Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1910, p. 7

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T 2" I ,;' ’ Dickâ€"“Why, she has to; you 'know, she’s a telephone girl.” Dickâ€"“I know a. girl who accepts tings from men she doesn’t know.” 1 Claraâ€"“I don’t; believe it. HOW _could she T’ jThe little boats must hug the shore, 'But larger boats may venture more. [The airship, though, upon the wing, th cannot hug a single thing. Little Willieâ€"Say, pa, what is Coquette ?” Pa~A coquetnte, my son, is a. girl who gets more admiration than proposals.” A THING WORTH KNOWING is the fact that Painkiller finds more use: in a household than any other remedy. For all bowel complaints. Externally for out. and wounds. Avoid substitutes. there il but one “Painkiller”â€"â€"Perry Duvil'~25u‘. und 50c. . Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11, 1903. ‘N‘ipard’g Liniment 00., Limi‘ued. Wifeâ€"“I suppose if you should meet some pretty young girl you ,would cease to care for me?” Birs,â€"~â€"I came across a bottle of your MINARD'S LINIMENT in the hands of one of the students at the University of Mary- land. and he being so kind as to iet. me use it for a very bad sprain. which I ob- tained in training for foot races, and to say that, it helped me would be putting it, very mildly. and I therefore ask ‘if you would let me know of one of your agents that is clonest. to Baltimore so that I may obtain some of it. Thanking you in ad- vance, I remain. 14 St. Paul street. Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P.S;~Kindly answer at once 'A Purely Vegetable Pill.â€"â€"The chief ingredients of Parmelee’s Ve- getable Pills are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and purga‘cive, but perfectly harmless in their acâ€" tion. They cleanse and purify and have a most healthful effect upon the secretions of the digestive or- gans. The dyspeptic and all who suffer from liver and kidney ail- ments will find in these pills the most effective medicine in concen- tratediorm that has yet been of- fered to the suffering. Hu:sband‘“What nonsense you talk! What do I care for youth and beauty? You suit me all right.” Is it any wonder that Mr. Lacasse is shouting the praises of Dodd’s Kidney Pills. He has learned through experience as have thouâ€" sands of other Canadians that Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure Kidney Disease no matter where it appears, or in what form it is_found.k Dodd’s Kidney Pills should always find a place in the family medicine chest. “My little girl had nervous trou- ble. She was so bad that she could not keep her hands and feet quite. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her.” " “For lcwelve years I had pains in the small of my back. My head would ache and my muscles would cramp. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured “My wife was troubled with Kidâ€" ney Disease. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her. Father, Mother and Daughter rafter wars of Sufi‘oring are made heal- t_hy and happy by great Canadian Kidney Remedy. St. Leon Standon, Dorchester 00., Que., Oct. 3. Special).â€"That Dodd’s Kidney Pills have no equal as a. family medicine is proved con- clusively by the statement of Mr. George Lacasse, a well-known resi- dent of this place. His statement given for publication is: BUT DGDD’S KIDNEY PILLS RESTORE!) ALL T0 PER- FECT HEALTH. WHOLE FAMILY NAUGHTY MAN. HOW IT WAS FLATTERY. LONELY. Yours trulv. WAS AFFLIGTED ‘SSUE NO. 41â€"10. w; c. McGUEAu The simplest things are bestâ€"ex- mnarws m «lent Relleves Neurama. Dept men and women. “Why, she admitted it herself. She said ‘You and I are Just the same age, dearie.”'