Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1910, p. 8

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' fiery farmer should know that tho rice offered by the dealers for cattle, ogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- .yer or business man would be without his business paper? Therein but one ,farmers’ business and market paper, that in The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by :subloxibing. ” , TUESDA Y. ()Mnhur H~~Ancti<m Sale of household fnrniim'v. rigs. harness, tnnls. etc., at, the rrasidvnce, Station Street, Unimn'llle. (1m property of Ruhr. Mnyphell. Sale at, 1 o’clock sharp. Tm ms cash. .1. H. Prentice, Auct. “’EDNESDAY. 001i. IZâ€"C‘rodit sale of farm stuck. impk'monh. 81-0., on lot 23. con. 9, l\'.':e1khum. the pmpr-rty of (Jul. Selby. Snip at '12 u'clnck. Terms 12 months. J. H. Premice, Auct. THURSDAY. 0%. 13iâ€"Auciinn snle of farm stock. implvnwms, furnihn‘v, Poms, hay. ((0., on 10t5. can. 4, \Vhitchm'ch. the propel-by of Joseph A. Briliinger. Snie atvlz O’clock sharp. Tums 1:3 nmnths.- J. H. Prentice. Aunt, ' VVEDNFSDAY, 00%.. 261(‘1'm1it sale of farm stuck, impiemonis, &c., on lot 5 rear of the 4th (mm. lax-khan). the property of this late \Vm. Middleton. Sale at 1 n’rlnck. Tenn-s 12 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. - SATURDAY, Oat. R~Crvdit sale of farm stock. implmm-nts. é'cc’, rm lot 29, mm. 8, Mmkhnm. the plnpm-ty of Juunl, Hnuvm. Ev?th :11‘ 12 u’chmk. Tm'nh l2mm1th<s. J. H. Pl-onLicp. Auct. k++¢¢ -++++++&¢+%%¢+++++$Â¥ School Books. ‘ Standard Novels, Souvenir PostrCards, Post Card Albums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc, Etc. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Printing Stationery 3mm Backs Ripans Tabules cure flatulence Ripans Tabules cure canstmatiou. Ripans ’J‘abuws cure Hausa: Ripans Tabuies cure wrpid liver. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 131., and p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meeta Mon- av on or before full moon Court Richmond A O F â€"- Meets fourth Fri- dE'Y __. _ _ Public Lzbmry and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets evcrv Friday. ‘ Junior Epworbh League meets every Fm- nv afternoon at 4. Presbyterian Guildâ€"Meets everv Friday at 8 p.111. in the Church. Strangers will be given a cordial welcome Iéy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"‘Meets third. Wednesday of each month Hill Crest Lodge, I.0.0.F., meetsrflrst Wednes- duv and third Friday of each monnh. R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets first Wednesday each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of evsty month 'I'J'i‘d'é‘i'fi'fi'i‘++++%%%+'§'+'§‘+++‘¥++ 2THERE IS BUT ONE. 7 Camp Elam. S O S â€"Meets second and fourth WSQE‘E‘MY _ Church of Englaud~Servicas at. 3 p. m. 1916, nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Pxesbynerian Clxurch~Services at 11 a. m.,and p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursda'ygvenmg. M Mail Closes for Aurora.â€" MURNING 8.05 > EVENING. . .05 Morning Mml urnves {-1.15 Evening Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING .800 EVENIV G . ........................ 6 00 N'. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed in Lb least Fifteen Hinutes earlier than the ubuye mentioned hours for closmg. OFFICE CLOSES (AT 7.30 P. M. ' M. TEEFY Postmaster Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Blchmond Bill Post Ofl’ice as follows :â€" Mail Closes for the South MORNING a 30 EVb‘NING, . .61“) Go to The Liberal Office for POST OFFICE NOTICE GOOD STOCK OF Village Directory < mu Sales‘ rogra mmes, &c., &c. Exquisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of Well-kmnwn people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, squarp inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great i1- lustmted papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no ax" to gri‘ml. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must be s'een to be appreciated. Tz-n cents a copy. Ono dollar in year. .The Pic- toxial Publishing 00., 1-42 St. Pvter St. Mor treal. ~ ill-LE THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE "CANADiAI\I PICTORIAL” l The full yearly membership fee 1s One Dollar for which you get All above, and you Inin wuhm draw any time within three months it you: want to do so and et your dollar back. It yon don't care tospen 81.00. send 85 cent: for three [months membership. Nobody can airon to use ‘thls offer by. You will at our money bno ln value man times over. in! particulars will be sent free 0 charge. but it you are wise you will pond in your requent for membership with the ‘ roper fee at once. The :5 ate. three months mem- ‘ ership otter will soon change. Write at. once ad- dressing your letter and enclosing $1.00 for full yearglmtemberehm or Iwemy-nve cents for three ‘mon s o ; MUTUAL LITERARY MUSIC CLUB No. 150 N's-mu an. N, Y. Ctly. J V __ -- v... w ‘1an Ann W15] I Make and Save Money for on. Even-{Pod should Join the Mutual Liter Mn- sic cm of merica. There is nothing else I ke it anywhere. It costs almostnothm to Join and the benefits it Rives are wonderful. 1 enables you to Fur-chase books and periodicals music and musical ‘ nstruments at special cut prfoes. ls eonros r9- duced rates at many hotels. I: answers quemiann; free or charge. It offers scholarships and valuan ble cash prises to members. It maintains club wrooms in many cities for Its members. In addition. every member receives the magazine enti- tled “ Ev’r Month” 3 ubuaation in a clans by itseltJncludmg 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- strumental musiouull sue: each month without ‘extra on»: e - 72 lanes in one en in all. YOU ‘0” GET LL 0 THESE mum FOR up, mgsr fiQTHING. _ , I P. GSAVAGE AND A. G. SAVAGE GEO. MCDONALD, Richmand Hill Life, Fire £5 fimifiam \ BUILDERS’ SHELF HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS . 6&6 PAINTS :90 OIL All kinds of Grinding Axes, Sickles; Knives, Scissors and G-umming Saws on WEDNESDASI- and SATURDAY of each week .. .. g. Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. ' Western Fire Ins. (30. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. ‘* Rimouski Ins. Co. I ‘ York Fire Ins. Co. London Guarantee 8:; Accident CONFEDERATIOR LIFE ASS. JACOB. EYER & SON Having purchased a Gasoline Engine, we are prepared to do DISTRICT AGENTS $99 5 A15. G30 THHNGS THE BEST Goons AT RIGHT PRICES. that look won. wear well and keep those who use them comfortable. . You n'eed nothing for the comfort of your horse which we cannot supply. Rinana Tanuim cure bad breath. Rmana Tabulea cure liver baubles. and the strongest and best harness made anywhereâ€"that’s ours. F R E E â€"“A Test in Profiimclbtlon.” tn- structlve- and entertaining for the whole famfl . Also @ Illustrated pampble . “m”. A supplement to the new edition has brought it fully u to date. I have been looking through t e latter with a feelln of astonishment at its completeness. an fl)? agglount of inbor that has been put m on . 1 ,H. (the highest award) was given to the In- ternational at the World a Fair. 81;. Louis. G. 8; C. MERRIAM CO., HOR$E (“WES A. H. Sayce, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford University, England, has recently said 01’ 1t: IL is indeed a marvelous work; it 15 difficult to conceive of a dictionar more exhaustive and complete. Evoryt 'ngis in ltâ€"not only what we might expect to find in such a Work. but also what few of us‘wonlt} qver hqvg th‘gught of logglng got. must ‘Win upon their menitsp The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the Engiish language PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD. MASS. THE GRAND PRIZE FULL OF STYLE: :-ets 5 I; ap IEObQS Good partridge shooting on the line North of Pan-y Smind. open season from Oct. 15th to Nov. 15th. Moose are plentiful