W. ‘H EWISON " VVETERI‘NARY SURGEONfï¬ ' ‘ immr-nmn.*~ Gays by telephone froï¬ {Richmond ’ Hilllcharged to me, ' * J r Saigeon, ‘ J K McEwen Maple Weswn Salgeon a: NlcEwen. hihenaed Auctioneers for the County of fork. Salon amended to on shoytzesb notice and 'at tea,- aorablo gates Patronage solicited Lioeneed Auctionee: for the County of York. re- ;pelstmlly soliclts your patronage and friendly influence males attended on the shortest notice ind ehreaionable tubes 1‘ 0 address King'- AT THE LléERAL PEN-TIM} & PUBLISHiN’G H908! 3:onme HILL.GNT. Licensed Auctioneer for nhe County of York, Goods sold on consignment. General sales of “comets†uromptly attended to at reasonable lollies“ ï¬esgdence Uniquville 7 'G: B (51â€"1-1315; EZQ’QX‘Emok, want (or the above ' ‘ JOHN. B. CAMPBELL; THORNHILI â€"Tuesduys, 9.30213“. to . ‘\An >‘ $1 per annum, in advance.) {s 903141533121;st £HURSDA Y MOREJING HOUSE'PAINTER, . Glazier, Grainer and Paper-y; v Hanger. ! I , 7..~ “V ___. 4.30 pmi. , EGLINTONâ€" Monday. Thursday. Friiiay and Saturday nmrnings; Mnhday, \Vudnvsday and Friday evenings. Fonox'm OFFICE, 129 Sherbuunw Sty Gas and Uncaine fut extractiuns. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND “Hut Thé NeWton School of Music TB enï¬ Sit, > RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 AM To 5 P.M. .HF. MuMAHON. FALL TERM OPENS ‘7 v E»??? 6, 19,10, DR; W. R. PEN-“PLANE VOL XXXIII. Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. ‘8 First huuse' north of Atkinsoilvik Switzm"s sun-P. ‘ J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR b USIE‘IESS CARDS. DR. E. J. WOODS Richmond Hill, Ont. 8TH SEASONâ€"1910-’ll- Elm RIC-HMJND HILL J.~ H. Prentice Eamon £1 Pnovnmroa. D. G. BLOUGH. Phnne NH. 2102. Wtcrinam RESIDENCE gamimx. gamma. H.,A~.’.‘N:I€H()]§LS , NGTABY' P13131110,- Mquov to loan on land anaunatzez mungages at . . ; (owest- raï¬ea Aurormrmceâ€"Remmed w the old post‘omea one duor west 0! the entrance totlie Outnnu Bank N’ewmarkot omce~'l‘hree doors south of the « pustu'ï¬ce ,r EmnsnmLENNox G S'I‘V Momma \urora. ' Richmcncg 2-1111 A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places LENNQX & MORGAN A. GJT‘. Law-renew F. J. Dunbar ' BARRIHTER, Suntcmm NOTARY, Ere. Tot-unto Ofl‘iée, Richnmxfl St.†VVvlst, \Vesley Buildings. 1 ‘ Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libprnlv Ofï¬qe), every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnmlhridgv, Saturday fuwnnon. NATIONAL TRUST QHA MEERS 20 KING ST 19., TORONTO, Canada FRANK DENTON, K. C; ' ' W. MULOCK BOULTBEF \W. H. MmeaE {7nd ertakers dc Elnbalmers, R‘ICHMON D HILL & THORNHI‘L]. Organs Repaired and Expert. Work Guamulued Propwx'es pupils for the grader} ex- amiuatinns held at, Tmont-n ()nnsm'vw tnI-y of Music and Univexsity uf‘x‘u- mnto. Special cmlrse in “Myer’s†Kinder-' garter) Mmhod, particularly helpful tobeginners. ‘ l Barristersï¬olicitors. Notaries, kc. _ t,_ , Hume Life Building“ 00:. Adelaide 8L Victoria. Sisu \l‘m-onm. " Money? 120 hmn'ab Five IPer C(‘Ht.(5%) Class recitals are given through-nub the year. ‘ 42-1v Benton, Dunn &"B‘oult’bee PIANO TUNING NOTARY PUBLIC ccxmssxoxmn.“ CONVEYANCER. Em %mpmm A ‘ .W . mm: hurm nnm -__U_{i:‘ll.fldn’s Iiing Clusg‘Cqmmglicnl Schodlf'gnjoys an é'xtéï¬Ã©ive patmn- age: instruction strictly ï¬rét-class: graduates always succussfnl. Write today for handsome catalogue. 00R. Yam}: AND ALEXANDER S'rs. ~ W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal MISS MILLIE TRENCH REAL ESTATE, ETC. CTHORNHILL Lawrtme \â€˜ï¬ Du’nbar Gammivssioner, Cppv‘eyancen,‘ gtc, " "Insurance, and‘Re 1 Estate Issuer uf Marmage Licenses. Barristers a "d Solicitors. '. EDWARD FRANCIS; 3057i 3. @aw’dso'n ' THQRNHILL WINTERTERM OPENS » JAN. 3rd. ' TORONTO. ONT. Bul-ristmfl Sunlicturs, 8m; WRIGHT BROS. WELLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . . ‘. ACTION REGULATING RICHMOND" HfL'L, 0NT.