- '- , . .7 . Proof. “How do you know she’s order than you are?" I A Red In Pickle. Mrs. Goodsoleâ€"Wby. Johnny. are you just going home now? Your mothâ€" er’s been looking for you all afternoon. Johnny-Yes’m. I know. Mrs. Good- soleâ€"Jnst think how worried she must be! Johnnyâ€"0b. she‘s near the end at her worrying. Ifm jest beginning mine. But we self-made man never neg- lects to WOI‘ShIp hls creator. Minard's Llnlmem r-ures Dandruff. Being r1m_over by an automobile is apt to glve a, man that tired feeling. Mlnard's LlnlmeM for sale everywhere. v” uu,u u-u unn- nation of "The D. (i: it?” Menthol Plaster said to be the genuine. Be careful and see taut they are made by Davis & Lawrence 0. “No. I couldn’t eat any of the stuff they put on the table at the. place where I spent my two weeks, and the rest was what- my stomach seemed to need.” “Fine! Exercising dain and sleeping in the open air was what didit, Irisupprorse?” GRIEVOUS ERRORS made nowadgyl. For instance whg‘n i1 Befsgy [71ng an mm. .A‘:-_ _n .. a“ “Yes, sir, I was totally cured of '3, serious case of dyspepsm durlng my vacatlon.” Amung men some have virtues (ma (anled by weth and same their vices v nus-Prtyf'l‘llmranm. “Hello, Johnny,” [said the village blacksmith, “I hear your paw has gone into politics.” “Sure.” V “How’d that happen?” “Well, my uncle left him a. silk hat and a, Prince Albert Goa-t in his will, and paw had to do some- thing with them.” Your Draught “'“1 Tell You Murlne Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Deesn’t Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells {or 50C. Try Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby‘s Eye» for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Stanley Jordan, the wellâ€"known Episcopal minister, having cause to be anxious about his son’s college examination, told him to‘telegraph the result. The boy sent the fol- lowing messageâ€"“Hymn 342, fifth verso, last two lines.” Looking it up, the father found the words: “Sorrow vanquished, Iabor’énded, Jordan passed” vâ€"â€"v v u‘ quicklyiiaal; co the throat and In I In, cures cold‘s. Palestine is even more favored than Callfomla with regard to the winter temperature. Although the thermome- ter rises as high in summer in Pales- tine as in Cnlifornla. with extremes of 110 degrees to 115 degrees F., though not so often. it very rarely drops in the winter to the freezing point. Snow is rare. even on the plateaus, and our farmers are practically safe from any damage by frost over nearly me entire exbent of the countryâ€"From Aaron Aaronsohn‘s "Agricultural and Botani- cal Explorations In Palesflne.” Parents buy _ Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator because they know it is a. safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. In Palestine. just as in California. we have a dry, warm season and a humid and more temperate one. The rainy season extends from October to May and the dry season from May to 0c- tober. Like California. Palestine ls longest from north to south. Like California, too, it has both very hlgh mountains, having an elevation of 9.000 to 10,000 feet, and very deep depressions. The Dead sea. 1,200 feet below sea level, Is the greatest depression known. and, like the Death valley of California, it is situated in the southern extremity of the country. Many Way: In Which It Strikingly Resembies California. Palestine is more like the state or California than any other in the Union in everything except size. it lies be- tween longimde 34 degrees 30 minutes and 36 degrees 30 minutes east and between latitude 30 degrees 30 min- utes and 33 degrees 45 minutes north. It is practically a California reduced to about one-twentieth in size. but markedly similar in general topogra- phy. climate. vegetation and agricul- tural and economic possibilities. §fi179453011m HIMKNOWLEDGY UTILITARIAN. PALESTINE. A CURE. A stanch teetotaler and an en- thusiastic fisherman had a good stretch of the Dec to fish in and engaged the services of an experi< enced boatman. “But; night after night he came back with empty creel and at length departed in disgust. When he had gone the boatman was approached and asked how it was that a. fairly expert fisherman had such a. run of ill luck. “A weel,” said the man, “he had nae -whuskie, an’ I took him where there was nae fush.” land (or {no nmsiiuâ€"to mm. W. I... llonal Drug a. Chemical 00.. Toronto. fly the {Mtth plying of the shut» no of dung duly we wan while rat- moat for the Ioul.-mal!ror¢ Prooluly Stutod. « Teacher-Tommy, what In the tem- lnluo of the masculine "stag?" Tom- my (whose mother II a society lender) â€"Afternoon tea. ma'am. ' "IckTy “ox; Eogéhlrcurea‘colwdjrhea‘li t e [In-oat Ind Inn‘s - - . 25 cents. The lady said. "You must think I am Very (and or the sound of my own vo‘c‘ti . Tho Frenchman replied, "I knew you mad music." v Genius. Genius is in advance. It addresses posterity. Is it to be " wondered at. then. that it Is mostly intelligible to posterlry 0nh'?