rifle, “I? prhplflertyrlwnf ,Sale at 1 o’clock. ,Suigeon & Mc- ( Ewen, Aucbs. UUAJSDAY. N‘vv. 29â€"Or9dit sale of 10 acres of standing timber, on lot 5. , run. 4. Scnrlmrn, the pl‘nperby «.f‘W_ A; Milnm Sn]!- :If .1 n‘rlf‘ck. TPI'IIJS ' '10 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY. Dec. 3¢~lhndit Hale pf 25 Hoistein Cows. 15 H. D. colts frnm 1 "to 3yrs . at Johnston’s Hotel, VVhitv vale. Pickvrin r' .. the urn «arty‘nf ' J. H. B «illi11g§.r'.1\ps.a.lp a; I Izflclnck. [Terms 11 months. J. H. Prentice, v Aunt. ,WEDNESDAY. Den. 7~(‘:r<â€"-dit sale of farm stock. implements, hay. mots. 810.. on Int, 22. can. .6. Markham. l Inile sunth (If Cushol, the property of John Tu'ly. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. Terms 11 munchs. J. H. Plentine, A‘ucc. WEDNESDAY. Dec. 14~Crodit sale 0f ' fum stm‘k. implrments, &c., nn 1m: “‘13. mm. D. Svarhnro, the property of J. Inason. 8-an 349 1 o‘clock. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. fï¬ï¬RSDAY. Due. ‘15â€"Dispersion sale inf registered Shorthum cattle high ‘ grade, at“ good ifamilv. on lot 19. con. “'9. Markham. 1;} miles east, Markham Villagp. the property of Jun I. Bald- snn. Pedigrees 'sbnt nn‘ npplicatiun P. 0. address J. I. Baldsnn, Mark- ha’m. 'Sulv ab 1 O’clock sharp. Terms 10 'month credit. J. H.‘ Prentice, .Auct., . . _ 'RID'AY. Der. 23â€"Credif sale of farm stock. implements, &c.. on lot 35. arm. 8, Pifkm-in‘g, the property of g+++++++¢++++++++++++++++é Both The Daily Globe and the Daily Mail and Empire are making a. specxal- offer to readers of these papers. Either p‘aper will be sent from this date to the ï¬rst of May about 5; months for the sum of $1.00. This offer is not by York County alo‘ne; they will he sent to any individual: address in Canada, Great Britain or the United States. The coming sessions of the Dominion Parliament; and the Ontario Legislative ~Will be reported. Send a dollar to THE LIBERAL Ofliceq and get full beneï¬t of this otfer. _ > PHURSDAY, Nnv. 24â€"Pnstpmwd sale- of farm stuck. implenwan, &c., on lot 8, con. 2, Markham. the pmpelty of the estate of the late Wm. Gnhn. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘J. H. Prentice, Aunt. V _ ‘ ~ ' : FRIDAY.__N0V;3 25%|]:(7fi0hw sale of JJn‘eh-Ms‘ and grade wattle, at, Uninn-‘ 'v. man-imam. 1;; mues east, Markham [ï¬ggr‘%g&,ï¬i§1a?3 THESE BENEFle li‘éa AL- Villagp. the property of Jun I. Bald- {Pitullyeaily ï¬eflershlpgeeisOneDoiiaxl-gr ' . " ‘ 'n-' ‘WCYOEKGRBVOBD oumnw - son. Pedig’ees sent an applicaimn drnwany “me “Minn-“reg mung“ you P. 0. address J. I. Baldsnn, Mark- wanna dosoandget your dollur back. If you h » -q.,],. .‘t, 1 O’clock thm TFrm-s dOn‘tcaro to spen $1.00. send. 25 cents for three ‘ “’m' ‘ ' ' , 4 * ' , monthsmembership. Nobodycnn ward to East? 10 'month credit. J. H. Prenmce, jbhisofler by. You will our money bnc in ‘Auct ‘ [value mun timss over. ul particulars will be ' - Isent. free 0 charge. but it you are wine you will 'RID'AY. Den. Ziaâ€"Credit sale of farm ‘ .‘ ’ 'm l .nts 816. on lot 35. rshipcflor will soon change. Writa at once ad- IPR‘lli‘pl'lfng , the ~pr0pm‘ty "f l (dressing your letter and enclnflinar $1.00 for full . . , , V . A} l I l q l b 1 , l k ayeargmfmbersmn or twenty-ï¬ve cents for three in: mm in ll'nan. .