 Lost Tuesday afternoon, between Thorn- hill and 2nd con. of Markham, Lady’s Brown Coa t. Finder will please leave at Tbornhill Post Ofï¬ce or write Post- master. 11-1 For Sale or Rent An eight room brick house on Yonge Farmer’s Advocate 10-3 Canadian Farm Daily Globe, York Co. Daily Mail and Empire, York 00. Daily Star, outside towns and villages Daily News, outside of. towns and villages Busy Men’s Magazine street. Furnace and other conven- iences. Apply to in v v C D. HILL. lO-tf ~ CATTLE 0R C R'E Which do you value the mostâ€"your cattle or your children? H d l t R. h d ' You know that the health and development of your live stock Ricgï¬ngnfluf anplytgon sheet depends on the quality of the food you give themâ€"that they S. M. BROWN, Riéhmond Hm must have good, strong, nourishing food. Are you as par- or W. G. BOYNTON, Victoria. Square ticularebout your children? Do you insist on their diet 10-2 consistmg of food that will build up the little muscles, that Will develop the brain and keep the stomach sweet and H I cleanâ€"~50 essential to growing children? Give them the best and most natural food for growing childrenâ€"â€" For Sale or Rent A good 50 acre clay loam farim, on 8th Con. of Vaughan, Lots 28 and 29, 8 roomed brick house, good out-build- ings, plenty of water and fruit. For further particulars apply on premises, or to M. WITTY, Concord P. 0. Wanted At once strong active youth to assist , in general store and on delivery Waggon. One used to care of horses preferred state wages er week with- outfboard. H. C. BAI EY, Maple. lOt . lliSlï¬li - MEET. ’ The Next Sitting of Divxsxon Court for ' No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, RICHMOND HILL 10-3 O BISCUIT made from the Whole wheat berry, steamâ€"cooked, shredded and baked. Nothing added, nothing taken away. It con- tains all the material for building brain, bone and muscular tissue. Its very crispness promotes mastication, which means sound teeth and good digestion. A light, palatable and nutritious food that insures sturdy, robust health. Two biscuits (heated in oven) eaten with hot milk every . morning for breakfast will enable a boy or girl to reach the top-notch of muscular agility and mental alertness and will fortify them against the dangers of cold and exposure. All the Meat of the Golden Wheat. Made in Canada. __0N_ . THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., LIMITED , (“’mmencm‘i 4" 10 a" m' Toronto Ofï¬ce, 49 Wellington Street Eat my Saturday, Oct. 1,, 1910, , NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO ‘ T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Q â€" O m I â€" I m I m 0 Subscriptions fer weekly and I property. Apply to . I , n "r - H 3- eeygséggï¬m I dafly papers taken With “The Liberal ’> 1 -tf ichiuond Hil . V Family Herald, balanoeof -