-~Lnndmv Trmh A Nut Compliment. That was a neat compliment paid by a French nmbaasador in London to a Deere" who had been talking to him for an hour. Disappointing. V Bfll~Did you aay his first song was disappointing? Jillâ€"Yes. He aahg“? Am Going Far Away. Far Away to Leaye You Now," and he didn’t go. The Nautical Idi‘om. - 3 In "Glimpses of East Africa" Mrs. Ethel Younghusband tells an amusing story of a venerable Pursee who was on board a big liner going to England. Some one wishing to make himself agreeable went up to him and said. “i hope, sir, you are a good sailor." ., Physiognomy. - It is impossible to say jusi when physiognomy began to be a "science." It is said that the celebrated Pythag- oras founded the science about B. 0. 540. It is spoken of by Hippocrates about B. O. 450. but he‘ does not at- tempt to go into the discussion of its origin. The first systematic treatise on the subject that has come down to us ‘is that attributed to Aristotle. Throughout the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries there were many pub~ lications on physiognomy.â€"Exchange. “Sailor, indeed!” said the Parsee. "W'hy, I am a first class passenger!” 3MM£3 011m Relief for Suffering Everywhere. â€"â€"He whose life is made miserable by the suffering that comes from indigestion and has not tried Par- melee’s Vegetable Pills does not know how easily this formidable foe can be dealt with. These pill-s will relieve where others fail. They are the result of long and patient study and are confidently put forward as a. sure corrector of disorders of the digestive organs. from which so many suffer. Don't eat stale qucumbers They’ll W up. Biliousness > Dr. Mor'se’s ln'dian Root Pills WHY HE HAD NO LUCK. is certainly one of the most disagree- able ailments which flesh is heir to. Coated tongueâ€"bitter taste in the mouth -â€" nausea â€"- dizziness â€" these combine to make life a burden. The cause is a disordered liverâ€"the cure Dr. Morse’s Indian Hoot Pills. They go straight to the root of the trouble, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take - _, A FOOD HINT. When Convcmtlon Leon. The reason same people don‘t tau; more than they do is that they can’t think of anything eke to my about themselveanculcno Record-Herald. nghmg ehmrmlnen throw: saw “a!!! on all the path- 02 liraâ€"Richter. Soothing. Mildred vâ€" sum our engagement (1th ha: been perfectly devout! to me. Do rm! think he will continue 2: law me when I am 04d? alarms-Real 1y. dear, 1 can't say. but you'lllosm knew; Zamâ€"Buk will also be found a cure for eCz-ema, rashes, ringworm, cold sores, ulcers, abscesses, chapped hands, piles, varicose veins, cut-s, burns, bruises, etc. All druggishs and stores at; 500., or post free from Zamâ€"Buk 00., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. “And how is your college son getting along with his career?” “Well, so far he has been a. bill collector, a, shipping clerk and a soda water dispenser.” The Test of Greatness. When Eiliston went from London to his own theater at Birmingham he was known to scarcely a member of his own company. On reprimanding one of them sharply the irate actor threatened to kici: him off the stage. He rushed to the stage manager and asked Who that man was. “Mr. A.." said the manager. “A great man. a very great: man;” said Eliiston. "Be threatened to kick me, the lessee of Drury Lane. Such a man as that must go to London. He mustn’t waste his energies here." And he engaged the actor on the spot; for Drury Lane. So many of the ordinary embroca- tions and liniments are imperfect- ly prepared and not sufliciently re- fined to penetrate even the skinâ€"- much less the underlying muscles. Zamâ€"Buk is totally different. Zam- Buk is so refined, and its essences and juices are so concentratedhthat when rubbed into the muscles for rheumatism, sciatica, sprain, etc, its effect is very quickly felt. When you have any (keen-seated pain in the joints, the back, the wrists or elsewhere, place a. liberal supply of Zamâ€"Buk on the fingers or on the palm of the hand and rub it in. Mrs. Frances Wyatt, of 25 Guy Avenue, Montreal, says: “I suffered long and acutely from rheumatism, and tried one‘ liniment after another in vain. I also took medicines internally, but- it remain- ed for Zamâ€"Buk to effect a cure. I began applying this balm whenever I felt the aches and pains of rheu- matism coming on, or felt any of the stiffness. The result was truly wonderful. Zamâ€"Buk seemed to penetrate to the very seat of the pains, driving them completely out, and I am now quite cured.” Where can I get some of Hollo~ way’s Corn Cur-e? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and‘I wish some more. of it for my friends. So writ-es Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. Delicious Macaroons.â€"â€"Whites of three eggs beaten stiff. Stir in one cup white granulated sugar, put in an oldâ€"fashioned soup plate and set over tea. kettle containing boi1~ ing water for eight minutes or un- til crust forms around edge. Re- move and stir in two and one-third cups of shredded cocoanut and one teaspoon of vanilla._ Drop off spoon on well butterel tins and bake in slow oven. Peanuts put through chopper‘ may be used instead of co- coanut. Betty’s Macaroon-s~â€"Two and one- half cups of rolled oats, two tea- spoons of vanilla, one-half cup of sugar, two well beaten eggs, two teaspoons vanilla. Mix thoroughly and drop in half teaspoonful on buttered tins. Bake in moderate oven until crisp ’and lightly browned. Zam-Buk will give you relief! RHEU M ATISM I SO USEFUL. MACAROONS. Don’t run for oflice ufiléss you. are willing to let the family skele- ton escape from the closet. Mlnard's Llnimem Cures auras. Eta. which (a the, lung} dainm‘est Ind meme-w jeweWy nanny, an the um: everywhere. ' We are giving it ABSOLUTE-V FREE to introduce our goods. Just 38nd mme and address and we will send it. to you u once. Address amen MIG. 60.,63 ROY 8|..vamencefi.I‘.IJ.3.A. 15 A WEEK AND EXPENSES FOR MAN or lady to travel and appoint agents for established house. State gig and previous om- wornent. Permanent. E. cGarvey. Mgr., 291 e lhmton Street West. Toronto. ' EARN THE BARBER TRADE. #- NEW systemâ€"monsmnt practicor-camful inatmo- don-«few weeks complete courseâ€"tools 1r". Eraduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars week 1y. Write for catalogue. Mole: Bub" (2011010, 221 Queen East, Toronto. V ANTED-SOUTH AFRICAN WARRANTS, Hi ‘lxaat rice paid. Write us fer infor- mation. ox & use, stock Brokaw. Scott St" Torontn. ANGER, Tumors. Lumps, etc. Internal J and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited, Colllngwood. Ont, GENTS (JAN MAKE $6 DAILY DELLINQ “ VOLPEEK" Granito Cement. Mandi hangs in all kinds of Pots and Pans. Gmnitewlro. Iron, 'l‘inware, etc. Manda in two minute Every housekeeper huys. Best, seller. Over 100 Drama. H. Nngle, Westmnnnt. Out find our stock of Piano, Vocal, Violin, Pip: eed Organ Music large and well selocted. Choir and Chorus Musiq a speciaity. )m'ros‘ wndonce invited. Ashdown‘s Music Store, Dept .. Toronto. APPLES WANTED W. C. GOF‘FATT ORILLIA, - . ONTARIO RAW 'FURS Dyes Wool. Comm, Silk or Mixed Good: Perfectly wnh the SAME DyeuNo chance of mistakes. Fm and Beantflul Colors 10 cams, from your Dru ms’: or Dealer. Semi for Color Card and STORY Boo let. 76 The Johnson-Richardson Co.. Limited. Montreal. on. I. J. [mu]. co. 15mm" mu. VI: Kendal“ Spavin Cute cure: the troubleâ€"makes the horse sound and well-and saves money for the owner because it rcmovel the cm of the trouble. Keep a bottle always It handâ€" 810:6 for 36. Good for man Ind beast. Ask your denier for free copy of our book "A Treatise On The Horse" or write us. That tells the whole story. And hundreds of thousands have had the aa'me experience in the past 10 years. Rich Vancy, Alta, May 20111. I” "I have used your Spavin Curc for n longtime and would not be without ii. Have killed 8 Bone Spavin by its use." For Spavin. Rinabone, Curb. Splint. Sweilings and all lameness, 15310 'rmAungsfâ€"s'wnmy 7 WILL Kills Bone Spavin The Soul of a. Piano Is the Action. Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” I pay the prices you are locking for. SHIP ME YOUR JUST THINK OF "I Piano Action OLE CARLSON. Senfl us your nun- and we will send you Free. allcharaes paid thus handsome LUCKY HEART PIGTURE BBBDOHâ€" Torhnto. Good quality culls, suixable for peeling, at market price. Write Imperial Extraét 90., Matilda Sh. FREE

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