Although nothing deï¬nite was ar- rived at relative to better trade rela- tions between Canada and the United States, at the recent conference at Ottawa, the frank and friendly disâ€" cussions seemed to have paved the way for future negotiations. The discussions were held with closed doors, but the following brief ofï¬cial report has been given out:â€" “The whole discussion was of the most frank and friendly nature. While no conclusion was reached, the ground was cleared for a further conference, which will be held in Washington, probably early in Janu- ary. The members of the confer- ence, Messrs. Hoyt, Pepper and Foster, representing the United States, and Messrs. Fielding and Patterson, representing Canada, sep- arated with the strong hope that on the resumption of the conference at Washington an arrangement can be reached that will prove acceptable to people on both sides of the boundary line.†It is to be feared the Nationalists under Mr. Bourassa and Mr. Monk are trying to deceive the people. How do they propose to defend Can- adian territory ‘9 The surest defence is to have ships that will be prepared to meet an enemy before the latter has a chance to bombard Halifax, Vancouver and other cities on the seacoasts. THE LIBERAL and the Family Her;le and \Veekly Star will be sent. for the balance of the. yénr, both papers for 443 cents. Those who are not: taking those papers should take advantage of .this special (Jfï¬Err. ATHLETIC WORLD The November number- (If the Ath- letic VVm-ld. published by “7. J. Taylor, Limited, \Vimdstnck, Ontario, which has just. reached this ofï¬ce, is an exceptionally good one, and seems to indicate that the pnlicV of steady im- provement which this magazine has so far carried out so well, will continue in the future.‘ The various occurrenws (if intvrest in the Canadan world 411-9 well described and attention is :Ilsopnid toevents in other countries, while- practically every branchof sport is covered. LUVGI‘S of athletics will do well to got this number. in which will ihe fuund Something to intm-est every- :nne, whatever ii-eid of sport he par- ticularly favors. Another paragraph declared the meeting ready “to uphold the rights of the British crown in Canada, and ready to approve all necessary and efï¬cient measures to make sure the defence of Canadian territory, but it considers as contrary to the principle of Canadian autonomy and to the real unity of the Empire any policy tending to impose upon Canada, that has no voice in the government of the Empire, any share in its external responsibilities and its military de- fence outside of the Canadian terri- tory,†&c. x “This meeting acclaims the result; of the election in Drummond and Al'thabaska as the triumph of the principle of Canadian autonomy.â€_ “Canadian Autonomy†is the right of Canada to make and administer her own laws. The Navy Bill, which defeated the Laurier candidate in Drummond, gives this country the right to manage and control the Navy. Mr. Borden and many Con- servatives hold the View that the money expended for the defence of the Empire should be expended in Dreadnoughts to be controlled by the British Government. This would not be autonomy. Fair’minded people would like to think that Mr. Bonrassa is honest when he protests that he is not dis- loyal to the British Empire. It; is easier to believe, however, that he spends far more time in working on the prejudices of his co-religionists in Quebec than he does in honest effort to make them better citizens. At a large meeting held in Montreal on the 9th inst. Mr. Bourassa moved a resolution, the ï¬rst paragraph read- ing as follows:â€" Rxéï¬Ã©xn HiiET'BEï¬TNov. 17. 1910 Elm flihemi. CONSIS’I‘ENCY (?) \Ve guéu‘antee to deliver Lhestock in good condimon and up to contract grade. We can Show that, there is good money in representing a, well- known, reliable ï¬rm at this time. Es- tablished over thirty years. \Vrite for particulars. We ask our customers to hold their orders until our agent, Mr. John F. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill, calls on you. 240 acres. mare or less, lying be- tween Yonge St. and 2nd con. Mark- ham. Grand house and ham. and plenty of water; 100 acres under cultivation. Large bush. Possession April 1. 1911. Apply NAUGHTON BROS., 14-tf Elgin Mills. 16â€"4 1 Sâ€"Sm We have buyers for good farm and market garden property. Also pro- perties forsuhurlmn residences. If you will give pu-Liculm's of wth you have to sell we will undertake w get a buyer. JOHN FISHER PELH AM NURSERY CO. Owner may have same by proving property and paving t‘ka‘HSPh. \VALTER BO WEN, 18-3 Gun-ville. PENNY ROYAL VVAF’ERS. Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 41, con. 2, Vaughan, a tan hound. An eight room brick [muse on Yonge street. Furnace and other cnnven- iences. IO-tf :23 wfl?