between Sellwnod Jet and Gowganda Jct, open season from Oct. 18th. For details as to favoured locations and all useful information, Write Passenger Department-,. Canadian Nprthern Building, Toronto Ont. Deer hunting commences Nov. 151;. s H O O T I N G “7 I Commences ‘ October 15th 16-my1 The undPr-signed is pleasod to let the public know that, he has been given the agency for the Ideal» \Vil‘f’ Fe-nce, made. by the B'Iacgrognr. Bamwell Fence (,0. of \Valkervillc. He hm; Iron Posts, Lawn Gates, Small Gates, Lawn Fences. \ “ALSOâ€"â€" Idea] FIOWer Bed Guards He will be pleased to hear from any person who needs any fencing done. RECEMHGNB EELL A. J- HUME a" Iacfo‘fi' 073i? $356111; ESE-1333. “fe‘i-EE '13:? da. 53-75 a 379310058388 Prepaid. Sold by an newmealers. Mm figegeiwmfiewmk nan». Anyone lending a sketch and desofigflon may quick] ascertain our Opinion tree w ether an invent on is probably utentable. mmunioa- Human-wt! confident ml. HANBBUU on Patents sent. free. 0 dost may for securing atents. Patents taken t r0 h Munn 0; ml“! maulzomo- 11919“ .1139- who B ri t i sh CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TOQONTO Sfiéfifiifié Emma. w 'nzmen‘ @3976» F EkWtuhiiEt'o'n'. 15.5? E. 2:91. Ezwne, Manager BRANCRES Ams fin: MAPLE. MEAREHAH. srevFvaLLE Arm GaRMLEY. AND NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing, Leases. Villas, Em. Special attention given tu Mfished 1‘373 ‘ For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Oraers are cenvenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts-or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the warld By Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Saving-3 Bank Department at Every Branch. RECHMONK? figLL W M. MARTIN, RICHMOND HILL. 1373 OF CANADA. 3 e TRANSMITTING MONEY Tun per cefit cheaper, ten per cent better for Bixsizwss. Shm-ilmnd, and Matric. Booklet Free, R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge & Blur Sts. Term of i909. HUN)! 6.: C0.. of the Srrmv'nwr- Armchx con~ Linue to am as Solicitors for l‘atenza. Cuveuts. . mm) Marks. Copyrights. for the United States, Canada. England. France, Germany. eLc. 11mm Book ubouC Patents sent (me. ’l‘hh'rvâ€"soven yours” experience Patents obtained thruuuh MUNN A; C0. are non-zed In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest. best. and most widely circulated su'ontiflc paper. 83.2):3 year Weekly. Splenghd engravings and infamscing in; formation. Epemmen may of the Scientific Amen-i. igun sent frse. Addruse MUNN & ‘0.. SCIENTIFIC mass miles. 261 Broadway 'Neyv‘Yonk. +4"?*éfiW%-§W++é*%+++++é~+¢++ Lax-9&5; 5 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. éé+++§$é$¢$*+%%+%&%+é¢+++9 THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TIGI‘IETS fur the 7mmd’int W'est procured at The xmdm-signvd, racontly employed with thv Massvyiiun'is (30., has taken the I;‘>I;zcksmithiug 11115311053 vnontvd by (Ilift Bros" and is prvpm'cd to uitend to all branches M the trade. THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. Orders taken ntâ€"â€" We have a choice selection of Perfume, and no nicer 01' more acceptable gift for your friend than a bottle of Perfume. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ‘ PATRONAGE Soucn‘zm AND SATISFACHO Limxmw'mrcn EQ€&EII ' Perfigme RARE ODORS IN FINE CASES HORSE-SEEING Cull and see our display of Idea! Present Drug-592181; RICHMOND HILL A specific momth medicme for India to restore and regulate the mouse; producing true, healthy and painle uiaehargu. 1‘0 aches or pains on up roach Now used by over 80,000 Indie; moo used willnse again. lnvizomte. mess organx Buy of your drug‘giSI only those with our signature meme! face of mth Avoid substitutes. Sealed. articular: minted :10 SM p. 1.00 Km. Adam“. EUREKA an m AL COMPAN Y. DXTEQI‘I. Inca. C fiwec' :4 A Cam!" Bowel 5; ‘71?!- fig tuftfifi. A SPECIALTY 50 Branch:

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