(3:11) at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬Ã©p while Hu- zwssm-tmvnt is gnnd fur fl‘hunksâ€" giving and Hallowe’en pus: czuds. The W". GUT. U. will meet. at the hmne uf Mrs. \‘v’. A. “Fright next Tuesday at- 3 u’clm:k. . A large number of ladies and gent‘lh men are- expected at the Pluwing ,Match in thé nm-thrrn part uf the village Lu-mun-hw, Fridn y. RICHMOND HILL, (hm, Now 3, 1910 \Ve hm? three VH'V ï¬ne pntutues from Mr. John Wnnd’s pan-n. They are Hi" the Dvlaware variety and weigh about-six lbs. ‘ Thel i'égulm- monthly mes-ting of the \V. M. S. will he held at thr’ hum» of Mrs. Hamilton, Ohm-ch street, tu day (Thmsda v). at. 3 o’cluck. A donation of $10 cash was N'UPiVPd last; evening from the Tornnm and Ynx-k Radial Railway Company ful- King & Vaughnn_Plnwing.MuLch. Eclipse, Surprise, Cnmft-rt, and Richard’s Soup, 6 bars fur 25c; Town Talk Laundry Smmi 1001mm Deï¬ance Snap, large bau- 20c. Atkinsm) 85 Switzerr . * THE LIBERAL “in hesent to new auhsvyibers from this date to January 1, 1912, for $1.00. See advertismanb elsewhere in this paper fur clubbing runvs with «ï¬ber papers. Mr. John Mm gan of \Villowdule has snld his farm of 150 acres to Mr. McKee of the Dudds Mecidine On. The price was in the neighborhood of thirty-ï¬ve thousand dollars. " Eli: gihgral. The regular meeting of the Guild will be held on Friday evening. Tupic, “Studies 'in the Parables; The un list, Judge.†Leader. Mr. Leslie Mc.\air; essayist, Miss Muriel Bl'ydrm. Cream (If Wheat, and ‘Vheat Gran- ules in bu)k, 50 1b.; Saxon and Baunm‘ Outs. each package contains a. hand some piece of porcelain chinawm'e, per pkg. 25c. Atkinson & Switzcr. Mrs. Principal Davidson, who is a? graduate of the Unnservatmy (.f Music has been appointed chnir IPadm' and instructor in the Presbyterian Church, and meets with the choir this evening. THE LIBERAL and the Family Herald and Weekly Star will be sent, for the balance of the year, both papers fur 40 Ct‘lltS. Those who are nut; taking thnse papers should take advantage of this special offer. A large number of hunters, fmm Aurora, Newton Brook. Markham :Iiowpsbip a_nd richer places, left the G. N. 0. station Saturday and Monday for the deer woods of Muskoka. The hmmds were conspicuous by their absence. A few evenings ago a gentleman who loaned his hat, to take up a collection in one of our churches found when he got home sevexal pieces of silver under the lining. Nu doubt many .will be anxious to lend‘ their hats after this. Rev. Mr. Chidley of Stouffville Was drowned in Sturgeon Lake while 'duck shooting at Bald Point. Saturday morning. It is supposed that his skiff was upsat by the loose seat falling. He was said to be a, good swimmer but drowned in eight feet of water, thirty eet. from shore. Mr. S. M. Jones, Evangelist, 0f the Chm-ch ‘of Christ, will speak at Sherwoud Sunday, Nov. 6th. in the morning at 10.00; subject, “Lessons on Remembering and Forgetting.†In the evening, at 7 o’clock; subject. “Will we know each otherin Heaven?’ Rev. F. Graham of Victoria College will address the Epworth League on Friday at 8.00 p.m., on the subject “Glgtibude.