\ a e a, n (e no . . man s o ‘ - I. I’I‘F! AEY MUSIO CLUB Terms 10 nlUlILhS. J. H. Prentice, I1MUTUA lmï¬mmusz N Inga“ Aunt. - ‘ send In your requth for membership with the roper fee at once. The 25 cts. three months mom- TEE LIBERAL and the Fa n)in Herald and Weekly SLar will be sent: for the lalance of the year, both pétpers for 40 cents. Those, Who are not taking those papers should take advantage of this special offer. Mié++++i+¢++++ ++Â¥++++++++ I Rev. C. W. Petch spent Slrmdarywzit‘; MP. VVitty’s. Miss E. Wittf went. driving with her grandmajher Mrs. J. Baker one afternoon lush; week and returned late in_l._he evenirï¬ï¬. » Mr. EkKeifér’s entertamed relatives Sunday. * v “An excellent talk was given by the minister in th'é Du‘ukard Church Sun- day morning; ' An interesting sermon was also iven at Concord Methodist Church unday morning. Mrs. F. Ellis of Richmond Hill formerly of Toronto spent the fore part Of lust Week with her uncles here. Mr. Frank;jTeasda.le has been spend- ing his honey-moon. Concord people wish him every success and happiness in his futuréovlife. He is going to live on the old hgjmestead While Mr. Teas- dale is retirng to Thornhill with his wife and unmarried members of his family. ’ ’.:' Mr. Jesse Baker’s fence elected in the from: of His farm is most; certainly one o! .the ï¬nest fences one would Wish to see,=,.flnd is a great improve- mgpt to OUDébI'dg, . GOOD STOCK OF chool Books. Standard. Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post Card Albums,’ Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. Mining Stationery ' School Books %&+&+++é Go to The ZL-iber'af Office for in Heads, " " Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Ehvélopes, ' Programmes, &c., &c. Auction Sales. SPEchL OFFER. Concord. ExquisibPly printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of Well-known people o‘fkcurr-ent events. of things beauti- ml and curious About one thousand. square» inches of plCtUl't‘S in each issue. Appeals to Canadians :ts‘ï¬he great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to [he English‘peoplu. Non political. Absolutely no axn to grind. Its aim Sulvly to please and to inform. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. Onc- dollar a year. The Pic- tm lHl Publishing Co., 142 St. Peter St. MOLtl‘t‘éll. Zl-Lf THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE “CANADIAN PlulURIAL†_ __ _ - 4. ...u.:... r n. unuuuuuunln uollï¬‚ï¬ 0y itseXfJneludinu apieces 01’ high-class vocal and in- strumental muslcdull size) each month without extra char 9‘ 72 laces In one 9min all. YOU .1 CAN GET L o THESE mm 3012 AL- M(_)_s'1‘ pqwmxa. , - ,,,_W Chance to Join a (‘lub That VF!!! Make and Save Money for You. Ever "body should Join the Mutual Literal? Mu- sic cm of America. There is nothing else i ke it anywhere. It costs almostjmthin to Join and the‘ beuefltsit gives are wo‘nderi’ul. I enahies you to‘ urcnase b0 vks) and periodicals music and musical ustmmen ts at special out pr 90s. It secure: re- duced rates at many hotels. It answersquestions tree of charge. It otters scholarships and valua- ble cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in many cities for its mem bers. In addition, every mem be: meeives the ofï¬cial magazine enli-I tied u Ev’ry Momhna nbiicati in a ping pyl itse!f,lnnlndinnn“mnnn A Llâ€"L A, P. G. SAVAGE AND A; G. SAVAGE GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Em Life, Fire: maxim : , BUILDERS’ SHELF HARDWARE 0F AL}; KINDS Â¥ . “6'99 g V PAINTS <94, OILS All kinds. of ’f Grinding Axes, Siokles, Knives, Scissors and J'Grfum’ming Saws on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY of each week .. .. Mercantile FirewIns. Co. - ‘7 L Western Fire Ins'ch. " Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Rimcuski Ins. Co. ‘ ‘ Ycrk Fire Insi Co. . London Guarantee _& Accident CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS. JACOB EYER & SON Haiï¬iaghfiï¬vi‘chased a [Gaéolvine Engine, We ‘are prepared to do " ' _h high-glass v‘SéSï¬ï¬ tux;- DISTRICT AGENTS mlda "a mum. hm thou wno wrln sunson .t C(LJ’OI'QM‘, Mainomill rec-«iv. free. full information ahoul work which thaw mm dn. and live M. hnmeJhM will ply .1121]: from $510 per dun Some Ir :9 , 'm'w $ . i-u dnv Ehhov an. ymmz or old Capiml um ~eu‘lir?