Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Sep 1910, p. 8

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With the opening of the bird shoot- ing season the September number of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by‘ W. J. Taylor, Limited. \Vmadstqpk, Ont.. gives 'a number of delightful stories dealing with ‘days anmngst_the ducks, geesy, woodcock and prairie chickensâ€"ox perie-nces which will cause manv a thrill to sportsmen reading them. Numbers will be. able to duplicate. in lfflllPlllbl‘allCP, many of these puhlishé’d experiences. and in this Way live, over again red letter times in their histmivs. Variety marks this production, every lnv'vr of the out- doors, whatever his particular taste, receiving attention. The story of two young moose. one of a pet racc‘oon. the efforts of an amateur to trap a heal} particulais of the American bison, the Alpine Club‘s last, camp and some dog lore show the manner in which the magazinemo‘mw the wide variety of Canadian outdoor life. The verses in this nnmln-rnire Excellent, and the' Bohemian ring of “Fishin’s Good" Will find an (who even of the mosbistaid. "My Litth ,Fishermun.” wilh his. wonderful story of the monster ~who got away appeals to the sympathies of all, while the “Evening Chorus” is equally good. The issue should he found with every shooting party this season. Maple Leaf Thread, 200 yds-. per spool, 35¢: dnz, spools. Atkinson & Switzer. SATURDAY. Sept. 24â€"-Anction sale of household effects, coal. wood and potatoes, at Richmond Hill, the property of Mrs. T. F. Buynton. Sale at. 2 o’clock. Terms cash. J. H. Prentic‘e, Auct. FRIDAY. Sept. 23â€"Ancti0n sale of Horses and Cattle at quen’s Hutel, Aurora, thv property of J. H. Bril- linger. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 6 months. J. T. Suigvm), Auct. THURSDAY, Sept. 29~Auctinn sale of farm stock, implemt-nts, &c.. 2nd con. West, York." corner Bathm'stz St. and Eglinwn Ave” the property of Philip Legg. Sale up] o'clock. Terms. 12 munthsq ‘ J. H. Prentice. Auct. THURSDAY, Oct. 13â€"Aucti0n sale of farm stuck. implmuents, furnitnrv, rams, hay. &r., nu Int 5. mm. 4, VVhitchurch, the property of Jasoph A. Brillinger. Sale at 12 o’clock sharp. Terms 12 months. J. H. Prentice, Augt. REFORM'THE HIGH SCHOOLS. A strong case for the reform of High- Schools and Collegiate Institutes is made by Norman Patterson in the current issue of The. Canadian Courier. It is pointed out that in order to keep the boys on the farm, agricultural counties must establish agricultural High Schools which will train the farmers’ sons in the principles of farms ing. The present High School curri- culum tends to drive young men into the universities and the professions. Similarly. the Technical High School should replace the present institution in all manufacturing towns. This has already been done in Berlin and several other important; industrial centres in Ontario. Here the'young men are given a- liberal education but in addition are. taught the simpler founs of working with wood and iron“ as well as being given elementary training in the making of tools and the use _of~lnach_i}iery; ' Men’s extra quality Khaki Shirt, with white stripe. reversible collar. stitched and reinforced throughout. Sizes, 14.1“. U) 165. Each. 95c. Men’s Heavy VVnrk Shh-t, attached collar, reinforced Lhmughout; all sizes. Each, 600. Atkinson 65 Summer. In. brief, a High 'School education should he a help to the great industries of the country, Commericul, industrial, and agricultural. It should not; con- fine itself so closer to the making of teachers, doctors. lawyers and dentists. It. should develop all that is in a" youth. without giving him false ideaé'as to the nobility of industrial and agri- cultural pursuits. It should be practical as well as theoretical. 