†This annnuncement of Mr. Graham should sufï¬ce those who know the} speaker to attend the roll call serwce of this League. Ap- propriate music. Golden Sling Cane Syrup, 2-lb. tin 12c; Edwardsburg Table Syw , 12%;0 tin; Lyle’s Golden Syrup. in 2-] . tins, 03011200; Goldenette (Jane Syrup, in 5-lb. pails. each 40c: Maple Syrup Mixture. in quart jars, jal and syrup 300. Atkinson & watzer'. The deb-rite at the Epwm-th League Friday evening on the subject, “Re- solved thfo apathy in the home churches is a greater hindrance to Foreign Missions than Nnn-Ohristiam religions†was very interesting. Many good points were made on both sides but the aï¬cir'mative which was taken by Mr. Hume and Mr. Smith won. There is‘ considerable grumbling in some quarters over the tax hills which are being sent out, by the Village Treasurer. It safe to say. however, that, those who are now (lning the most complaining are the men who at the next nomination meeting will not be presvnt to ask an explanation as to why certain expenditures are ‘higher than they think they ought, to be. ]J(‘>C A143 Mrs. J. L. Harris has gnne'tu Stuym‘r to spe-ml two weeks with her daughter; 31153 O. \V. Goqpexn Mr.'and Mrs. Firth and Mr. and Mrs. E. Ough spt-uyThnuksgi\‘iug Dav wigh their Adm, M is. H. Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Jnlly. Miss M. Ve-rnie and Mr. H. Rupert visited at the'hume of Mr. F. Alkinsun on Monday. Mr. ‘nnd Mrs. Jamés‘ Cmmnr of Vic-twin ‘anm-e visited Tuvsday with Mr. and Mrs. Dilumu W’idvnmn. Mrs. \ViHimus of Bowmunville spam. m er Thanksgiving Day with her hl‘uthr‘l'. Mr. Alt-under Patterson. Mr. F. Atkinsuu and litfle duughter Mnrgexy \‘lnitl‘d with relatives at. Smyner fuuu Saturday Lil] ‘Mouday. Mrs. E. McMahon, Aurora; and Mrs. D. Lt-‘pnvd nf Nawmarkot spvnt Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McMahon. Mrs. Smith of l‘nrnntn visited with Mr. Durham lust Fnday. Mrs. Smith. \vhnse niaiden' name. was Sophia Dul- nmge, was him: in Richmond Hill. but loft, with her parents when she was about u yea 1- old. A happy evan L1~a~1ispii-ed at the hmne ()1 Mrs. Clark. CPIIIN‘. Sb. Rich- umud Hill nn \Vvd. Nm‘. 2nd 1910, whvu ht-r eldest, daughter. Miss Maude Bran-ice, Was minim-d in marriage with Mr. Arthln' H. \V. Bnyle, in the pu-sence (If friend& and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bnyle. who are two of our most popular young peo- ple, lvft immediately mi a. trip to vau'iou-l points in Western Ontaxio. It is needless {.0 any that- Lheyuuny with them the congratulations (If a. large circle of friends, whose best. wishes will accompany them into theil new home in Richmond Hill. ' Citizens of Thumb“! were greatly shocked last Friday afternoon when they heard that Mr. \Villium Chutterly, 75 years of age. and u life-lung resident of that plur:e,£hml met, with instant dvatl), by being run over by a. Metro- poiitan northand car. The nld gentlenmn. whose hearing was not good, was walking northward down the hill. An nutm’uuhile was coming in the opposite direction. and it is thought, Mr. Chaitel'ly stepped over on w the electric car track‘in order t9 keep out, of the way of the auto. The motm-man blew the whistle, but appzu-Ently it, was ‘ not, heard by the unsuspecting victim of the dreadful accident. Deceased is survived by fum- sons and a daughter. KING & VAUGHAN PLOWING MATCH. The Annual Plowing Match of King 85 Vaughan Plinvmen 5 Association to he held on the farms of George Thnmpann, lot. {8. and “"131. RuhinSun, lot 50, lii%t\$'eei) Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills. will duuhtless attract a large number of plowmeu and spec- tators on Friday, the 4th of November. The match being held on Yonge street will give an excellent opportunity for manv to name from nmth and south by Metropolitan Railway. The match is open tn the Domininn and upwards of $500 is being offered in pllZE'S. There are seven classes, besides many specials. Lunch will be provided for plowmen on the ï¬eld, and Dinner and Ten will be served to all comers at the Palmer House. Richmond Hill and the New Elgin, Elgin Mills. For particulars see large posters. nr apply to the Secretux-y,'Mr. J. T. Saigeon, Maple. The Library Board met; in the Ma» sonic Hall Wednesday evening, Oct. 26. 