‘, THURSDAY. DEC. 1.. 1910 ' RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Plano “In Essentiaic, Unity; i1: ï¬nal. Phone Main 2984 _!ThP Ontario Provincial VVintm' Fair at Guvlph will he ape-nod in lhv public uu‘Munday mnrning. Due. 5th. when all thi- thibits will he'in place- hy ‘10, mm. “The sessions to' he dévuted to judging «11* as fullnws:â€"â€"H0rses: Mun- day. 2 .m. and 8.30 p.m.; TIuâ€"sdnv, 8 mar: V ’ednesdny, 2 p.m.: Thulsdny. 0 mm. and 7:30 mug: Friday, 10 mm. and 2 p. m; Beef Cattle: Mnnday. 3.30 p.m. and 7.30 pm; Tue-sday. 10 mm. mud 1.30 p.m. Slump: Monday. 2 Run; Tuesday, ,10 mm. Swine: Bacon Hngs, Munduy. 2 p.m.; ()thPr Classes, Tue-s- dny, ll) cum. _Puultrv: Monday. 1 p.m.; Tuesday; 8 mm. and 1.30. p.m.; We’d- nesdny, 8.30 n..m. The judging will he more interesting them ever this year on uccuunt, of the large number of entries. In the ste Department the E'XhlhlLS.0f Heavy Horses will exceed those nf last. yem. Of Clydes- dnlvs und Shiros a‘lnno there will be 154 hnrses. In Beef Cattle the exhibits will he almust twice as many as lash year. The Sheep and ‘Swine $1150 have large classes, and in the Poultry De- partment there will be 5000 birds on exhibition. . ' . ï¬vldeErmulï¬i) In 3.30 on “(Him-why jath-l'nnnn the time will he devoted ,m the following addressvs: _“The. Btgef‘ Cattle Industry in Ontarin", hyv’l‘rhns. McMillali, Seafoth and John Camp- jibell, Wovdville: “The ' Revised Act, fur 'the‘PMtectinn 'of Sheep~and Taxation of Bags†by. Lieut-Uul.'R. McEwen. Byron; ‘,‘S.wine Experiment†by Prof, G. E‘ Day. Guelph. Begin- Ring ut_3.30 on Weguesday sifte'riinpr}; Dec. 7th, there will be series of 31d- dresses on Live Stdck Feeds and Feed- ing. This series Will he introduced by C. C. James. Deputy Minister of Agri- culture, with an address on “The. Poorest. and Best in Cmp Production.†He will be followed by Prof.‘ U. A. Zau'itz whose subject will be “Pusbmes and Supplementary Fodder" Urops‘â€. 0n Thursdav morning beginning at, 10 “.m. the address Will be "Growing Roots†by R. S. Stevenson, Ancnster; “Stm-ag'é anti Feeding of Runts†by J. H. Grisdale, Ottawa; “Growing and Feeding of Barley†by me. G. A. Zavitz. Guelph. On Thursday after- noon the subject “Corn†will be taken .up_under fhur divisions. The lectures will close on Thursduy afternoon with addresses an “Paying for Milk by Cheese Factories According tn the. Percentage of Butter Fat. and Casein in the Milk†by Prof. H. H. Dean. Guelph, and Frank Herns. Chief Dairy Instructor, London: “The Cure bf Milk on the Earth†by Geo. H. Bax-r. Chief nf Dainx Blanch. Ottawa; “Undex-dmining" by Prof. \V.'H. Du . Guelph. The last; two of these 3%- dresses will be illustrated by stere- opticun views. ’ The diffs-lent railways am selling round trip tickets to Guelph for single fare on each day from Dec. 3rd to 9th, inclusive. Tickets are gnnd In return up to and including Dec. 12th. of Alfalfa Seed in Ontmin†by» Prnf. 0. A Zavilz. and “Lessons for. Ontariu Fax-memin Se-ed Pmducliun. Based on [‘bsm'i-‘utinns made in Eurupe†by Geo. H. Clark. Dominion Seed (‘m‘nmiss‘innâ€" 191'. Ottawa. Speciï¬l‘mtflntimn will be given on Tuesday ("I‘llng to: th “Production and Marketing uf_ Eggf’.‘ At 7.30"p.m. Prof. \V. R. Gmhmn will iv» an address on ï¬lm "Brmlu'ctimi hf yggsâ€. He will. he fulluwod' by John A". Gunn of Mnntreal'with the subject. of “The Dvnlvrs’ Difli‘tmlt‘ie-s in Market- ing Eggs†and ‘thesevssidn.’ willlcluse with up nddrvss (In “Cufuperutinn in~ the Marketing 01" Eggs†by J. Itqimje, VVhithy.’ 0n \Vt-d'lwsduy hu'u'riiné. Dec. 7lh. the addresses 'will hm‘e special reference to Hui-sea. Dr. F. C. (u‘rx-enside. Guelph. will take up A‘~‘The Training 01’ Hm‘w's.†Herbert-Smith. Mmmgc-l-LUninn Stuck Yards, ’ ‘urmlto. will ‘oxplnin the "Different Typos Of Horses and their Market Values." The clzlssiï¬ca tiun nf Horses nb‘Shows†will ht" discussed by John Bright, Myrtle Slatinn‘ and John G'uarrllnque. .High- A.“ THE YOUTHS’ COMPANION CALENDAR FOR. 1911. The publishers of The Youth’s Companion will; as always this season, present; to every suhscrihpr whose subscription ($1.75) is paid f-r 1911 a beautiful Calendar for the new year. The picture panel reproduces at water- cnlm- painting of an old time. gnt-den in a flood of summu 1' sunshine, with a. background of Lombardy poplars through which one catches a, glimpse of distant hills. The picture. being in 12 calm-s, the tones of the original ale faithfully reproduced. ’ The University of Toronto Rugbv football team wnn the Canadian Championship (m Salmde loy defeat- m The Tigers of Hamilton on the grounds of the lat-Let luv a, score} of 16 tn 7. The attpndanna Was‘12,000 and Lh'eAgaite’ receigts $9,500; Sessions for pmctical'addlfr‘sSOS will begin on Tupsda‘y, Decvr'mhe-r-ï¬th at 2.30 p.11). ' Their will by uh address on "Glover Seed Productiuu in Ontarin†by VG. Rewnnrd: “The Pa-hdnctinn PROGRAMME FOR THE WINTER 2 MIR. ' VARSITY WINS. -Essentials, Liberty ; in all thivdgs, Charity.†Bmwth’s Kidnev Pills are gold W a" druggists and dealers, 50c. box. or (ustpuid from The R. 'I‘. Blml'l'h 0“" _ td.. ‘Fort Ema, Ont. ', Suld and gum" inputted by W. A. Sander I . Some of our citizens are changing thril‘ places of abode; Rev. P. Camps hell and family are moving into the hnuse purchased from Mr. H. O. Bailey. and Mr. J. A. Rose and family have mowd 'intn the house lately uucupiyd by Mr: :1. Qliyer. " 0r. ‘We-dnesduy afternoon of last Week a quietwedding took place at, 16 Hephourne St. Toronto when Mr. J. H. Jackson of this place and Miss Susiu Gullamough were married. in the ï¬resence of a few intimate friends, by on A. VVilsnu. A I ' _ Quite a number of new furnaces gunï¬'e‘ been pub in the homes here this n . u x The annual meeting of the Standard Beef Ring, held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. Topper, was eimost snccee’stul event: bath from» a social and h‘usiness standpoint. The members fll'Sb’SHttltéd up the business for the present season, decided to 'continue the 20 share Ting for another year, and. after expressing regret. at lasing their President. ,Mr. James Baker, who is giving up farming, proceeded to elect; new ofï¬cers with the following result:â€"'â€"‘ - p x; President, Garnet. Duncan; 'Managers. Wm. Robinson. James Hunt. _ ,1 ‘ ' Sec'y-Treas., J nines McLean. . The supper which cons‘isted' of oysters. i-uust geese and chickens was one uf the. 'hest. After supper, good speeches were made by the past. presi- dent. the new president, the sec’y-tmeas, and Mr. A. E. Glass, the last named. whu championed The Ladies, mukm - the speech of the evening. About? men, women and ehildren' were [me Se’nb. ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' Goldwin Smith. in his Reminiscences in the December McU.lure’s,~ speaks of Disreali’suttack .on him in “Lothnirâ€: “It may haVe been partly by suspicion ‘of my possession of‘ an un ,leasant secret, that Disraeli was move to ful- low‘meucmss the' Atlantic and try, as he did in ‘Lnthuir.’ to brand we as ‘3. so’cial sycuphant,’ His knowledge of my social character was not great. for I; had only.once met, him in society. His allusion to the 'Oxfm'd profesmu’ who was goingio the United States was as transparent; as if he had used my mullet Had I been in England where my character was known,» I should have let. the attackpnss: but I was in a stmngecoumry. where, made by a man of note. the attack was like- 1y to ‘tell. I ther‘vfore gave Disraeh the lie.‘ u’nd neither he nur any of his organs ever ventured to repeat the calumny.†V Cured by Booth‘s Kidney-Pius T. E. Fnster, of St. John S“... Fred- ericton. N.B., says: I have found more '7 actual relief from Buoth’s Kidney Pills' ’ than in a“ else I have ever trim-d 'fmu rheumatism. {liftâ€"15179 ‘ ‘oo'rlzzs ills; The pains in my limbs" have lesseuPd‘ greatly and I; am better and stronger than in ‘ years previous. i My appetite has , built up and I! eat, and sleep better than I have in over three lyeej'sp My ‘ general ' health is great.ly_ -im~ 01“ Sunday ME.- Hlinter, of To. ronto, tank the work of Rev. Mr. Gruhum. who is ill. The, Boy Scout movement. says Ernvst Thompson Seton in an article in “Success Magazine†describing this nr-g‘mnizat-inn. the American branch of which was fuunded by him, is a, mam~ making organization, openly Win-ring on» tulmccu, alcohol, dirt, cnwardibe, and anarchy; zmd recognizing that vhexgymust be divertedâ€"never crush- ed. It supplies abundant channel“ for the 'useful zippiication .uf youthful energy, and-makes character develop. maul: :‘agreeahie by the lasting charm of ;_ things whose universal jappeaLr has long been estuhlishvd. ' ' - DISRAELI SLANDERS. GOLDWIN ‘ SMITH IN HIS 'NOVEL‘ v “LOTHAIR.†This is the Bouth Kidney P111 way. These wonderful Pills “1'9 SUN um}le a guunlnlflse t0 refund your money if they fail to relieve any spiferex; frtlnu Rheunmtisx‘n m- any trouble havmgus origin in the Kidneys. Tnev enre Buckalch9,‘ dull shooting pains, thick and cloudy urine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and and all disea'ï¬â€™s 0f thg kidneys and bladder. Mr. ‘W. T. Rubinsdu has on ex- hibitinn in his store‘ a. cluster of‘ ripe raspberries, picked in his garden fast. week. " proved and I can chdit {his'omy t0 Bnnth’s Kidney Pills.†RHEU‘MATISM ORGANIZED BOYHOOD. Elgin Mills. Maple. The monthly magazines of the above company Cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can“ ada by yearly subscription at‘ low rates. ' ' For said at; the ' C.' NJ 0 Station, or delivï¬ed in tire village and yicinityz-â€"â€" STEAM COAL D. HILL & 00., Canadian Pub“â€" lishing Company Cassel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.51 The Story Teller . . “1 70 The Quiv‘vr . I . . . . " “1 50 Musical Home. Journal . . r ' 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . r a ‘1.5C Little Folks .. . , n 1 5G Purity _ Flour ‘always on. hand. ' It is not necessary I -’} send to fOreigp cou'at’riez; 1' )pfï¬â€˜ï¬qae zines.‘ Read the followmgzâ€" Chums Subscriptions takenat THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may. be sent to " For threshing engines. " NUT, STOVE, FURNACE ' ‘ Bes’i Scran'tdn 69211. Also Tiie. I I Hfan, Shorts arid American Com for-cattle; ï¬nd hogsï¬ 7- I All“ kinds of grain“ bought and ~ highest posyible-L piiced paid at the Elevator.» ' We have: a. fullV ) line of ’ ‘ ’ > ; Groceries; ' I Confectionery; . Canned Goods" and Provisions. Be sure and leave ' ’ your grocery. order with us and it will be promptlsfl, attended to. r . CASSELLS’ CASSELLS & COM PAN‘V. 42 Adelaide St. .> 1 Toronta ‘ » ~ THE BEST IN TOWN "CATERERTO _ PARTICULAR PEOPLE. COA'L J. H.. RATHER», [Single copies‘,-,§ cts. No. '2’!