0 terest ask 3 ‘ . “E R0 81 us for four large 7 Terms: 34 ayear, $2 for six months. ~ â€" erienées of'zin ler‘ Br; and gampeygst g: Ad‘s/mime new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. We send i free on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation. STREAM,” or send us twenty-five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natuml his- tory and yachting. A FOREST AND STREAM PUB. (D. 346 Broadway, New York. Auction Sales. ROD AND GUN. VV ' ; If you. D »;..» Alikeio ‘Ti 3 - U ,read‘of . v ' thaex- periences of'zinglers, shoot: er_s and gampeys, 9r yaght terested in country life, ask your newsdealexj for “FOREST AND ing" or if". };ou are in- Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper! Pictures of well-knnwn people of current events. of things beauti- ful and chrious About one thousand, sQual'e inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of Landau appeal tn the English people. Nun‘ political. Ahsnlutvly no ax» to grind. Its'aim suler to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a cupy. Ono dollar 8' year. The Pic- tmial Publishing 00., 142 St. Peter Sb. Montreal. » 21-1! THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE I am clearing out all my stock of PAPERS and' FUR- NITURE. ,You wlll be able to get this at a priceufar belOw the cost. Large stock and many designs, with bordering and ceilings to match. ._ I ' Will make it; Profitable to you fornext 2 weeks. “CANADIAN PICTORIAL” GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill FURNITURE ,_ AND ' 1 v ~ V * WALL PfiPE MARCH 17TH, 1910. ‘Msk'e‘daa‘gaa‘niafiy‘firfia? Everfibod should Join the Mutual Liters. Mll- ‘slo Clu of men-lea. Theron nothln else I e “1 ‘nnywhere. It costs almost mum: to am and the benefits It glves are wonderful. 1 enables you to w urcnnee books and periodicals music and musleel trumenm at special out prl'oee. It secures :9 (laced rates at many hotels. In answers questions tree or charge. It offers scholarships and value- ble cash prises to members. It mnlmslna club rooms in many cities tor ltemam here. In eddltlon, every mem ber mcelves the onlle muss-lac entiâ€" tled “ Ev’r Month” e nbueenon In a clue by ltselfJnclud mg 6 places 0 high-clue voou and In- strumental mualc(mll also) each month wlthoul extra charge- 72 laces In one In all. yYOU ow GET Ll. 0 mass: mm 303 AL- MOST NOTHING». The full yearly membership fee is One Dollar for which you get all above. and you may wllgh- draw any time wlthln-Ihrecmoncln l! yell wan: to do soandgoz your dollar back. If yon don‘t care to even $1.00. send 25 could for three‘ months membership. Nobody can anon-d to :us‘ this otter by. You wlll t Your money bee ‘ value man times over. 111 parflculm mu ‘ sent free 0 charge. but If you are wise you w 1 send ln your request for membership wm: e groper tea as once. The :6 eta. shree months mem- ershlp otter will soon change. Write at once sd- dreeslngyour letter and encloslng $1.00 for full yeuamgnbenmn or swemy-nve come for three mon I ‘ MUTUAL LITERARY MUSIC CLUB No. 150 Nouns: 88.. N.‘ Y. Otly. .BUILDRRS’ . SHELF HARDWARE ' OR ALL KINDS , ' 996 . , PAINTS“ &. OILS All kinds of Grinding Axes, Siokles, Knives, Scissors and ‘ Gvummi'ng Saws on WEDNESDAY ' and SATURDAY of each week .. .. thnoe to 31.0111 ra_glnb {that}!!! . G .\ SAVAG E JACOB EYER & SON Slaughte? Sam Having purchased a Gasoline Engine, we are prepared to do RICHMOND HILL and the strongegt, and best harness wage anyw‘here-Tphat’ls ours. ' 1"], THE BEST Goons AT RIGHT Pawns. _f,'Yfl(;iip‘BLéd_â€"Hdtluing for the comfort of your horse which we car‘mot supply. that'lohk well. Wear “well and keep those who use them cmnfm-tahle. HORSE GOODS Lax-ets 5 Ripans Tabulea cm bad breath. Rlpana Tamale: can that m must Win upon‘ their merits. The International Dictionary has won a grgater distinction upon its méri’és- and 13311 mbre general use than any other work of its kind .in the English language. A. H. Bayce, LLJ)., D.D., 01 Oxford University, lin land, has recently said of it: It, is ind a. marvelous work; itls dimoult to conceive of a dictionnr more exhaustive and complete. Everyt lng is in it â€"not only what we might expect to, find in such a work. but also what few of us )vonld over hqvo thought of logginggor. stPu'o'tTv'E and ’théi-t‘aifiifii orwtho whole (Emil . A150 llustmted pamphle . A supplement to the new edition ha] brought it