1910. 7 - The following members were present: W. H. Pugsley, P. G. Savage, A. J. Hume, S. M. Brown, W. A. Sunder- sou, J. H. Brydnn, T. F. McMahon. Also the Librarian, MurG. Opyvie._ The Secretkrv reported that $64.53 had been leceived as Government Grant for the current year. Minutes of last meeting, March 26. reali an}! adopted. r The Secretary bandied the Purchas- ing Committee the names of certain hooks recommended for the Public Library. 1 A N - ‘ ‘ On u‘mtion of Mr. Brydon. seconded by Mr. Savaggkthe Purchasing Com- mittee were authorized to expend in library books and magazines a sum not to exceed $100.â€"0m~ri9d. Messrs. Savage, McMahon and Bry- don‘were appointed a committee to wait on the Council and ask for a. special grant for improved shelves and ï¬xtures for the Library Room. The Board adjourned. The Village Council has had an artesian Well sunk in Mr. Pugsley’s field near the C. N. 0. station. The water flows from a three-inch pipe a couple of feet above the ground, but. we understand the Council think of boring still deeper. The present well is abnub 95 feet deep, and considerable quicksand has come up through the pipe. ' Mr. H. Foster, who lives about 0p- posibe Dr. Lungstuï¬â€™s rosidnnce on Yonge street, has put out a sign an~ nouncing that; he is prepared to mend boots and shoes for lese who will favor him with work. Mr. Fosterhnd been ill for mnny months, but is now able tu’ do :1 little Work again. It is hupvd that friends and neighbors in‘ the villagu and vicinity will favor the old gentleman with a. shame if their patronage“ Public Library Board Meeting. FATAL ACCIDENT. PERSONALS MENDING WANTED. BOYLEâ€"CLARK FLOVVING WELL. Thr recital and concert given in the Masonic Hall last. 9v¢ning under the auspices of ther’Fire Brigade was a great. success from every standpoint. The hall was ï¬lled. the varied pio- grumme was most. enjoyable. and everybody listened with interest to every number on tho programme. The hall was nearly and appropriately drum-Med for the occasion with Union Jacks, Canndian and other ï¬ngs. lengths of hose, liremien’s helmets and uxrs, the platform was carpeted, and on the walls hung pictures. diplomas and souvenirs which had lwen won by the Brigade in ï¬renmn’s contests. The concert was opened with a piano solo by Miss Nora McMahon. Mrs. H. W. Jakewny of ’l‘nronlo followed with a. soprano solo “My Ships. She possesses a line Vnice of glent volume, and she was forced to respond to encorvs after each of her nmubvrs. Miss Florence. Mnlloy of Aurora gave a. number of violin solos flee from all alï¬-ctationmnd the audience showrd their appreciation by repeated calls for encorvs. In fact the‘enlhusiastic audience showed their satisfaction of every artist by encores mid. continued applause. Miss Gnmrie 'Brown who appeared for the ï¬rst time before 8. Richmond Hill audience made 'xm excellent impression as a. talented elocuLionist. Her .voice is clear and expresaive, and her renunciation is so perfect, that the audience could hem- every syllable distinctly. Some of her numbers were decidedly humorous, others showed dramatic talent, and an interesting feature consisted of poems given with musical accompaniments. She was not stingy with her selections, responding to double encm-es, The piano ac- companiments we’re skilfully played by Migs Manny and Missdiom McMahon: Befure singing “God Save the King†Mr. T. H. Trench. Chief of the Fire Brigade, expressed the thanks of the ï¬remen to Miss Brown and her assist- ing artists for their