“ You are Rlflnevl Fee Thu-<8 iimnm Hymn \n dthnen: xure of In“: hula forum-.1, AI‘ '3 ms- THE BEST Goons AT RIG-HT (PRICES. that 1001: we“. wear Well and kePp those who use them comfm'lnhle. [ PUBLISHERS, . k SPRINGFIELD, MAss. and the strongest and best haruesa made anywhvreâ€"that’s ours. ’ ~ You neod not-hing for the cnmfnl't of your horse which we eammt supply, mustxwin “upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won'a greater distinction upon its merits and’ is in more general use than any other work†of its kind in†the English language.†1 HORSE GGGDS F R EE â€"“A Test in Pronunciation.†1n- structive and (amen-tainng - for the whole family. Also 673‘ illustrated pamphlet. _ WENT“: ,._ “w†.V- “5..†.. A supplemel. to t 10 new e man has bro‘ught it fully 11 )10 date. I have been looking through 1 \e latter with a foelin of astonishment nt H5 completeness, an the 3111011111; of labor that has been put intoi . , '> , (the highest award) wiis hiven to the In- ternational at. the World‘s Fain St. Louis. G. & c.'MlERéIA5Mfco., A.‘H'. Snyce, LL.D., D.D., of Oxlord University, England, has recently said of 11 : It is indemka mnrvekzus work; 11:19 dii“. ule ()nccive of a dictionnr more exhaustive and Complete. ‘Everyt ingis in it â€"â€"not only whit; we might- expect to ï¬nd in such (I. work. but Also what few of us ‘wouldqverlxqve thgught '01 Logkjngfpr. THE'CRANIS PRIZE Ali. G600 THENGS ‘ FULL OF STYLE: Igap Robes-“5 1 Wed., Dec. 7..‘Royal Edward..’l‘ues., Dec. l3_ f Wed., Dec. l4..Royal George..Tues., Dec. 20 For rates and reservations Tapply to’ Lounl Agent. or to Mr. H. 0. Bomlivr; G-vneml Agmt. Canadian Nurthvrn Bldg., cor. King axxd,’.l‘m'01)tovSts.,~ Toronto. Ont. From Halifax, N.S. THE OLD COUNTRY R.M.S. ROYAL EDWARD â€"ANI)â€" R.M.S. TROYAL GEORGE "Canadian Northern ‘ .,_Steamships gunned Spend" Your Christmas at Home , THE!) ROYAL LINE. RECHMQNE‘B EEELL iSKthe Speediest, Mnst‘Cn'mfortable and Best Route to B ri t i sh CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO FI-NETQflï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ ,E. Mrflyrne, Manage:- BRANCHES ALSO .41.?! 245,291,111. MARKHA‘N, yrsvmnnmz AND Gï¬RMLBY. ' AND NOTARY 'PUB L10 Conveyancing, Leasés. W 111:3, E Spvcial nttentiun given to will sail as folloWszâ€" is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sï¬fï¬cient to open 'an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest. current ’rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time Without delay. ' Savings Departinent at Every Branch. RECK‘IMOI‘JB $533341. EEKAN’QE‘X Esmblithed 1873 Pressing Cï¬eanmg Repairing 51mg! 1873 803m: A DEPOSIT OF 'ONE‘ DOLLAR HUME Ten 'pr-r cent cheapér, ten per cemt butter for Buéiï¬Ã©s‘s. Shorthand, and Hattie. Booklet Fi’e’e.‘ R. A. Farquharson, B. Armin; Cor. Yonge & Blunt Sts. ' Du'e Bristol "Term of 1909. 38-tf Four, young Bulls, four months and over. +6"!-%Q'+++%~+Ԥ'%§'+*++++M+++++ WilloWdale ++++%+4‘+++4**%++++Ԥ'++¢++++§ THE BANNER OFFICE, AURORA ,TIOKETS for the ’Cunadhm “’03? prucm-vd n t, Tiskaisimï¬saWea? ALL‘BRANL HE? OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. g F. J.‘ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬mï¬ THE LI HERA L O FF‘ICE RICHMOND HILL. ' OL-dvI-s taken atâ€" .F; J. 'WUUDWARD: ‘We have a choice selection of Pertiume. and no nicer or more acceptablgagift tpr _ your «friend than a. bottle ofwPerfum‘e‘. ' 1 . P'F'b-l-M W. fl.'8ande[sun§ PATRONAGE SOLICITED ’AND SATISFAC'V‘IUN GUARAN‘I‘EE n E§ea§ “ Perfume HGLSTEINS M TAMWORTHS GENERAL LBLACKSMITH, ELG-IIT IVQILL all ages,- , _ RARE ODORS IN FINE CASES Call and Save obr dfsplay of HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY ideal Present Drugaist, RICHMOND HILL Stuck Farm ‘f‘J. MCKENZIE 30 Branchea AND