£%?$ 3L Whole or part time; libPl'fl] Let-ms; outï¬t; free. Over 500 acres in livers. Write at once. “The Fruit, Tree SpeciuHsts.†THOS. \V. BOWMAN & SUN ()0. L'ID., 18-4 Avumsfdesimlfle home fm- a ï¬ery") fund of fruit or gm-dming. Possession givmu ï¬rst nf A ril. 18-2 First class rough cast house in gnnd C(mditiml. with seven-eighths of an new nf land. (m Church SU’Pl-‘t. Ridr nwnd Hill. Gum] cnllnr. hard and 50ft waLer. Lnlge quantity nf f1 \uL trees; best varieties hf apples. pints, plums, cherries. grapes. gunsnlwn‘ins. curl-ants, rnspherlies &c. The News are young, lnustpf them bearing. 19-4 NURSERY STUCK For Sale or Rent House and lot to rent. Apply tn. " H. A. NIUHOLLS Agents Wanteti Farm Property Wanted 600 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION Farm for Sale Dog Strayed TORONTO, ONT. For Sale To Rent For Sale Aspecmc monthly modicum for lmlicu to restore and regulate the man-tear producing free, healthy nni pariah-39 disehurgu No when or 112.110) (m ap proach Now used by (new 50,030 ladies Once used will use again Invizornta. these organs. Buy of yam- dmggim only those with our signature across {we or label. Avoid wbstitutea. Scaled articular! mailed L'c stump. $1.00 er wx‘ Address, EUREKA CHEM] AL 00me x. Duncan. won Thos 19-3 m. ’JOHN BLANCHARD Apply to 32 Church Strevt Toronto. Ridgm‘ille, Ont. Richmmxd Hiâ€. Richu'uund H111. D. HILL. Don’t place your order for spring until you have had our prices. Until we have an agent at Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct“ State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Cutalngue. Our trees are guaranteed stx‘icély ï¬rst grade, true to name, and to be delivered in ï¬rst class condition. \Ve can save you money in two ways. Possibly the best, farm in the Town- ship of Markham. consisting of a block hundxéd acres on the 3rd Con. Well watered; guOd house; fair outbuildings; well fenced; close to school and church. The very'best crop producing land. Good orchard. and altogether a very desirable property. ,For further par- ticulars applxtu. S-tf. 11-211! 41-tf Barn, 36X63 feet. in good repair. on west. half of lot 30. con. 5, Vaughan. Apply tn R. PHILLIPS. $8,000 on ï¬rst mortgage on farm propel-Ly. _ Naughton Bros. ELGIN MILLS An unqualiï¬ed guarantee as to ï¬t, Vvorkmanship‘jand ï¬n- ish goes with each suit. 01 course they are made by Hobberlin‘s. we want yau. to see our New Straight Front Sack. Ask for Model A4. Have you let us make you a suit yet ? They are made in all fa- brics and ï¬t like a glove. Thos. W. Bowman 8: Son Co., Ltd. The Fruit Tree Specialists. Money 1;) Loan Barn for Sale RIDGEVILLE,-0NT. Apply to For Sale H. A. NICHOLLS. ii." A. NIGHOLLS Real Estate A ent Richmon Hill. Real Estate Agent, Richmond Hill. Laskay. Vyear Weekly Mail and Empire, balance of year Family Herald, balance of year Family Herald and Weekly Star, 1 year Busu Man’s Magazine Farm and Dairy The Issue of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of September 15th, 1910, had 656,370 waders based on an average of ï¬ve readers to each paid subscnptmn. How many readers will the issue of March 15, 1911, on the same basis have? WVe offer Th9 Liberal and ThP Fumin Herald and \Veekly Smi- for one year each at. $1.90. and every persun “cm-[nine thiv. offer has the right, tn make an estinmte and The Family Hezu‘ld and \Veeklv Star will send thv ï¬rst three of its readers whu make the com-ect- m' mun-est Gum'va estimate to England with all expenses paid frmn any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending nmney. n... N. mm... . Estimate coupons can be had at this ofï¬ce, which must be ï¬lled in and accompany your subscription to the Lwo papt‘lrs. The Family vald Weekly Star, nf Montreal, is the greatest Fumilv and Farm paper on this Continent, and can sufer he dvpended upon to carry out. this unique cmupetition impartially. \Ve hope to 399 some of our readers win the trip. Send your subscriptiun in now to THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Tm- Family Herald and \Veeeklv Star, of Muntrmd. is going to send ihrve 01' more of thir waders to the 01d Uuunlry rth June at, the Univ. of the Cnrunutinn with all eXpmw-s paid from any part of Canada and a liberal alluwumzv fur spvnding mmwy. ' \Ve have clumpleiéd m-ra‘ngmnvnts with the Familv Herald publishers hy whichrnm- H-ndms can Hit»? the cnmputitiuu far this prize trip and it certainly will be a trip to he wnwmhered. FREE Tï¬i? m WE E1 Bï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜s’ @gmn “at-o AEE ï¬gaï¬e?s 0? The Liï¬eral Every family should have both their local paper and a city paper Ilere fire 'Ehe Cox‘ldimions Glubbmg Eateg 75c.