efforts in provid- ing such an excellent programme. Mr. Trench also thanked the audience for their generous patronage. ‘ Notice is hereby given that a. Court. will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters’ LlStS Act. by His Honor Judge Morgan, Judge of the County Court of the County of Ym-knlat the Masonic Hall_._ Mime. on’SATURDA Y, Court of Revision THE 12_rg__DAY OF! NOVEMBER; 1910, at 10.00 a.m.. t9 hear and deter- mine the Several éom'plaints of arm‘s, and omissions. in the Vuturs’ List, of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan for the year 1910,. x ; . J .Al‘l' persons "haéing business the: Court; are required to attend at shid' time and pl:lce._ Clerk of the said Munibipaï¬ty; Dated a}, Maple this lsb day of No- Vaughan Council I‘he next meetmg of ï¬ne Council 0! the Muni- cipalitv 01 Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall. Vellore. on ..Millinery.. Latest Paris Fashions BEAVERS ï¬iï¬ï¬â€™f’ï¬Ã©â€™Ã© Miss Edithe E. Devlin _ 1282 YONGE STREET ‘ ' N. 0F CPR. TRACKS. TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1910 FALL AND WINTER vember, 1910. VAUGHAN RECl-TAL AND CONCERT. ofTheOentx-alBusinessGollege uf Toronto contains some special guarantees of very gI-en t, interest to students who wish tu attend a ï¬rst class reliable Schuol. You are invited to write fm‘it. Address W; 11. Shaw, PreSIdent, 395 Youqe 8b., ,Toronto. Our Prices Are Right and Orders Promptly Attended To M UN ICIPALITY OF I AM SHOWING THE 1N FALL ;A‘ND WINTER STYLES â€"â€"-â€".â€" ALSO I. B. MCLEAN. at 10 IL. m. J. B. MOLEAN Clerk PHONE NORTH 5119* +aux-we-++m+ww+++++w+4+wwww+~MMMw-rwww-ï¬ Atkinson’cYc Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE 3: a: § § 1* \ * RICHMOND HILL $+°¥+~§~+4~Â¥$W MQ'H ++M9W¢+¢Q *+*+¢+¢*M+**+¢$$W Q'Mété'é'é'é'ï¬'é'é-+'§"§“§"§"§"§"§'+-§~~§~§«§‘{4+ é++é°§+§++¢+$+®§+~§w >1 §"§"§~'§"§“§"§~! Atkinson _& Switzer ~ Grocery Bulletin Red, White and Blue Coffee, ground, lb. tin Wood’s Boston Coffees, ground fresh, per lb. Maconochielvaippered Herring, per tin Davies' Pork and Beans, per tin‘ ‘ Riverdale Brand Tomatoes, per tin Garden City and Aylmer Tomatoes, per tin Riverdale Select June Peas, per tin ' Lakeview Corn, per tin . Farmer’s Sugar Corn, per tin Fraser River Salmon, I-lb. Hats, 2 for . Castle Brand Lobsters, per tin Clark's Corned Beef, perltin Davies' Corned Beef, 2-lb. tin ,. Wethey’s Condensed Mince Meat,’per pkg. ' . Thyme, Savory, Sage and Mixed Herbs, per tin Best ltalian Macaroni, per lb. Ingersoll Cream Cheese, per pkg. I-P*4~++%M%*++°§~Â¥+%~§+4~i~i¢ VM‘éW wwwww October 27, 1910 Men’s heavy wobl underwear very ï¬ne per garment 750 Men’s Wool fleece underwear extra quality per gar- , ment . . . .. . . . 75c Men’s very heavy wool underwear extra ï¬ne pe’r gar- ment . . . A . . . . 1.00 Men’s Sweater Coats from , . . 55175 to $3.50 Men’s Mocho Dress Gloves from . $1.25 to 5:31.75 . 1 â€"AT TH Eâ€"â€" mmmmmu 95m†WNW NORMAN .5. awï¬gg PROPRIETOR Pandora, \Happy Thought RANGES and Souvenir â€" â€"* Richmond Hill Hardware [30. The cold weather is coming. NOW is a. good time to prepare for it. Stove and Furnace Work promptly done and (satis- faction guaranteed. Melobte Cream Separators, Standard Cream Sepa- ramrs, Conner Bail-Bearing Washing Machines. . 0999990 THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. Bell Telephone 18 We invite you to call and see our stock of HEATERS AND RANGES. STOVES We are sole agents for the celebrated «owun#wm«+w UN [EERWEAR THE NORMAN BATTY Manager 30c. 350, 40c. 45c ltpays to buy the best, and we make the prices right. PHONE 17 200 me Be IOC 100 8c IOC IOC IOC IZC h.