tully HR to date. I have been looking through t e latter with a feelln of astonishment at its completeness, an the amount of labor'that has been put into it. -: (the highest award) was van to the In. temnuonal at the World a M. St. Louis. G. & O. MERRIAM 00.. FR.EEâ€"1"41°E‘,1Â¥?'9“W°Io”m- PUBLISN‘IRB. SPRINGFIELD. Mass. THE GRAND PRIZE All @3530 THINGS FULL OF STYLE: Igap Robes iFnr details as to fen-cured locations and all useful information, 'Wnite EPassenger 'Department, ' Canadian ' Northern Building. Toronto om. lflmyl Goad bat-triage shouting on ‘the line Nurth of Parry Sound. open season from Oct. 15th to Nov. 15th. Moose are plentiful between Sellwood Job and angandn Jet, open season from Oct. 15th. RHCHMOND HILL The undersignéd is pleased to let the public know that he has been giv'en the agency for the Ideal Wix-e Fence, made by the Mng're-gm'. Banwell Fence (,0. of VValkex-ville. He has Iron Posts, Lawn Gates, Small Gates, Lawn Fences. ' â€"â€"A,x.s<>- . Ideal Flower Bed Guards He will‘dho plaased‘ to‘ hear from any pqraon who ncéds‘uny fencing done. A. J. ~H U M E ~- THE SENDARD BANK SHOOTING Deer hunting commences Nov. lst. “NE 'Téfilfifiifig 'I'aAoI: MARKS Dunne 1 COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone lending a sketch and «not! [on may Quinn ascertain out opmlon tree It ether an Invent. on In probably tab! mmumca, uomstrlofl‘mnfidon I]. AHDB 0 on Pawn“ sent. iron. 0 dos: may for a steam. Pajgntq salon“: _ngh Huang; rem nun-N..." __._._.‘ .. . all?!” or ngy'" scientific 30m Wei-EB '13: u. , ywmomce prepaid. in W m “m W W, flammw «mm-"swim Ahmad; imam weekly. Largest ,._, ,- -‘A.._ ..A‘_n n._.____ .4- M E. M. Bart-neg Manager nnAncaEs ALso AT MAMA, MARKHAM. srovrmnnn Idaai Wire Pam 8 rl t i s h _ CANADMN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Sfiéfififiififififlmfid AND NOTARY PUBLIC MIME” Conveyancing; Leases. Wills, Etc. Special attehtiun given to Available for Manufacturing .and Commercial Houses, ‘W‘hoiesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, CorpotationsJaflners and private individuals. 7 so Savings Bankl‘De’partmcm‘ at every Branch. '_ RICHMOND EELL BRANSE Pressing Cleaning ' Repairing WM. MARTIN, “373 OF CANADA 5 ‘ ‘ A'Complete Banking Semth Commences October l'5th' RICHMOND vHILL. Ton per cvnt cheaper. ten pm' Cent hotter foi' Businoas‘ Shorthand, 1nd Matric. Buoklob Free, AND GQRMLEV. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin, C'or. Yong; lg Bioor Sts. ' {a 3. Term of 1909. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA ‘ TICKETS for 'Lhe Ca‘nadiur. Wes? prucured at, Tickets (er theWest MMMM-z-waa-MMazes-n+4 Th‘e undersigned. recently empfoyed‘ with the Massey-Harris ‘10., has take-n ,tbe Blacksmithing business wacutvd lny ’Clift 132-05., and is prepared to attend to all branches of the trade». +M+$~Â¥+++++4~++Q'4‘é'i'zi-H-i'4-‘l'i'd'. HOUSE PAINTER, ‘ Glazier, Graifier and Paper» Hanger. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGII‘J' MILL W. HEWISO‘N RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL MUNR & 00.. or who Scnmmc Mim , con. mum bone: M Solicltomfor Pntgnts. Guam -NGO. Harm. Co yrlghta, for the Unwed Smtci. Cuuad. England. Moe. Germany. etc. Hand Book abou . Imam/s, sent free. Th1 ~50v0n- years’ oxperlenoe. PW obtained, tin-mu: HUNN & CO. thScIm'l-xnc AMERICAN. the largest best. and, most‘wldnl clrcnlmea mmmporg 20.: yea:- Wookly. endm engraving and Ming 1» Pol-nation. pect‘men-oovrof a Sclru fieAmm ham sent from. Address MUNN & :0. ma 1 mm: (mammal. any. No fan. PA?E%?S Orders taken atâ€" THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. PATRONAGE Souczrmgp' _ . AND‘ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Calls from a distance promptly attended to. F. 3. WUUDWARD. . We have a choice selection of Perfume, and no nicer or more acceptable gift 1m- your friend than a bottle of Perfume. W'POH W. A. Sanderson E ideal‘ §" Perfume KORE-SEWER! A SPECIALTY RARE ODORS IN FINE CASES mu and see our display of ideal Present Dmgaist . ' RICHMOND HILL 80 Brancheu

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